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Analysis Management of Traditional Irrigation In

South Sumatera
Maya Sari
M. Yazid
Studen of Master Programm in Faculty Agribusiness
Departement Of Master Programm in Faculty Agribusiness
University of Sriwijaya
University of Sriwijaya
Palembang, Indonesia
Palembang, Indonesia
Imron Zahri
Dessy Adriani
Departement of Master Programm in Faculty Agribusiness
Departement Of Master Programm in Faculty Agribusiness
University of Sriwijaya
University of Sriwijaya
Palembang, Indonesia
Palembang, Indonesia
Abstract— This study aims to see the implementation of growth of rice in technically irrigated rice fields is higher
traditional irrigation management, analyze the factors of than rainfed and tidal-fed rice fields. This happens because
irrigation management in South Sumatra. The method used in the harvesting intensity (IPm) of rice also affects the
this research is a survey. This research uses quantitative production of rice produced. The HDI of rice is strongly
descriptive analysis. Sampling was carried out purposively
influenced by the existence of irrigation which functions to
using the proportional stratified random sampling method.
The total sample farmer respondents in this study amounted to
regulate the availability of water supply for rice plants.
120 people from four villages who run their farms using In Improving Irrigation Network Performance
traditional irrigation located in Lahat district and Pagaralam Through the Application of Appropriate and Consistent
city. Data were analyzed using binary logit model, Wald test,
Management in Ciramajaya Irrigation Areas concluded that
and t test. The results showed that the factors that influence
the management of traditional irrigation are water the selection of appropriate and consistent alternative
distribution, water distribution, irrigation pollution and the irrigation operational management includes procedures for
role of irrigation institutions, with the coefficient of determining water allocation, methods of water allocation to
determination obtained is 0.699 or 69.9 percent. tertiary networks, methods of water distribution on the main
network and the most appropriate flow control system is
Keywords—Management, Irrigation, Traditional, applied, so that it is expected to improve the performance of
the irrigation network system that has been built, if not/not
I. INTRODUCTION in accordance with how it should be implemented so that its
performance can be improved.
Traditional irrigation is a cultural asset of South
Sumatra in agriculture that needs to be preserved. Similar to
subak irrigation in Bali, traditional irrigation in South II. LITERATURE REVIEW
Sumatra has many community cultural values that have This research will be conducted in South Sumatra
existed since ancient times. The cultural values contained in by taking samples in two different locations, namely the first
the technical management that describe the strong culture of location in the city of Pagaralam and the second location in
mutual assistance in the village community to the technical Lahat Regency. From each location, two villages will be
maintenance of irrigation facilities and several terms in the taken as research samples later. For the Pagaralam city area,
use of irrigation facilities that take place in the the research sites are Lubuk Buntak village and Pelang
community.Concludes that the average production of Kenidai village, while for the Lahat district the research
lowland rice farmers who use traditional irrigated land is location is Pagaruyung village and Jenti'an village. The
2,855 Kg/Ha/MT able to generate lowland rice farmers' location determination was carried out purposively with the
income of Rp. 9.022,009Ha/MT. Where the results obtained consideration that the two villages in each location were the
in the form of production and income are very significant rice-producing areas of the highest irrigated rice fields for
differences between rice farming on traditional irrigated the area. Data collection was carried out in September 2019.
land and rainfed land. In this study, sampling of respondent farmers was carried
out in two stages. The first stage, carried out purvosively
The states that subak is a traditional organization
with the consideration that the area or village that will be the
that is able to manage irrigation water from empelan, which
location of the study has a rice farm that utilizes traditional
is a building that draws water from the river which was built
irrigation canals as the main water source in carrying out the
by subak independently, to its rice fields. In subak the land
farming. From these requirements, four different locations
area (X1), labor (X2), pesticides (X3), fertilizer (X4), and
were chosen in two district cities in South Sumatra, namely
seeds (X5) have a simultaneous effect on rice farming
the first location in Pagaralam City and the second location
income in subak irrigation. The role of Subak in Paddy
in Lahat Regency.
Paddy Agricultural Activities, it shows that the productivity

The first layer is sample farmers with good factors that affect traditional irrigation management using a
irrigation conditions with a sample of 60 families and the model, binary logit, to overcome quantitative variables. The
second layer is sample farmers with poor irrigation general form of the logit model is as follows:
conditions, so the total sample size from both layers is 120
samples of traditional irrigated rice farmers. K = In = α + β1X1 + β2X2 + ……..+ βnX2n + e
The data obtained in the field will be compiled in
tabulated form then analyzed mathematically and explained In this study, a binary value is assigned to the dependent
descriptively. Qualitative analysis using tabulation and variable, namely the opportunity for farmers to manage
quantitative. The analysis used to answer based on the existing traditional irrigation. The alleged model of the
problems and objectives of this study is to use multiple factors that influence traditional irrigation management can
linear regression analysis with the help of a computer be formulated as follows:
application SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science). In
the first analysis that will be used to determine the form of K = In = α + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β4X4 + β5X5 +
traditional irrigation management in this study, namely by
measuring using a simple tabulation with Microsoft Excel β6X6 + e
application and the measurement results will be described
descriptively. To answer the first hypothesis, namely the
distribution, irrigation water utilization, irrigation water
K = Log = α + β1 log X1 + β2 log β6 log X6+ e availability, irrigation pollution and the role of irrigation
institutions (P3A). From these management indicators, two
Where : layers have been made regarding the overall condition of
K = Opportunity for farmers to manage traditional irrigation traditional irrigation in order to facilitate the assessment in
Pi = Opportunity for farmers to manage traditional irrigation this study. The following is a traditional irrigation at the
in good and bad conditions research site in South Sumatra. As previously explained,
Pi = 1 for farmers who manage traditional irrigation in good these two areas were chosen because they are central to
condition traditional irrigated rice production in South Sumatera.
Pi = 0 for farmers who manage traditional irrigation in poor X2 + β3 log X3 + β4 log X4 + β5 log X5 + e
e = intercept
1-6= parameters III. METHODOLOGY
X1 = Condition of irrigation assets
X2 = Water utilization
A. Data interpretation:
X3 = Water distribution
X4 = Availability of water There are several factors that influence farmers in
X5 = Irrigation pollution implementing traditional irrigation management consisting
X6 = Role of irrigation agencies (P3A) of internal and external factors, some of these factors
e = confounding variable include the condition of irrigation assets, irrigation water
After obtaining the logit model, the coefficient of distribution, irrigation water utilization, irrigation water
determination test (R2) must then be carried out. This test is availability, irrigation pollution and the role of irrigation
carried out to measure the suitability of the regression line to institutions (P3A).
the data. The formula used to test R2 is as follows: From these management indicators, two layers have been
made regarding the overall condition of traditional irrigation
in order to facilitate the assessment in this study. The
R2 = =
following is a traditional irrigation at the research site in
Furthermore, to see the effect of each independent variable South Sumatra. As previously explained, these two areas
on the dependent variable, the Wald test was carried out, were chosen because they are central to traditional irrigated
namely testing the parameter i partially (individually). The rice production in South Sumatera.
tested hypotheses are as follows:
H0 : βi = 0
H1 : βi ≠ 0 Name of Year Built
The equations used in this calculation are: Iririgation

W= Pagaralam
Lubuk Buntak Village Muara Riben 1999
Decision making rules:
Pelang Kenidai Lematang Ulu 1996
If │W│≤Zα/2………………………Accept H0
If │W│> Zα/2………………….......Reject H0
There are several factors that influence farmers in Bukit Timur 1995
Jenti'an Village
implementing traditional irrigation management consisting
of internal and external factors, some of these factors Pagaruyung Village Papakan Belande 1949
include the condition of irrigation assets, irrigation water Table 1. Traditional Irrigation at the Research Site.
A. Factors influencing traditional irrigation irrigation water distribution, irrigation water
management availability, irrigation pollution and the role of
The factors that influence traditional irrigation institutions (P3A). While the other 30.1
irrigation management in rice farming in South percent are influenced by other factors outside the
Sumatra are the condition of irrigation assets, use model.
of irrigation water, distribution of irrigation water, Based on the results of the analysis, the binary
availability of irrigation water, irrigation pollution logistic regression equation is obtained as follows:
and the role of dummy irrigation institutions K = -1.555 -0.147 KAI -2.482 PAI+ 0.003 DAI +
(WUAs) and non-WUAs. The significant value 1.234 KTAI + 2.043 PI +23.038 PLI
applied is 10 percent.
The equation explains that the variable
condition of irrigation assets, the use of irrigation
Variabel in the Equation water has a negative effect on irrigation
management. While the variables of irrigation
N Paramet Wald Exp(B water distribution, irrigation water availability,
Variable Sig
o ers (B) Value )
irrigation pollution and the role of irrigation
Condition of institutions (P3A) have a positive effect on
1 irrigation -.147 .108 .742 .864 traditional irrigation management.
assets (KAI)
16.89 .
utilization -2.482 .084 IV. CONCLUSION
0 0001
2 (PAI)
distribution .003 .000 .997 1.003 Factors influencing traditional irrigation
3 (DAI) management in South Sumatra are irrigation water
Availability distribution, availability of irrigation water,
of water 1.234 .675 3.436 irrigation pollution, and the role of irrigation
4 (KTAI) institutions. While the factors that do not
Irrigation significantly affect irrigation management are the
pollution 2.043 .916 1.711 condition of irrigation assets, the use of irrigation
5 (PI)
Role of
23.038 .000 .997 1.012 REFRENCES
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