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G11- Etech-ICT-By LUffy

Computer Programming 1 (ACLC College)

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HTML means__
=hypertext markup language

which of the following is NOT true?

=the cloud is not an actual cloud

a web 3.0 characteristics in which are always connected to the internet


which of the following in NOT a safe practice?

=submitting your phone number every time you are asked

programs that can only be accessed using a browser are called ___
=web app

a computer that does a task for other computers is called a ___

= server

which of the following can contain malware


___ websites encourage user participation by allowing them to share videos, music
articles etc
=web 2.0

____ is a type of malware that is diguised as a harmless or useful program or file


___ is a secret group of characters used to unlock your account


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Someone keeps posting cat pictures in a forum about car maintenance. this act is called

websites change appearance and behavior based on users action


according to the IP code how many types of works are covered by copyright protection

servers are housed in centralized locations called

=data centers

what is the official website of the intellectual property code of the phil

random pop ups and advertisements started appearing in your screen after you installed
a free program.

you receive an email saying you won an iphone when you click the link in the email you
were asked to enter your credit cardnumber is called
=either or spamming or phising

the URL and design of a website's homepage changes depending on the preferences of
the current user. this website is

.gov stands for


which of these is NOT ok to do while driving?

=all of thses

malware is short for

=malicious software

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IP code stands for

=Intellectual property code of the philippines

while you are typing your keyword in the address bar or the search bar, several ___ may
appear below it

which of the following does not need hman action to spread?


____ is harmful because it denies the rightful owners the proper compensation/ payment
for their work

.edu stands for


in a spreadsheet each box in a table is called a


In this chapter, the data that we linked to the document was created using what

in calc, what is the default name of the cell that belongs to the second row and the third

in the libre office home screen the databse app is called


a program used to create store and manage data in tables


in the spreadsheet above. what result will you get if you use the formula =A3*B2+C1

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In libreoffice the sets of icons on the top part of the page is called

in the spreadsheet above what will you get if you use the formula =A1*C1

what sign is used for division


a group of programs used to view manipulate and print computer graphics is called a
=graphics suite

you want to know if classes are suspended because of a storm which of the following
TLD's is most likely to have the correct information

In the spreadsheet above what result will you get if you use the formula =SUM(C4/A2)

in calc what ign can be seen in the beginning of the formulas?


CC stands for
=carbon copy

can be received by your eamail account and contain other types of malware

is done by tricking people into submitting their personal information


what is the most common TLD?

non profit groups prefer to use which TLD?

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.com .edu and .net are examples of

=top level domain

the name given to traditional postal mail

=snail mail

what do you need to install to prevent unwanted advertisements to appear in your

bw=rowser or comp screen?

in the spreadsheet above what result will you get if you use the frmula

the ___ is the part of the email adrress that is chosen by the client it follows strict
naming rules
=local part

___ is a feature that can be used to make complex web search

=advanced search

wikipedia is nt a reliable source of information becaus anyone can edit its content

which of the following iis NOT true?

= emails that are sent to trash are not immediately deleted

productivity tools are normally made available in software bundles called __

=office productivity suite

what is the name of the spreadsheet app that was used in this chapter?
which of the following TLD's cannot be used by the public?

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in the part of this chapter where we learned to create an email address which
information needs to be entered twice?

a ____ is an internet based application that can be accessed using browsers

=web application

other than the search bar, you can also enter your search keywords in your browser's
=address bar

what is the name given to software used to create store and collections of informations?
=Database managemnet system

a household has four laptops but only dads laptop has direct access to the internet. To
share the access to the internet. to share the internt connection he will turns his
laptop into a wifi hotspot for the rest of the family to connect to in this scenarie dads
laptop is the

.com stands for


in the spreadsheet app that you learned about in chapter 5 what is the default name of
the cell that belongs to the second row and the third column?

A website that allows users to edit its contents and structure is called a

the __ is the first part of an email address it follows strict naming rules
=local part

a group of programs used to create, edit, view and print computer graphics is called a
=microsoft word

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The alias that you use when you sign up in a website is called a ___

What is the name of the open source productivity suite that we used in chapter 5?

What is the current generation of the internet

=web 2.0

It is ok to take pictures of strangers without asking for permission as long as you tag
them when you post the pictures

The names of __ are letters


A _____ is composed of points, lines, and shapes.

Select one:

a. Vector image

What web-based presentation program did we use in Chapter 10?

Select one:


b. WordPress

c. Prezi

d. Weebly

Question 3
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_____ is a form of communication that uses visual elements like text and pictures to express an idea or send a message.

Select one:

a. Web page Design

b. Collaboration

c. Presentation

d. Graphics design

Question 4
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A _____ is a program or a set of programs used by people to achieve a common goal.

Select one:

a. Software

b. Conference

c. Groupware

d. Firmware

Question 5
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_____ is a social media feature that is activated during and after natural and man-made disasters which enables users in disaster
stricken areas to let people know that they are safe.

Select one:

a. Google Person Finder

b. Facebook Safety Check


d. Holacracy

Question 6
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_____ is the total number of visitors in a website and the number of web pages that they visit.

Select one:

a. Hashtag

b. Web traffic

c. Followers

d. Likes

Question 7
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In GIMP, you can make a _____ by isolating an area of the image so that your actions will apply to that area alone.

Select one:


b. vector

c. selection

d. compression

Question 8
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A team structure where leadership responsibilities can be given to different members of the team is called a _____.

Select one:

a. Holacracy

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b. Social Awareness

c. Team environment

d. Social Awareness

Question 9
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Unlike a slideshow that is made up of multiple slides, a prezi is composed of a single page called a _____

Select one:

a. Sheet

b. Presentation

c. Frame

d. Canvas

Question 10
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Prezis created using free accounts can be viewed by anyone while paying users can make their presentations private.

Select one:



Question 11
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The unit unit of measurement for image resolution is called _____

Select one:

a. Pixel ratio

b. Vector capacity

c. Pixels per inch

d. Image resolution

Question 12
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Information shared using _____ are not instantly displayed to other members of the group.

Select one:

a. Asynchronous groupware

b. Online groupware

c. Synchronous groupware

d. Multi-synchronous groupware

Question 13
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GNU is the name of the organization that created GIMP.

Select one:



Question 14
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You can sign up to using your Facebook account

Select one:



Question 15
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The header is also known as the _____.

Select one:

a. byline

b. footer

c. letterhead

d. masthead

Question 16
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In Prezi, the action of moving around the canvas is called _____

Select one:

a. Pathing

b. Zooming

c. Switching

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d. Panning

Question 17
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SEO stands for _____.

Select one:

a. Syndicated Engineering Operation

b. Single-end Organization

c. Search Environment Optimization

d. Search Engine Optimization

Question 18
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_____ is the practice of giving other websites the permission to publish your original contents.

Select one:

a. SEO

b. web marketing

c. Advertising

d. Web syndication

Question 19
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_____ is an open source web application created by volunteer engineers after the Haiti earthquake.

Select one:

a. Google Earth

b. Google Person Finder


d. Facebook Safety Check

Question 20
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What is the name of the web-based word processor that we learned about in Chapter 11?

Select one:

a. Weebly

b. Google Docs


d. Prezi

Question 21
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What do you call text, sounds, images, videos, and other media that are published online?

Select one:

a. social media

b. web traffic

c. web content

d. presentation

Question 22
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The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was used to raise social awareness and gather donations for the treatment of the ZIKA Virus.

Select one:



Question 23
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Some apps have both synchronous and asynchrounous features.

Select one:



Question 24
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What is the name of Google Drive's word processor

Select one:

a. Google Sheets

b. Google Slides

c. Google Docs

d. My Drive

Question 25
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_____ is an open source graphics editor

Select one:

a. Weebly



d. Prezi

Question 26
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_____ is a technology that enables two or more people to send and receive short messages instantly.

Select one:

a. Shared calendar

b. VoIP

c. Online Chat

d. Videoconferencing

Question 27
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Question text
Groupware that allow the sharing of information in real-time are called _____.

Select one:

a. Multi-synchronous groupware

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b. Asynchronous groupware

c. Real-time groupware

d. Synchronous groupware

Question 28
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Question text
The Presentation app included in Google Drive is called _____.

Select one:

a. Google Sheets

b. Google Docs

c. Google Slides

d. Prezi

Question 29
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You cannot edit uploaded Microsoft Word files using Google Docs.

Select one:



Question 30
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_____ allows people to make voice calls through the Internet.

Select one:

a. VoIP

b. Online Chat

c. Wiki

d. Videoconferencing

Question 31
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What is the name of the online petition site that we learned about in Chapter 12?

Select one:





Question 32
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PNG Can only recognize 256 colors

Select one:



Question 33
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Question text
_____is the ratio between the size of the image in pixels and its physical size when printed on paper.

Select one:

a. Selection

b. Resolution

c. Compression

d. Vector

Question 34
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Question text
Software tools that are used to create websites without having to deal with computer code are called _____.

Select one:

a. Website manager

b. Website management system

c. Website builders

d. Webpage creators

Question 35
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As of 2016, there are over 1 billion websites in the Internet

Select one:


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Question 36
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What content management system did we use to create a blog?

Select one:

a. Weebly

b. Prezi


d. WordPress

Question 37
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Question text
A _____ is composed of a grid of dots.

Select one:

a. Vector image

b. Raster image

c. Lossless image

d. Lossy image

Question 38
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What is the name of Google's cloud-based file storage and sharing service?

Select one:

a. Google Drive

b. Youtube

c. My Drive

d. Google Plus

Question 39
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Groupware is also known as _____

Select one:

a. Web Conferencing

b. Collaborative software

c. Native software

d. Word Processor

Question 40
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In Chapter 9, we learned to use a website building tool. What is it called?

Select one:

a. Weebly

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b. WordPress

c. Prezi


Question 41
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An online location that points to a group of web pages is called a _____

Select one:

a. URL

b. domain

c. web page

d. website

Question 42
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_____ is the process of planning, researching, creating, publishing, and maintaining information for online publication.

Select one:

a. Collaboration

b. Graphic Design

c. Presentation

d. Web Content Development

Question 43
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_____ is the delivery of a topic to an audience using a combination of speaking and visual aids.

Select one:

a. Prezi

b. Presentation

c. Web content lifecycle

d. Weebly

Question 44
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Holacracy can be compared to what shape?

Select one:

a. Triangle

b. Rectangle

c. Circle

d. Square

Question 45
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GIF supports 16 million colors

Select one:


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Question 46
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Web traffic is used to measure the popularity of websites and web contents.

Select one:



Question 47
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The _____ is the series of steps or phases that web content has to go through before and after it is published.

Select one:

a. Archiving

b. Web Content Lifecycle

c. SEO

d. Web Syndication

Question 48
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_____ is the practice of moving outdated web content away from the main website.

Select one:

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a. Packaging

b. Packeting

c. Recording

d. Archiving

Question 49
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Question text
To persuade a person or a group to sponsor your project, you have to write a _____.

Select one:

a. Support Document

b. Petition

c. Sales Pitch

d. Concept Paper

Question 50
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Which Google Drive productivity tool is similar to Microsoft Excel?

Select one:

a. My Drive

b. Google Sheets

c. Google Docs

d. Google Slides

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The _____ lists 15 types of works that are covered by copyright protection
=intellectual property code of the ph

A program used to create, store, and manage data in tables

All the forms of piracy are violations of ___ which is the legal right to own an original

____ websites can change their appearance and behavior based on the users

The practice of tricking people into submitting their personal details is called __

The ___ of an email address is on the right

=domain part

What do you call a program that is used to create, view, edit and print documents?
=Microsoft word

Adware are browser add-ons that prevent advertisements from being displayed in
your browser

What is the name given to a program or a set of programs used to look for
information in the internet
=internet browser

Based on the spreadsheet abpve, give the answer to following formula:


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Libreoffice ___ is an example of a word processor


What do you call an application used for sending, receriving and organizing emails?
=email client

Chrome, firefox and internet explorer are examples of

=web browsers
What is the name of the of spreadsheet application that was used in Chapter 5?

Anyone who knows your username can open your account


In the first chapter, we visited the website of what 90’s movie?

=Space jam

___ is bad because it denies the rightful owners the proper compensation for their


Is the act of claiming someone else’s work as your own


HTML stands for

=hypertext mark up language

Web 1.0 websites are static

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The vertical groupings in a spreadsheet are called


Based on the spreadsheet above, give the answer to following formula: -A1*B5-A5




By default, gmail will delete a message in the trash after 50 days


The names of __ are letters


Other than the search bar, you can also enter your search keywords in your

=address bar

Based on the spreadsheet above, give the answer to the following formula 2.-D3/A3

= -107

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The apps in your smart phone are web based apps because they connect to the


Apple’s web browser is called


With google chrome and Mozilla firefox, you can make an online search by typing
the keywords in the

=address bar

Adding information from a database to a document is called __

=mail merge

In many cases, occurs when someone uses a quote or a part of a published work
without mentioning who originally wrote it and which publication it belongs to


Spam can spread when the infected computer makes contact with another comp


Based on the spreadsheet above give the answer to the following formula: -D5/D1


In calc, what is the symbol used for multiplication


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The world anti-piracy observatory is operated by


Which of the following TLD’s is most likely to be owned by a university

Data centers are centralized locations for


LibreOffice calc is an example of ___

=word processor

Is a TLD that was created for online communities, open source projects and non
profit entities

= .org

A group of programs used to create, edit, view and print computer graphics is called

=graphic software

Is the generation of the internet that is characterized by the increase focus on yser
participation and the prevalence of dynamic websites

=web 2.0

What is the group of characters that when combined with your username or email
address, can be used to open your online account?


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It is considered ok to use your phone in a movie theater as long as you use



When you sign up to an app or website, you normally have to set an allias. This alias
is called a


With ___ some of the data that makes up the image are discarded to make it smaller


The fonts in a word processor is an example of a

=vector image

A ___ is composed of points, lines and shapes

=vector image

Outdated web contents are unpublished moved to a different location for future us.
This practice is called __


Text, sounds, images, videos and other media that are published in a website are
called ___

=web content

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GIMP’s official website is

During the ___ stage, we determine what type of web content should be created and
how it fits


You can give other websites permission to publish your content. This is called __

=web syndication

By default , the ___ can be found below the mian toolbox

=tool options

Programs that can be edited and used by anyone for free are called ___


The undo and the redo buttons are located in the

=top menu

Web __ is the number of visitors in a website and the number of web pages that
they visit


Which of the following is true?

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=modern CMS’s have collaborative environments, which allow multiple users

After you successfully signed up to prezi, what will you see when you click Get

=create a new prezi

Software tools called ___ can be used to create websites without having to deal with
computer code

=website builders

When GIMP was first released back in 1996, the G stood for




In weebly what tpe of page is the most commonly used?

=standard page

Is a software application or a set of software applications that is used to create

publish and manage online content

=content management system

Sent emails are found In the


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Once youre done creating or editing your weebly website what button do you click to
make your website available to the public


The ___ is the series of steps or phases that web content has to go through before
and after it is published

=web content lifecycle

Emails that were written but not sent are saved in


Which of the following is TRUE?

=prezi needs to be installed in your computer

What type of compression discards some of the data that makes up the image?


After the web content is finished and approved for publication we


Which of the following is not a feature of google slides?

=import and edit excel files

A/An ____ can be edited by members of an online community

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__ is a technology that enables two or more people to send and receive

=online chat

Is practically an internet telephone service


What is the URL that you should use to directly access MY DRIVE

Which of the following is NOT a feature of google docs?

=your documents are automatically downloaded as MS word or PDF

Is googles presentation app

=google slides

Google drives main page is called

=my drive

Which of the following can be launched from my drive?

=all of these

A/An ___ is a destination where emails can be sent from or delivered to

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=email address

Contains information that can be used to get in touch with the owners of the website

=contact section

In weebly, text, image, gallery and slideshow are called


Conceptualizing the project and researching about the topic is done at which stage
of the project process?


Online forums are also called

=chat rooms

“buy now!” click here download adnd donate now are examples of

=call to action

In this chapter we learned about a movement that was able to collect millions of
dollars and raise awareness about lou gehrig’s disease.

=ALS ice bucket challenge

A biography of the author or owner of the website can most likely be found in the

=about us

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In your concept paper, in which part do you ask for permission to use school


Which prezi’s pricing plans were you instructed to use?


During this stage, you present your accomplishments to the public

=release and promotion

Is an online petition website

=change .org

Is the act of illegally recording copying and distributing copyrighted works


Which of the following program is a lot like google docs?

=Microsoft powerpoint

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