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Experiment No.

2:Design Test cases for Inventory Management

Step Specification Testing Attributes Sample Test case formulation

01 Labs Number of Computers How many Computers are in working
Arrangement of Lab Computers are Arranged in Sequence?
Server room Is Server room maintain and dressed
Cooling System Is the Cooling System Properly
Rack position and Dressing Where is the Rack placed?
Is Rack dressed properly?
02 Power Points Number of Power points How many power Points are required?
Type of power point Which type of power is required?
Power issue Is their any preplan against Power

03 Cables Cable requirement purpose For Which purpose cable is required?

04 Subjects Management of practical Is their any Criteria or timetable for

Subjects practical related subjects?

05 Software OS installation Which type of OS is required?

Required software Subject related software applications
application are installed or not?

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