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Name: Briyid Dayana Pineda Suárez Date: 13/12/2021

Time: 2 hours

Read carefully the following questions considering each part of the exam. YOUR ANSWERS FROM

Answer questions from 1 to 5 just like in the example:


Read the descriptions from the left column (1 – 5) and idioms from right column (A – H).

¿Which idiom (A – H) matches with the description from each phrase on the left (1 – 5)? In

questions 1 – 5, select the correct letter A – H on your answer sheet.


1. When a situation is tough and someone say something to make it worst.


2. When someone is in love. A. Whistle in the dark

3. When you realize about something, but B. Head over hills
you pretend not to notice it.
C. Off the cuff
4. When you’re scared but you pretend to
be brave. D. Once in a blue moon
5. When someone is rude and has no E. Wipe the slate clean
F. Not a spark of decency
6. When something is no common
G. Turn a blind eye
H. Add insult to the injury.

Complete the 5 conversations and justify each of your answers.

In questions 6 – 10, select A, B or C on your answer sheet.


What are they doing?

A. They are wearing jackets.

B. They are coworkers.
C. They are discussing about a project.


1 A B C

7. I love soup.
9. Where were you last night?
A. I do too
A. At noon
B. It can too
B. At Christmas
C. You are too
C. At home
8. I don´t have a car.
10. What did you have for dinner?
A. I don´t either
A. No, thanks
B. I have too
B. It is too late
C. But I am
C. Ham and cheese

11. What would you like?

A. Yes, I would.
B. Fish
C. No, I don´

JUSTIFICATION QUESTION 6: There is no correct answer, because he is saying that

he loves soup, the correct answer would be me too and in the options it is not there
and no other is coherent.

JUSTIFICATION QUESTION 7: The correct answer is the a, because the person is

saying that they do not have car, it is a negation, is correct answer with other negation,
as I don’t either.

JUSTIFICATION QUESTION 8: The correct answer is the c, because the person is

asking where he was last night, referring to a place, the only coherent option is at

JUSTIFICATION QUESTION 9: The correct answer is thec, because the person is

asking what I have for dinner, referring to food, the only consistent option is ham and

JUSTIFICATION QUESTION 10: The correct answer is the b, because is asking what
they would like, referring too to food, the only consistent option is fish.
Read the article and select the correct word for each blank.

In questions 11 – 18, select the correct letter A, B or C on your answer sheet.

Julian works 0 the bookstore. First, 11 job is to unload boxes of books from the truck. Then he
opens the boxes. After that, Julian puts the books in different piles. One pile is for books that tell
true 12. These are called books of fact. Another pile is for books that tell stories that are not true.
These are called books of fiction. Julian then puts the books 13 shelves in the 14. Putting books on
shelves is what Julian likes to do best at work. When Julian has free 15 at work, he likes to read
through 16 of the books. His favorite books are the ones that tell true stories about real people and
their lives. On Sunday and Monday, Julian 17 not work at the bookstore. On these days, he stays at
home. He uses this time to write a story about 18. Julian grew up in Peru. Now he lives in the
United States. He works at the bookstore to pay for school. Julian wants to be a teacher. One day, he
hopes to turn his story into a book. He hopes to see it at the bookstore.


0. A i B o C at
. n . n .

Answer: 0 A B C

1 A. His B. her C. your

1 A. histories B. Old sayings C.
2 stories
1 A. in B. on C. at
1 A. library B. bookstore C. hall
1 A. time B. season C. hour
1 A. every B. all C. single
1 A. does B. is C. do
1 A. himself B. his C. he

Answer questions 19 to 25 according to the following text. Read the

article and then answer the questions.

In questions 19 – 25, select the correct letter A, B or C on your answer sheet. Do not forget to justify
each one of those answers.


Last October Vicky Samson ran away from home. How did it all start? “I hated school. We always
had so much to do, and I didn’t see the point of it all. But it was worse at home. My parent just
didn’t understand. It was always: Do this! Don’t do that! We only spoke to each other when we
were fighting. One day I just couldn`t stand it anymore.

That day, Vicky didn’t go to school. She put some clothes in her backpack, threw her books away,
went to the bus station, and took a bus to New York City.
“At first it was pretty exciting. There were bright lights, theaters, and stores, and some really
interesting people. I had to sleep on the streets, but I didn’t mind. I was free-no school, no
homework, and no parents.”

But soon there was no food and no money either. “Someone ripped off my purse about a week after
I arrived. I couldn’t get a decent job because I was only 15, and you have to be
16. I worked in a restaurant for a while, washing dishes. That was really funny because I’d always
complained about doing the dishes at home. I didn’t make much money, but at least it was

Then the restaurant closed down, and Vicky was back on the streets. She was cold, hungry, and
miserable, but she survived until one night about a week before Christmas. “I was walking down the
streets when I looked into someone’s front window. There was a girl there, just like me. She was
decorating a Christmas tree. I thought, “If I were at home, I’d be decorating our tree now. Then I
couldn’t help it. I just started crying. I sat down on the sidewalk and cried and cried.”

Luckily for Vicky, the man who lived in the house, Mr. Escobar, came home when she was sitting
there. He took Vicky inside, and Mrs. Escobar gave her something to eat. “They
were so nice. I told them my whole story. They offered to pay for my ticket home, but I didn’t want
that. I thought my parents would be angry.”

But the next day she was back home again. While Vicky was in her living room, Mrs. Escobar
went upstairs to the bedroom and called the police. Five hours later, Vicky’s father arrived to
pick her up.

“It was the best Christmas present I’d ever had,” said Mrs. Samson. “We’re so grateful to the
Escobars for what they did.”
Today Vicky Samson came from school at four o’clock. She watched TV for half an hour. Then she
did her homework. She’s working hard right now because she has her final exams soon. After
dinner, while she was helping with the dinner, she talked to her parents about a problem she has
been having at school.


1. Vicky ran away from home because:

A. She was in love.
B. She hated her school.
C. She hated her school and home.


19. How did she do it? 23. She didn’t get a decent job in N.Y.
A. She drove his dad’s car to New York. because:
B. She took a bus to New York. A. She was too young.
C. She took a taxi to New York. B. She was a foreigner.
C. She was a shy girl.
20. How did she feel when she first
arrived in New York City? 24. Why she didn’t have money?
A. She felt exhausted. A. Because someone stole her purse.
B. She felt happy. B. Because she lost her purse.
C. She felt upset. C. Because she forgot her purse at
21. Why did she feel exciting?
A. Because she was in a new city. 25. What made her want to go home?
B. Because she didn’t have to do chores at A. She didn’t have money.
home. B. She felt tired.
C. Because she was out of school and C. She started to miss her family.

22. How did she survive?

A. She asked for money on the streets.
B. She got food in a restaurant for a
C. She got a job in a restaurant for a
JUSTIFICATION QUESTION 19: The correct answer is the b because in the second
paragraph it says that she went to the bus station and took one to New York .

JUSTIFICATION QUESTION 20: The correct answer is the b because in the second
paragraph she says that she was very excited to see bright lights, theaters and stores,
she was happy for her freedom.

JUSTIFICATION QUESTION 21: The correct answer is the b because at the end of
the second paragraph it says that she was free-no school, no homework and no

JUSTIFICATION QUESTION 22: The correct answer is the c because at the end of
the third paragraph it says that she worked in a restaurant washing dishes.

JUSTIFICATION QUESTION 23: The correct answer is the a because in the third
paragraph it says that she was only 15 years old, she was too young to work.

JUSTIFICATION QUESTION 24: The correct answer is the a because in the third
paragraph it says that someone ripped her bag from her the first week of arrival.

JUSTIFICATION QUESTION 25: The correct answer is the a because in the fourth
paragraph it says that the restaurant closed, had no money, felt tired and was hungry.

Answer questions 26 to 35 according to the following text. Read

the article and select the correct word for each blank.

In questions 26 – 35, select the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.


At 10 p.m. last night, Mrs. King, 0 seventy-year-old widow, 26 to the bed as usual. She 27
that she had left the kitchen window slightly open. Or that a burglar 28 the house.
At midnight, the burglar 29 through the window into the kitchen. But, suddenly, he 30 a very loud
voice saying: “put your hands up or I’ll shoot”.
Mrs. King 31 awake and immediately 32 the police. When the police 33, the burglar 34 in the
middle of the kitchen with both hands above his head. Mrs. King’s husband had been a police
sergeant and he had thought Percy their Parrot to say, “Put your hands up or I’ll shoot!” Mrs. King
35 so happy with Percy.

0. A. some
B. the
C. a
D. an

26. A. was going 31. A. was
B. went B. were
C. goes C. is
D. has gone D. is being
27. A. doesn’t know 32. A. was phoning
B. she didn’t know B. phoned
C. she didn’t knew C. phones
D. she hasn´t known D. has phoned
28. A. was watching 33. A. were arriving
B. were watching B. was arriving
C. is watching C. arrived
D. has been watching D. was arrived
29. A. climbs 34. A. was standing
B. was climbing B. were standing
C. climbed C. stood
D. to climb D. stands
30. A. heard 35. A. were
B. was hearing B. was
C. hears C. is
D. is hearing D. is being

Underline in yellow the correct answer

1 A B C D E F G H
2 A B C D E F G H
3 A B C D E F G H
4 A B C D E F G H
5 A B C D E F G H
6 A B C D
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