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Effects of stress

Nowadays in the modern worlds, due to the requirement of society, people have

to do everything perfectly especially for teacher. Teacher is always defined as a role

model by the society. Therefore, the expectation of society toward teacher is very high.

Thus, teacher will experience strain and stress more compare to other occupation. If the

teacher exposes to stress in long term, it will bring many effects to the teacher. The effect

of teacher’s stress is not only on teacher themselves, but also on the school and on the

pupils (Wilson, 2002, pg.11).

Sometimes, stress may bring positive effect, but too much of stress will harm the

person’s physically, mentally, or psychologically health. Stress can affect a person’s

physically health due to long term exposure to job strain. A result of health problems

such as essential hypertension, high cholesterol level, ulcer, arthritis, heart disease and

even cancer are also the effect of stress after a prolonged exposure to stress (Luthans,


Furthermore, stress may lead to some psychological problems such as anger,

anxiety, nervous tension and depression. As a teacher, if they react angrily to the

students, the students may feel unhappy and pay less attention in the class, thus it will

affect the student’s result and the relationship between students and teacher. Besides that,

when the teacher feel depression and they do not have way to manage it, they may end up

with commit suicide. These types of psychological problems are relevant to poor job

performance, lowered self-esteem, resentment, inability to concentrate and make

decisions, and job dissatisfaction (Luthans, 1998).

Moreover, behavioral problem is one of the effects of stress. Sometimes when a

person feel stress, they may keep on eating and lead to over eating or they may have no

appetite to eat and lead to under-eating. Besides that, they may increase smoking in order

to reduce their job strain. It seems to be very popular nowadays that we always see

workers smoking outside their working place to relax themselves.

In addition, research evidences show that stressful climate or working conditions

can increased rates of absenteeism, turn over and accidents (Luthans, 1998). Sometimes,

teachers may feel too stress and feel sick. In order to escape from the works, they may

not go to work and thus form absenteeism. Besides, when a teacher experience too much

of job strain, he or she may resign from their job. This is because they could not bear with

the stress.

It is commonly defined that the key element for the success of school education is

on the teacher (Russell and Munby, 1992). Therefore, a teacher’s job performance will

affect the student’s performance too. When the teacher is highly affected by the effects of

stress, he or she must find ways to overcome it quickly in order to avoid affecting the

student’s result.

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