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Nama : I Gede Arya Gumilang

NIM : 2115323081
Kelas : 1A Manajemen Informatika

Artificial Intelligence Project

Artificial intelligence is a technique that enables machines to mimic human behaviors,
is that it teory and development to computer system which is eval the box from task normally
requiring human intelligence such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making,
and translation between languages. And this is the top 20 artificial intelligence project ideas.
1. Chat bot.
a chatbot is an artificial intelligence software that can start a conversation with a user
through messaging applications, websites, mobile apps or through the telephone.

2. Music Recommendation App.

music recommendation app which can also be known as Music recommendation
engine makes it quicker and easier to show the music recommendations that are
tailored to each user's interests and preferences.

3. Stock Prediction
you can make estimation, guesses and informed forecasts based on the data we have
in the present and past regarding the stocks. Create an application that analyses the
trends and the stock market and offers data driven insight.

4. Social Media Suggestions

Al is being used in all the popular social networks that we use on a day to day basics.
You can create a project which can do any of the following tasks, like suggest the
users to connect with people they might know, suggest them some content they might
like to watch, or suggest some products they might be interested in.

5. Identify Inappropriate Language and Hate Speech

use Al to identify the text content and then compare it to content that's already been
removed as hate speech. So, design an Al system that looks at things like the text in a
post, the reactions and comments to the post, and how closely it matches common
phrases of a hate speech.

6. Lane Line Detection.

this lane line detection technique is used in many self-driving autonomous vehicles as
well as line- following robots. You can use computer vision techniques such as colour
thresholding to detect the lanes and Al to teach the vehicle to go in a particular lane.
7. Monitoring Crop Health
Al can be used to monitor the health of the crop and check for diseases, by using
various images of plants that had the same diseases. So, when a user collects the
image of the plants it will be matched with a images that are already stored and then
diagnosis the particular diseases.

8. Medical Diagnosis
Al is increasingly becoming an important tool for analysing risk, identifying hotspots
in chronic disease, and accounting for the social determinants of health. You can use
Al to diagnosis diseases such as cancer, quicker and more effectively.

9. AI Powered Search Engine

design a search engines which is powered by Al which will scans billions of content
available in the web and match the exact search sentences or keywords and will show
the relevant information, images, videos, text and other documents.

10. AI powered cleaning robots

today's AI-powered robot are capable of solving problems and thinking in a limited
capacity. So, for this project you can design a robot that uses artificial intelligence to
scan room size, identify obstacles and remember the most efficient routes for

11. House Security

design a system which uses Al to scan and identify the face of the visitor. Every time
a visitor comes near the gate, the system can scan the face and compare with the
existing facial structure that is stored in the database.

12. Handwritten Notes Recognition

handwriting notes recognition refers to the computer's ability to detect and interpret
characters. These inputs could be from various sources like touch screens, paper
documents, and other sources. So, you can develop a system that uses Al to scan the
handwritten notes and convert them into digital format.

13. Loan Eligibility Prediction

use AI to design a program that predict whether an individual should be given a loan
by assessing certain attributes, thus making the process easier of selecting suitable
people from a given list of candidates who applied for a loan.

14. AI Powered Voice Assistant

AI based voice assistants are very helpful for simplifying daily tasks. You can use
virtual voice assistants to do many things like search for items or services on the Web,
to take notes, to make calls set alarms & reminders, and so much more.
15. E-Commerce Recommendation Engine
AI-driven algorithms can personalize the user experience, increase sales and so on.
You can build and Al powered E commerce recommendation engine using the
similarity among the background information of the items or users to propose
recommendations to users.

16. AI Enabled Maps

with AI-enabled mapping, you can create a project that scans road information and
uses algorithms to determine the optimal route to take, be it on foot or in a car, bike,
bus or train.

17. Emotion Detection

design a facial emotion detection and recognition system that can be used to identify
human facial expressions. So first the system would have to analyse the facial
expression, then perform facial feature extraction and then classify the facial

18. AI Health Engine

create a project that will use Al to give personalized health guidance to an user, the AI
system will check for any pre-existing conditions, ongoing health concerns and gaps
in general health knowledge and suggest prescription support, vaccination advice,
recommended doctors visits and specific condition guidance.

19. Trying on Online Clothes

design an AI system that takes the input images and compute the person's body
model, representing their pose and shape, then when the clothes are selected, it
combines them with the body model and updates the image's shape representatif.

20. Spam Email Detection

spam email detection means detecting emails that are irrelevant to the user by
understanding the text content of the email. You can create a project that uses
artificial neural network to detect and block spam emails.

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