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Chapter 11—Integer Linear Programming


1. Which of the following is the most useful contribution of integer programming?

a. finding whole number solutions where fractional solutions would not be appropriate
b. using 0-1 variables for modeling flexibility
c. increased ease of solution
d. provision for solution procedures for transportation and assignment problems
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Introduction

2. In a model, x1  0 and integer, x2  0, and x3 = 0, 1. Which solution would not be feasible?

a. x1 = 5, x2 = 3, x3 = 0
b. x1 = 4, x2 = .389, x3 = 1
c. x1 = 2, x2 = 3, x3 = .578
d. x1 = 0, x2 = 8, x3 = 0
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Introduction

3. Rounded solutions to linear programs must be evaluated for

a. feasibility and optimality.
b. sensitivity and duality.
c. relaxation and boundedness.
d. each of these choices are true.
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: LP relaxation

4. Rounding the solution of an LP Relaxation to the nearest integer values provides

a. a feasible but not necessarily optimal integer solution.
b. an integer solution that is optimal.
c. an integer solution that might be neither feasible nor optimal.
d. an infeasible solution.
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Graphical solution

5. The solution to the LP Relaxation of a maximization integer linear program provides

a. an upper bound for the value of the objective function.
b. a lower bound for the value of the objective function.
c. an upper bound for the value of the decision variables
d. a lower bound for the value of the decision variables
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Graphical solution

6. The graph of a problem that requires x1 and x2 to be integer has a feasible region
a. the same as its LP relaxation.
b. of dots.
c. of horizontal stripes.
d. of vertical stripes.
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Graphical solution

7. The 0-1 variables in the fixed cost models correspond to

a. a process for which a fixed cost occurs.
b. the number of products produced.
c. the number of units produced.
d. the actual value of the fixed cost.
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Fixed costs

8. Sensitivity analysis for integer linear programming

a. can be provided only by computer.
b. has precisely the same interpretation as that from linear programming.
c. does not have the same interpretation and should be disregarded.
d. is most useful for 0 - 1 models.
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Sensitivity analysis

9. Let x1 and x2 be 0 - 1 variables whose values indicate whether projects 1 and 2 are not done or are
done. Which answer below indicates that project 2 can be done only if project 1 is done?
a. x1 + x2 = 1
b. x1 + x2 = 2
c. x1  x2  0
d. x1  x2  0
ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Conditional and corequisite constraints

10. Let x1 , x2 , and x3 be 0 - 1 variables whose values indicate whether the projects are not done (0) or are
done (1). Which answer below indicates that at least two of the projects must be done?
a. x1 + x2 + x3  2
b. x1 + x2 + x3  2
c. x1 + x2 + x3 = 2
d. x1  x2 = 0
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: k out of n alternatives constraint

11. If the acceptance of project A is conditional on the acceptance of project B, and vice versa, the
appropriate constraint to use is a
a. multiple-choice constraint.
b. k out of n alternatives constraint.
c. mutually exclusive constraint.
d. corequisite constraint.
TOP: Modeling flexibility provided by 0-1 integer variables

12. In an all-integer linear program,

a. all objective function coefficients must be integer.
b. all right-hand side values must be integer.
c. all variables must be integer.
d. all objective function coefficients and right-hand side values must be integer.
ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Types of integer linear programming models

13. To perform sensitivity analysis involving an integer linear program, it is recommended to

a. use the dual prices very cautiously.
b. make multiple computer runs.
c. use the same approach as you would for a linear program.
d. use LP relaxation.
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: A cautionary note about sensitivity analysis

14. Modeling a fixed cost problem as an integer linear program requires

a. adding the fixed costs to the corresponding variable costs in the objective function.
b. using 0-1 variables.
c. using multiple-choice constraints.
d. using LP relaxation.
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Applications involving 0-1 variables

15. Most practical applications of integer linear programming involve

a. only 0-1 integer variables and not ordinary integer variables.
b. mostly ordinary integer variables and a small number of 0-1 integer variables.
c. only ordinary integer variables.
d. a near equal number of ordinary integer variables and 0-1 integer variables.
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Applications involving 0-1 variables

16. Assuming W1, W2 and W3 are 0 - 1 integer variables, the constraint W1 + W2 + W3 < 1 is often called a
a. multiple-choice constraint
b. mutually exclusive constraint
c. k out of n alternatives constraint
d. corequisite constraint
ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Mutually exclusive constraints

17. Which of the following applications modeled in the textbook does not involve only 0 - 1 integer
a. supply chain design
b. bank location
c. capital budgeting
d. product design and market share optimization
ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: 0 - 1 integer variables


1. The LP Relaxation contains the objective function and constraints of the IP problem, but drops all
integer restrictions.

ANS: T PTS: 1 TOP: LP relaxation

2. In general, rounding large values of decision variables to the nearest integer value causes fewer
problems than rounding small values.

ANS: T PTS: 1 TOP: LP relaxation

3. The solution to the LP Relaxation of a minimization problem will always be less than or equal to the
value of the integer program minimization problem.

ANS: F PTS: 1 TOP: Graphical solution

4. If the optimal solution to the LP relaxation problem is integer, it is the optimal solution to the integer
linear program.
ANS: T PTS: 1 TOP: LP relaxation

5. Slack and surplus variables are not useful in integer linear programs.

ANS: F PTS: 1 TOP: Capital budgeting

6. A multiple choice constraint involves selecting k out of n alternatives, where k  2.

ANS: F PTS: 1 TOP: Multiple choice constraint

7. In a model involving fixed costs, the 0 - 1 variable guarantees that the capacity is not available unless
the cost has been incurred.

ANS: T PTS: 1 TOP: Fixed costs

8. If x1 + x2  500y1 and y1 is 0 - 1, then if y1 is 0, x1 and x2 will be 0.

ANS: T PTS: 1 TOP: Supply chain design

9. The constraint x1 + x2 + x3 + x4  2 means that two out of the first four projects must be selected.

ANS: F PTS: 1 TOP: k out of n alternatives constraint

10. The constraint x1  x2 = 0 implies that if project 1 is selected, project 2 cannot be.

ANS: F PTS: 1 TOP: Conditional and corequisite constraints

11. The product design and market share optimization problem presented in the textbook is formulated as
a 0-1 integer linear programming model.

TOP: Product design and market share optimization problem

12. The objective of the product design and market share optimization problem presented in the textbook
is to choose the levels of each product attribute that will maximize the number of sampled customers
preferring the brand in question.

TOP: Product design and market share optimization problem

13. If a problem has only less-than-or-equal-to constraints with positive coefficients for the variables,
rounding down will always provide a feasible integer solution.

ANS: T PTS: 1 TOP: Rounding to obtain an integer solution

14. Dual prices cannot be used for integer programming sensitivity analysis because they are designed for
linear programs.

ANS: T PTS: 1 TOP: A cautionary note about sensitivity analysis

15. Some linear programming problems have a special structure that guarantees the variables will have
integer values.
ANS: T PTS: 1 TOP: Introduction to integer linear programming

16. Generally, the optimal solution to an integer linear program is less sensitive to the constraint
coefficients than is a linear program.

ANS: F PTS: 1 TOP: A cautionary note about sensitivity analysis

17. The classic assignment problem can be modeled as a 0-1 integer program.

ANS: T PTS: 1 TOP: Applications involving 0-1 variables

18. If Project 5 must be completed before Project 6, the constraint would be x5  x6  0.

ANS: F PTS: 1 TOP: Conditional and corequisite constraints

19. If the LP relaxation of an integer program has a feasible solution, then the integer program has a
feasible solution.

ANS: F PTS: 1 TOP: Rounding to obtain an integer solution

20. Multiple choice constraints involve binary variables.

ANS: T PTS: 1 TOP: Multiple choice and mutually exclusive constraints

21. Most practical applications of integer linear programming involve only 0 - 1 integer variables.

ANS: T PTS: 1 TOP: 0 - 1 integer variables

22. Integer linear programs are harder to solve than linear programs.

ANS: T PTS: 1 TOP: Introduction


1. The use of integer variables creates additional restrictions but provides additional flexibility. Explain.

Answer not provided.

PTS: 1 TOP: Introduction

2. Why are 0 - 1 variables sometimes called logical variables?

Answer not provided.

PTS: 1 TOP: Introduction

3. Give a verbal interpretation of each of these constraints in the context of a capital budgeting problem.
a. x1  x2  0
b. x1  x2 = 0
c. x1 + x2 + x3  2
Answer not provided.

PTS: 1 TOP: Capital budgeting

4. Explain how integer and 0-1 variables can be used in an objective function to minimize the sum of
fixed and variable costs for production on two machines.

Answer not provided.

PTS: 1 TOP: Supply chain design

5. Explain how integer and 0-1 variables can be used in a constraint to enable production.

Answer not provided.

PTS: 1 TOP: Supply chain design


1. Solve the following problem graphically.

Max 5x + 6y

s.t. 17x + 8y  136

3x + 4y  36
x, y  0 and integer

a. Graph the constraints for this problem. Indicate all feasible solutions.
b. Find the optimal solution to the LP Relaxation. Round down to find a feasible integer
solution. Is this solution optimal?
c. Find the optimal solution.


a. The feasible region is those integer values in the space labeled feasible region.
b. Optimal LP relaxed occurs at x = 5.818, y = 4.636, with obj. func. = 56.909.
Rounded down solution occurs at x = 5, y = 4, obj. func. = 49.
c. Optimal solution is at x = 4, y = 6, and obj. func. = 56.

PTS: 1 TOP: Graphical solution

2. Solve the following problem graphically.

Max x + 2y

s.t. 6x + 8y  48
7x + 5y  35
x, y  0 and y is integer

a. Graph the constraints for this problem. Indicate all feasible solutions.
b. Find the optimal solution to the LP Relaxation. Round down to find a feasible integer
solution. Is this solution optimal?
c. Find the optimal solution.


a. The feasible region consists of the portions of the horizontal lines that lie within the area
labeled F. R.
b. The optimal relaxed solution is at x = 1.538, y = 4.846 where obj. func. = 11.231.
The rounded solution is x = 1.538, y = 4.
c. The optimal solution is at x = 2.667, y = 4, obj. func. = 10.667.

PTS: 1 TOP: Graphical solution

3. Solve the following problem graphically.

Min 6x + 11y

s.t. 9x + 3y  27
7x + 6y  42
4x + 8y  32
x, y  0 and integer

a. Graph the constraints for this problem. Indicate all feasible solutions.
b. Find the optimal solution to the LP Relaxation. Round up to find a feasible integer
solution. Is this solution optimal?
c. Find the optimal solution.


a. The feasible region is the set of integer points in the area labeled feasible region.
b. The optimal relaxed solution is at x = 4.5, y = 1.75, and obj. func. = 46.25.
The rounded solution is x = 5, y = 2.
c. The optimal solution is at x = 6, y = 1, and obj. func. = 47.

PTS: 1 TOP: Graphical solution

4. Consider a capital budgeting example with five projects from which to select. Let xi = 1 if project i is
selected, 0 if not, for i = 1,...,5. Write the appropriate constraint(s) for each condition. Conditions are
a. Choose no fewer than three projects.
b. If project 3 is chosen, project 4 must be chosen.
c. If project 1 is chosen, project 5 must not be chosen.
d. Projects cost 100, 200, 150, 75, and 300 respectively. The budget is 450.
e. No more than two of projects 1, 2, and 3 can be chosen.


a. x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5  3
b. x3  x4  0
c. x1 + x5  1
d. 100x1 + 200x2 + 150x3 + 75x4 + 300x5  450
e. x1 + x2 + x3  2

PTS: 1 TOP: Capital budgeting

5. Grush Consulting has five projects to consider. Each will require time in the next two quarters
according to the table below.

Project Time in first quarter Time in second quarter Revenue

A 5 8 12000
B 3 12 10000
C 7 5 15000
D 2 3 5000
E 15 1 20000
Revenue from each project is also shown. Develop a model whose solution would maximize revenue,
meet the time budget of 25 in the first quarter and 20 in the second quarter, and not do both projects C
and D.

Let A = 1 if project A is selected, 0 otherwise; same for B, C, D, and E

Max 12000A + 10000B + 15000C + 5000D + 20000E

s.t. 5A + 3B + 7C + 2D + 15E  25
8A + 12B + 5C + 3D + 1E  20

PTS: 1 TOP: Capital budgeting

6. The Westfall Company has a contract to produce 10,000 garden hoses for a large discount chain.
Westfall has four different machines that can produce this kind of hose. Because these machines are
from different manufacturers and use differing technologies, their specifications are not the same.

Fixed Cost to Set Variable Cost

Machine Up Production Run Per Hose Capacity
1 750 1.25 6000
2 500 1.50 7500
3 1000 1.00 4000
4 300 2.00 5000

a. This problem requires two different kinds of decision variables. Clearly define each kind.
b. The company wants to minimize total cost. Give the objective function.
c. Give the constraints for the problem.
d. Write a constraint to ensure that if machine 4 is used, machine 1 cannot be.


a. Let Pi = the number of hoses produced on machine i

Ui = 1 if machine i is used, = 0 otherwise
b. Min 750U1 + 500U2 + 1000U3 + 300U4 + 1.25P 1 + 1.5P2 + P3 + 2P4
c. P1  6000U1 or P1  6000U1  0
P2  7500U2 or P2  7500U2  0
P3  4000U3 or P3  4000U3  0
P4  5000U4 or P4  5000U4  0
P1 + P2 + P3 + P4  10000
c. U1 + U4  1

PTS: 1 TOP: Fixed costs

7. Hansen Controls has been awarded a contract for a large number of control panels. To meet this
demand, it will use its existing plants in San Diego and Houston, and consider new plants in Tulsa, St.
Louis, and Portland. Finished control panels are to be shipped to Seattle, Denver, and Kansas City.
Pertinent information is given in the table.

Shipping Cost to Destination:

Construction Kansas
Sources Cost Seattle Denver City Capacity
San Diego ---- 5 7 8 2,500
Houston ---- 10 8 6 2,500
Tulsa 350,000 9 4 3 10,000
St. Louis 200,000 12 6 2 10,000
Portland 480,000 4 10 11 10,000
Demand 3,000 8,000 9,000

Develop a model whose solution would reveal which plants to build and the optimal shipping


Let Pij = the number of panels shipped from source i to destination j

Bi = 1 if plant i is built, = 0 otherwise (i = 3, 4, 5)

Min 350000B3 + 200000B4 + 480000B5 + 5P11 + 7P12 + 8P13 + 10P21 + 8P22 + 6P23
+ 9P31 + 4P32 + 3P33 + 12P41 + 6P42 + 2P43 + 4P51 + 10P52 + 11P53

s.t. P11 + P12 + P13  2500

P21 + P22 + P23  2500
P31 + P32 + P33  10000B3
P41 + P42 + P43  10000B4
P51 + P52 + P53  10000B5
P11 + P21 + P31 + P41 + P51 = 3000
P12 + P22 + P32 + P42 + P52 = 8000
P13 + P23 + P33 + P43 + P53 = 9000

PTS: 1 TOP: Supply chain design

8. Simplon Manufacturing must decide on the processes to use to produce 1650 units. If machine 1 is
used, its production will be between 300 and 1500 units. Machine 2 and/or machine 3 can be used only
if machine 1's production is at least 1000 units. Machine 4 can be used with no restrictions.

Fixed Variable Minimum Maximum

Machine cost cost Production Production
1 500 2.00 300 1500
2 800 0.50 500 1200
3 200 3.00 100 800
4 50 5.00 any any

(HINT: Use an additional 0 - 1 variable to indicate when machines 2 and 3 can be used.)


Let Ui = the number of units made by machine i

Si = 1 if machine i is used (requiring a set-up), = 0 otherwise
K = 1 if machine 1 produces at least 1000 units, = 0 otherwise

Min 500S1 + 2U1 + 800S2 + 5U2 + 200S3 + 3U3 + 50S4 + 5U4

s.t. U1  300S1
U1  1500S1
U1  1000K
S2  K
S3  K
U2  500S2
U2  1200S2
U3  100S3
U3  800S3
U4  1650S4
U1 + U 2 + U3 + U4 = 1650

PTS: 1 TOP: Supply chain design

9. Your express package courier company is drawing up new zones for the location of drop boxes for
customers. The city has been divided into the seven zones shown below. You have targeted six possible
locations for drop boxes. The list of which drop boxes could be reached easily from each zone is listed

Zone Can Be Served By Locations:

Downtown Financial 1, 2, 5, 6
Downtown Legal 2, 4, 5
Retail South 1, 2, 4, 6
Retail East 3, 4, 5
Manufacturing North 1, 2, 5
Manufacturing East 3, 4
Corporate West 1, 2, 6

Let xi = 1 if drop box location i is used, 0 otherwise. Develop a model to provide the smallest number
of locations yet make sure that each zone is covered by at least two boxes.


Min xi

s.t. x1 + x2 + x5 + x6  2
x2 + x4 + x5  2
x1 + x2 + x4 + x6  2
x3 + x4 + x5  2
x1 + x2 + x5  2
x3 + x4  2
x1 + x2 + x6  2

PTS: 1 TOP: Applications of integer linear programming

10. Consider the problem faced by a summer camp recreation director who is trying to choose activities
for a rainy day. Information about possible choices is given in the table below.

Popularity Popularity with

Category Activity Time with Campers Counselors
Art 1 - Painting 30 4 2
2 - Drawing 20 5 2
3 - Nature craft 30 3 1
Music 4 - Rhythm band 20 5 5
Sports 5 - Relay races 45 2 1
6 - Basketball 60 1 3
Computer 7 - Internet 45 1 1
8 - Creative writing 30 4 3
9 - Games 40 1 2

a. Give a general definition of the variables necessary in this problem so that each activity
can be considered for inclusion in the day's schedule.
b. The popularity ratings are defined so that 1 is the most popular. If the objective is to keep
the campers happy, what should the objective function be?

Write constraints for these restrictions:

c. At most one art activity can be done.
d. No more than two computer activities can be done.
e. If basketball is chosen, then the music must be chosen.
f. At least 120 minutes of activities must be selected.
g. No more than 165 minutes of activities may be selected.
h. To keep the staff happy, the counselor rating should be no higher than 10.


a. Let xi = 1 if activity i is chosen, 0 if not, for i = 1, ... , 9

b. Max 4x1 + 5x2 + 3x3 + 5x4 + 2x5 + 1x6 + 1x7 + 4x8 + 1x9
c. x1 + x2 + x3  1
d. x7 + x8 + x9  2
e. x6  x4
f. 30x1 + 20x2 + 30x3 + 20x4 + 45x5 + 60x6 + 45x7 + 30x8 + 40x9  120
g. 30x1 + 20x 2 + 30x3 + 20x4 + 45x5 + 60x6 + 45x7 + 30x8 + 40x9  165
h. 2x1 + 2x2 + 1x3 + 5x4 + 1x5 + 3x6 + 1x7 + 3x8 + 2x9  10

PTS: 1 TOP: Applications of integer programming

11. Tower Engineering Corporation is considering undertaking several proposed projects for the next fiscal
year. The projects, the number of engineers and the number of support personnel required for each
project, and the expected profits for each project are summarized in the following table:

1 2 3 4 5 6
Engineers Required 20 55 47 38 90 63
Support Personnel Required 15 45 50 40 70 70
Profit ($1,000,000s) 1.0 1.8 2.0 1.5 3.6 2.2

Formulate an integer program that maximizes Tower's profit subject to the following management
1) Use no more than 175 engineers
2) Use no more than 150 support personnel
3) If either project 6 or project 4 is done, both must be done
4) Project 2 can be done only if project 1 is done
5) If project 5 is done, project 3 must not be done and vice versa
6) No more than three projects are to be done.

Max P1 + 1.8P2 + 2P3 + 1.5P4 + 3.6P5 + 2.2P6

s.t. 20P1 + 55P2 + 47P3 + 38P4 + 90P5 + 63P6  175

15P1 + 45P2 + 50P3 + 40P4 + 70P5 + 70P6  150
P4  P6 = 0
P1  P2  0
P3 + P5  1
P1 + P2 + P3 + P4 + P5 + P6  3
Pi = 0 or 1

PTS: 1 TOP: Applications of integer programming

12. Given the following all-integer linear program:

Max 3x1 + 2x2

s.t. 3x1 + x2  9
x1 + 3x2  7
x1 + x2  1
x1, x2  0 and integer

a Solve the problem as a linear program ignoring the integer constraints. Show that the
optimal solution to the linear program gives fractional values for both x1 and x2.
b. What is the solution obtained by rounding fractions greater than of equal to 1/2 to the next
larger number? Show that this solution is not a feasible solution.
c. What is the solution obtained by rounding down all fractions? Is it feasible?
d. Enumerate all points in the linear programming feasible region in which both x1 and x2 are
integers, and show that the feasible solution obtained in (c) is not optimal and that in fact
the optimal integer is not obtained by any form of rounding.


a. From the graph on the next page, the optimal solution to the linear program is x1 = 2.5,
x2 = 1.5, obj. func. = 10.5.
b. By rounding the optimal solution of x1 = 2.5, x2 = 1.5 to x1 = 3, x2 = 2, this point lies
outside the feasible region.
c. By rounding the optimal solution down to x1 = 2, x2 = 1, we see that this solution indeed is
an integer solution within the feasible region, and substituting in the objective function, it
gives obj. func. = 8.
d. There are eight feasible integer solutions in the linear programming feasible region with
obj. func. values as follows:

x1 x2 Obj.Func.
1. 0 0 0
2. 1 0 3
3. 2 0 6
4. 3 0 9 optimal
5. 0 1 2
6. 1 1 5
7. 2 1 8 part (c) solution
8. 1 2 7

x1 = 3, x2 = 0 is the optimal solution. Rounding the LP solution (x1 = 2.5, x2 = 1.5) would
not have been optimal.

PTS: 1 TOP: Rounding to obtain an integer solution

13. Tom's Tailoring has five idle tailors and four custom garments to make. The estimated time (in hours)
it would take each tailor to make each garment is listed below. (An 'X' in the table indicates an
unacceptable tailor-garment assignment.)

Garment 1 2 3 4 5
Wedding gown 19 23 20 21 18
Clown costume 11 14 X 12 10
Admiral's uniform 12 8 11 X 9
Bullfighter's outfit X 20 20 18 21

Formulate and solve an integer program for determining the tailor-garment assignments that minimize
the total estimated time spent making the four garments. No tailor is to be assigned more than one
garment and each garment is to be worked on by only one tailor.

Define the decision variables:
xij = 1 if garment i is assigned to tailor j; = 0 otherwise.
Number of decision variables = [(number of garments)(number of tailors)]
 (number of unacceptable assignments) = [4(5)]  3 = 17.
Define the objective function:
Minimize total time spent making garments:
Min 19x11 + 23x12 + 20x13 + 21x14 + 18x15 + 11x21 + 14x22 + 12x24 + 10x25
+ 12x31 + 8x32 + 11x33 + 9x35 + 20x42 + 20x43 + 18x44 + 21x45
Define the constraints:
Exactly one tailor per garment: No more than one garment per tailor:
1) x11 + x12 + x13 + x14 + x15 = 1 5) x11 + x21 + x31  1
2) x21 + x22 + x 24 + x25 = 1 6) x12 + x22 + x32 + x42  1
3) x31 + x32 + x33 + x35 = 1 7) x13 + x33 + x43  1
4) x42 + x43 + x44 + x45 = 1 8) x14 + x24 + x44  1
9) x15 + x25 + x35 + x45  1
Nonnegativity: xij  0 for i = 1,..,4 and j = 1,..,5
Optimal Solution:
Assign wedding gown to tailor 5
Assign clown costume to tailor 1
Assign admiral uniform to tailor 2
Assign bullfighter outfit to tailor 4
Total time spent = 55 hours

PTS: 1 TOP: Assignment problem

14. Market Pulse Research has conducted a study for Lucas Furniture on some designs for a new
commercial office desk. Three attributes were found to be most influential in determining which desk
is most desirable: number of file drawers, the presence or absence of pullout writing boards, and
simulated wood or solid color finish. Listed below are the part-worths for each level of each attribute
provided by a sample of 7 potential Lucas customers.

File Drawers Pullout Writing Boards Finish

Consumer 0 1 2 Present Absent Simul. Wood Solid Color
1 5 26 20 18 11 17 10
2 18 11 5 12 16 15 26
3 4 16 22 7 13 11 19
4 12 8 4 18 9 22 14
5 19 9 3 4 14 30 19
6 6 15 21 8 17 20 11
7 9 6 3 13 5 16 28

Suppose the overall utility (sum of part-worths) of the current favorite commercial office desk is 50 for
each customer. What is the product design that will maximize the share of choices for the seven sample
participants? Formulate and solve, using Lindo or Excel, this 0 - 1 integer programming problem.

Define the decision variables:
There are 7 lij decision variables, one for each level of attribute.
lij = 1 if Lucas chooses level i for attribute j; 0 otherwise.
There are 7 Yk decision variables, one for each consumer in the sample.
Yk = 1 if consumer k chooses the Lucas brand, 0 otherwise.
Define the objective function:
Maximize the number of consumers preferring the Lucas brand desk.
Max Y1 + Y2 + Y3 + Y4 + Y5 + Y6 + Y7
Define the constraints:
There is one constraint for each consumer in the sample.
5l11 + 26l21 + 20l31 + 18l12 + 11l22 + 17l13 + 10l23  50Y1  1
18l11 + 11l21 + 5l31 + 12l12 + 16l22 + 15l13 + 26l23  50Y2  1
4l11 + 16l21 + 22l31 + 7l12 + 13l22 + 11l13 + 19l23  50Y3  1
12l11 + 8l21 + 4l31 + 18l12 + 9l22 + 22l13 + 14l23  50Y4  1
19l11 + 9l21 + 3l31 + 4l12 + 14l22 + 30l13 + 19l23  50Y5  1
6l11 + 15l21 + 21l31 + 8l12 + 17l22 + 20l13 + 11l23  50Y6  1
9l11 + 6l21 + 3l31 + 13l12 + 5l22 + 16l13 + 28l23  50Y7  1
There is one constraint for each attribute.
l11 + l21 + l31 = 1
l12 + l22 = 1
l13 + l23 = 1
Optimal Solution:
Lucas should choose these product features:

1 file drawer (I21 = 1)

No pullout writing boards (I22 = 1)
Simulated wood finish (I13 = 1)

Three sample participants would choose the Lucas design:

Participant 1 (Y1 = 1)
Participant 5 (Y5 = 1)
Participant 6 (Y6 = 1)

PTS: 1 TOP: Product design and market share optimization

15. Kloos Industries has projected the availability of capital over each of the next three years to be
$850,000, $1,000,000, and $1,200,000, respectively. It is considering four options for the disposition
of the capital:
(1) Research and development of a promising new product
(2) Plant expansion
(3) Modernization of its current facilities
(4) Investment in a valuable piece of nearby real estate

Monies not invested in these projects in a given year will NOT be available for following year's
investment in the projects. The expected benefits three years hence from each of the four projects and
the yearly capital outlays of the four options are summarized in the table below in $1,000,000's.

In addition, Kloos has decided to undertake exactly two of the projects, and if plant expansion is
selected, it will also modernize its current facilities.

Capital Outlays Projected

Options Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Benefits
New Product R&D .35 .55 .75 5.2
Plant Expansion .50 .50 0 3.6
Modernization .35 .40 .45 3.2
Real Estate .50 0 0 2.8

Formulate and solve this problem as a binary programming problem.


Max 5.2x1 + 3.6x2 + 3.2x3 + 2.8x4

s.t. .35x1 + .50x2 + .35x3 + .50x4  0.85 (First Year)

.55x1 + .50x2 + .40x3  1.00 (Second Year)
.75x 1 + .45x3  1.20 (Third Year)
x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 2
x2 + x3 0
xi = 0 or 1

Solution: x1 = 1, x2 = 0, x3 = 1, x4 = 0, Total projected benefits = $8.4 million.

PTS: 1 TOP: Capital budgeting

16. Given the following all-integer linear program:

Max 15x1 + 2x2

s. t. 7x1 + x2 < 23
3x1 - x2 < 5
x1, x2 > 0 and integer

a. Solve the problem as an LP, ignoring the integer constraints.

b. What solution is obtained by rounding up fractions greater than or equal to 1/2? Is this the optimal
integer solution?
c. What solution is obtained by rounding down all fractions? Is this the optimal integer solution?
d. Show that the optimal objective function value for the ILP is lower than that for the optimal LP.
e. Why is the optimal objective function value for the ILP problem always less than or equal to the
corresponding LP's optimal objective function value? When would they be equal? Comment on
the MILP's optimal objective function compared to the corresponding LP & ILP.

a. x1 = 2.8, x2 = 3.4, Obj. func. = 48.8
b. x1 = 3, x2 = 3 ---> infeasible
c. x1 = 2, x2 = 3 ---> feasible but not optimal
d. Optimal x1 = 2, x2 = 9, Obj. func. = 48 < 48.8
e. Additional integer constraints restrict the feasible region further; optimal solution values: ILP <
Mixed ILP < LP.

PTS: 1 TOP: LP relaxation

17. A business manager for a grain distributor is asked to decide how many containers of each of two
grains to purchase to fill its 1,600 pound capacity warehouse. The table below summarizes the
container size, availability, and expected profit per container upon distribution.

Container Containers Container

Grain Size Available Profit
A 500 lbs. 3 $1,200
B 600 lbs. 2 $1,500

a. Formulate as a linear program with the decision variables representing the number of containers
purchased of each grain. Solve for the optimal solution.
b. What would be the optimal solution if you were not allowed to purchase fractional containers?
c. There are three possible results from rounding an LP solution to obtain an integer solution:
(1) the rounded optimal LP solution will be the optimal IP solution;
(2) the rounded optimal LP solution gives a feasible, but not optimal IP solution;
(3) the rounded optimal LP solution is an infeasible IP solution.

For this problem (i) round down all fractions; (ii) round up all fractions; (iii) round off (to the
nearest integer) all fractions (NOTE: Two of these are equivalent.) Which result above (1, 2, or 3)
occurred under each rounding method?

a. 4/5 container of Grain A, 2 containers of Grain B, $3960
b. 2 containers of Grain A, 1 container of Grain B, $3900
c. (i) Round down all fractions: For (0,2) the result is (feasible but not optimal)
(ii) Round up all fractions: For (1,2) the result is (infeasible)
(iii) Round off all fractions: For (1,2) the result is (infeasible)

PTS: 1 TOP: LP relaxation

18. Given the following all-integer linear programming problem:

Max 3x1 + 10x2

s. t. 2x1 + x2 < 5
x1 + 6x2 < 9
x1 - x2 > 2
x1, x2 > 0 and integer

a. Solve the problem graphically as a linear program.

b. Show that there is only one integer point and it is optimal.
c. Suppose the third constraint was changed to x1 - x2 > 2.1. What is the new optimal solution to the

a. x1 = 7/3, x2 = 1/3, obj. func. = 31/3
b. x1 = 2, x2 = 0, obj. func. = 6
c. L.P. -- optimal solution changes slightly; ILP -- infeasible

PTS: 1 TOP: LP relaxation

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