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Accident/Near Miss alert and learning report 2/5/2014 : 3:18 AM

Site: Beaumont Mill Local: EAF Process: EAF Melt Shop

Potential: A Own Contractor Internal External

Responsible: Todd Concienne Phone: 409.769.1078

E-mail: Todd Concienne


Safety Actual Property Damage

Description of event
At 3:18 AM on Wednesday February 5th, an explosion happened in the Electric Arc Furnace

EAF was just in to refine at the time of explosion

Furnace operators followed the “Water in the EAF Emergency Procedure”, consistent with the Molten Metal Critical Guideline, prior to
the explosion, stopping EAF operation, raising blast shield, and evacuated the area when water was recognized

No injuries occurred

Operator stopped water flow to EAF roof, superstructure, shell, and evacuation duct but
COULD NOT stop the flow of water from the Lance Manipulator as it is not incorporated in to the EAF Emergency Water Shutoff

The Evacuation Duct on the EAF was ejected from the roof on to the sump area, the EAF roof was damaged as was other auxiliary

Due to the amount of water that entered the EAF prior to, and after the explosion a refractory patch was initially done until the EAF was
cleared of steel and then an in depth refractory inspection and reline was conducted

Investigation determined that the Lance Manipulator was damaged during a reaction in the EAF and the flow of water could not be

Injury / Loss / Damage

Damage to the EAF roof, elbow, lance manipulator, and charge machine.

Immediate Actions and Communications

Inspect EAF refractory for damage/water infiltration

Inspect EAF water cooled components for damage

Assess Mechanical and Electrical damage

Drain EAF for complete refractory inspection

Root Causes
Barrier - Physical Conditions:

Barrier - Management System:

Barrier - Behavior:

Natures: Safety
Description: There was a large amount of water entering the EAF;
- Water flow could not be immediately stopped from the Lance

The water cooled lance manipulator was damaged;

there was not a remote Emergency Water Shutoff for the lance

There was a reaction in the EAF, just behind the breast block, that damaged the lance
Emergency water shutoff controls for the lance manipulator was not considered because it is separate water system from EAF

Main Preventive Actions:

Install remote water shutoff for lance manipulator and integrate in to existing Emergency Water Controls

Review incident with all operating crews emphasizing early detection/indications of water in EAF

Look for alternative to water cooled Lance Manipulator

Evacuation elbow ejected on to sump lance manipulator, cause of explosion

Damaged lance manipulator during EAF reation Charge machine damaged

Damaged EAF without elbow

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