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Pergamon Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 52, No. 16, pp.

2785 2809, 1997

,~c~1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
P I I : S0009-2509(97)00081-X 0009 2509/97 $15.00 +0.00

Numerical simulation of the gas-solid flow

in a fluidized bed by combining discrete
particle method with computational
fluid dynamics
B. H. Xu and A. B. Yu
School of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of New South Wales,
Sydney 2052, Australia

(Received 1 November 1996; in revised form 23 January 1997; accepted 21 February 1997)

Abstract--The gas-solid flow in a fluidized bed is modelled by a combined approach of discrete

particle method and computational fluid dynamics (DPM-CFD), in which the motion of
individual particles is obtained by solving Newton's second law of motion and gas flow by the
Navier-Stokes equation based on the concept of local average. The coupling between DPM
and CFD is achieved directly by applying the principle of Newton's third law of motion to the
discrete particle and continuum gas which are modelled at different length and time scales. The
equations of motion for a system of particles are solved by a collision dynamic model developed
in this work which, in conjunction with the predictor-corrector method, allows stiff particles
(~ = 50,000 N m - i) to be used with a reasonable computational time step (1.5 x 10- 5 s) while
conserving the energy and momentum. The gas-phase equations are solved by the conventional
SIMPLE method facilitated with the Crank-Nicolson scheme to give the second order
accuracy in the time discretization.
The proposed model shows its capacity of simulating the gas fluidization process realistically
from a fixed to fully fluidized bed via an incipient fluidization stage. This is done by a series of
numerical tests to reproduce the experimental procedures in determining the minimum fluidiza-
tion velocity of 2400 particles (pp = 2700 kg m-3, D = 4 x 10-3 m) in a pseudo-three-dimen-
sional central jet fluidized bed of dimensions 0.9 x 0.15 x 0.004 m. The hysteretic feature of bed
pressure drop vs superficial gas velocity curve is obtained for the first time realistically from first
principles, with the predicted minimum fluidization velocity in good agreement with ex-
periment. It is demonstrated that the proposed model is able to capture the gas-solid flow
features in a fluidized bed from the largest length and time scales relevant to the
processing equipment down to the smallest ones relevant to the individual particles. © 1997
Elsevier Science Ltd

Keywords: Fluidization; gas-solid flow; numerical simulation; discrete particle method.

1. I N T R O D U C T I O N There have been intensive research activities in the

area of gas fluidization over the past few decades
Gas fluidization is observed when gas continuously (Davidson et al., 1985). The early efforts are mainly
upward flows through a bed of particles at an appro- focused on the overall performance of fluidized beds,
priate flow rate. The particles which are initially at which is important to their reliable design and opera-
rest, driven by the fluid drag force and the inter- tion. The macroscopic flow behaviour of both gas and
particle forces from their neighbour particles, start to solid phases has been well characterized in terms of
move and exhibit complex and intriguing flow pat- flow regimes or types of fluidized powders (Geldart,
terns, which in turn greatly affects the gas flow. It 1973; Grace, 1986; Bi and Grace, 1995). Although
is this mutual interaction between the discrete par- a large amount of data have been accumulated from
ticles and continuum gas that provides an ideal both laboratory experiment and plant practice,
environment for rapid heat and mass transfer, good a comprehensive interpretation of these data is diffi-
mixing of solids and fast chemical reaction inside cult, if not impossible, as the information obtained
a fluidized bed. These features are very desirable for from an experiment is usually incomplete due to the
many industrial applications. limitation of measurement technique. In fact, by now
2786 B. H. Xu and A. B. Yu
the information about the dynamic behaviour of di- of air assisted or retarded hopper flow. On the other
screte particles is very limited. To overcome this, hand, Jiang and Haft(1993) used a simple slab model
various advanced techniques have been attempted to incorporate the momentum conservation for fluid
recently, such as the use of positron emission particle phase to simulate the bed load transport by rivers,
tracking method to measure the three-dimensional where the fluid drag force on individual grains was
velocity and trajectory of a single sample particle computed as if they were isolated in an undisturbed
within a gas fluidized bed (Seville et al., 1995), and flow; Drake and Walton (1995) incorporated fluid
digital high-speed photography and image processing drag force into the simulation of grain flow in an
technique to determine the translational and rota- inclined chute by assuming that the fluid drag force
tional motion of two-dimensional discs within the was simply proportional to the square of the magni-
interested area of a vibrating bed (Warr et al., 1994). tude of the mean particle velocity. Obviously, as the
However, to date, information on the transient forces reverse effect of particle motion on the fluid flow is not
acting on individual particles during fluidization is considered, these models are not suitable for the situ-
still unavailable. These forces are believed to be key ations where the gas and solid flows are strongly
factors responsible for the complex flow phenomena coupled.
in a fluidized bed. The direct incorporation of CFD into DPM to
The gas-solid flow in a fluidized bed can be study the gas fluidization process so far has been
modelled at three different length and time scales: of attempted by Tsuji et al. (1993), and most recently by
the processing equipment, of the computational cell, Hoomans et al. (1996). In their modelling, the gas flow
and of the individual particles. Many correlations is determined by the conventional continuum ap-
have been proposed to describe various performance proach, giving information for calculating the fluid
of a fluidized bed at the processing equipment level, drag force acting on individual particles; the motion
with the Ergun equation (1952) for the evaluation of of individual particles is then obtained by solving
the minimum fluidization velocity as a typical Newton's second law of motion, giving information
example. On the other hand, the modelling of the for determining the porosity from the coordinates
gas-solid flow at the computational cell level has been of individual particles for the further evaluation of
developed mainly on the basis of the local average gas flow field. These authors have shown that this
technique of Anderson and Jackson (1967), where approach is very promising in simulating the gas
both gas and solid phases are treated as interpenet- fluidization process at the individual particle level.
rating continuum media while local mean variables However, in addition to their oversimplified assump-
instead of the point variables are used in the tion of inviscid fluid for the gas-phase flow, a major
Navier-Stokes equation which is then solved by the drawback of the model proposed by Tsuji et al. (1993)
computational fluid dynamics (CFD). This con- is that only very soft particle (x = 800 N m - 1) can be
tinuum approach can provide useful information used due to the difficulty of keeping the numerical
about the gas-solid flow and has actually dominated solution stable, which introduces an unrealistically
the modelling of fluidization processes for years, as large displacement or overlap between the contacting
recently summarized by Gidaspow (1994). However, particles and hence results in erroneous fluid drag and
in addition to the difficulty of providing constitutive inter-particle forces. To avoid large overlaps, Hoo-
correlations for the inter-phase transfer of mass, mo- mans et al. (1996) proposed a hard sphere model, in
mentum and energy within its continuum framework, which the particle motion is computed based on the
this approach is unable to model the discrete flow kinematics of hard sphere collision and the stiffness of
characteristics of individual particles. a particle is therefore effectively chosen to be infinite.
On the other hand, the so-called distinct element However, one major drawback of the hard sphere
method (DEM) established by Cundall and Strack approach is that detailed information about inter-par-
(1979), referred to as discrete particle method (DPM) ticle forces is greatly suppressed (Haft and Anderson,
when applied to granular systems, in which the 1993), which, like the model of Tsuji et al., makes
motion of individual particles is obtained directly by comprehensive understanding of the complex force-
solving Newton's second law of motion, has emerged related fluidization phenomena impossible. Further-
to be an important tool in powder/particle technology more, the coupling of DPM and CFD equations,
research (Thornton, 1993). Previous work in this di- which are actually developed on the basis of different
rection is mainly focused on the situations where length and time scales, has not been fully recognized
fluid-particle interactions are not dominant. In the as an important issue and correctly achieved in the
past few years, however, attempts have been made by above two models; this may prohibit the general
a number of researchers to apply the DPM model to application of this combined DPM-CFD approach.
particle systems involving fluid-particle interactions. The purpose of this paper is to rationalize this
In particular, Tsuji et al. (1992) treated the fluid flow approach by presenting a detailed discussion of the
one-dimensionally to simulate the plug flow in a hori- theoretical and technical treatments to overcome the
zontal pipe, where the Ergun equation was used to above noted problems. In particular, a collision dy-
give the fluid drag force acting on particles in a mov- namic model is developed to overcome the unrealistic
ing or stationary sector of pipe. A similar concept was softening treatment of particles in the work of
adopted by Langston et al. (1996) in their simulation Tsuji et al. (1993), which, in conjunction with the
Gas-solid flow in a fluidized bed 2787
predictor-corrector method, allows stiff particles to act at the contact point between particles i and j, The
be used with a reasonable computational time step inter-particle forces will generate a torque, T~i, causing
while conserving the energy and momentum. The particle i to rotate. For a spherical particle of radius
coupling between D P M and C F D is achieved directly Ri, T o is given by T~j = R~ × fc.~j, where R~ is a vector
by applying the principle of Newton's third law of running from the mass centre of the particle to the
motion to individual particles and continuum gas contact point (its magnitude equals to R~). Thus, the
phase. The detailed information on the transient in- equation governing the rotational motion of particle
ter-particle forces can be readily obtained. The pro- i is
posed model is validated by its realistic simulation l.dO~i k.
results at various length and time scales from the j=l
processing equipment to individual particles.
where o~ is the angular velocity, and I~ is the moment
2. T H E O R E T I C A L T R E A T M E N T of inertia of particle i, given as I~ = Zsm~R~2.
2.1. Discrete particle method To solve eqs (1) and (2), the forces involved need to
A particle in a fluidized bed can have two types of be determined a priori. To demonstrate the principles
motion: translational and rotational, which are com- of evaluating these forces, a collision between two
pletely determined by Newton's second law of motion. particles i and j, as shown in Fig. 1, will be discussed.
During its movement, the particle may collide with its Here we define that two particles are in contact if the
neighbour particles or wall at the contact points and distance between their mass centres is less than the
interact with the surrounding fluid, through which the sum of their radii. The inter-particle forces involved in
momentum and energy are exchanged. Strictly speak- eq. (1) are determined from their normal and tangen-
ing, this movement is affected not only by the forces tial components, represented, respectively, by f,,,aj and
and torques originated from its immediate neighbour fa.,ij, and f,,ij and fat,ij for particle i.
particles and vicinal fluid but also the particles and
fluids far away through the propagation of distur- 2.1.1. Inter-particle forces. There are a number of
bance waves. The complexity of such a process has models have been proposed for the evaluation of the
defied any attempts to model this problem analy- inter-particle forces, which can probably be grouped
tically. Even for the numerical approach, proper into three categories: the linear model, the non-linear
assumptions have to be made in order that this pro- model, and the non-linear hysteretic model. Their
blem can be solved effectively without an excess main features and applications in the DPM simula-
requirement for computer memory or expensive iter- tion have been studied by Johnson (1985), Thornton
ative procedure. Similar to the concept proposed by and Yin (1991) and Walton (1993), among others.
Cundall and Strack (1979), it is assumed here that this Generally speaking, a more sophisticated model can
problem can be solved by choosing a numerical time produce better results (e.g. see Saddet al., 1993; Lang-
step less than a critical value so that during a single s t o n e t al., 1995). However, the linear contact force
time step the disturbance cannot propagate from the
particle and fluid farther than its immediate neigh-
bour particles and vicinal fluid. Then at all times the
resultant forces on any particle can be determined
exclusively from its interaction with the contacting
particles and vicinal fluid,
Based on the above assumption, Newton's second "1-fdn'ji fct,ji "[-fdt
law of motion is used to describe the motion of indi-
vidual particles. Thus, at any time z, the equation
governing the translational motion of particle i is
m i -~T ~(f,.ij+fd.ij)+mig (1)

where m~and vi are, respectively, the mass and velocity

of particle i, and k~ is the number of particles in
contact with this particle. The forces involved are: the
fluid drag force, fy.~, gravitational force, mig, and
inter-particle forces between particles i and j which
include the contact force, fc.~j, and viscous contact
damping force, fd.Zj- Because the true density of par-
ticle is usually much larger than that of gas, the
buoyancy force acting on particle i has been ignored
in eq. (1).
The gravitational and fluid drag forces act on the Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the forces acting on col-
mass centre of particle i, whilst the inter-particle forces liding particles i and j.
2788 B. H. Xu and A. B. Yu
model is still widely used mainly due to its simplicity motion history of particles i and j. That is, their
as well as reasonable accuracy (e.g. see Cundall and calculation is related to the collision dynamics of two
Strack, 1979; S a d d e t al., 1993; Haft and Anderson, particles as will be discussed in Section 2.1.3•
1993). Accordingly, the linear normal and tangential A system will eventually tend to be stationary as
contact force models are used in the present study, so a result of the inelastic collisions between particles if
that no external energy is added to it. This mechanism can
be simulated by introducing a viscous contact damp-
fc,.ij = - (tc,,i6,,ij)ni (3) ing force to consume the system energy during the
and particle collisions (Cundall and Strack, 1979). The
fct,ij = -- (Kt,iOt,ij)ti (4) viscous contact damping forces for particle i along the
normal and tangential directions are, respectively,
given by
where x,,i, 6,.ij and xt,~, 6~,ij are, respectively, the
spring constant and displacement between particles fdn.ij = -- rln,i(V," nl)ni (6)
i and j in normal and tangential directions, nl and
t~ are, respectively, the unit vectors along the normal and
and tangential directions for particle i (Fig.2). If
]fct,ij[ > Ylj[ fcmij[, then sliding occurs, and the magni- fd,,ij = -- ~h.i[-(V;ti)ti + (~i × Ri -- ~j x Rj)] (7)
tude of the tangential force is given by the Coulomb where r/.,i and rh,i are, respectively, the normal and
friction law, preserving the sign obtained from eq. (4). tangential viscous contact damping coefficients of
particle i, and v, is the velocity vector of particle
[f.,ij[ = - Tij[ f~.,ij[ (5)
i relative to j, defined as v, = vi - vj. If sliding occurs,
where 7ij represents the coefficient of friction between then only friction damping is considered and viscous
particles i and j. The normal and tangential displace- contact damping is vanished (Cundall and Strack,
ments in eqs (3) and (4) are determined from the 1979).

2.1.2. Fluid dra9 force• As implied in eq. (1), the

fluid-particle interaction force, i.e., the fluid drag
force, should be determined on the individual particle
basis. This force is dependent on not only the relative
velocity of fluid and particle but also the presence of
other surrounding particles (e.g. see Liang et al., 1996)•
It is extremely difficult to determine this force theoret-
ically. On the other hand, correlations have been well
established for the evaluation of this force at either
processing equipment or computational cell level
(Ergun, 1952; Richardson and Zaki, 1954; Rowe,
1987). This force should be linked to the force at the
individual particle level in some way. With this realiz-
ation, Di Felice (1994) recently proposed an equation
to calculate the fluid drag force acting on a single
particle, which is applicable to both fixed and
fluidized beds over the full practical range of particle
Reynolds number. His equation is used in the present
study, so that

fs,i = ffo,igi t (8)

where ~i is the porosity around particle i, taken as the

porosity in a computational cell in which particle i is
located. Here we define that a particle is located in
a cell as long as its mass centre is in this cell. The fluid
drag force on particle i in the absence of other par-
ticles, flo,i and the empirical coefficient, X, are, respec-
tively, given by

flo,i = 0.5Cao.ips~R'Z,I ul - viI(ui - - Vi) (9)

(b) and

Fig, 2. Relative positions between particles i and j before I (1.5--1oglo Ree,i) 2]

Z = 3.7 -- 0.65 exp (10)
collision: (a) separated; (b) contacted.
Gas-solid flow in a fluidized bed 2789
where ui is the fluid velocity in the computational cell, particles i and j at the current time, vx and vr are,
and Cao,i, the fluid drag coefficient, can be expressed as respectively, the components of the relative velocity
vector, v,, along x and y directions. The incremental
4.8 V (11) displacements in the normal and tangential directions
Cao,i = (0.63
due to the collision are, respectively,
and Rep, i is the particle Reynolds number defined as
A6,,i j = (V," ni)Az' (t4)
2pfRilui - vll and
Rep.i (12)
Af~t,ij = Iv r' ti -'}- ((9 i x Ri - toj x R j ) . t i ] A z ' . (15)
where Ps and #s are the fluid density and viscosity,
respectively. These incremental displacements are then used to
determine the displacements and the inter-particle
2.1.3. Collision dynamics. The potential danger of contact forces. Similarly, for the case when the two
false solutions from the time integration procedures particles keep in contact within one time step Az, the
with non-linear dynamics has been emphasized by initial colliding point of particle j at the previous time
Stewart (1992). In the past years, considerable efforts is also found by backward moving particle j away
have been made to develop a numerical scheme by from particle i along their relative velocity direction to
which the energy is identically conserved in the non- a distance of Iv,lAz. Then the collision starts from that
linear dynamics (Hughes, 1976; Hughes et al., 1978; point, the incremental displacements in the normal
Xie and Steven, 1994; Crisfield and Shi, 1994). How- and tangential directions during this time step are,
ever, it appears that little attention has been given to respectively, given by
the collision dynamics. Unlike the situations encoun-
Ag,,ij = (v r" ni)Az (16)
tered in other transient non-linear dynamic systems,
the fast moving particles in a gas fluidized bed exhibit and
extremely complicated collision patterns: not only the
A6t.ij = [v,'ti + (toi x Ri - toj × R~)'ti] Az. (17)
collision points but also the collision partners change
during the time evolution. In this case, the possibility
for a particle to collide with its partner via a free fly 2.2. Computational fluid dynamics
path is high, which, if not considered properly, will In a gas fluidized bed, the presence of particles
introduce a fictitious elastic energy stored in the col- provides impermeable boundaries which force gas to
liding particles. This problem can be effectively solved detour its path and flow through the interstitial gaps
by means of a collision dynamic model described or voids among particles. Meanwhile the gas flow
below. produces a fluid drag force which, together with the
For convenience, only a two-dimensional case is inter-particle forces, results in the motion of indi-
discussed here. But the method can be readily ex- vidual particles. This motion will in turn affect the gas
tended to a three-dimensional case. We considered the flow. It is through this mutual interaction that the
movement of particle j relative to i within a time step continuum gas and discrete particles exchange their
AT. At the current time, the two particles are in con- momentum and energy. This interaction greatly com-
tact. Two possibilities exist for the position of particle plicates the gas flow patterns in a fluidized bed so that
j relative to i at the previous time: the two particles are the point variables of gas phase vary rapidly in both
either separated [Fig. 2(a)] or contacted [Fig. 2(b)]. space and time. It is difficult even for a modern super-
For the case where the two particles are separated computer to directly calculate these instantaneous
prior to their collision, we first find out the position at point variables of gas phase with moving discrete
which particle j just touches particle i. This can be boundaries when the number of particles considered
done by backward moving particle j away from par- is large (e.g. see Hu, 1996). An alternative way to solve
ticle i along their relative velocity direction to a point this problem is the local average technique established
at which the distance between their mass centres is by Anderson and Jackson (1967), in which these
just equal to the sum of their radii. Then the actual rapidly varying point variables are replaced by the
collision starts from that point so the time spent in the local mean variables over a region which contains
actual collision process, AT', will be less than AT. This many particles but still small compared with the mac-
actual collision time can be obtained by solving roscopic variations from point to point in the system.
a quadratic equation, and its physically meaningful This technique has been widely used in the continuum
root is given by approach of modelling fluidization process (Gidas-
pow, 1994).
(av x + bvr) + x/(av~ + bvy) 2 + v2(R 2 - L 2)
AT' According to this local average technique, the mass
conservation and Navier-Stokes equations are ex-
(13) pressed in terms of the local mean variables over the
computational cell. Thus,
where a = x j - x i , b=yj-yi, R=R~+R~, L=
J+b 2 and v,=lv~-vjl. Here (xi, Yl) and 0~
,9~ + v . (~u) = 0 (18)
(x j, y j) are, respectively, the Cartesian coordinates of
2790 B. H. Xu and A. B. Yu
0----~ + V'(pfeuu) = - e V p - F + V'(eF) + p:eg

where p, F and F are, respectively, the fluid pressure,

volumetric fluid-particle interaction force and viscous
stress tensor.

2.2.1. Constitutive correlation. For the sake of

solving the fluid-phase momentum equation, the con-
stitutive correlations for the volumetric fluid-particle
interaction force and viscous stress tensor are re-
quired. Here the fluid viscous stress tensor in eq. (19)
is given by an expression analogous to that for a New-
tonian fluid (Anderson and Jackson, 1967). That is

r = [(/~r -zaP:)V'u]6x + #:[(Vu) +(Vu) -~3 (20)

where 6x is the Kronecker delta, and p} is the fluid

bulk viscosity. Under the present simulation condi-
tion, the fluid bulk viscosity/~r can be neglected (Bird Fig. 3. Schematic illustration of the particles in a computa-
et al., 1960). tional cell (shaded area).
As the fluid drag force acting on each particle is
known (see Section 2.1.2), according to Newton's third thickness, Az, exactly equal to the diameter of
law of motion, the volumetric fluid-particle interac- a spherical particle. In this case, if Ax and Ay are,
tion force can be determined by respectively, the lengths of a computational cell in
k x and y directions, the volume of the cell in eq. (22) can
F --2i~=lfs'i (21) be given as
AV = Ax Ay Az. (23)
where A V is the volume of a computational cell, and
kc is the number of particles located in this cell.
2.3. Couplin9 between CFD and D P M
Obviously, the modelling of the solid flow by DPM
2.2.2. Calculation of porosity. By definition, the
is at the individual particle level, whilst the gas flow by
porosity in a computational cell is the ratio of the void
C F D is at the computational cell level. Through local
volume to the volume of the cell. As particles move
around inside a fluidized bed, it is quite normal that averaging, the equations based on the point fluid
variables are transferred into continuum equations in
a particle may have parts of its volume located in
terms of the local mean variables at the computa-
adjacent cells as shown in Fig. 3. Taking this into
tional cell level. The most obvious difference between
account, if Vi is the volume of particle i inside a com-
the point and continuum equations is the introduc-
putational cell, then the porosity in this cell is
tion of the volumetric fluid-particle interaction force
as an explicit term in eq. (19); this inter-phase force
e = 1 ---2~lVi (22)
AV influences the point equations of motion only through
their boundary values at the discrete particle surface.
In principle, eq. (22) is valid for both three- and Theoretically, it is this term that reflects the coupling
two-dimensional conditions. In a two-dimensional between D P M and CFD. It is understood that the
simulation, discs are often used, giving porosity values correct coupling must be made on the basis of
not comparable with those for a three-dimensional Newton's third law of motion. That is, the fluid drag
simulation (Bideau and Hansen, 1993; Zhang et al., force acting on the individual particles from the fluid
1996). This will result in a different fluid drag force phase will react on the fluid phase from the individual
acting on individual particles because of its strong particles. This principle is clearly expressed in eq. (21).
dependency on porosity. This problem was also However, this important issue is not fully recog-
noticed by Hoomans et al. (1996). These authors at- nized in the previous work (Tsuji et aL, 1993; Hoo-
tempted to obtain more comparable results by relat- mans et al., 1996). These authors considered the fluid
ing two-dimensional to three-dimensional porosity. drag force acting on a single-particle and fluid pa-
However, their treatment is rather arbitrary and may rticle interaction force exerted on the fluid in a
distort the reality. computational cell separately. As a result, the sum of
To solve this problem, we simply employ a pseudo- the fluid drag force acting on the discrete particles in
three-dimensional concept. That is, our simulation is a computational cell will not necessarily equal the
actually performed in a three-dimensional bed with its fluid-particle interaction force on the same cell, i.e.
Gas-solid flow in a fluidized bed 2791
Newton's third law of motion is not satisfied. Theoret- where ai and ri are the acceleration and position
ically their model is not correct. vector of particle i, respectively, the superscripts,
In this work, the combination of DPM and CFD is p and c, represent the values estimated at the predictor
numerically achieved as follows. At each time step, and corrector stages, ~t and fl are the Newmark
DPM will give information, such as the positions and parameters which control the accuracy and stability
velocities of individual particles, for the evaluation of the method (Newmark, 1959). For this work,
of porosity and volumetric fluid-particle interaction = 0.5 and fl = 0.25 are chosen to achieve consistency
force in a computational cell by eq. (21). CFD will with a constant variation of velocity in a given time
then use these data to determine the gas flow field interval.
which, by eq. (8), yields the fluid drag forces acting on The conventional SIMPLE method (Patankar,
individual particles. Incorporation of the resulting 1980) is used to solve the equations for the fluid
forces into DPM will produce information about the phase. The governing equations are discretized in
motion of individual particles for the next time step. finite volume form on a uniform, staggered grid. The
This procedure clearly indicates that the description second-order central difference scheme is used for the
of the continuum gas and discrete particle flows in pressure gradient and divergence terms. The first-
a fluidized bed should be obtained only when DPM order up-wind scheme is used for the convection term
and CFD are properly combined - - a fact that ex- and a second-order Crank-Nicolson scheme is used
plains why the present model is referred to as a for the time derivative.
D P M - C F D model.
2.4. Solution technique 3.1. Boundary conditions
The selection of appropriate numerical schemes for The simulation conditions are similar to those of
solving the DPM and CFD equations is very impor- Tsuji et al. (1993) and Hoomans et al. (1996). The
tant as it not only affects the solution accuracy but simulated fluidized bed consists of a rectangular con-
also the efficient use of the computer resources. Since tainer of dimension 0.9 × 0.15 × 0.004 m with a jet slot
the governing equations in the DPM and CFD are of 0.01 m in width at the centre of the bottom wall.
different, different solution schemes have to be used. The calculation domain along with the grid arrange-
The explicit time integration method is widely used ments are shown in Fig. 4. The left, bottom and right
to solve the translational and rotational motions of walls as well as the top exit consist of the whole
a system of discrete particles in the DPM simulations calculation domain boundaries. To study effectively
(e.g. see Cundall and Strack, 1979; Tsuji et al., 1993; the start-up stage of fluidization process, the height of
Hoomans et al., 1996). The straightforward formula- the bed used in the present simulation is 0.9 m, much
tion without an excess requirement for computer higher than those used in the previous simulations.
memory is the main advantage of this method. How- In the CFD simulation, as the finite-volume
ever, due to the constraint for numerical stability, the method is used, no nodes lie on the boundaries. The
time step used for such a simulation should be very boundary values for fluid variables are set by inclu-
small. This is because particles do not detect the ding an extra point outside of the boundary with
contact with others until they finish the movement in a prescribed value. The value at the boundary is then
one time step. The displacements may be overesti- obtained by averaging that point and the nearest
mated, which introduces fictitious elastic energy for point in the calculation domain. For the fluid velocity,
particle collisions and hence leads to unrealistic re- the no-slip boundary condition applies to left, bottom
suits. To avoid this problem, the so-called predictor- and right walls and zero normal gradient condition to
corrector method [Hughes, 1982) has been incorpor- the top exit. At the central jet, a plug profile for fluid
ated into the present simulation. velocity is specified at a given value. For the porosity
The equations involved in the predictor-corrector and pressure correction, the zero normal gradient
procedure are given below for solving eq. (1) and the condition applies along the boundaries. The pressure,
similar equations can be developed for solving eq. (2). which is obtained from the pressure correction at all
For the predictor stage, interior points, is obtained on the boundaries by using
a second-order extrapolation from the interior points.
v~ = vi + At(1 - ~)ai (24)
In the DPM simulation, the inter-particle force
r~ ----r i + Arv i + 0.SAz2(1 - 2fl)ai (25) models discussed in Section 2.1.1 are also applied to
the collision between a particle and wall, with the
and the force balance after predictor stage, corresponding wall properties used in the simulation.
k, However, the wall is assumed to be so rigid that no
mia~'=fs.i+ Z fPii+fP.iJ)+mig • (26) displacement and movement result from this collision.
3.2. Selection o f parameters
For the corrector stage,
To solve the DPM and CFD equations, parameters
vc = v~' + Ar ~a~' (27) involved must be specified a priori. Table 1 lists the
parameters used in this simulation. Of particular im-
r~ = r~' + Az2 fla~ (28) portance is the determination of the computational
2792 B. H. Xu and A. B. Yu
time step and viscous contact damping coefficient,
bed width=O. 15 m which are often determined with a large degree of
P, . empiricism in the literature. As discussed below, the
present simulation uses a rather simple but effective
method to determine these parameters.

3.2.1. Time step. As the magnitude of the length

scale of D P M is much smaller than that of C F D , the
time step used in the numerical simulation should be
determined from the D P M constraints. Obviously,
under the condition of conserving the energy during
an elastic collision, the larger this time step, the more
efficient use of the computer resource. This time step
I I is here determined by simulating the dropping of
a particle from a fixed height to a flat wall of the same
properties. It is evident that the energy conservation
is met if a particle can bounce back to its initial
i dropping height. The maximum time step giving such
results can be found after a series of tests using differ-
ent time steps; here a value of 1.5 × 10 -5 s is chosen
under the present simulation conditions (see Table 1).
Although the above time step is determined from

the situation of the collision between a particle and
a fiat wall, it is also applicable to the collision between
particles because the underlying mechanisms are es-
sentially the same.

! 3.2.2. Viscous contact damping coefficient. The

viscous contact damping coefficient is determined
! based on the mechanisms involved in an inelastic
I I collision process. The magnitude of this damping
iI !
I should consume the energy at a realistic rate. As the
collisions involved are actually a multi-collision dy-
namic process, it is extremely difficult to determine
this coefficient theoretically. In this work, this para-
meter is determined from a number of numerical tests
r i involving the collision of a particle with a flat wall, as
described below.
Using the time step determined in Section 3.2.1,
gas jet different viscous contact damping coefficients are
tested. It is known that the right viscous contact
Fig. 4. Calculation domain and grid arrangement for the damping coefficient should correctly reflect the energy
present simulation. loss after a collision, which can be measured by the

Table 1. Parameters used for the present simulation*

Solid phase Gas phase

Particle shape Spherical Viscosity,/~f 1.8x 10--s kgm- 1s -l

Number of particles 2400 Density, p: 1.205 kg m - 3
Particle diameter, D 0.004 m Bed width 0.15m
Particle density, pp 2700 kg m- 3 Bed height 0.9 m
Spring constant, ~¢, or ~:t 50,000 N m- 1 Bed thickness 0.004 m
Friction coefficient, 7 0.3 Orifice width 10mm
Viscous contact damping Cell width, Ax 10 mm
coefficient, q, or qt 0.15 Cell height, Ay 20 mm

* The wall properties such as to, ), and r/are the same as those for particles.
Gas solid flow in a fluidized bed 2793
coefficient of restitution, e, defined as A number of initial particle configurations have
been generated in this way, giving slightly different
Vl packing structures. One of these packing processes is
e = -- (29a)
VO shown in Fig. 5; its final stage (t = 0.8 s) is used as the
initial input data for the fluidization simulation.
or in terms of height
Regular packing structure is observed in some re-
gions, which is mainly due to the wall effect (Jullien
e= (29b) et al., 1993; Zhang et al., 1996). However, the packing
structure as a whole is reasonably comparable with
where vo, ho, and vl, hi are, respectively, the velocities those measured (Bideau and Hansen, 1993).
and the maximum heights of the particle before and Note that the initial input data for fluidization
after the collision. For the ideal case without energy simulation should include not only the particle co-
loss (e = 1), the viscous damping coefficient should be ordinates but also forces and torques which come
equal to zero. In the present simulation, a realistic with the positioning of particles in a packing process.
value of 0.9 is chosen for the coefficient of restitution. Use of the particle coordinates alone will give diff-
Corresponding to this value, the viscous damping erent fluidization flow patterns, particularly at the
coefficient is determined to be 0.15. initial stage. This suggests that the packing structures,
constructed by other simulation techniques without
3.3. Initial conditions considering the forces and torques, may not be so
Initially, the fluid is at rest anywhere in the calcu- appropriate for realistic simulations.
lation domain with 2400 particles (D = 4 × 10 -3 m)
inside. The initial particle configuration in the calcu- 4. RESULTSAND DISCUSSION
lation domain is generated as follows. The container is 4.1. Relationship between bed pressure drop and
divided into a set of small square cells with its length superficial gas velocity
equal to the diameter of particles. Along the height of To test the validity of the proposed model, an
the container, each adjacent cell offsets a distance attempt has been made to establish the relationship
equal to the particle radius. Then 2400 particles are between the bed pressure drop and superficial gas
randomly positioned in these cells and allowed to fall velocity, Totally, 23 runs of simulation are carried out,
down under gravity. The motion of particles is deter- corresponding to the cases with an increasing or de-
mined by the above developed model which has also creasing superficial gas velocity. The cases corres-
taken into account the air flow as a result of particle ponding to the increasing superficial gas velocity are
dropping. A stable packing configuration is finally simulated under the same boundary and initial condi-
generated after sufficient time of simulation. tions outlined in Section 3 with different gas jet

~ Time=0.00 (sec) 0.6 Tirne=0.20 (sec) 0.6 Time=0.80 (sec)

0,~ 0.4

0.,~ 0.2

0.(] 0.0

Fig. 5. Particle configurations at different times in a simulated packing process.

2794 B. H. Xu and A. B. Yu
velocities. The cases corresponding to the decreasing observed at this stage. The bed pressure drop in-
superficial gas velocity are simulated by successively creases with increasing the superficial gas velocity
decreasing the superficial gas velocity, with the final until a critical point, G, is reached. After this point the
results at a higher velocity as the initial input data for bed pressure drop starts to decrease with increasing
the simulation at next (lower) velocity. All the simula- the superficial gas velocity. The small difference
tions are carried out at a HP-735 workstation and between the bed pressure drops at points G and
about 9 h of CPU time are required to run for 1 s real B corresponds to the slight rearrangement of particles,
time. resulting in an improved bed porosity.
The superficial gas velocity, here as an alternative The sharp decrease of bed pressure drop from point
to the gas jet velocity, is defined as the total volumet- B to C reflects a significant change in particle config-
ric gas flow rate divided by the entire bed cross-sec- uration as a result of fluidization. As will be discussed
tional area. The bed pressure drop, Ap, is the gas in the following section, at the fully fluidized-bed
pressure difference between the bottom and top along stage, bubbles and slugs are generated continuously
the symmetric line of the bed. Because bed pressure during the gas flow and particles move vigorously
drop fluctuates with time, a representative mean inside the bed. This stage is characterized by an al-
value, A/~, over a period of time is required. A/~ is here most constant bed pressure drop. Starting from point
evaluated by the following equation: C, it can extend up to the terminal velocity, although
this is not attempted in the present study (note that
A/5 - ~ A p d r (30) a higher bed is required to accommodate particles at
T 2 -- 171
the start-up stage at a higher superficial gas velocity).
On the other hand, decreasing the superficial gas
where zl and z2 are, respectively, the initial and final velocity from point C to E will yield an incipient
times for the calculation of mean pressure drop. Note fluidization stage. This will allow the minimum flui-
that zl should be large enough to eliminate the effect dization velocity (point E) to be determined, where
of the start-up, and z2 can be the end time of a simula- a value of 1.8 m s - ~ is found. Interestingly, this value
tion. is very close to the value of 1.77 m s - ~ estimated from
Figure 6 shows the results, where four stages can be the well-known Wen and Yu correlation (1966). From
identified, i.e. a fixed bed stage (point A to B), fully point C to E, the bed pressure drop is essentially
fluidized bed stage (point C to D), incipient fluidiz- maintained at the same level as that of the fully
ation stage (point C to E) and defluidization stage fluidized-bed stage. The slugs and bubbles are still
(point E to F). The results are qualitatively in good observed at this stage; however, its intensity is at-
agreement with those established in the literature tenuated gradually from point C to E. The solid flow
(Davidson et al., 1985; Ishikura et al., 1986). patterns at point E are shown in Fig. 7, indicating that
The fixed-bed stage actually relates to the gas flow at the minimum fluidization velocity, a gas bubble
in a packed bed. No obvious movement of particles is forms only at the jet region and the gas can readily

3.0x10 4 . . . . I . . . . I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' [ . . . . I . . . . I

- e Increasivel
--II ngocity~~ 1 ~
7.0xl 0 3



2.0x10 3

6.0x10 2

, J , = I ~ , , , E ~ , , , I , , , ~ I , , , J I , h , , J . . . .

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5

Superficial gas velocity (m/s)

Fig. 6. Bed pressure drop vs superficial gas velocity.

Gas-solid flow in a fluidized bed 2795

O.E Time=0.12 (secI 0.6 Time=0.22 (secI Time=0.32 (sec) Time=0.42 Isec~

O.Z 0.4 0.4


Fig. 7. Particle configurations at point E (see Fig. 6) when superficial gas velocity is equal to minimum
fluidization velocity.

2 . 0 x 1 0 4 ' ' i ' ' '

I I ' ' ' E I ' '





5.0x10 a

O.OxlO °
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (sec)

Fig. 8. Bed pressure drop vs time when superficial gas velocity is equal to 2.8 m s- 1.

flow through the bed without resulting in a rigorous that at the fixed bed stage, because of different particle
solid flow. configurations.
Further decreasing the superficial gas velocity from The distinct hysteretic feature of the bed pressure
point E will give a defluidization stage, where no drop vs superficial gas velocity is the most important
bubbles are generated. The bed pressure drop con- fluidization characteristic for a powder. To date, this
tinuously decreases with decreasing superficial gas feature cannot be predicted by any models in the
velocity. However, the curve does not coincide with literature. The successful prediction of this feature
2796 B. H. Xu and A. B. Yu
provides an important example to validate the pro- regions are identified here: the start-up (z < 1 s) and
posed model. stable fluidization stages. The maximum bed pressure
drop at the start-up stage is much higher than that at
4.2. Simulated fluidization behaviour the stable stage because of the need to overcome the
The simulated fluidization behaviour will be dis- inter-particle locking. After the start-up stage, the bed
cussed for a typical case at the fully fluidized bed stage pressure drop fluctuates with time around a mean
when the gas jet velocity equals 42 m s ] (superficial value given by eq. (30).
gas velocity equals 2.8 m s- 1). Figure 8 shows a plot of Figure 9 shows the simulated solid flow patterns at
bed pressure drop against time for this case. Two the early stage from the start-up to the stable fluidiz-

Time=0.10 ( s e c ) Time=0.20 (sec~ TimA=fl.40(~t~3




Tirne=0.50 (see~ 0.6f Time=0.60 (sec) TirnP.=0.7f) (sec~

o ° ° o o

0.4 ~

0.2 °


Fig. 9. Particle configurations from the start-up stage to stable fluidization when superficialgas velocity is
equal to 2.8 m s- 1.
Gas solid flow in a fluidized bed 2797

Time=0.90 Isec~ 0.6 Time=1,00( s e c ) Timo.=1.1i3

(go.e~ Time=l ~O ~.~An]

0.4 o~

~o ~%°°o:~.~

Tirne=1.30 (sec~ Time= 1.50 (sec) 0.6 Time=1.60 (sec)
0.E 0.6

v . v

Fig. 9. (Continued).

ation. It shows that the bed begins with a strong at the upper part of the bed. Once the lifted particles
impulsive start-up process. The instantaneous break- fall back to the bed, stable fluidization is established
up of the inter-particle locking leads to a significant rapidly, with the solid flow patterns featured by a gas
upward flow of particles, a phenomenon that is often cavity at the jet region above which a bubble is
observed for Geldart's D-type powder (Cranfield and formed and continuously grows and rises until con-
Geldart, 1974; Davidson et al., 1985). An elliptical verting to a slug.
bubble is formed in the jet region, which forces par- However, the stochastic nature of a fluidized bed
ticles in its front to move upward. This bubble grows produces varying solid flow patterns. This can be
as gas flows upward and eventually converts to a slug demonstrated by the results shown in Figs 10 and 11,
2798 B.H. Xu and A. B. Yu

0.6 Time=1.74 (sec) Tim~=l 7R/~An~ 0.6 Time=1.82 (sec

0.4 0,4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
Time=1.90 (sec) Time=1.94 (sec) Time=l ~8 (s~'~.~ Time=2.02 (sec
0.6 0.6 0.E

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0 0.0

Fig. 10. A typical example showing the 's-shape' flow path of a gas bubble when superficial gas velocity is
equal to 2.8 m s - 1.
Gas-solid flow in a fluidized bed 2799

Time=2.60 (sec) Timp.=2.AA (.qAc~
o.6[ Time=2.78 (sec)

Time=2.84 (see Tim~.=~ .qfl I.~'~.~ Tim~.='2 ~A/~p.n~ TimA=.q N 9 / ~



Fig, 11. Results showing different particle configurations in forming a slug when superficial gas velocity is
equal to 2.8 m s - ~ at different times: (a) z = 2.6 to 3.02 s; (b) z = 5.24 to 5.66 s.
2800 B.H. Xu and A. B. Yu

Time=5.24 (sec) Time.=R .q13/.~Anl TImA=R ~ I.q,s~.l TimA=R 49 I~Anl




0.E Time=5.48 (sec) Time.=.~.~0 (s~e3 0.6 Time=5.66 (sec

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

(b) 0.0 0.0

Fig. 11. (Continued).

Gas-solid flow in a fluidized bed 2801
which correspond to different simulation times. In
0.4 particular, Fig. 10 suggests that a bubble may flow
following a 's-shape' path, and Fig. 11 indicates that
slugging patterns can differ significantly.
Perhaps the most striking fact to highlight the
stochastic nature of a fluidized bed is to examine the
trajectory of individual particles. In the present simu-
lation, the positions of all particles have been traced
0.3 during the time evolution. Figure 12 shows the tra-
jectory of a selected particle initially located in the
jet region. It can be seen that the particle wanders
everywhere in the bed. Although dominated by the
up-and-down movement, the particle can shift from
left to right or vice versa. Figure 13 shows the vari-
ation of its position with time. The results suggest that
0.2 the particle usually remains at the upper region of
the bed for a while before a downward movement.
These observations are fairly consistent with the
experimental findings by positron emission particle
tracking method (Kondukov et al., 1964; Seville et al.,
The typical results to demonstrate the strong inter-
0.1 actions between the individual particle motion and
continuum gas flow are shown in Figs 14(a) and (b). In
Fig. 14(a), two fast solid flow regions are identified
under this particular circumstance: one is indeed due

Fig. 12. The trajectory of a selected particle illustrating the

0.0 stochastic nature of particle motion in a fluidized bed when
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 superficial gas velocity is equal to 2.8 m s- ~.

0.15 [
/ /

/ / j
i /, /
) 0.08 ""/ "/'' I '/
I v

Time (sec)
0.00 0.00 '3.00 '6.00' '9.00' ' ' 12.00


v /
O \A I \ ,' " ,"
/ I' '~, t
i \, i' "\. / ",\ J'
,\ iI
x, i \ ' \\ i~

Time (see)
0.00 0.~00 '3.00 ' '6.00 . . . . . 9.00 . . . . 12.00

Fig. 13. Variation of the position of the selected particle (Fig. 12) with time when superficial gas velocity is
equal to 2.Sins 1.
2802 B.H. Xu and A. B. Yu

0.6 Time=7.32 (sec, Time=7 40 (.~e~.l



(a) 0.C

Time=7.32 (sec I Time=7.40 (sec) Tim~---7.44/~ecl

,,,tIt?tIT[?TT~ ..... ,~llllll
,,,~rll?tfTttl, ..... itl~lll
,,,~?II~fTTI], ..... tllllll
,,,~?Ir?tfl?tf, ........ tTIlll
0.~ [ ~ , , t t f / l ? t l t | ~ 0.4 ,,lilt I-
tt,ttIItlttl~lt ........ ~Itr


(b) O.Clim~~d

Fig. 14. Typical results when superficial gas velocity is equal to 2.8 m s - 1 demonstrating the distributions
of (a) velocity of solid particles; (b) velocity of gas phase; (c) total forces (N); and (d) torques acting on
individual particles (N m).
Gas-solid flow in a fluidized bed 2803

Tim~==7 4.4 I¢~r%

0.6 Time=7.32 (s~ql


Time=7.32 (sec Time=7.40 (sec~

3E-4 7E-1
2E-4 5E-1
2E-4 4E-1
1E4 3E-1
6E-5 1E-1



0.( v . v


Fig. 14. (Continued).

2804 B.H. Xu and A. B. Yu

2.0 ' I ' r ' ' ' ' J ' ' ' ' I . . . . t




0.0 h i I I

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (sec)

Fig. 15. Maximum overlap ratio vs time when superficial gas velocity is equal to 2.8 m s-1.

to the gas dragging in the main stream [see Fig. 14(b)] all the particles considered varies with time as shown
and the other is due to the falling of the particles to fill in Fig. 15. There is also a strong peak corresponding
in the vacant space. There is a big vortex developed to the start-up stage as identified from the bed pres-
corresponding to these two fast flow regions, which sure drop curve (Fig. 8). The maximum overlap ratio
promotes solid mixing considerably. From Fig. 14(b), fluctuates with time. Except for a maximum value of
it can also be seen that the gas flows toward the 1.7% at the start-up stage, its value in the present
regions of high porosity. This high preferential flow simulation is well below 1%, indicating the effec-
will lead to a strong non-uniform fluid drag force tiveness of the present approach. Small overlaps
distribution inside the bed, which in turn will greatly among particles are essential in order to obtain a real-
affect the solid flow patterns. istic simulation of a fluidization process.
As indicated in eq. (1), the motion of a particle is Figure 16 shows the solid flow patterns for the ideal
governed by the gravitational, fluid drag and inter- case (q = 0 and 1' = 0), which differ from those for the
particle forces. These forces, except for the gravity, corresponding non-ideal, realistic case (Fig. 9). It can
vary with time and position. Figures 14(c) and (d) be observed that after the start-up stage, a bubble is
show the results to highlight this point. It appears that continuously generated at the jet region and then
the resultant force and torque acting on the individual grows to convert to a slug, and particles scatter over
particles are quite localized. In particular, the large the upper part of the bed. Interestingly, different from
forces usually occur in pairs, suggesting that the in- the non-ideal case as shown in Fig. 9, a bubble experi-
ter-particle force is more important than the fluid ences its generation, growth and burst-out procedures
drag force in terms of their maxima. Examining the before a new bubble is formed, and this cycle is quite
results with reference to the flow patterns shown in stable as shown in Fig. 17. This difference indicates
Figs 14(a) and (b), suggests that the fast flow of gas that material properties, as reflected by simulation
and particles in the jet region does not necessarily parameters, affect fluidization behaviour. Therefore,
correspond to large forces acting on the individual realistic parameters should be chosen in order to
particles. Information about the transient forces at the obtain realistic simulated results.
individual particle level is important to understanding
the complicated fluidization phenomena such as par-
ticle attrition or breakage. Therefore, the proposed 5. CONCLUSIONS
model provides an effective technique to enhance A comprehensive understanding of the complex
these studies. phenomena in a fluidized bed necessitates that this
The deformation of the particles during a collision gas-solid two-phase flow system should be studied
can be measured by the ratio of the distance between and modelled not only at the processing equipment
the mass centres of two colliding particles to the sum and/or computational cell level but also at the indi-
of their radii. One minus this ratio is here defined as vidual particle level. For this purpose, a combined
the overlap ratio. The maximum overlap ratio among D P M - C F D model has been developed to simulate the
Gas solid flow in a fluidized bed 2805

Time=O. 10 (sec I Time=0.30 (sec~ Time=0.40 (sec~


Time=f}.fiO ( ~ e n ~ Tim~=O.RO I~t=~.'~ Time=0.70 ( ~ e c ~ Tim~=O.80 (~.n~

Fig. 16. Particle configurations from the start-up stage to stable fluidization when superficial gas velocity is
equal to 2.8 m s-1 under ideal conditions (~/= 0 and 7 = 0).
2806 B . H . X u a n d A. B. Yu

6 I TimP~=l 2N (AAP3

' o ° oo o
Ooo~°: ° ~O°o
0.4 -0 ooo , o


0.6 Time=l'30 (sec) Time=1.50 (aec~ TimA:I tqi3 [~Ac.~

Fig. 16. ( C o n t i n u e d ) .
Gas solid flow in a fluidized bed 2807

2.0X10 4

1.0xl 0 4

m 5.0X10 3 I

0 1 2 3 4
Time (sec)

Fig. 17. Bed pressure drop vs time when superficial gas velocity is equal to 2.8 m s i under ideal conditions
(r/= 0 and 7 = 0).

gas-solid flow in a fluidized bed, in which the motion F volumetric fluid-particle interaction force,
of individual particles is obtained by solving Newton's Nm-:~
second law of motion and the gas flow by the g gravitational acceleration, m s-2
Navier-Stokes equation based on the concept of local ho maximum height of a particle before colli-
average. The coupling between the continuous gas sion, m
flow and the discrete particle motion at different hi maximum height of a particle after collision,
length and time scales is achieved directly by applying m
the principle of Newton's third law of motion to both I moment of inertia of particle, kg m 2
phases. The results presented in this work clearly kc number of particles in a computational cell,
indicate that this model can provide detailed realistic dimensionless
dynamic information in a fluidized bed at different ki n u m b e r of particles in contact with particle
levels from the processing equipment to the individual i, dimensionless
particle. This combined D P M - C F D approach will m particle mass, kg
be very useful in elucidating the mechanisms govern- n unit vector along the normal direction
ing the fluid-solid two-phase flow and studying the P pressure, Pa
complex phenomena in such a flow system in a cost- Ap bed pressure drop, Pa
effective way. mean bed pressure drop, Pa
r particle position vector, m
Acknowledgement R particle radius, m
The authors are grateful to the Department of Education, Re Reynolds number, dimensionless
Employment and Training (DEET) for financial support t unit vector along the tangential direction
through the Overseas Postgraduate Research Scholarship T torque, N m
(OPRS) scheme (to B. H. Xu), and Dr P. Zulli, Dr J. Truelove II fluid velocity, m s 1
and Dr A. Brent of BHP Research for their interest and ¥ particle velocity, m s-
helpful discussion. V volume, m 3
DO particle velocity before collision, m s- 1
NOTATION Vl particle velocity after collision, m s- 1
a particle acceleration, m s-2 AV volume of a computational cell, m 3
Cdo fluid drag coefficient on an isolated particle, X x coordinate of particle, m
dimensionless Ax computational cell length in x direction, m
D particle diameter, m Y y coordinate of particle, m
e coefficient of restitution, dimensionless Ay computational cell length in y direction, m
f force, N Az thickness of a pseudo-three-dimensional
~o fluid drag force on an isolated particle. N bed, m
2808 B. H. Xu and A. B. Yu
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