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NAME: Princess Mharian C. Macmac GRADE/SECTION: 11- KITANGLAD

Part I. INSTRUCTIONS. Think of three problems that surround the Philippines’ society today. Enumerate these problems
on the left side of the chart. And then, write the opinion about each of them. You may write your answers below the


Poverty is one of the biggest problem in the Philippines

until now. Filipinos are having a hard time surviving in such
difficult conditions, and more and more are falling into
POVERTY extreme poverty. The major causes of poverty include: low
economic growth, a weak agricultural sector, increased
population rates and a high volume of inequality. The as it
were arrangement to eradicatng destitution within the
Philippines could be a FREE and OPEN showcase economy.
This implies: Killing tax assessment on an overtaxed
population so they can spend, save, and contribute their
salary rather than having it stolen by government. Tax
collection is robbery, plain and straightforward, and
should halt.

The beauty of the Philippines hides a darker side, where crime is

an ongoing problem. Incidents of rough burglary and assault
happen as often as possible, and guests are regularly targets.
CRIME The biggest culprits of these acts are local criminal groups, and
it‘s not unheard of for person criminals to strike on their
possess. Many parts of the Philippines are destitute, and
children begging on the streets could be a frequent sight.
Whereas giving them money may be enticing, doing so might be
contributing to a wrongdoing. Most of the time, the child
begging on the street is being exploited by an adult who isn't
essentially their own parent, but a trafficker or sedate
merchant. There's too the possibility that the money you deliver
seem go to a drug-addicted relative. Moreover, while children
are working on the street, they are not going to school.

In this pandemic, the Philippine Government didn't do their

parts as well. They centered on how to solve education in this
COVID-19 PANDEMIC circumstance instead of to prioritize building more clinics for
the COVID patients. There are moreover goverment authorities
who have been degenerate on their occupations and has been
taking cash. In the first days of the pandemic, it has been a
great administration where there are strict lockdowns and
quarantines but presently people are not more wary of the
consequences of not staying at home.

Part II. INSTRUCTIONS. Read and comprehend the position paper below. After that, identify the parts of a position paper
using the template/ outline below. Do not copy the sentences from the position paper but simply describe the content
for each part.


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