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OIL CONCENTRATION DETECTOR “FOCAS-1 500c OPERATION MANUAL 's9 oO {ij FELLOW KOGYO CO.,LTD. Oe (Ce Or iC cera ING Macca CONTENTS + GENERAL DESCRIPTION «+ +++ >= +0000 + 57-50%: 2 ‘SPECIFICATION MEASURING PRINCIPLE NAME OF EACH PARTS: INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1, General ase an 2. Electrical connections 3. Plumbin, OPERATION DIMENSIONS - MAINTENANCE: + eeu 1. Cleaning of filter 2. Interchange of detecting glass * 8. Cleaning of the solenoid valve + 4, Fuse: ZEROING INDICATOR-ALARM CHECK. TROUBLE MEASURE -- See eee D &@€ TT € C T O R GENERAL DESCRIPTION The FOCAS-1500c Bilge Alarm serves to continuously measure the cofcentration of oil in the bilge and other waste water produced on a shi and produces an alarm signal when the oil concentration exceeds 15 ppm. The FOCAS-1500c meets the requirements of IMO Resolution MEPC60(33) and has Type-Approval from JG, and DOT N ‘ «ST ensuring method, “Sporating method ‘Measuring cycle Measuring range ‘Measuring accuracy * Measuring presSire « ‘Measuring water temperatu # Ambient temperature::: Maximufn humidity” 25+. Seqrable vibration +++ Waterflow rate (en alerniCohtact Bofect alarm contact Pressure switch output Power supply voltage Power demand: Weight -- Dimensions Coating color------ a Bearable angle of inclination - SPECIFIGATION Photometric colorimetric measurement of turbidity ater ual ulvasgric emulsification. ‘Aviomatic operation for sample water pressure of more than 0.2bar(About 0.02Mpa) *-About 17 seconds '0~30ppm Less than =ESppmi(At 1 5pem) ++0.2~SbarlAbou.0.02~0.3Mpa) “2e~asc 0C~58C + 90% seSu19.2H2 Amplitude 1.0mm 13.2~B0Hz Acceleration +0.7G 22.5" inal planes of operation ++0.0002~0.003m"/mip(0.2~3¢/min) 1b,e(Max AC 250V 2A)(Power flue alarm included) telMax AG 250V 2A)(+) “AC 100V LeS than 1.5 VA ‘AG 10011 10,115,220V + 109%,50/60He ‘Less than 150 Watts About 7.5kg +++: 255wX290hX 158dlmm) +++ -Muneall7.8867/2 ire « FOGAS-15000 emulsties the oll in water by ultasonic waves and measures the difference taking place in the turbidity of the resulling emulsion by the photoolecric colorimetric method. in ‘order to eliminate the adverse affects of dotergent and suspend: ‘ed solid matter on the measurement, the emulsification is efoctec twice. The change of turbiity caueed by detergent and suspend: ‘ed solid matir is completed in the first process of emulsification ‘and the turbidity is caused to change only bythe ol content in the ‘second stage of emulsification, thus making it possible to mea ure the oil concenvation accurately simply by detormining the ‘amount of change in turbiity in the second stage of emulsifca: tion. fp order to minimize the production of air bubbles due to Utrasonic vibration, @ constant pressure regulator is used to per mit highly accurate and stebiized measurement a all times, FOCAS:15006 is capable of continuous opera longed period of time, measuring the sample at intevals of about every 17 seconds. Referring to Fig, 3, the sample water in the cco is replaced at 2, the Ultrasonic wexator stops once at T3IA. whan the urbidiy s measured and memorizad, and the ultrasonic n for a pro- vibrator starts again to increase the trubiity at T4, and it stops at T5(6). ‘The ol concentration(®-A) ie indicated on the basis ofthe value memarizad at T3 until the next cycle takes place, When the oil ‘concentration exceeds 1 Spm, the alarm lamp flickers and the ‘external contol circuits actuated. 191 Principle of oil content measurement ah cocelving election eat — gn homing Solenei vali) rer NS pressune SWITCH Press regula Oconverice OAmpltor OMomery Ocrinpartor Omemory ‘Omnscstorppm: Ocompacater Alar Output Fig3 Measuring operation Appros. 17 see. tz 13 Ta Te | Sen @sotenei vata) ‘@Prcseura inthe coll — Turbiety ater T4 > Turiy ter T2 Turbidity of eal ogaeemr bax Base) GL] ; os i IBIUGEYAVAR MIEOCAS{1500c] NAME OF EACH PARTS @invicatoR © @FILTER (MANUAL SWITCH @PRESSURE SWITCH. hes | | @POWER LAMP @SAMPLEWATERINLET FUSE HOLDER @ SOLENOID VALVE) |). S@DEFECT ALARM LAMP = @CABLE OUTLET SDTERMINAL *@SOLENOID VALVE(2) | @ on auarM uae (DEARTH GROUND vETECTOR COVER @ TEST SWITCH @ALARMCHECK SWITCH — @CONNECTOR COARSE ADJUSTMENT @SYNCHRO LAMP | n._ @POWER SWITCH @POWER TRANSFORMER — @FINE ADJUSTMENT | 2 @ same wareR OUTLET @ Power SELECTOR @oeTEcTING PART INSTALLATION 1. General 1) If possible, locate the FOCAS:1500C Bilge Alarm within 2m of the bilge discharge piping (Refer to the PLUMBING SECTION for more detail. 2) Make all electrical connections in accordance with the Recommended Practice for Electrical Installation 0 ‘Shipboard, IEEE Standard 45-1983 updated, a Elect ical connections Fig7 Termin “Fre on Fr BeFECT ALARM =~ OM ALARM "Slane \(No_eon NE] (NO com ay ne : 5 O87 @ \ mei ‘ aE ae Q\® ae! 6 ‘ Lo shove in connections. 1) The poner anotor at beset mee por arsed 2) 00 NOT OVERLOAD: EXTERNAL, TERMINALS, DEFECT. ALAR, OIL ALARM! on PS. CAUMON.S. Termin tas RCIOOV cpu, comme! ty ‘ety ates ha 1.8 VA . ATES ET TET INSTRUCTIONS oil Alarm torminals(NO.COM.NC) Rated:Max AC 250V 28 ‘When the oil concentration i less than 1 Sppm:NO end COM are closed. NO and COM are open. When the oil concentra lion is more than 1 Sppm:NO and COM are open. NO snd COM ore closed jon alarm, Raled:Max AC 250V 20 When the oil concentration is ess than I Sppm:NC and COM are closed "When the oll concentration ie more than 1 Sppm:NC and COM are open OIL ALARM 2 is used forthe pump slarter Detect Alarm terminals(NO.COMNC) Rated: Max AC 260V 2A When operation is normal: NC and COM are closed. NO and (COM are open, When operation is abnormal: NC and COM are open. NO and COM a closed @AL-Alarm contact torminals(ALs ALMAK Rated: AC 250V 24 When operation is normal: AL! and AL terminals are closed. When alarm operates. AL: and AL2 terminals are open. (It ‘operates on bath the oi alarm and defecting alarm) OP:S-Prossure switch output terminals (S:,PS) 'S1 and PS are contacts having voltage. The terminal cutput is AC1OOV only when the sample water pressure is more than 0.2 bar The cating ofthe connecting olayshould be ACTOOV and leas than 1.5 Wot, @Ac-Powor source terminals(S1,S2) ‘The FOCAS-15006 can be supplied wih AC supply power in voliages of 100, 110, 115, of 220V, SO/6OHe The power selector must beset lo correspond withthe supply vokage. @REC-External output terminals(+,-) It able to signa output the oil concentration Output signal 4 t020ma DC the ime of power failure, ele all the contacts are found in the alarm output state. AX Cautions Suey movi scone laeaen rere 2) ee mann ar a Pee pO ‘Wrens n tee pass pte hm wince 2 {Pormate nese en oor Sorery) A, Perenonctante soy thon cro hy acto 4} fens odio and cennesion no, contr hati docs eaten ys iy me 0 2 Mac sg ie Oce tec oe sen nh aay ‘he mir intow 0 doabg ise re apperas wt otbe made 5) Alte tee af eanneeson wor, cont he comity ta, aay fl terse not tan wet shock ry aca 4) Besse, cose he San Wala, ee py Al atenten cto droge tro sepaatn 5) Suc paom be comacionot geunding. 1 ese tenons are replete, her sa Serf cause camage, etic leacag, ee ot appari, boss an obstacle m Yems of uncon ay be ‘oun spy a stanbon @ Ne @ nO. @ com @ * ne [—— vawe ce |9|9|2/e/e/ e/a} SaaS 8/8|8|@ oe —) NPE 211) The power sector ust be st 0 main the power sipped. '2).00 NOT OVERLOAD EXTERNAL TERNINALS, DEFECT I [ ftom oc ‘Fig9 power selector (There are two types.) a Hy © 14@ When ite ACHOOV When its AC2200 Upper notch portion When itis ACLOOV When turi the ‘Toset the power selector, pull out the seting plug and 4 place so the figure of the supply voltage used will appenr IBUGETAVARM] FOCAS-NSOIS @oit Alarm terminals(NO,COM.NC) Rated: Max AC 250V 24 When the oil concentration ie leas than 1 Sap: NC and COM: are closed, When the oil concentration ie more than 1Sppm: NO and COM are closed. @Doetect Alarm terminals(NO,COMNC) Rated: Max AC 250V 28 ‘When operation is normal: NC and COM are closed, ‘When operation is abnormal: NO and COM are closed. ©RECExtornal output terminals(+,-) ‘Output signal of oil concentration ‘Output signal 4 to 20 mA OC ‘Qvaive contact terminals(NA,SEA,BLG) Max AC 250V 28 2) Contacts having voltage Sub terminal Pe When operation is normai: NA and SEA ter-minals ero closed.(Fuse-F2.F3) When alarm operates. NA and BLG terminals are ) [ete to page Ol f the Ol. CHECK switch and DEFECT CHECK twitch are simultaneously pushed (for 0.8 second more or less), the SYNCHRO LAMP; (LED red) is tuned on indicat ing that check i caried out, and after waiting for 12 to 28 seconds more or less, the LED is turned off, indicating approximately 15 to 21 ppm. This indication returns afer 17, more oF lass alter ‘seconds more oF 7) Tre detecting alarm wil fickers under the following condi tions. Directions below should remedy the situations. 18) Sample water is too moddy. ‘Change sample water into clear water end flow until the meter indicates O. 'b) Detecting unit is discolored or broken. Interchange glass of detecting part with spear glass (Ret. Interchange glass of detecting part) DIMENSIONS MAINTENANCE 1. Cleaning of Filter A fiter is instaled on the sample water inlet 1 prevent foul ing by foreign objects which may cause measuring ero. the fow of sample water is insuifciet, remove and clean the fier PRES MAR FOCASIEOOs 6) Control circuit defect (Te vibrating ulrascrie frequency isnot being detected) 8) When the fuse is blown, the dofect alarm will operate. In this case, however, the lamp does not ight up. CAUTION: IF tho motor malfunetions, the light on the panel wal fash 30ppm on and of, without any futher indication Use of detergent in the bilges may seriously affect the ef Coney of the meter Fig1 2 Filter unit a monet ( Peccentet eee ee eee 1. Interchange of Detecting glass ‘There is detecting call inside the circle as shown in Fig, 19, A light throwing unit and a light receiving unit ee installed face to face in the detecting ell. Both units are fixed with two screws as shown is Fig. 19, Dismanile and interchange the interna detecting glass and O ring with the provided spares. Confirmation After Replacing a Detecting Glass (Confirm it together wih the receiving and throwing light unit) Aiter ingerting the Detecting glass, press in an Oring til tho ‘groove. Confirm whether the detecting gle floats and whether it is fallon by prossing it again shaking twice or third tines. (Atter confirming there are no fingor prints or stains on the sur face of detecting glass, and cot othe detection cell) 3. Cleaning of the Solenoid valve The colencid valve may malfunction due to fouling, which may occur ater a long period of operation Romeve the solenoid valve for cleaning To remove the solencid valve, unfesten the cicip then i fs possi= ble to dismantle various parts as shown in fg, 14 ‘Aiter cleaning ail the parts thoroughly reassemble the solencid valve in raverse order 4. Fuse Replace only with 2A, ZEROING This equipment is factory adjusted to fixed zoropoint using fresh ‘wator (lap water) tis not necessary for the weer to adjust tho z0ro point Iie possible to verify the zeropoint by supplying frosh water. If the meter doos not indicate zero, the detecting call may need to be cleaned. To clean the detecting col, supply fresh water at a prossure of INDICATOR-ALA When continuing to firmly press the alarm switeh OIL. sida, the concentration display indicates mare than 1 Spam (less than cb 2pm) and the oil content alarm indicator Pickers, When continur Fig ‘instrument unit’: (0.05~0.3Mpa unil zero i achioved (Approx. 30 min) I the moter sil does not show zero, clean the meter as men- tioned inthe maintanance section. '¥ zero sil is not achioved, the detecting cal glass may be conta: rminated and should be eoplaced, The roplacemant procedure is indicated inthe maintonance section. RM CHECK ing to press the alarm check switch DEFECT side, confirm that the concentration gisplay, ol alarm indication and abnormal alarm indication ficker together. > EReBAAM Ere LALLA TET) - TROUBLE MEASURE eS CEES AD ERE COT CERES A TRASITES ‘The defect alarm lamp light on, 1 ‘Ole szxngle water too muddy ? Does sample water supply pige stain remackaly ? * QDo0es detecting lass be discolored or broken ? ‘Ole anything wrong with mossurement cycie ? {ln normaly wlrasonie wave running soure’ is | heard tice and solenoid valve working sound J haard imo dacng a cycle ne 17 eecerde? =D Ochange sample water ito cleen water ane fow unt meter indicates naar © ‘Supsly lean water in walor pressure of 05~Sbar) F> Offer 10 the sevton ofthe intarchange of detocing gis. =D Olt s necessary to inspect the conrol Sire ‘The power lamp does not light, 2 3 The fuse blows. ‘ls the power switch ON? ‘Odees the power source be supplied ? (Ole pressure of sarin water more than 0 2bar ? ‘Ot water presours ie mace the 0.200"; Does the foul? ls anyhing wrong wih the work of pressure ‘eaitch ? |, Dose the fuss have Bown ? (Does the lamp have buat out ? ODoes the power solector be correctly set to xpply power vokoge ? ‘Ole anything wrong auch a shod in the termanal and eeative wiring ? oes output terminal of pressure switch be ovatlonded ? (Discgnnect tho ext. contact of St PS terminal nd run) ‘OMiscennection of the ext. VALVE terminal ot shortcieuit of VALVE, te. => ORetar tothe saction of tera of iter: > Ocheck the work ofthe pressure sates (issonnect the connecter of prossure swith in detecting units, and inspect contin in a teter, W continuity ia confemes in more than ber, tis normal) In spite of normal sam le water pressure, t water does net poss through. Odoes tna paver lamp ght? Odes the solencid valve work 7 {ls solenoid ‘lee working aound heard inmestoly after the powor eich ison 7 Odoes the fer fou? D> Oil the fuss is not blown, the cause is ovetead) Keep tho load to be less than ACIOOV, BVA, =D OReler 9 the above item 1). D> OReler to the clean of solenoid wale, § (Offer tothe section of clearance af er. The value is not indl- cate during measuring ety water. ‘Overy thatthe elarm works to push the check wich (Odes te detecting glass sin or brook ? (ORefer tothe intorchange of detecting glass Indicating value does ot fix. ‘Deen the fits foul? ‘Dees sarnple water supply pipo be ssinod with cil adhesion ard a0 an ? ‘Ole semis water flow cae enough ? ‘ODoee the ower voltage Mcluata largo ? (the flucwotion les than + 1036 a rated volte) Dees the detecting glass Taw and sin ‘Roferta the clearance of fitar § E> Oeier to the interchange of detecting lass BILGE FOCAS: AL BRL OW CONCENTRATION DETECTOR, A\CAUTION 1. Beware of electrical shock while removing covers, 2. Power source shall be supplied at anytime regardless operation or nenoperation ofthis equigment. 3, valves fitted on the sample Unethe valve shall be opened at any time except maintenance work, ‘i [g) FELLOW KOGYO CO.,LTD. HEAD OFFICE | NISHINIPFOR! 6-13-6 ARAKAWA KU TOKYO, TELEPHONE: (08)3800-9779 POSTAL ODE! 116.0013 TELEFAX 403188000770 TOKYO'FACTORY : NISHINIPPORI 6-13:0 ARAKAWAKU,TOKYOTELEPHONE,(03)8800.9770,FOSTALCODE:118.0013. ras. 5000

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