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Tips And Trick Antropologi senin 13 desember 2021

1. Ketut Meta Gayatri (2101571001)

“Tips For Choosing Skincare”
 Buy According To The Type Of Skin
 Pay Attention To The Composition
 Don’t Be Fooled Buy Ads
 Use Sunscreen
2. Maria Calin De Putri (2101571003)
“Tips To Be Healthy”

3. Elfrida Mecik (2101571004)

“Tips To Not Get Boring In Reading”
 Reading While Moving Hands
 Dind A Comfortable Place
 Focus While Reading

4. Avelina Fatima Mulia (2101571005)

“Tips On Healthful Patterns Of Life”
 Mainting A Diet

5. Ni Putu Ayu Meiliana Putri (2101571008)

“Tips For Fast Long Hair”
 Washing Hair Every Two Day
 Don’t Comb Your Hair If It’s Still Wet
 Reduce Use Of Hair Stylers

6. Jenri (2101571009)
“How To Fall A Sleep Fast”
 Regulate Diet
 Listening To Music Before Bed
 Reducing The Use Of Electronic Devices
 Avoid Strenuous Exercise Before Bed
 Sleep In A Comfortable Position

7. Jane Gloria (2101571011)

“Tips And Trick To Manage Your Time”
 Identify Time Wasters And Set Goals
 Creating A To-Do List Or Plan
 Prioritize Wisely
 Only Do One Thing At A Time (Don't Multitasking)
 Take A Break And Use It Wisely

8. Zefania Aurelia (2101571012)

“Tips To The Sharing Of Fake Social Media”

9. Yunice Patricia Sinaga (2101571013)

 Try To Be More Friendly
 Try To Care More About People Around You
 Always Learn To Be Grateful
 Enjoy All Process In Life

10. Luh Gede Nari Triswari (2101571007)

“Tips And Trick Before Becoming Bilingual”

11. Larasati Ashari Putri (2101571015)

“Tips For Take A Great Picture”
 Look Your Subject
 Use A Plain Background

12. Widya Anggun Syahlerian (2101571014)

“Tips That Are Not Hard To Do”

13. M. Rafli Iskandar (2101571016)

“Tips For Safe Driving Long Distance Motorcycles”
 Check Vehicle Condition
 Wear Safety Equipment
 Keep Your Distance From Other Riders

14. Kartika Ayu Larasati (2101571017)

“Tips To Be Good Handshaker”
 Begin With An Oral Introdu-Ction Of Yourself
 Fump Your Hand Only 2-3 Times
 Shake From Your Elbow
 Do Not Use A Forceful Grip
 Avoid Offering A "Fish Hand"

15. Lalu Syarif Hidayatullah (2101571018)

“Tips How To Packing Mountain Backpack”
 Put A Light
16. Komang Suri Asnyani (2101571019)

“Relaxation Tips”
 Picture Your Self In A Relaxing Pl
 Listen To Music

17. Putu Nita Kharismawati (2101571022)

“Tips To Start Saving Money”
 Set Saving Goals
 Find Ways You Can Cut Your Spending
 Never Give Up

18. Inggrid Trinjayani (2101571023)

“Tips To Stop Biting Your Nails”
 Keep Your Hands And Mouth Busy
 Wear Nail Polish
 Listen To Your Family Advice And Imagine The Worst Moment

19. Felicia Gryzelda Lawalata (2101571021)

“Tips To Get Better Sleep”
 Tactical Sleep
 Darkest Promote Sleep

20. Stella Elshada (2101571024)

“To Playing Guitar”
 Put Into Practice What You Learn

21. Miranda Angelica (2101571025)

“Tips To Have Healthy Life”
 Do Physical Exercise
 Eat Healthy
 Reduce Your Gadget

22. Syihasarahil Al Dazva (2101571026)

“Tips To Make Fried Egg”
 Wait Till Pain Is Hot And Oil Is Sizziling
 Use Oil Sparingly
 Don’t Use A Bad Pan
 Pick A Good And Nice Egg

23. Imam Zamahsari Abbas (2101571027)

“Tips To Find Your Passion”
 Do What You Love
 Do It Continuously
 Admit It As Yours
 Confident

24. Bradley Timothy Gaspersz (2101571028)

“Tips To Make Good V60”
 Good Condition Coffee Beans
 Water Temperature And Grind Size
 Use Good Ratio

25. Anak Agung Ngurah Handika Pradipta (2101571032)

“Tips To Have Healthy Life During Pandemic”
 Don't Stress
 Sleep Well

26. Made Pradiva

“Tips easy car care during the covid 19”
 Check The Air

27. Gede Angga Sastra

“Tips To Comfortly Do Homework”
 Have Comfortable Computer Setup
 Affordable Lighting
 Comfortable Sit Position

28. Reinaldis M.P Jeltiung

“Tips To Prepare Examination”
 Use Your Imagination
 Listen Music While Studying

29. I Gede Raka Bisma

“Tips To Prepared Presentation”
 Know Your Stuff
 Write It Down

30. Satria Pritanjaya

“Tips To Build Self Confident”
 Stop Comparing Yourself To Other
 Surround Your Self With Positive People
 Take Take Care Of Your Body D. Face Your Fears
 Practice Potive Self-Talk

31. Yogasmara Binsar Tips To Don't Get
Tips To Don’t Get Tired Easily When Running
 Swing Your Arm To Give A Speed Boost
 Point Your Toes Towards The Sky

32. Anak Agung Ayu Sinta Suryawati Tisna

” Tips To Manage Money”
 Budgeting
 Don't Wait To Save Or Invest
 Saving Money With Clear Goals

33. Anak Agung Sagung Istri Tanri Apsari

“Tips To Have Healthy Hair”
 Washing Your Hair Regularly
 Avoid Heat Tools
 Use Chemical Free Shampoo
 Use Conditioner

34. Luh Putu Erika Witayani

“Tips To Be Good Storyteller”
 Understand The Story You Want To Tell
 Tell The Story You Like
 Diligently Practice Speaking English
 Pay Attention To Voice, Facial, Expressions

35. Arvita Ratib

“Tips To Make Great Presentation”
 Treat Your Audience As King
 Spead Ideas And Move People
 Help Them See What You Are Saying

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