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#include <iostream>

#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
#include <process.h> //for exit()
const int LIMIT = 100; //array size
class safearay
int arr[LIMIT];
int& operator [](int n) //note: return by reference
if (n< 0 || n >= LIMIT)
cout << "\nIndex out of bounds"; exit(1);
return arr[n];
class safehilo :public safearay
int llimit, ulimit;
safehilo(int a, int b) :llimit(a), ulimit(b)
if ((b - a) > LIMIT)
cout << "Array limits exceed maximum permissible range."; exit(1);
int& operator [](int n)
if (n < llimit || n >= ulimit)
cout << "\nIndex out of bounds"; _getch(); exit(1);
safearay::operator[](n - llimit);
int main(void)
safehilo sa1(100,175);
for (int j = 100; j<175; j++) //insert elements
sa1[j] = j * 10; //*left* side of equal sign
for (int j = 100; j<175; j++) //display elements
int temp = sa1[j]; //*right* side of equal sign
cout << "Element " << j << " is " << temp << endl;

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