Notes in Bill of Rights DANGA

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Mark Gabriel B.


Notes: Bill of Rights of the 1987 Philippine Constitution

-It enumerates all the private rights as well as inalienable rights of the citizen. In other
way may be defined as a declaration and enumeration of a person’s rights and
privileges which the constitution is designed to protect against violations by the
government, or an individual or groups of individuals.
Bill of rights also has its own classes of rights:
Natural Rights- They are the rights possessed by every citizen without being granted
by the state for they are given to man by God as a human being created to His image
so that he may live a happy life.
Constitutional Rights- These are the rights which are conferred and protected by the
Constitution. Since they are part of the fundamental law, they cannot be modified or
taken away by a law making body.
Statutory Rights- These are the rights which are provided by laws promulgated by the
law making body and consequently, maybe abolished as well by the same body.

Classification of Constitutional Rights:

Political Rights- Rights of the citizens which give them the power to participate, directly
or indirectly in the establishment of the government.
Civil Rights- Rights of the citizens from securing to them enjoyment of their means of
Social and Economic Rights- These includes those rights which are intended to
secure the well being and economic security of the individual.
Right of the accused- They are civil rights intended for the protection of the accused
person of any crime, like the right of presumption of innocence, the right to a speedy,
impartial, and public trial, and the right against cruel, degrading or inhumane

Under the Constitution, a person may be deprived by the state of his life, liberty or
property provided due process of law is observed.

Aspects of Due Process of Law:

Due process is comprised of two components – substantive due process and
procedural due process. Each amendment contains due process Clause, which
prohibits the government from taking any action that would deprive a person of life,
liberty or property without due process of law.
1. Procedural due process: Refers to the method or manner by which the law is
2. Substantive due process: Which requires that the law itself, not merely the
procedures by which the law would be enforced is fair, reasonable and just. In
other words, No person shall be deprived of life liberty or property for arbitrary
reasons or flimsy grounds.

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