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f;dr;=re moaO;s - nyqjrK mrSlaIKh

1. .kqfokq ieliqï moaO;shg wod, jkafka

a. oskm;d fufyhqï l%shdldrlï
b. Wmdh ud¾.sl ;SrK .ekSug iydhùu
c. úfYaIs; oekqulska iukaú; úYd, o;a; mdolh
d. wdh;kfha l,ukdldrK wjYH;d i|yd iydh ùu
e. by; tllaj;a fkdfõ
2. f;dr;=re moaO;shl uQ,sldx.hla fkdjkafka
a. wdodk c. m%;sodk
b. iïm;a d. l%shdj,sh
3. f;dr;=re moaO;shla l%shdjg kexùfïoS ie,ls,su;a úh hq;= iSudjka w;rska m%Odk lreKla f,i ie,lsh
a. msrsjeh d. wdrlaIdj
b. kv;a;= lsrSfï yelshdj e. foaYmd,k miqìu
c. myiqj
4. l=l=¿ uia ilik wdh;khl l,ukdlre úiska oskm;d ,nd.kakd jd¾;d weiqrska fufyhqï ;SrK muKla .kS
tf,i Tyq úiska .kakd fufyhqï ;SrKhla f,i ie,lsh yelafla
a. ;u kSIamdok úl=Kk wdldrh fjkia lSrSu
b. wvqfjka úlsfKk l=l=¿ uiaj, ñ, wvq lsrSu
c. cd;sl rEmjdysksfha fj<| jev igykla osh;a lsrSu
d. lsÜgqu Wm k.rfha w¿;ska fj<|ie,la újD; lsrSu
e. wdh;khg w¿;ska fiajlhka n|jd .ekSu
5. f;dr;=re moaO;shl mrsYS,lfhla (end-user )f,i ie,lsh fkdyelafla my; i|yka wh w;rska ljfrlao@
a. fjí wvúhla weiqrska f;dr;=re fidhk YsIHhl=
b. mrs.Kl uDoqldx. fudûhq,hla i|yd fla; ,shkafkl= (programmer)
c. ATM hka;%h u.ska bf,lafg%dksl uqo,a yqjudrej i|yd Kh ldûm;la Ndú; lrk
d. úfYaIs; ud;Dldjla hgf;a o;a; mdolh msrslaid n,k ùûfhda fj<| ie,l fj<| iydhlhl=
e. kj;u .S; ks¾udK ms,sn|j fidhd n,k ix.S;fõoshl=

6. .eg¿ úi|Sfï mshjr ksjerosj olajd we;s wkq ms<sfj, jkafka

a. úYaf,aIKh, ie,iqï lsrSu, ixj¾Okh, mrSlaId lsrSu, l%shd;aul lsrSu, kv;a;= lsrSu
b. úYaf,aIKh, ie,iqï lsrSu, mrSlaId lsrSu, ixj¾Okh,, l%shd;aul lsrSu, kv;a;= lsrSu.
c. ie,iqï lsrSu, úYaf,aIKh, ixj¾Okh,, l%shd;aul lsrSu, mrSlaId lsrSu, kv;a;= lsrSu.
d. úYaf,aIKh, ie,iqï lsrSu, ixj¾Okh, mrSlaId lsrSu, kv;a;= lsrSu, l%shd;aul lsrSu.
7. moaO;s ixj¾Ok cSjk pl%fha mshjr ixLHdj fldmuKo@
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7 e. 10
8. moaO;s ixj¾Ok cSjk pl%fha m<uq mshjr jkafka
a. úYaf,aIKh d. ixj¾Okh
b. ie,iqï lsrSu e. mrSlaIdj
c. moaO;s y|qkd .ekSu
9. moaO;s ixj¾Ok cSjk pl%fhaoS ;SrK .ekSu we;=<;a jk mshjr jkafka
a. úYaf,aIKh
b. ie,iqï lsrSu
c. moaO;s y|qkd .ekSu
d. ixj¾Okh
e. moaO;s kv;a;=j
10. moaO;s ixj¾Ok cSjk pl%fhaoS uDoqldx. fla;lrKh isoqjk mshjr jkafka
a. kv;a;= lsrSu iy we.hSu
b. ie,iqï lsrSu
c. úYaf,aIKh
d. ixj¾Okh iy m%f,aLKh
e. moaO;sh l%shd;aul lsrSu
11. moaO;s ixj¾Ok cSjk pl%fhaoS fodaI y|qkd .ekSu iy tajd ksjeros lsrSu isoqjk mshjr jkafka
a. kv;a;= lsrSu iy we.hSu
b. ie,iqï lsrSu
c. úYaf,aIKh
d. ixj¾Okh iy m%f,aLKh
e. moaO;s mrSlaIdj
12. f;dr;=re moaO;shla ks¾udKh lsrSfï wjYH;dj wkqj jHdmD;sh bosrshg hd hq;= nj ;SrKh jkafka
a. uQ,sl úu¾Ykhg wkqj
b. YlH;d wOHhk jd¾;dj wkqj
c. moaO;s we.hSu wkqj
d. .eg¿ y|qkd .ekSu wkqj
e. moaO;s úYaf,aIKh wkqj
13. f;dr;=re moaO;shla ks¾udKh lsrSfïoS tys o;a;mdolh ie,iqï lrkafka
a. Programmers
b. Project managers
c. Technical writers
d. Database administrators
e. Users
14. f;dr;=re moaO;shla ks¾udKh lsrSfïoS mrsYS,lhka iu. idlÑPd lsrSu f;dr;=re /ia lsrSu iy úi|qï
fhdackd lsrSu isoqlrkq ,nkafka
a. fla; ,shkakka úisks
b. jHdmD;s l<ukdlrejka úisks
c. Technical writers úisks
d. o;a;mdol mrsmd,lhka úisks
e. moaO;s úYaf,aIlhka úisks
15. m%d:ñl o;a; m%Njhla u.ska o;a; ,nd .kakd wjia:djla jkafka my; i|yka ljrlao@
a. isiqfjla n,anhla yryd hk úoq,s Odrdfõ fjda,aàh;dj fjda,aÜ ógrhla u.ska lshùu
b. Yío fldaIhla weiqrska jpkhl f;areu ,nd .ekSu
c. .=jka .uklg jehjk uqo, ms<sn|j fjí wvúhla weiqrska fidhd .ekSu
d. fj<| oekaùï m;%sldjlska wvq ñ, NdKav ms,sn|j fiùu
e. rEmjdyskS m%jD;a;s weiqrska j¾Idm;kh ms<sn| o;a; ,nd .ekSu

mrs.Kl mrskduh - nyqjrK mrSlaIKh

16. UNIVAC is
a. Universal Automatic Computer
b. Universal Array Computer
c. Unique Automatic Computer
d. Unvalued Automatic Computer
17. CD-ROM stands for
a. Compactable Read Only Memory
b. Compact Data Read Only Memory
c. Compactable Disk Read Only Memory
d. Compact Disk Read Only Memory
18. ALU is
a. Arithmetic Logic Unit
b. Array Logic Unit
c. Application Logic Unit
d. None of above
19. EBCDIC stands for
a. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
b. Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code
c. Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code
d. Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code
20. . IBM 1401 is
a. First Generation Computer
b. Second Generation Computer
c. Third Generation Computer
d. Fourth Generation Computer
21. The capacity of 3.5 inch floppy disk is
a. 1.40 MB
b. 1.44 GB
c. 1.40 GB
d. 1.44 MB
22. MICR stands for
a. Magnetic Ink Character Reader
b. Magnetic Ink Code Reader
c. Magnetic Ink Cases Reader
d. None
23. BCD is
a. Binary Coded Decimal
b. Bit Coded Decimal
c. Binary Coded Digit
d. Bit Coded Digit
24. ASCII stands for
a. American Stable Code for International Interchange
b. American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange
c. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
d. American Standard Code for Interchange Information 
25. m<uqjk mrïmrdfõ mrs.Klj, m%Odk;u wx.h jkafka
a. Transistors
b. Vacuum Tubes and Valves
c. Integrated Circuits
d. None of above
26. EEPROM stand for
a. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
b. Easily Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
c. Electronic Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
d. None of the above
27. Second Generation computers were developed during
a. 1949 to 1955
b. 1956 to 1965
c. 1965 to 1970
d. 1970 to 1990
28. Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers
a. First Generation
b. Second Generation
c. Third Generation
d. Fourth Generation
29. Which generation of computer is still under development
a. Fourth Generation
b. Fifth Generation
c. Sixth Generation
d. Seventh Generation
30. Artificial Intelligence is associated with which generation?
a. First Generation
b. Second Generation
c. Fifth Generation
d. Sixth Generation
31. Which operation is not performed by computer
a. Inputting
b. Processing
c. Controlling
d. Understanding
32. Central Processing Unit is combination of 
a. Control and storage
b. Control and output unit
c. Arithmetic logic and input unit
d. Arithmetic logic and control unit
33. Analog computer works on the supply of 
a. Continuous electrical pulses
b. Electrical pulses but not continuous
c. Magnetic strength
d. None of the above
34. The computer that process both analog and digital is called
a. Analog computer
b. Digital computer
c. Hybrid computer
d. Mainframe computer
35. The computer size was very large in 
a. First Generation c. Third Generation
b. Second Generation d. Fourth Generation

36. A communications device that combines transmissions from several I/O devices into one line is

a. concentrator
b. modifier
c. multiplexer
d. full-duplex line

37. Which of the following is not a transmission medium?

a. telephone lines
b. coaxial cables
c. modem
d. microwave systems
38. Which of the following is an advantage to using fiber optics data transmission?
a. resistance to data theft
b. fast data transmission rate
c. low noise level
d. all of above
39. Which of the following is required to communicate between two computers?
a. a. communications software
b. b. protocol
c. c. communication hardware
d. d. all of above including access to transmission medium

40. The process of converting analog signals into digital signals so they can be processed by a
receiving computer is referred to as:

a. a. modulation

b. b. demodulation

c. c. synchronizing

d. d. digitising

41. Layer one of the OSI model is

a. a. physical layer

b. b. link layer

c. c. transport layer

d. d. network layer

e. e. none of above

42. Which of the following communication modes support two-way traffic but in only one direction
at a time?

a. a. simplex

b. b. half duplex

c. c. three-quarters duplex

d. d. all of the above

e. e. none of the above
43. In OSI network architecture, the dialogue control and token management are responsibility of

a. a. session layer

b. b. network layer

c. c. transport layer

d. d. data link layer


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