Essential English Grammar

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NEW EDITION Essential ETE Sy PTT TT ee Tel and practice book for elementary students Co) TE) [WITH ANSWERS | Raymond Murphy a ed Contents ve just Thaven't... yet nd di (pat isbeing done has been done (pusive 2) be hnave/do in presen + Regu regular verbs What are you doing tomorrow ‘going to mill shall 1 ean and could fost roasin't neodn't Would you like Va like there wat/were there is/have been there will be «4 c 30 wo 2 8 4 6 % a 8 50 51 5 3 55 56 37 58 2 o 61 a 6 6 % 6 8 7 n 2 B m4 ® %6 n ”® » 80 81 2 5 Iam Idon’e ts Have you? Are you? Don’t you? ct tooveither so aml / neither do Tt im't haven't dow't et. (negatives isit...? haveyou...? do they... ex. (questions!) ‘Who saw you? Who did you see? Guesions 9) ‘Who is she talking to? What is it ike? (questions 3) What...?Which...? How...? How long does it take Do you know where .. 7 I'don't know what She ssid that... He told me that work/working go/going do/doing to (Lwant to do) and -ing (1 enjoy doing) Kant you to... Told you to» went tothe shop to B00. goon. goer. going eet do and make have Wme he/him —chey/them ex my ether ete Whote its? es imine/yours/bers ct. Tame my‘mine ‘myself yourself themselves et 8nm’s camera / my brother's car) tc. flowers) _bus(es)(singularand plural) car’ some money (countale/countable 1) 2 car /some money (countbie/uicounable2) ‘v/an snd the the {g0 €0 work / go home / go to the cinema Tike music| “Thateexamie the... osmes ofplace) this/that/ehese those some and any ynot+any no none ‘not + anybody/anyone/anything nobedy/no-one/nothing somebody’ anyehing/nowhere ct every and all most some any no/none both either neither IGE tos coma, (@) litte (a) few 96 8 99 100 ol 103 108 105, 106, 107 108 109 0 ML 112 U3 is old/nice interesting etc. (adjectives) ‘sickly badly/suddenly cx (adver) Old older expensive / more expensive ‘older that... more expensive thas. not as a8 the olde enough He speaks English very well (word order 1) heap ually often te. (ord omer 2) Sei yee already Give mie that book! Give it ro me! at o'clock on Monday in April from ..t0 until since for before” after” during while in at on (plicest) in at 0 (places: fo in at (laces tunder behind opposite es. (prepositions) up over dhrough etc. (prepostions) fon at by with about (preposition) afiaid of... good at ete. preposition + Ing (good at-ing et.) Tistento.. Tookat...cte (wtb + preposition) the most expensive goin fall off rum away etc. (phrasal verbs 1) Pat om yourshoes put your shoes om (peal verbs 2) and but or 30 because When Iwe go. you see. ete Uthad... If we went 2. et ‘person awh wa thing that/which (ative clauses 1) tie people we met "the hoel you stayed at (eave clases 2) Appendices ‘Apendie | Active and passive 289 ‘Appendix? Lisoftrepuar vets 240 ‘Appencix 3 Iregularvertnin groups 281 Appendix 4 Short forms (hes /TW/ don't ewe) — 242 ‘Appendix Spelling 246 Append 6 Phratal verbs look out /take offetc) 246 Appendix? Phew verb + objec (ll i form / put out sfive ete.) 247 ‘Additional exercises 248 Koy 0 Esercies 268, Hey to Additional screies 293 Index 296 A am/is/are = not marded (im Americao: Pan fom SSS Pom pre (eis rite colour Be) Gmasuden aye (My Groarte pars are) = Miyahara cor ny Inotherte youre J ON ieeeecteery Be peste ezine ei Tam noe (mnoe) he) de e (hc¥not or heim’) se] Ge Se] moe Shenae Sky a Gs z hee ea eo) = ee eee me Gouree) mie not (yout not or you aren") bas therm | | oy time aiieyaretD 1 has cold. Can you close the window, pln? Pi 3 years old. My sheers 29 1 My brothers very tl, He’ a policeman, John i afd of dg, Ie en of clck, Youre ae agin, 2 c, san and Lare good fiends, 18 Your Leys are on the lle 1 Those people aren't Friis. They've Austalian (Fe sunnyeoday bot et wart, eis dhe there is her's = here fs ‘© Thank you. Thats very kind of you ‘ok! There Chis. (9 Hers your key! "Thank you 10} amfcavegesion) > EIR] shoe nce > ES] fom > OEY " 2 u “4 18 18 EXERCISES 1 ito the spr form she's / we aren't te), 1 sheis she's 3 ieisnot 5 Tam noe 2 they ate 4 chats 6 youarenot Putinam, for are 1 The weather. # nice today, 5 Look! There... Caro 21. not ded, 6 My brother and I... good tennis players. 3 Thishag heavy 7 Ann athome. Her children at choo. 4 Thesebagy ey BT ataxdeiver. Mysiter a mune Wet ful srtaness. Use Is’ Var/aran' 1 (yourshoes very dry) Your shoes. are very dirty. 2 my brother teacher) My 3 thishouse noe very bi) the shops aot open toy) 5 my hey in my bay) 6 Jenny 18 year old) 7 (you noe ery tl) Loot Lis’ sentences (Unit 18). How write sentences abou! yoursel 1 (name) My 6 Gvourite colour or colour?) 2 1 My 3 1 7 Gotoroued in) 4 ob) I 5 marcied?) 1 Wit sentancesforthe pictures. Use: afraid angry cold hot hungry thirsty TREO ay iE | = 1 She's Yasty 3 He 5 2 They 4 6 Writer sontencs, postive or negative. Useam /am not/Is/Is'/ ae / ran. Vm interested (OR nab inbrested) in polities, 1 (t/interenedin politic) 2 (7 hungry) 1 3 (it/ warm tod) Ie 4 /aaid of dop) 5 (ay hands / cold) 5 (Camda / avery big counery) 7 (diamonds / cheap) 8 (17 intrested in football) 9 (Rome in Spain) i am/is/are (questions) EXERCISES 2 21 Fest ig anes fort questo 1 Whew tienen? 7 London 16 A pov Petts 2 ngourear toe? Bh Nos, 2 3 elinds foo Londoo? | | © Yer yous. 3 cea (aaa aR pases oe ; he } ( Gis you manic) 5 Where Ann fom? E Dl 3 ate bie tof her Tn 6 Wharcoloorisyourbag? | | F Novis back é : ® ‘Na Fs 2 Acyouboney G ingourbig 5 as ce (How old are you 6 How is George? H Novshes American, | 8 acoso x 9 Whot that woman 1 Vary wel 5 they I { oe \aopetnnaien Fm) Gis) 22 cueing wes wrt, Ura @ ‘Am [latc? "No, you're on time! 1 (at home / your mother?) 6, your mother ab home?. S$ stayour nother scheme? Noy dhe oa 2 (yourpareny/ well) ‘Ae our pares weil? Ars your paronsarhome?” “Ni dhey We out 3 imereng / your 6 akeealdinyour room "Yea 4 heshogn open ody) ‘Youc oes are nce Are they nc? 5 interes in por” y) wey (oeahere/the ps fie?) Is shesthome?/ fs your mother ac home? (ns athome your moter?) rchool your ce) 3 Are they new? / Are your shoes new” (wt Aree your shoe”) (why you at ial ee Aaa 22 complaetne queston, Ue Wha. Wie... Whee. How OMe eye indice? 6 “What ane at ee 1 (______-Fisate-yourparen?) [Thos vey wall 3 Whet colour is yourca” Se How otis joo? Hes 24" 2 Thebursop? | | Attic end ofthe sect. 8 How are your pars? Are they well 3 Why are young? 3 Frc a en, "How much are thee posciss? iy pence: 3 : dia what's what le who's whos how's = howls ‘where = whcande: 5 your favourite sport? | ‘@ What dhetine? «Who thitiman? ‘ eee la | © Where's Jill? © How's your fither? eee 24 itete questions (Reade answers fist) @ ” eae ae a AS ac) Wha ar rac? be hes be 2 | fara orsingh Terre Ele [|a( BB faremldilen | ean [zee ae a ied - 4 | (how old?) Pm 30, we wee ve 3 | Greacher | | Nast atryer = No sor fae or ar. § | iat Nostehadoig: ey poe fa trom) Shes an a "i tle 5 ana “Are you sed?” You Lam. Steven ‘Are you busy?” "Nam not but Pn tint? ‘ts your friend Enplish?” “Yes, he is. 25 writeshort answers (Yes, 1am. /No, he is’. et.) ‘Acetic our kept? Yo they hates 4 oes 1 Aw you matciet? Noam 4 Ate yourtands cold? (2 "Thacy nyeaeNo,ie in 2 Avejou thing 5 ican now? 5 eiecolleaay? 6 Aegon stench? (02) evar Yano =o EY wha whlch ow oo ETL ts {am doing (present continuous) a 2 ‘She fan’t reading. ‘The sur font shining. ‘They aren't walking. “The present continsons anvis/are + doing/exting/ansing/ writing Tam (od) ing Pm working he Chris is veritng a Jeter, she | is (ot) ing She fs’ eating. (oS * ‘The phoue is tinging, ‘not eating) = Siete ieee oe glen (oo) ing You're motioning to. (You are’. they The children are doing their homesork. Bie eee ee eee [rm nor watching elevison re '¢ Please be quiet. Pm working, (= Fim working now) [Look at Sie! She's wearing ner new ht. (= she wearing tno) ‘The weather ince athe moment. I's not raining "Where aro the chien?” "They're playing inthe park? (on the phone) We're having dinner now. Can you phone again ter? You cam turnoff the television. Pm not watching it Spling Appendix) : come —>coming —write—> writing dance -> dancing. fon ramming sitting swim > swimmi He >iying ova => EE) te yo dg? (etn) = (SEY Tm doing ot do = EIEN [14] Whacwe you den ome? => EES ur EXERCISES 3 41 _Whataretese peope doing? Use these verbs to compete the sentences: feu have tie play sit wait laGlck reat ‘a the abe fora bs Fatbl 42 Comploe he santoness. Uso oe of these vert: tmuild cook go. have stand stay swim work 4 Please be quit. 1m werking. 2: Where' John? ‘Hes in che kitchen, He 3 “Yau. ‘ny ace! "OR, en tery $ Look! Somebody in the viet 5 Wers her on holiday. We the Cental Hote i "Wheres Ann?” “She eho 7 They anew dheatve fa the ety centre atthe moment. on now: Goodbye 443 Lookatt pct, Wastes sou. Use he's or Sh ng tare dine). dme lo avg de. (ie lig) hs alg eel 3 fico ne lor Se (ests heal (afte es) toa Garni Cel 34 What'shappeing atthe memont? Wr true sentences 1 (U/-wash / my hg) nok washing my had 2 lic suow) IB enening. OR It ian rowing, 3 (U/sie/ on a bai 40/8) 6 (learn / Engi) 7 (U/l / rms) 5 (the som shine) 9-117 wea / show) 10 1/ read /a newspaper 31

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