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12NM range

clear visibility


Sir , I will acquire all the tgt on my RADAR. And I will not wait for full processing time I will take series of
gyro bearings at regular intervals.
Sir when a compass bearing of an approaching v/l does not appreciably change I will consider it as a risk of
collision exist. Even though there is appraisable bearing change is evident there may be still risk of collision
exists when approaching large vessel, approaching a v/l at close range , approaching a tow.
Sir in here bearing is constant, range is reducing, and risk of collision exist. sir I will use more precise ARPA
data to asses the situation.
Sir in this situation sir I have overtaking situation on my stbd quarter. Sir any vessel overtaking any other
shall keep out of vessel being overtaking. There fore sir over taking v/l shall keep out of my own vessel.
Sir other vessel which have on my fowered is reciprocal or nearly reciprocal course with me. As per the rule
sir when two power driven v/l in nearly reciprocal course so as to involve risk of collision each shall alter
their course to stbd and pass on port side.
Sir when I am taking action my action should be positive and made in ample time with due regards to the
good seaman ship. I will use trial manouver function to identify best and effective action without violating
my masters CPA. Sir I will input delay time and course alt and simulate the best action in here.
Sir the fwd vessel at this moment in 12 NM miles range with me. Still there is no risk of collision exist.
There for sir in hear I can alt my course to port. And also sir I will consider a bord alt course to stbd without
confusing the overtaking vessel. And also sir, I will consider let the overtaking vessel pass from my stbd
beam and a board alt to stbd side. And also sir I can go to the speed reduction. But sir I will use the trial
manover function to identify best and effective action without violating my masters CPA.
Sir I will enter delay time and course alt to the trial manouver and simulate my action first. Sir before
developing a close quarter situation sir I will take a board alt to port. And keep all the tgt on my stbd side.
Sir I will sound two short blast before taking the alt.
And sir I will monitor the situation finally tgt vessel past and clear. And sir all the time I will make sure to
maintain my masters CPA. And I will not violate any of these rules when taking action.
Clear visibility


Sir , I will acquire all the tgt on my RADAR. And I will not wait for full processing time I will take
series of gyro bearings at RAMregular intervals.
Sir when a compass bearing of an approaching v/l does not appreciably change I will consider it as a risk of
collision exist. Even though there is appraisable bearing change is evident there may be still risk of collision
exists when approaching large vessel, approaching a v/l at close range , approaching a tow.
Sir in here bearing is constant, range is reducing, and risk of collision exist. sir I will use more precise ARPA
data to asses the situation.
Sir in here, RAM v/l is overtaking situation with me since it is coming from 22.5 degrees abaft of my beam.
Sir when a overtaking situation as per the rules ,
notwithstanding anything contained rules of part B, conduct of vessels in sight of one another and conduct of
vessels in any condition of visibility, any v/l overtaking any other shall keep out of the way of vessel being overtaken.
There for sir it is the duty of RAM vessel to keep clear of my vessel. But sir it is his responsible to keep clear of my
vessel, I will navigate with caution. I will monitor the situation until the overtaking vessel finally pass and clear.


Sir , I will acquire all the tgt on my RADAR. And I will not wait for full processing time I will
take series of gyro bearings at regular intervals.
Sir when a compass bearing of an approaching v/l does not appreciably change I will consider it as a risk of
collision exist. Even though there is appraisable bearing change is evident there may be still risk of collision
exists when approaching large vessel, approaching a v/l at close range , approaching a tow.
Sir in here bearing is constant, range is reducing, and risk of collision exist. sir I will use more precise ARPA
data to asses the situation.
Sir I will prioritize the tgt according to the CPA and TCPA. v/l on my stbd quarter is overtaking situation with me. And
sir notwithstanding anything contained in part b of this rule conduct of vessels insight of one another , conduct of
vessels in any condition of visibility any vessel overtaking any other shall keep out of the way of vessel being
overtaken. Therefore sir vessel which have on my stbd quarter is the give way vessel and she shall keep clear of me.
And sir vessel on my port bow is crossing situation with me. Sir when two power driven vessel in a crossing situation
so as to involve risk of collision vessel which have other vessel on her stbd side is the give way vessel. There for sir I
am the give way here and I shall keep clear of the vessel on my stbd bow and avoid impeading ahead of that vessel.
Sir I will use trial manouver function to determine best and effective action without violation my masters CPA. Sir
when using the trial manoure I will input the delay time and the course alternation and I will simulate my action .and
sir my action should be positive, made in ample time, and with good seamanship.
In hear sir my best action is course alt to stbd side without confusing the vessel in my stbd quarter. And sir my
alternation should be pass the stern of the tgt well clear which is on my stbd bow.
There for sir I will simulate best action using trial manouver function and I will take broad alt to stbd by sounding one
short blast. Sir I will keep all the tgt on my port side and monitor the situation until all the vessels finally pass and
clear. Once all vessels clear I will come back to my original course. I will get actions without violating any of these
rules sir.



Sir since this is restricted visibility,

I already inform to the master, My vessel is proceeding at a safe speed, My vessels engine ready for immediate
manouver. Sir in restricted visibility also as a pdv I am sounding one prolonge blast at not more thane interval of two
minute. And sir rules in any condition of visibility continouesly apply for restricted visibility I will keep sharp lookout
and vessel is proceeding at safe speed and RADAR are properly tuned.
Sir I will use my RADAR to aquir all the tgt and I will not wait for the full prosssecing time. I will take serious of
bearing using EBL function on approaching vessel.

Sir when a bearing of an approaching v/l does not appreciably change I will consider it as a risk of collision
exist. Even though there is appraisable bearing change is evident there may be still risk of collision exists
when approaching large vessel, approaching a v/l at close range , approaching a tow.
Sir in here bearing is constant, range is reducing, and risk of collision exist. sir I will use more precise ARPA
data to asses the situation.
Sir in restricted visibility when tgt detected by RADAR alone and rick of collision is exist or close quarter situation is
developing I shall take action well in advanced and sir if such action consist with course alt then I should avoid alt of
course to port for a vessel forward of my beam , other than vessel being overtaken. And sir avoid alt of course
towards a vessel abeam or abaft of my beam.
There for sir as per the rule I cannot alter my course port or stbd in this situation. Sir vessel on my port bow is 12NM
range. Still there is no risk of collision exist. I will use trial manouver function to simulate my best and effective action
without violating my masters CPA. There fore sir before developing a risk of collision I will take a board alt stbd side
and keep all the tgt on my stbd side.

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