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k. prudhvi nadh

Manoj Rick


Anup sheety

Nitesh Ranjan
Question 1. Quality management system of BGEL is not performing well
because they ate facing lots of rejection of the final product on daily basis. The
main reasons of rejection of final product are:

Skill inadequacies, machine failure, no proper communication, coordination

problem, missing instructions, specifications not met, high absenteeism, etc.

They have not been able to make improvements in quality because of low skill
levels of the employees, absence of a quality monitoring system, high levels at
absenteeism and a high turnover of the production workers.

Question2. According to display board, the main problems of BGEL are:

High absenteeism, skill inadequacies, machine failures, specifications not met,

no proper coordination.

Three areas that BGEL need to address in order to improve their quality
standards are:

1) Proper coordination among employees and management.

2) Skill workers
3) Reduce absenteeism

BGEL should prevent the errors rather than inspection of final product. By
checking the product at each level and prevent the error at the same time is the
best option to reduce or eliminate the rejection of final product.

Plan of action for BGEL for the next one year is as follows:

i) Educate the employees about the whole process and their specific
ii) Give incentives to the employees for good attendance.
iii) Install good quality of machine to avoid machine failure.
iv) Conduct formal and informal meetings among production department
so as to avoid communication problems and also try to teach the whole
process to everyone.
v) Introduce quality monitoring system.

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