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Well being through fragrances

them to the gods or used them to mechanical processes (“expression”)

treat illnesses. are used to squeeze them from the
However the term “aromatherapy” peels of the fruit.
did not officially appear until the late Some of the ways in which essential
1920s, when it was coined by oils are used in aromatherapy
French biochemist and perfumer include fragrant baths, inhalations
René Maurice Gattefossé, who dealt and fragrant lamps, or as massage
intensively with plant essences and or body oils; they are also taken
their therapeutic effects. In the late internally in highly diluted form. Oils
1930s, he used this term as the title from bergamot, patchouli, cedar,
of his book. Since then, Gattefossé lemon, lavender and tea bushes are
has influenced numerous scientists employed for this purpose.
Health and well being through and physicians in this field. Therapists employ essential oils
fragrant herbs and essential oils: primarily to treat psychosomatic
That’s the promise of aromatherapy. Essential oils play the leading role ailments such as sleep disorders,
This method of utilizing natural Essential oils are the volatile oils of nervousness or stress. They can also
fragrance materials to heal illnesses fragrant plants that occur as be employed to support healing in
enjoys high popularity: This can be droplets in or on the plant tissue. connection with colds or nervous
seen both from the numerous The most customary method of gastrointestinal disorders.
publications on this subject as well
as from the growing number of Fragrances aid in consciously
practicing aromatherapists. experiencing
In addition to the employment of
Long tradition essential oils, the patient’s intensive
This rediscovered branch of conversations with the therapist,
naturopathy can look back on a long conscious experiencing of
tradition. Virtually all of the ancient fragrances, as well as calm and
civilizations used aromatic plant regular breathing are essential
materials for healing. They smoked elements in aromatherapy. The
dried plants, grasses, resins, fruits fragrances that are used for this
and barks for purification, sacrificed purpose are intended to evoke
obtaining them is steam distillation: recollections of positive, relaxing
Heating dissolves the plant’s situations, like a walk along the sea
fragrant oil from its cells and or through a meadow in bloom. The
entrains it in the steam. When the important aspect is for the patient to
steam is subsequently cooled, the intensively and consciously commit
water and oil return to their liquid to the treatment, as this is the only
state and separate, as they do not way for the therapy to be successful.
mix. The only exception consists of
citrus oils: Instead of distillation,

lower doses. And there is, in fact,
virtually no unambiguous
documentation that would support
the claims made by aromatherapists.
Yet it would be wrong to dismiss
aromatherapy as “humbug.” That’s
because the treatment does not
consist of merely prescribing and
administering medicines, on the one
hand, while on the other essential
Controversy in medical circles oils are not pharmaceuticals in the
In spite of its numerous positive narrow sense.
aspects, aromatherapy is also the Anyone who might be interested in
subject of criticism. Many physicians aromatherapy and the effect of
and scientists, for example, point to essential oils should definitely bear
the fact that there is no strictly in mind the fact that this is no
objective, scientific evidence for the substitute for seeing a physician.
efficacy of essential oils – a major And just as with every medicine,
prerequisite for the employment of essential oils can cause side effects if
medications in orthodox medicine. not used in the appropriate dosage
A further point of criticism: An or if the dosage does not precisely
active pharmaceutical ingredient has reflect the patient’s individual
to have a similarly strong effect in all condition.
people and under all conditions, its
effect has to be specific, and this
effect has to be greater when taken
in higher doses than when taken in


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