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International Department

Staff Meeting

#1 S1 Nov. 18th , 2021

High School Instruction 國際部中學部
1. HS outing 中學戶外活動
- 11/23 (Tue.) 8:10-16:30 All G7 outing postponed to next semester
- 11/25 (Thur.) 8:10-16:30 All G10-12 outing
- 11/26 (Fri.) 14:00-16:00 Guest speech in lecture hall for G10-12, excluding intl class. Subject teachers
teaching these periods should be there.
- 12/28 (Tue.) 8:10-16:30 All G8 outing
2. 12/2 (Thur.) 8:00-17:00 G1.4.7.10 Health check
- Subject teachers have to take students downstairs to health center when you get the call from nurse.
- Procedure: G10→G7→G4→G1
3. 12/9-12/10 HS Exam 2 中學第二次評量
- Procedure: Teachers peer review the exam paper > submit the peer reviewed paper to LuLu by 11/25 >
Send or skype the exam file to LuLu after the exam paper is approved by admins. Make sure the
revision is done and make proper arrangement of the test paper.
- Paper reviewer should be teachers teaching the same field.
- Intl teachers who want to have presentation as 2nd midterm, please let me know this week for time
arrangement. As for the contents of the presentation, please list the topic(s), rubrics, what you want
students to go over in the presentation, etc. and give the detailed list to me by 11/25 before you leave.
國際班老師想以報告作為期中考者,明天請先告知以事先做安排。11/25 下班前請將報告內容細
- Exam notice: Please key in the exam notice in shared excel file no later than 11/29. We will have a
template exam notice printed out for students. 請於 11/29 前將考前範圍發給學生
- Exam score key-in due 12/17. JH key in the school system ( Teachers should
check if you can successfully log in and see the groups or class you teach. After JH score key-in,
spreadsheets should also be saved in google drive.
- SH key in the spreadsheet. The score template is saved in google drive
- The number of each class interval should be filled out completely before you hand out the paper to
- Test time
ESL reading: 50 mins ESL Writing: 50 mins
G7-9 INTL main subjects (His, Geo, Sci, Bio): 50 mins, except for Lit 80 mins, MA 80 mins
G10 INTL main subjects: (US His, Chem, Eco): 70 mins, Lit 80 mins, (PreCal, Phy): 90 mins.
G11 INTL main subjects (AP Cal AB, Applied Cal, AP Chem, AP Sta, AP Eco I): 90 mins, except for
Applied Cal 100 mins, (Lit, Psychology): 80 mins
G12 INTL main subjects (AP Cal BC, AP Physics, AP Eco II, AP Biology, AP Psychology, AP World His, AP Euro
His): 90 mins, except for Lit 80 mins
G11-12 AUS program main subjects: 90 mins
5. Important events in November to December 十一、十二月重要時間
- 11/25 Exam 2 paper peer review due
- 12/3 period 5, HS singing competition 1st rehearsal
- 12/4 SAT on campus
- 12/9-12/10 Exam 2
- 12/8-12/10 No night class
- 12/14-12/15 G12 Practice test
- 12/13-12/16 HS singing competition 2nd rehearsal (TBA)
- 12/17 period 5-6 HS(G7-8) singing competition
- 12/23-12/24 G9 Practice test
- 12/28-12/29 G12 Practice test
- 12/31-1/2 New Year Holiday

Interdepartmental Affairs 全部門事務

1. Cambridge Test 劍橋英檢
- Schedule
11/18-12/3 Hand out sign-in form, collect the form back with the checklist, and return to Bill.
- ELA teachers and HS homerooms take care of it.
- Test time: KET/PET on March 19th, 2022
YLE (Starters/Movers/Flyers) on March 26th, 2022
FCE on April 9th and 10th, 2022 (April 9th morning written test while the rest of the time is for
oral test)
Director 國際部主任

Interdepartmental Affairs 校內事務

Announcement from A.A.O. 教務處

Announcement from S.A.O. 學務處

Announcement from G.A.O. 總務處
□ 1.
Announcement from Counseling Office 輔導室
Announcement from H.R. 人事室
Responses from previous questions 上週反映事項之回應
□ 1.
Head teachers discussion for today 學年主任今日探討主題
□ 1.

International Department
#1 S1 August 3rd, 2017
- Attendee Signature 國際部會議簽到表 -
國際部主任 Director 小學部教學組 Instruction 中學部教學組 Instruction 教師專業訓練師 PD 國際留學輔導 IC
Jami 羅皓月 Catherina 王欣欣 Lulu 陸芳怡 Lisa Lisa

Lucille James D. James T. Krystal 陳致秀 C2

101 (G1 HT) 102 103 104 105

Connie 陳麗帆 Fay 梁佳燕 Derek Jonathan G. Gary H.

106 201 202 (G2 HT) 203 204

Demi 楊依柔 Neil Pieter Huimei Yoga 黃于家

205 301 302 (G3 HT) 303 304

Gareth Mavis 潘薇聿 Marrina 蔡宜真 Craig Ethan

305 401 402 (G4 HT) 403 404

Eric H. Gary D. Jeannie Minke Rebecca 孫嘉妤

405 501 502 (G5 HT) 503 504

Carolyn 洪小倩 Woody 吳家豪 Paul Michael M. David V.

505 601(G6 HT) 602 603 604

Elementary Elementary Elementary Elementary Chloe 廖晨筑

Joyce 楊立辰 Jason Alli 田孟鑫 Josie 陳昱蓉 704
Frances 詹雅婷 Doris 田佳鑫 Miranda 宋立潔 Patricia 陳品妤 Sarah 簡淑嫺
803 903 1002 1102 801

High School HT High School High School High School High School
Ulyses 丁宥席 Michael P. Michael D. Dean Justin

High School High School High School High School High School
Jonathan B. Eliot Van Melton Tiffany Otto

High School Trainee intern

German Otto Beverly 游美芬 David 鄧禮賢

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