Pembentukan Kalimat Menggunakan Kata Kerja

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I AKAN Semua WILL KK-I I will clean the floor

(Saya, kamu, mereka, kita CAN I will not clean the floor
Amir, Ayah saya, Anjing itu MAY Will you clean the floor?
Dia, dll) SHOULD What will you clean?

II SUDAH Saya, kamu HAVE KK-III I have cleaned the floor

mereka, kita I have not cleaned the floor (yet)
Have you cleaned the floor?
What have you cleaned?

Dia, Amir, dll HAS Amir has cleaned the floor

Orang/benda yang sendiri Amir has not cleaned the floor
Has Amir cleaned the floor?
What has Amir cleaned?

III SEDANG Dia, Amir, dll IS KK-ING Amir is cleaning the floor
Saat ini Orang/benda yang sendiri Amir is not cleaning the floor
Is Amir cleaning the floor?
Saya AM What is Amir cleaning?

Kamu, mereka, kita, kami ARE

Lampau Dia, Amir, dll WAS KK-ING I was cleaning the floor, when …yesterday
Orang/benda yang sendiri I was not cleaning the floor, when ………
Saya Were you cleaning the floor, when ……
What were you cleaning, when ………
Kamu, mereka, kita, kami WERE
IV TANPA AKAN, SUDAH Saya, kamu, mereka, kita KK-I I clean the floor
SEDANG I do not clean the floor
Tidak Lampau Do you clean the floor?
What do you clean?

Dia, Amir, dll KK-I + S He cleans the floor

Orang/benda yang sendiri He doesn't clean the floor
Does he clean the floor
What does he clean?

Lampau Semua KK-II I cleaned the floor yesterday?

(Saya, kamu, mereka, kita I didn't clean the floor yesterday?
Amir, Ayah saya, Anjing itu Did you clean the floor yesterday?
Dia, dll) What did you clean yesterday?

Catatan :
DO, DOES, DID hanya diperlukan kalau
kita meyatakan tidak dan membuat per-
V AKAN DI……… Semua WILL BE KK-III The floor will be cleaned
(Saya, kamu, mereka, kita CAN BE The floor will not be cleaned
Amir, Ayah saya, Anjing itu MAY BE Will the floor be cleaned?
Dia, dll) SHOULD BE What will be cleaned?

SUDAH DI……… Saya, kamu, mereka, kita HAVE BEEN KK-III The floor has been cleaned
Dia, Amir, dll HAS BEEN The floor has not been cleaned
Orang/benda yang sendiri Has the floor been cleaned?
What has been cleaned?

DI………….. (sesuaikan) IS/AM/ARE KK-III The floor is cleaned everyday

WAS/WERE The floor is not cleaned everyday
Is the floor cleaned everyday?
What is cleaned everyday?

SEDANG DI……….. (sesuaikan) IS/AM/ARE KK-III The floor is being cleaned now
WAS/WERE The floor is not being cleaned
+ BEING Is the floor being cleaned now?
What is being cleaned now?

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