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An Engineering Project in Community Service

REPORT (Phase – II)

Submitted by -
1 18BCE10097 Enakshi Singh
2 18BCE10104 Gurpreet Chawla
3 18BCE10204 Rachit Agarwal
4 18BCE10258 Shreyansh Jain
5 18BCE10290 Vijay Arora
6 18BEE10003 Ajay Tiwari
7 18BEE10007 Aniket Banerjee
8 18BEE10015 Devesh Baranwal
9 18BEE10030 Pranav Kumar

10 18BEC10048 Mihir Shah

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree of Bachelor of Engineering and Technology

VIT Bhopal University

Madhya Pradesh


Certified that this project report titled “Smart Cradle System” is the bonafide work of
“(18BCE10097 Enakshi Singh Chauhan, 18BCE10104 Gurpreet kaur Chawla, 18BCE10204
Rachit Agarwal, 18BCE10258 Shreyansh Jain, 18BCE10290 Vijay ,18BEE10003 Ajay Tiwari,
18BEE10007 Aniket Banerjee, 18BEE10015 Devesh Baranwal, 18BEE10030 Pranav Kumar
Mittal, 18BEC10048 Mihir Shah)” who carried out the project work under my supervision.

This project report (Phase II) is submitted for the Project Viva-Voce examination held on

Supervisor 1 Supervisor 2


The success and the outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and assistance from
many people and we are extremely privileged to have got this all along the completion of
this project. All that we have done is only due to such supervision and assistance and we
would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of them.
First, we owe my deep gratitude to our project guide, Dr. Neha Chobey, who took keen
interest on our project work and guided us all along, till the completion of our project work
by providing all the necessary information for developing a good system. The project
would not have been possible without her valuable inputs, guidance, encouragement,
whole-hearted cooperation and constructive criticism throughout the project. Her useful
suggestions throughout this entire work and cooperative behavior are sincerely
We heartily thank our Dean of the Academics, Dr. Manas Mishra, for encouraging and
allowing us to present the project on the topic “SMART CRADLE SYSTEM” at our
department premises for the partial fulfilment of the requirements. His encouragement and
more over his timely support and guidance were invaluable.
We are thankful and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and guidance
from all the faculties which helped me in successfully completing the project.
My thanks and appreciation also go to our colleague in developing the project and people
who have willingly helped us out with their abilities.

List of Figures

Figure Title/Caption Page No.


1 Introduction 07

2 Motivation 07

3 Objective 07

4 Existing Work 08

5 Topic of the work 09

6 System Design / Architecture 10

8 Individual Contribution by members 12

9 Results and Discussion 18

List of Tables

Table no. Title/Caption Page No.

10 Conclusion 25

11 References 26

Table of Contents

Front Page ii
Certificate iii
Acknowledgement iv
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
Contents Page No.
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Objective


3.1 Requirement analysis 09
3.2 Workplan 10
3.2.1 1 Role of each team member





1.1 Motivation

Parents in the present world are busy in their professional life, so they do not get sufficient time
to take care of their babies. It may be expensive for the household to afford a nanny. Today’s
women have to manage home along with their office work simultaneously. After long working
hours, they have to take care of the home along with the baby. They may not get enough time to
swing the cradle manually and sooth the baby. Moreover, in today’s lifestyle, it is very difficult
even for the housewives to sit near their infants and sooth them whenever they cry.

1.2 Objective

As we all know that nearly 75-80% of the mothers are working now, either full-time or part-time
as well as the fathers. This makes it very difficult for these parents to keep up with both their work
life and taking care of their children. Also, there is always a prominent worry and insecurity about
the child in the mind of the parents all the time they both are away from their child.

This project will help the parents to keep a watch at all the activities of their child all day from
any part of the globe. We are not only providing a way to judge the whereabouts of the child but
also giving a way where the parents can actually see the baby and all its activities.

The main aim for our project is to create a smart cradle system. It will make lives easier for
working parents. Nowadays, both the parents are working and it is difficult to give constant care
to the baby 24/7. So by this system parents can monitor their child’s activity anytime from any
part of the world.


•Steven Bang designed an automatic baby rocker having a noise sensor to detect baby cry. Noise
sensor consists of Electret MIC with a pre amplifier (2n3904 transistor). Signal from the noise
sensor is fed to the microcontroller Arduino ATmega 328, which is used to control the DC motor.

Few colorful lights made up of LEDs are used to entertain the baby while being rocked. A
Mabuchi RE-260RA DC motor with Tamiya 6 speed gearbox is used to create the rocking motion
of the crib.

•Yang Hu proposed an algorithm for adjusting the bassinet swaying extent by the sensor signals.
The bassinet is made up of an adaptive swaying device and other sensor network.

While the baby is crying, the sensor network can judge the reason according to detecting
parameters, giving the different signals to control the circuit. At the same time, the bassinet starts
to sway slightly. The swaying rhythm can be adjusted according to parameters from baby status.

•Anritha Ebenezer gives an approach to design a baby cradle consisting of cry analyzing system
which detects baby cry. According to sound intensity cradle swings. It has six rocks per minute.

It has wet sensor to indicates baby wets, whenever baby wets resistance would change thus
sending a signal. Other sensors include temperature sensor to display baby temperature,
respiratory sensor that sends a signal in apnea condition. GSM modem via RS232 is used to send
msg to parents in case baby does not stop crying with in a particular instant of time.

Chapter – 1

The design of smartness & innovation comes with the use of technologies/methodologies which
include Internet Of Things (IOT) (Modules like Arduino, Humidity & Temperature sensing, Heart
Beat sensing), Swing Automation, Cry Detecting Mechanism, Live Video Surveillance, Cloud
Computing (Data Storage) & User Friendly Android Mobile Application (for User Controls).

For mobile application we will be using React js as the syntax of the code remains compatible for
both Android and IOS. All the data which will be taken from the sensors will be stored in
Firebase(Google database). The user can keep a record of all the past activities. We will provide
with a login and registration page for the parents and their data will be stored by which they can
access all the functionalities.

The crying pattern of the baby, motion sensors, temperature and humidity detector will be stored
in the database.

The mobile application will have control over all the features. Parents can change the temperature,
they can monitor the baby and can also control the motion of the cradle and lullaby when the baby
starts crying.

With the help of convolutional neural network we will train the model with baby’s facial
expressions of different modes like laughing, crying, fear, joy and when the baby’s cry mode will
be figured out, the alarm or notification will be popped out on the admin’s mobile application and
all this will be done with the help of Arduino Uno. In order to design the circuit for our project
we will be using softwares like Circuito, Proteus


Principle behind cradle swing stays in comparing the baby cry generated sound level in dB with
a preset value and it swings if is greater than .
The amplified signal is generated from the voice input. This amplified signal is then converted
into a digital signal from which sound level is calculated.

Sound level (x) =20log (V /V0)

Vin = Voltage (ADC count) when the baby is crying.
V0 = Average reference voltage (ADC count) when baby is not crying.
The preset value is set initially as part of configuration of the system. It is the least value among
the samples of baby cry sound levels and it can be modified in future as and when necessary.

Fig 2.1 Given above is for- Complete Architecture that connect Mobile/Web Application

Fig 2.2 Given above is for- Complete Architecture that connect Mobile/Web Application

Vijay Arora(18BCE10290)

(Frontend + Backend)

In our project "Smart Cradle", I initially dedicated my time to brainstorm about the project
and what all sensors can be used, and what methods can be used to connect the hardware with
the software. Once we finalized all the details then we brainstormed about what languages
should be used for creating a web application and for the mobile application. Once everything
was finalized I and another team member of my group were given the duty to build a complete
website that could take in all user details and could be connected to our Cradle. I initially
worked on the frontend where we together built all the web pages and interconnected them.
Then I had the responsibility of connecting the backend with the frontend of the website.We
faced a few issues with our connectivity as the database had to be connected with both the
Mobile as well as the Web Application as well. In the end, to make the website look good and
attractive me and my team members did the styling of the pages by using CSS. Later I worked
in Report Writing and Final presentation as well.

Rachit Agarwal (18BCE10204)

Face Recognition

In our project, I have the responsibility of creating the AI model for the face recognition of the
baby to create the cradle system more user friendly for parents/guardians. First of all, I did research
on how to do image processing and what are the best face detection algorithms and tools to achieve
best accuracy. I came up with the best solution by using the OpenCV which is a face detection
software library consisting of different pre-trained models on different parameters to classify or
detect faces. So according to our project requirements, I have chosen the Haar cascade classifier
to detect a baby's face and different emotions like cry, fear, joy, happiness, anger and many more.
Haar classifier is a pre-trained model which comes with OpenCV library and has advantages over
others as it has better accuracy and low false positive rate than others. Then I have downloaded
many different emotion images of babies and tested with the model to see if they are recognizing
it or not. Then I took two haar models named haarcascade_frontalface_alt2 for detecting the front
face and by this if the model recognizes face it shows the output images with green box around
the face and if it's not found then it creates a red box indicating that face is not detected. Secondly,
I have used the haarcascade_smile classifier to detect a smile on the face and if a smile is found
then it shows the green box around the lips indicating a smile is detected and if not then red box
around the lips. By this whole process we are able to achieve our requirements for our project and
are able to detect the baby's face.

Gurpreet Kaur Chawla(18BCE10104)

(Frontend + Backend)

In our project "Smart Cradle", I firstly was involved in deciding what should we use and it should
help the people around us, so we ended up deciding about the Smart Cradle System that would
help working mothers to take care of their babies even when they are working, then I and my
team brainstormed about the project and set parameters on which our project should be based
and what all software's would be used Once we finalized all the details then we discussed about
what languages should be used for creating the mobile application and web application. After
we ended up deciding the parameters and details about the project me and my team members
were in charge of building a complete web application, that could collect all user details and
could be connected to our Cradle. I initially worked on the frontend where I built the web pages
and communicated them with my team member. Once we finished with the frontend we worked
on the styling of the pages, Then I worked on the database, was in charge of creating the database
that would collect all the details that were input by the user and which could be extracted later
either through mobile or web application. In the end, we were able to build a proper functioning
website that met all the parameters that were required

Enakshi Singh Chauhan(18BCE10097)

(Prototype and Debugging)

In our project “Smart Cradle”, when all the team members decided to work on this project for our
EPICS project. The first step was to look at all existing projects and by understanding their
functionalities how can we make our project more useful and better, so we decided to build a
mobile application by which parents could monitor and view all the activities of the baby and
control everything remotely so for that, I worked for the prototype and debugging of our mobile
application, firstly it was an important task to decide what all platforms we should use and what
are all the features that are needed to be added in the application so that I can made an easy use
for the customers. So all the team members worked on deciding all the important parameters and
built up a rough sketch of all the features that are required to use all the sensors. Then I worked
on how the UI can be made more user oriented and handy. After completing the designing of the
application and its functioning, there was a task to look after all the errors and faults that we were
facing so I worked on that and how we can overcome that and make our application a smooth
running application.

Shreyansh Jain(18BCE10258)

(Prototype and Debugging)

In our project “Smart Cradle”, my work was to look at the application designing part, so firstly
we all started by looking up all the existing projects and how can we make our project different
from existing ones,so we decided to build a mobile application by which parents could monitor
and view all the activities of the baby and control everything remotely so for that, I worked for
the prototype and debugging of our mobile application, firstly it was an important task to decide
what all platforms we should use and what are all the features that are needed to be added in the
application so that I can made an easy use for the customers. So all the team members worked on
deciding all the important parameters and built up a rough sketch of all the features that are
required to use all the sensors. Then I worked on how the UI can be made more user oriented and
handy, after completing the designing of the application and its functioning, there was a task to
look after all the errors and faults that we were facing so I worked on that and how we can
overcome that and make our application a smooth running application

Mihir Shah (18BEC10048)

(Simulation & Coding)

In our project “Smart Baby Cradle”,My first and foremost responsibility was to find out existing
projects, how they are lagging and how we can do to make our project efficient and improving
what is already offered and what is the actual demand of the consumers. Then, I got the
responsibility of Designing and Simulating the Circuit and making the system working for the
Parents. First of all, I researched many papers related to this project and came to know that
Circuito and Fritzing are best for Designing Circuit and Proteus Software is best for Simulating
the circuit. First of all, I designed the circuit in Fritzing software which is a good software for
designing as it has all the required modules and sensors which we are using, then I started working
with various sensors which were Sound sensor, Moisture Sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, Temperature
& Humidity, and Heart-Beat Sensor and connect these sensors with Microcontroller which is
Arduino Uno and then I & Devesh started working on coding for Interfacing sensors with Arduino
Uno in Arduino IDE. Then I Worked on implementing the circuit and all the coding parts in
Proteus Software for Simulation, then, on completing the whole process, we are able to Simulate

the circuit and after simulating the circuit, we went through safety checks and testing, again and
again, to make sure it is safe for baby and after all these processes we got the required output for
our project and made the project working.

Pranav Kumar Mittal (18BEE10030)


In our project “SMART CRADLE” my responsibilities was to design and safely check the smart
cradle. A design project should assess and incorporate considerations of every lifecycle stage of
a structure – from conception and design through to construction, use for purpose, maintenance
and repair, decommissioning or repurposing, and eventually to demolition.In designing the cradle
the role was to find how to design the cradle in such a way that all the sensors and the software
gets interconnected with each other. The sensors are placed in such a way in the cradle that it
doesn't hurt the baby.Requiring designers to specify standard construction processes › Requiring
designers to take into account unforeseeable hazards Safety in design is about changing the health
and safety outcomes throughout the lifecycle of a project or asset. This is achieved by embedding
safety concepts at the earliest stages of project development. The role of the safety check was after
testing of the sensors and the output of the cradle, my work was to have a complete safety check
of the cradle. If any fault is found in the cradle it will be sent for re-testing as to have a full security
for the baby. So my complete role was to design and check the safety check of the cradle, that in
any manner it should not cause any harm to the baby. More efficient and effective risk
management at the design stage rather than retrofitting for health and safety during the use and
maintenance stages. The whole presentation was made by me , by collecting all the
materials,output of the work that is done and then categrising it into a format and giving all the
edits to the presentation. With these benefits in mind, our team seeks to ensure safety by designing
concepts and details into every aspect of their designs and for every stage of the project lifecycle.

Aniket Banerjee (18BEE10007)


In our project “Smart Cradle System”, My first and foremost responsibility was to find out what
the existing projects are lagging, what is already offered and what is the actual demand of the
parents (consumers). Also I collaborated with the design and simulation team to shortlist and
select the sensors that were to be used in the project keeping in mind the safety of the child that
could come in direct contact with the sensors at any point of time during the usage. Secondly, I
was also responsible for the testing of the project after it was completed. Here, my responsibilities
include the checking and confirmation that all the parts of the circuit including the sensors and the
wiring are done correctly and are working fine, in other words confirming that the fabrication of
the product was done correctly. After the positioning of the circuit gets tested the next thing that
got tested was each and every wire, especially the ones that could come in reach of the child, for
any leakages or loose fittings and at the same time I also kept a check that in no way, if a sensor
physically touches the baby, the baby coils be harmed or any could cause any allergic reactions
considering normal circumstances. After the testing was over I passed on the project for further
safety checks. In this whole process I made use of the Manometer the most to check the continuity
of each wire as well as to check the parts that could result in shocks. During the testing of the
product, I have run each and every sensor and ensured that, 1) There is no harm by personally
touching any sensor that could come in direct contact with the baby. 2) The outputs and the
working of the sensors were as planned and received from the simulations.

Also if there was any error found during the safety check my job was to re-check the part so that
no errors are left.

Devesh Baranwal (18BEE10015)


In our project "SMART CRADLE SYSTEM". Firstly I had a combined responsibility of

brainstorming and information gathering regarding the project. Upon going through several
research papers we came to a conclusion keeping in mind the pandemic situation that a smart
cradle would solve the problems of the working parents of frequently needing to check upon the

Initially my role was to design the circuit which I did using circuito and fritzing.

The circuit includes sensors like temperature and humidity for detecting the same, ultrasonic for
detecting if the baby is trying to get out of the cradle, heartbeat sensor for detecting heartbeat,
moisture sensor for detecting bet wetting, and sound sensor for detecting the cry.

We simulated the circuit on Proteus for its vast library of components and an excellent advantage
of importing other components from open sources like arduino uno, heartbeat sensor, sound sensor
etc. For simulation firstly me and my team member mihir wrote the codes for individual sensors
on ARDUINO IDE to see the individual functioning of the sensors. On successful individual
working we moved to compiling all the sensors codes into a single one and successfully debugged
it on ARDUINO IDE. For simulation we designed the circuit on Proteus and uploaded the
compiled code on its arduino uno. Finally we checked the simulation and corrected the errors
incurred during the simulation running. After that final safety checks and designing changes was
done by my other team members to get the desired outputs.

Ajay Tiwari (18BEE10003)


In our project "SMART CRADLE SYSTEM". Firstly I had a blended duty of brainstorming and
facts accumulating and facts accumulating concerning the assignment. Upon going via numerous
studies papers we got here to an end maintaining in thoughts the pandemic state of affairs that a
clever cradle could remedy the troubles of the operating dad and mom of regularly desiring to test
upon the toddler. The circuit consists of sensors like temperature and humidity for detecting the
same, ultrasonic for detecting if the toddler is attempting to get out of the cradle, heartbeat sensor
for detecting heartbeat, moisture sensor for detecting wager wetting, and sound sensor for
detecting the cry. I Worked on imposing the circuit and all of the coding elements in Proteus
Software for Simulation, then, on finishing the complete process, we're capable of simulating the
circuit and were given the desired output for our assignment and made the assignment operating.


Fig-1 Simulation of Temperature Sensor & Humidity Sensor

There is a switch between the %RH and °C it there to measure the temperature and the humidity.If %RH
is highlighted in red, the humidity is measured and if the °C is highlighted the temperature is measured.The
inbuilt potentiometer is regulated and the voltages are increased or decreased resulting in different
temperature and humidity.

Fig,- 2 Simulation of Ultrasonic Sensor

Working of Ultrasonic sensors:- They work by sending out a sound wave at a frequency above the range
of human hearing. The transducer of the sensor acts as a microphone to receive and send the ultrasonic
sound. Our ultrasonic sensors, like many others, use a single transducer to send a pulse and to receive the
echo. The sensor determines the distance to a target by measuring time lapses between the sending and
receiving of the ultrasonic pulse.

Fig,- 3 Simulation of Heart-Beat Sensor

Working of Heart-Beat Sensor,This sensor consists of a red LED and light detector or LDR. The LED
needs to be super bright as the maximum light must pass and spread in the finger and be detected by the
detector. Now, when the heart pumps a pulse of blood through the blood vessels passes, So the finger
becomes slightly more opaque and so less light reached to the detector. With each heart pulse, the detector
signal varies. This variation is converted to an electrical pulse. This signal is amplified and triggered
through an amplifier which outputs a +5V logic level signal and the output is measured.

Fig-4 Simulation of Circuit in Proteus

Implementing and working of proposed “Smart Cradle System” is analyzed and evaluated using Proteus
Software. In the proposed Circuit, the Smart Cradle System is controlled by the Arduino Uno
microcontroller. Temperature & humidity sensor for detecting the temperature and humidity through
DHT11, ultrasonic sensor(HC-SR04) for detecting if the baby is trying to get out of the cradle, heartbeat
sensor for detecting heartbeat of the baby, moisture sensor for detecting bed is wet or not , and sound
sensor for detecting the cry and controlling the cradle.

Fig -5 Registration and Login Page of Mobile application

In the Mobile Application firstly we have the login page and signup page where we can either login or
Register in the system .If a user chooses to register he/she can register as new user or can login as an
existing user directly.

Fig- 6 Different components of Mobile Application

Once we have logged in we go to the main page where we have different features to use we can use
Camera to see the child or Check the temperature or use humidity sensor, and can control the swing of
the Cradle, and could even check the heartbeat of the child as well.

Fig- 7 Database For Web and Mobile Application

In this figure, the database of the project is shown. The database is created in PhpMyAdmin. The
database name is “smartbabycradle” and one table i.e. “register” is created to store the data of all the
users. The table consists of one primary key i.e. user_id and other columns are: username, email_id,
contact_number, password and re_password.

Fig- 8 Facial Recognition through AI

We get this output when we run the AI model which includes the opencv library for face detection and
we have used a haar classifier (pretrained model ) for face and emotions recognition. So when we input
the image if the model recognizes the face it outputs the green box around it and when it doesn’t
recognize it displays the red box.

Fig- 9 Web Application First Page

The above figure shows the main page of the website. It consists of heading of the Project and 2 buttons:
Login and Sign Up.User can click on either based on their preference and can register themselves or can
directly login if they are pre-registered

Fig- 10 SignUp Page

The above figure shows the sign up page. Here the user has to create their account with all the required
fields and once the account is created successfully, then all data will be added to the database and the
user will land on the Login Page. All the input fields are validated using HTML forms.

Fig - 11 Main page of Web Application

The above figure is the main page of the Application which is connected to the database where the
parent can use the following features same as we used in our Mobile application, user can use the
camera to see the baby or can check the temperature of the room, they can even use the moisture to
check if the diapers need to be changed.Once the user is satisfied he/she can log out of the website and
the session ends.


Looking after babies is a hard problem worldwide. Babies are the future of society. This system
emphasizes the importance of child care. The above designed system is economical and user
friendly and very useful for working parents and nurses. They can manage their work efficiently.
In today’s world of fast moving lifestyles we have come up with an idea to help and support the
working parents of babies who are taken care by their nannies or grandparents.

The project “Smart Cradle System” is specially designed for live monitoring of babies by their
parents who are far away from their home working in an office. This project will also help the old
grandparents who generally take care of babies.You will be able to make a cradle swing or stop
swing accordingly.As we know that a large number of cases of kidnapping of small babies by
their nannies have been registered across the country and thus we need a better way to monitor
baby time to time. Thus this project is expected to provide live monitoring of babies using camera
attached to the cradle which can help in reducing such cases. Also the feature of face recognition
will be added in the project through which the parents will get notification of baby crying and will
also get reason for baby’s cry( we will trying doing this with the help of Artificial Intelligence).

The moisture sensor will notify the parents, nannies or grandparents that the nappy has become
wet and it should be changed. The temperature control sensor will sense the temperature of the
surroundings, and send the notification to parents if its is too hot or too cold so that it can adjusted
according to the baby’s comfort(using app). Also, there will be servo motors attached to the cradle
which can directly be controlled by parents, being away from home through our app. If the baby
cries then the parents can remotely adjust the speed of cradle to make the baby comfortable.

Smart Cradle is a device that is used to put babies to sleep and in our case to monitor them as well.
This device is specially for working mothers who have Toddlers, as in numerous homes around
the globe both parents work, and they leave their Toddlers back at home either with babysitters or
grandparents, but they are constantly thinking about them that is their baby safe and are they are
taken care of.

Through our device, parents can observe their kids from anyplace through the website or mobile
application, they can control the swing of the cradle, can even check the humidity within the cradle
so that in case if required an alert can be sent to change the diaper, and even studies babies crying
pattern and sends an alert that the child is crying. By utilizing sensors, IoT, neural networks
guardians can keep an eye on their children from anywhere around the globe at any given time.


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