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Question and Answers

Q1) Comment on the current status of the quality management systems at BGEL. Why have they
not able to make improvements in quality?

Ans- Quality Management system of Bangalore garment exports ltd. (BGEL) is not performing
properly and facing lots of rejection of the final product on daily basis. And even having proper
planning for maintaining quality they are not able to achieve the decided the quality or desired
performance. The organization is not able to formulate their plan for maintain the quality
standards in real and it creating the more confusion and chaos in the organization. And it is
affecting in the working of the organization and its reputation in the market.

The main reason for rejection are-

 Stoppage of machine , shortage of material to work on ..

 Schedule and specification strategies not properly communicated, skills inadequacies.
 Machine failure ,work reassignment to handle high absenteeism
 Coordination problem among the production sessions.
 Defective and improper instructions given to workers
 Rework due to wrong assembly of pieces.
 Malfunctioning of machines.
 To many rush orders squeezing capacity

They not able to improve their quality because lack of thoughtful of scientific implementation of
these measures, no proper machine or technology for production , no adequate skilled employees
are available , absence of quality monitoring system ,high level of abseentism and not having any
cooperation from the employees of the organization. Abseentism is the major reason due to
ineffective of tiring working conditions, unhygienic working conditions, undefined leave

Due to lack of training there is wastage of resources, damage of machine, reduction in

production speed, mishandling of machines. And not having an proper communication channel
which leads to delay in decision making . Quality standards are not properly communicated to
the production departments and workers that what quality is expected to them while doing
production. And also due to not ability of adequate skilled employees in the organization.
Q2) Can you identify three areas that BHEL need to address in order to improve their quality

Ans – The main problem of BHEL are

o High absenteeism of employees

o Machine failures
o No skilled workers are there
o No proper coordination

These areas where the BHEL had to focus to increase the quality standards of the

o Proper coordination among employees and management

o Skilled workers
o Reduced absentessim
o New and improved technology.

BGEL should prevent the errors rather than inspection of final product. By checking the product
at each level and prevent the error at the same time is the best option to reduce or eliminate the
rejection of final product.

Plan of action for BGEL as follows:

1. Educate the employees about the whole process and their specific work.

2. Give incentives to the employees for good attendance.

3. Install good quality of machine to avoid machine failure.

4. Conduct formal and informal meetings among production department so as to avoid

communication problems and also try to teach the whole process to everyone.

5. Introduce quality monitoring system

6. Proper communication channel is needed to maintain to avoid the confusion and clashes. & all
the employees are in touch and knowing what is happening in the organization.

7. Older machines are needed to be update regularly to avoid the machine outbreak and also
maintain the quality of product while doing production.
8. Give Compensation to the employees according to their work and keep the break hours for the
workers to refresh and again start the work.

9. Introduce the employees to the new quality standard method and tell them to work accordingly
to maintain the standards.

10. Introduce new technology and motivate the employees to learn new technology and give
some benefits to them for continues working on how to improve their performance .

11. Arrange the training program for the employees to keep them updated& able to learn new
skills required for working on that job.

12. Arrange the formal and informal parties for the employees to know each other and try to
communicate with each other.


We can assume that the proper coordination between the management and staff is not their
because, of that there is a lot of mistakes are happened. They only have 65 machines and 12
cutting machines they can increase machine and can produced no. of t-shirts. When they are
attaching the collar bone on t-shirts and slack some employee cannot fixed it properly so there
will be high percentage of the rejection of product. The management can take some action
toward the absenteeism of the employees because of the their goal is not achieved as they have
less no. of employee. As the company have prior 12 years of experience they have to used it for
their management. We can also assume that the employee of the company and management
having issue for the past months , so MD have to face the situation and have to check how to
problem can solve. We can also assume that the quality of materials is not that perfect of their t-
shirts. Supervisor need to understand the each day instruction and have to explain to the
employees of company. They have to check their machines also that they are working properly
or not. Then the company have production in 4 steps the all the production units need to be
communicate in proper manner.

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