Assessment For MIS

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SAQ 1.1 (tests Learning Outcome 1.1)

Setting goals is not always relevant in management, true or false?

False, setting goals are relevant in management for it helps to organize the necessary tasks for the
operational plan, making priorities clear for everyone and it helps the managers to be aware in a way,
which they can increase motivation, task engagement and productivity among team members.

SAQ 1.2 (tests Learning Outcome 1.2)

1. Can you point out the characteristics of good information?

 The characteristics of good information are relevance, timeliness, accuracy, cost-
effectiveness, reliability, usability, exhaustiveness and aggregation level.

2. What will you use to measure the value of information?

 The value of information is measured by the benefits that can be derived from it and if
the value is significantly high, the system should provide it. By measuring the differences
in performance, we can trace the impact of information provided the measurements are
carefully performed.

SAQ 1.3 (tests Learning Outcome 1.3)

1. How will you define a system?

 A system is a set of elements that are joined together to achieve a common objective by
accepting inputs and producing outputs in an organized transformation process. The
elements are interrelated and interdependent.

2. What is the central goal of MIS?

 The central goal of MIS is to assist managers in making strategic, tactical and operational
decisions in an efficient and productive manner and to implement the organizational
structure in order to strategize ways to improve operations.
SAQ 2.1 (Tests learning outcome 2.1)

How do you describe a system?

 A system is a combination of elements that manipulates one or more signals to

accomplish a function and produces some output in an organized transformation
process. Systems has various inputs which go through a process to produce certain

SAQ 2.2 (Tests learning outcome 2.2)

A system has several components, highlight them.

 The several components of a system are; System Boundaries, Systems and Sub Systems,
Outputs and Inputs, Subsystem Interface, Interface Problems, System and its
Environment, System Feedback, System Entropy, System Stress and Change and Systems
Concepts in Business.

SAQ 2.3 (Tests learning outcome 2.3)

Briefly explain how information system can be a subsystem of a business system.

 An information system is a subsystem of the business system of an organization for the

major purpose of information system is to convert data into information. This will
provide information to managers/management in making strategic, tactical and
operational decisions and to allocate resources effectively in an efficient and productive
manner to achieve business objectives.

SAQ 2.4 (Tests learning outcome 2.4)

Can you enumerate the subsystems of an enterprise?

 The subsystems of an enterprise includes the marketing subsystem, the service

subsystem and the administrative subsystem.

SAQ 2.5 (Tests learning outcome 2.5)

In the study of systems, there are several strategies; list any five.

 1. Abstraction
 2. Formality
 3. Divide and conquer
 4. Hierarchical ordering
 5. Information hiding
SAQ 2.6 (Tests learning outcome 2.6)

List the modalities for categorizing information systems.

 Classification by mode of processing (Batch processing systems, On-line batch systems, On-line
Real-times systems)
 Classification by System Objectives (Transaction Processing Systems, Decision Support Systems,
Expert Systems)
 Classification based on the Nature of Interaction with Environment (Transformational Systems,
Reactive Systems)

SAQ 2.7 (Tests learning outcome 2.7)

List the levels of management

 Top level of Management (board of directors, chief executive, managing director)

 Middle level of Management (branch managers, departmental managers)
 Lower level of Management (supervisory, operative level)

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