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IFMR GSB, Krea University

MBA Program
End-Term Examination: OBHR 501 Managing Individuals & Teams
Date: 10th October 2020

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

Question 1

If you were retained as a consultant for an organization which wants to start a technology research firm in the area of
robotics operating out of Dubai, India, U.S and Japan what would be your recommendation for an organizational culture
that would be unique to the organization and still compatible with the cross cultural work force.

(Marks: 20)


When people join an organization, they bring with them the values and beliefs they have learnt based on their
experience. More often, these values and beliefs are not sufficient for helping the individual succeed in the newly
joined organization. The person needs to acquaint himself / herself with how the enterprise does things and inculcate
the same going forward. The is true irrespective of how complex an organization is, where a key challenge is to instil and
sustain a corporatewide culture that encourages knowledge sharing and promotes harmony and peace within the
labour force working in that organisation.

Edgar Schein, who is probably most strongly associated with the study of organizational culture, defines it as a “pattern
of basic assumptions—invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of
external adaptation and internal integration—that has worked well enough to be considered valuable and, therefore, to
be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems.”

Organizational culture differs from one organisation to another. This is because of the members that distinguishes the
organization from other organizations based on values, beliefs, and assumptions that characterize the organization.

Some of the most important characteristics that capture the true underline meaning of organisational culture are as:

1. Adaptability: This basically measures the level to which employees are encouraged to be innovative and flexible as
well as to undertake risks and carry out experiments.

2. Detail orientation: This basically measures the level to which employees are expected to exhibit precision, analysis,
and attention to detail.

3. Results / outcome orientation: This basically measures the level to which management focuses on end results or
outcomes rather than on the methods and the processes used to achieve them.

4. People/customer orientation: This basically measures the level to which management decisions consider the effect
of outcomes on people within and outside the organization.

5. Collaboration/team orientation: This basically measures the level to which management activities are organized
around teams rather than individuals.

6. Integrity: This basically measures the level to which employees and management exhibit integrity and high ethical
standards in their work.

7. Observed behavioural regularities: When people in the organisation interact with one another, they use common
language, terminology, and rituals to get along with each other and break the ice.

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

IFMR GSB, Krea University
MBA Program
End-Term Examination: OBHR 501 Managing Individuals & Teams
Date: 10th October 2020

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

8. Norms: This basically measures the level to which standards of behaviour exist, including guidelines on how much
work to do, thus setting the level of expectation at the very onset of their work.

9. Dominant values: In every organisation, there are major values that the organization advocates and expects the
participants to share. Typical examples are high product quality, low absenteeism, high efficiency, ability to perform
under pressure and multitask.

10. Philosophy: In every organisation there are certain policies and standard operating procedures which are laid out
that set forth the organization’s beliefs about how employees and /or customers are to be treated.

11. Rules: In every organisation there are certain policies and strict guidelines related to getting along in the
organization. Newcomers are required to get acquainted to these to be accepted as full-fledged members of the

12. Organizational climate: This is an overall atmosphere of the organisation that is conveyed by the physical layout, the
way participants interact, and the way members of the organization conduct themselves with customers or other

In the given case above we can see that the organization wants to start a technology research firm in the area of
robotics operating out of Dubai, India, U.S and Japan and thus needs to build an organizational culture that would be
unique to the organization and still compatible with the cross cultural work force. Since it marks its presence in more
than one nation this gives rise to cross cultural teams and network.

For this, let us first understand what cross – culture exactly mean?

It is evident that no human can work in isolation in the organisation and this gives rise to the need of interaction. Since
the organisation wants to mark its presence in more than 1 nation, this would require need to interact with people from
organisations outside their home territory and thus this gives rise to cross border cultures and diversity among work
force of the entire group or organisation.

Cross-cultural teams are global teams that include people coming from different cultures possessing different set of
values, morals, and unique experiences. Companies should consider these fundamental differences within a team and
understand the root cause of conflicts and frustration if any arises in between these teams so that can be easily
thwarted once entity gains a quick understanding of the individuals in a team.

These distinctions can come from correspondence styles and individual edge of references. For instance, individuals in
certain nations are happy to work more than the specified long stretches of work, in any event, working distantly from
home. Then again, laborers in various nations may not consider working past the said hours aside from in crisis
circumstances, and their cell phones are turned off when they leave the workplace.

Albeit cross hierarchical societies can create in a couple of various ways, the cycle ordinarily includes some form of the
accompanying advances:

1. A solitary individual (organizer) has a thought for another endeavour.

2. The organizer gets at least one other key individual and makes a centre gathering that imparts a typical vision to the
author. That is, all in this centre gathering accept that the thought is a decent one, is serviceable, merits running a
few dangers for, and merits the venture of time, cash, and energy that will be required.

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

IFMR GSB, Krea University
MBA Program
End-Term Examination: OBHR 501 Managing Individuals & Teams
Date: 10th October 2020

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

3. The establishing centre gathering starts to act in show to make an association by raising assets, acquiring licenses,
joining, finding space, building, etc.

4. Now, others are brought into the association, and a typical history starts to be fabricated.

A large portion of the present fruitful corporate monsters in all ventures essentially followed these means.

Thus, the organisation can come across another major difference of style in a cross-cultural team is the  way each
member of the team chooses to communicate. While some team members vociferously voice their unfiltered opinions
and ideas, those from hierarchical cultures tend to think a lot before raising their voice. So, how can the organisation
need to make sure that in such a team all the ideas of the members are heard equally and manage the team effectively.

Some of the top barriers in managing a cross cultural team are as:

1. Communication and Expression: The subtleties of imparting in a manner with the end goal that everyone is in
the same spot is a key worry in diverse groups. Everyone may be communicating in a similar language and be
knowledgeable in English, however certain types of slang or idiom can frequently be confounded.

Collaboration is an aggregate onus, and all individuals need to comprehend the course of the conversations
unmistakably. Correspondence issues are frequently found in virtual groups where there is no up close and
personal association.

For example, it could be a worldwide virtual group or virtual groups inside a similar nation or city that need to
team up and finish an assignment. In either case, the two groups need to make their email and telephonic
discussions as clear as conceivable to moderate any misconception.

They likewise need to build up a working style of reacting instantly to inquiries, for if this isn't going on, it can
get truly confounding. Care must be taken with a culturally diverse blend of individuals concerning the words
utilized. Indeed, even somewhat wry remarks or jokes can be paid attention to by a colleague and result in a

For example, your German partners may not value your endeavours at casual chitchat, as they as a rule like to
get serious right away. Likewise, making a Hitler joke may land you in genuine difficulty!

2. Information Gaps: Everyone ought to be on a similar frequency to keep steady over information and cycle
streams. There ought to be no manual exertion to accommodate data from various sources. Every single
colleague needs to approach the correct assets at the required opportunity to team up and complete their
assignments. This particularly turns into a test with virtual diverse groups. Having a typical programming with
admittance to a common information base and empowering the sharing of documents, online visits, planning
and mutually following undertakings turns out to be significant. Viable intends to share assets and access assets
in an ideal way is a test.

3. Work Style: Each colleague has a novel work style that is dominatingly directed by their way of life. Some work
societies esteem singular commitment and encourage singular feelings. All fingers are not the equivalent. This
likewise applies to workers who are people with characters. With one-of-a-kind styles, individualistic colleagues will

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

IFMR GSB, Krea University
MBA Program
End-Term Examination: OBHR 501 Managing Individuals & Teams
Date: 10th October 2020

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

in general come out as forceful while the not all that individualistic ones converge into the group and may appear
to be to offer less. Regardless of the distinctions in the work style, it is imperative to sift and get the best through of
each colleague's work style.

4. Influences: There can be chances that a segment or gathering of the group has comparable social character or
homogeneity. They may endeavour to rule the cycle and attempt to impact the whole group to swing their
direction. Thus, it can establish superfluous strains and a baffling climate for other colleagues.

Group and gathering elements can be a significant worry in a multifaceted group. This can prompt superfluous
gathering legislative issues and clashes inside a group.

5. Inspiration Factors: Typically, organizations have a solitary strung inspiration and prizes framework that is to a
great extent dictated by the standards and estimations of the organization. It does not represent the persuasive
variables of a culturally diverse group.

The sparks for workers can go from unmistakable advantages of augmentations, extra, motivations, profession
movement and elusive advantages that incorporate acknowledgment, work fulfilment, support, and so on.

It is imperative to perceive what inspires every person to dominate in their job so you can drive them suitably
towards execution. Without a legitimate impetus, the colleagues may need energy and be less drawn in grinding

Recommendation: The organisation which wants to start a technology research firm in the area of robotic operations in
three different countries that is Dubai, India, U.S, and Japan should at the fore most set up an organisational culture as
discussed in the starting.

Further they should be laid out specifically by the senior management of the group as a whole and the human resource
department of the group should identify the barriers as mentioned above which hinder in the promotion of cross-
cultural team so that necessary action can be taken to correct the same as highlighted above.

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

IFMR GSB, Krea University
MBA Program
End-Term Examination: OBHR 501 Managing Individuals & Teams
Date: 10th October 2020

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

Question 2

“We are in the middle of a revolution which is probably many times bigger than the Industrial revolution. The
workforce composition and work processes are changing and designing a reward structure that would motivate
this diverse work force is going to be one of the biggest challenges in the future” Do you agree? Justify

(Marks: 20)


We can characterize Motivation as the processes that represent a person's power, course, and ingenuity of exertion
toward achieving a goal. While general motivation is worried about exertion toward any objective, we will limit the
concentration to objectives laid down by the management.

Let us understand how the workforce composition and processes have evolved over the past few years.

Mechanical change influences more than efficiency, work, and salary imbalance. It additionally makes open doors for
changes work itself. Various ethnographic investigations have demonstrated how an assortment of new advances have
modified the manner in which work is played out, the jobs that laborers play in an association's division of work, and
the manner in which these changing jobs modify the structure of associations. The investigation of innovation and
society proceeds, with an attention on the accompanying:

(1) changing types of work, including occupations and unexpected positions

(2) dynamism and adaptability in the workforce

(3) socioeconomics and work fulfilment

(4) the associations and different establishments wherein we work

(5) changes in the function of work in individuals' lives

(6) instruction and employment preparing

As the idea of the workplace keeps on changing, new patterns have risen at the individual, group, and hierarchical
levels. The workforce is currently more demographically different than any time in recent memory, and more
seasoned laborers speak to a critical subset of the working populace. Expanded innovation and the developing
multifaceted nature of assignments have offered ascend to more virtual and interdisciplinary groups. Moreover,
enthusiasm for worldwide associations has developed the same number of organizations look to build their abroad
tasks. If society is responsive to these progressions and furthermore ready to adjust rapidly to innovation, it can
prompt advantages for the two workers and associations. In any case, history recommends that these patterns can
prompt obstacles and sudden contrary results, for example, diminished occupation fulfilment, helpless work/life
equalization, and disregard of individual and long-haul profession advancement. An outline of the most noticeable
patterns inside the present workforce is talked about underneath :

1. The On-Demand Economy: The quick ascent of firms like Uber, alongside an expanded acknowledgment that IT
grants people to associate and facilitate in uncommon manners, have provoked incredible enthusiasm for the on-
request economy. In the official total measurements from U.S. measurable offices, there is blended proof on the

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

IFMR GSB, Krea University
MBA Program
End-Term Examination: OBHR 501 Managing Individuals & Teams
Date: 10th October 2020

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

current job and degree of the on-request economy. Notwithstanding, this may to a great extent mirror an absence
of away from of the pertinent kinds of work. Recent studies suggest that the general portion of laborers in elective
arrangements expanded from 10% to around 16 percent somewhere in the range of 2005 and 2015. Of these,
under 0.5 percent of the workforce (around 600,000 individuals) worked with online administrations, with Uber
being by a wide margin the most common. However, the online division, including a scope of on-request benefits,
has all the earmarks of being becoming quickly and could represent many laborers inside a couple years.
The Internet-empowered on-request economy is new, and the degree of its potential effect is up 'til now obscure.
One test for checking this pattern will guarantee that the official insights and other information accessible to the
exploration and strategy networks are satisfactory to catch the changing patterns in the coming years.

2. Dynamism and Flexibility of The Workforce:

Historically, the United States has shown solid pointers of dynamism, for example, a high movement of work and
specialist reallocation, work jumping, and geographic portability. This dynamism has empowered the United States
to reallocate assets from less gainful to more profitable organizations with less time and asset costs than different
nations (e.g., without high rates or long lengths of joblessness). Over the most recent an exceptionally long while
—and particularly since 2000—there has been a decrease in a few pointers of business dynamism and work
market smoothness.

Thus, we can conclude the following:

Currently, the structure, substance, and cycle of work have changed. Work is currently:
1. more psychologically perplexing
2. more group based and collective
3. more subject to social aptitudes
4. more subject to innovative capability
5. more time compelled
6. more portable and less reliant on topography.

Currently, you will likewise be working for an association that is probably going to be altogether different
because of serious weights and innovative achievements. Organisations today are:
1. leaner and more light-footed
2. more zeroed in on distinguishing an incentive from the client viewpoint
3. more tuned to dynamic serious prerequisites and technique
4. less progressive in structure and choice position
5. less prone to give long lasting vocations and employer stability
6. continually revamping to keep up or increase upper hand.

Thus, this gives rise to the need of motivating the work force with the best of abilities from the organisations point
of view to achieve the desired results and goals.

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

IFMR GSB, Krea University
MBA Program
End-Term Examination: OBHR 501 Managing Individuals & Teams
Date: 10th October 2020

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

Significance of Employee Motivation:

There are a few reasons why representative inspiration is significant. Principally on the grounds that it permits the
executives to meet the organization's objectives. Without a motivated working environment, organizations could
be set in a dangerous position.

Motivated workers can prompt expanded profitability and permit an association to accomplish more elevated
levels of yield. Envision having a worker who is not persuaded grinding away. They will presumably utilize the time
at their work area riding the web for individual delight or in any event, searching for another activity. This is a
misuse of your time and assets.

1. Improved employee commitment:

At the point when representatives are spurred to work, they will by and large invest their best energy in the
errands that are appointed to them.

2. Improved Employee satisfaction:

Employee satisfaction is significant for each organization since this can lead towards a positive development
for the organization.

3. Ongoing employee development:

Inspiration can encourage a specialist arriving at his/her own objectives and can encourage the self-
improvement of a person. When that labourer meets some underlying objectives, they understand the
reasonable connection among exertion and results, which will additionally rouse them to proceed at a
significant level.

4. Improved employee effectiveness:

An employee’s effectiveness level is not just founded on their capacities or capabilities. For the organization to
get the absolute best outcomes, a representative need to have a decent harmony between the capacity to
play out the errand given and eagerness to need to play out the assignment. This equalization can prompt an
expansion of profitability and an improvement in effectiveness.

Let us now also look at the ways in which employees can be motivated:

1. Recognise Hard Work:

One of the most important factors that contribute to employee motivation is how often their hard work is
recognized. 70% of employees say that motivation and morale would improve massively with increased recognition
from managers.

2. Set measurable and realistic goals for all the employees:

Setting clear, achievable goals provides a real boost of motivation each time one is conquered and keeps team on
the right track. These can be magnified by taking the next step and celebrating those achievements.

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

IFMR GSB, Krea University
MBA Program
End-Term Examination: OBHR 501 Managing Individuals & Teams
Date: 10th October 2020

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

3. Being Transparent:

Each relationship, including work connections, is based on trust. Defaulting to straightforwardness is perhaps the
most ideal approaches to empower a climate of trust among you and your group, and a group that believes you will
be more inspired and drawn in with their work. Straightforwardness likewise guarantees that everybody is working
with a similar data. That can profit the group.

4. Give clearness:

To be inspired about your work, it is urgent that you really comprehend what your objectives and destinations are.
For some workers, that understanding beginnings with straightforwardness, and finishes with lucidity. Without
lucidity, straightforwardness starts to lose its adequacy and persuasive force.

Ensure giving everybody a reasonable and succinct mission they can get propelled about in any case, since it's
almost difficult to put real inspiration into something you're ignorant of or befuddled about.

5. Imagine and offer positive results

It is simpler to make progress when you can imagine it. Experts, everything being equal, from competitors to
performers and CEOs, all training this method to improve their inspiration. Fortunately, in case of giving an
unmistakable target, we are as of now more than most of the way there.

Help the group comprehend what it would intend to accomplish that objective. At the point when somebody gains
genuine ground toward that target or result, share that progress as a wellspring of inspiration for everybody.

Thus from the above we can conclude that work processes is changing with the advent of new technologies day by day
and to keep the momentum going employers really need to devise new ways to keep the spirits of their employees high
by devising new methods to recognise their hard work.

Question 3
Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155
IFMR GSB, Krea University
MBA Program
End-Term Examination: OBHR 501 Managing Individuals & Teams
Date: 10th October 2020

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

How does the group process and the concepts of team build work in the following situations? Give real life
examples for each situation and analyse them.
(Marks: 40)


A basic factor influencing the accomplishment of an association is viable communication among individuals and
groups. On the off chance that there are false impressions or differences among individuals from the association
the general endeavours of the association to accomplish its objectives somewhat lose their adequacy.

The presence of groups in associations is a straightforward unavoidable truth. Without a doubt, an association itself
could be drawn nearer as a group of groups. Accordingly, is to set up what a group is and afterward figure out what
sorts of groups there are associations. This will empower us to see how real cooperation’s among hierarchical
individuals empower an association to accomplish its objectives.

We centre around just a single social cycle, that is, the setting wherein most of these connections happen: bunch
conduct inside one group or between at least two groups.

Let us first understand the meaning of Group and what makes people join Groups?

A group can be defined as two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent, who work together to achieve

1. Relational fascination:

The essential motivation behind why individuals decide to shape casual or intrigue bunches is that they are pulled
into one another. There are different explanations behind relational fascination, for example, physical highlights,
likeness of perspectives, character, economic spending or even the apparent capacities and the helpfulness of
others. Every one of these variables lead in different degrees to the relational fascination that can bring about the
development of a casual or intrigue Group.

2. Group activists:

The second significant purpose behind individuals to get roused to join bunches is that the exercises of the Group
appeal to them. Running, playing a card game, tattling in clubs' talking about current political inspiration are
exercises that a few people appreciate. Individuals appreciate these solitaries when they are in a Group and most
such exercises really require more than one individual.

3. Group objectives:
The objectives of a Group may likewise be another inspiration. They may likewise spur individuals to join. For
instance, an individual dislike to gather membership for an ideological group, however individuals may join a
Group to play out a similar movement since they buy in to its objective.

4. Group participation:

Another motivation behind why individuals join bunches is that the simple certainty of being a part might be
expressly fulfilling. Modern analysts have contended that the requirement for association prompts individuals to
look for the organization of others.

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

IFMR GSB, Krea University
MBA Program
End-Term Examination: OBHR 501 Managing Individuals & Teams
Date: 10th October 2020

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

Besides, the satisfaction of this need appears to diminish their tension about being acknowledged and connected.
Others may fulfil their requirement for regard by joining Groups, (for example, congenial associations) that they
respect or feel that others appreciate.

5. Infrastructural benefits:

At last, individuals join bunches since bunch participation is sometimes seen as instrumental in giving different
advantages to the person. For instance, a supervisor may join a specific social club not on the grounds that he is
pulled in to its individuals (despite the fact that he may be) and not in light of the chance to play tennis (in spite of
the fact that he may appreciate it).

The club's objectives are not exactly applicable, and his connection needs might be fulfilled in different manners.
Nonetheless, he may feel that being an individual from this club will empower him to create significant and helpful
business contacts. Along these lines, the social club enrolment is instrumental in setting up those agreements.

Further Group Processes mean :

Group process allude to the conduct of the individuals from little gathering or group as a rule comprising of 3-11
individuals occupied with the upgraded dynamic and undertaking execution. It is significant for the association to
intently screen its colleague as they are one of the key pieces of the association. While association's higher
administration invests a great deal of time and energy setting and endeavouring to arrive at the ideal objective or
objectives, colleague are the assets who buckle down in executing those methodology and accomplishing that ideal
objectives. In this way, it is significant for the association to address its gathering/colleagues as it will offer them the
chance to create self-assurance, refine their abilities and make a solid organization among themselves. Compelling
associations consistently investigate how every individual from the group is performing, how the gathering is
cooperating overall, which job ought to be as relegated to which player. Having a nearby watch at these gathering
measures, the association can settle on successful and brisk choices by distinguishing issue early. It requires a ton of
persistence, incredible perception, and diagnostic aptitudes however at long last, it encourages the association to
more likely see how the gathering is influencing its individuals and the other way around. Correspondence,
investment, dynamic and authoritative jobs are the 4-key components of the association that impact the gathering


The easiest among aspect among all 4 of them is to observe the pattern of communication among the members:

• Who talks first? Who speaks the most?

• To whom the other member listens carefully?

• Who avoids conversation?

• Often who interrupts whom?

• What style of communication is used by members?

Answers to these question gives a good idea about what is going on in the group, like who is playing leadership
role, who is great team member, is there any conflict going on between the members.


Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

IFMR GSB, Krea University
MBA Program
End-Term Examination: OBHR 501 Managing Individuals & Teams
Date: 10th October 2020

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

This aspect looks for differences in the amount of participation among group members.

• who is participating highest in very activity and who’s participation is lowest?

• Is there any shift in participation? If so, what is the reason?

• How silent member of group are being treated?


Without considering the effect of decision on the other group member sometimes decisions are made within the
group. Sometime few members try to impose their own decisions on the group, while some other want all
members to participate for an effective decision.

• Identification and differentiation of such members becomes important as they need to train accordingly for the
overall benefit of the group.

• Who support who’s decision?

• Is there any attempt made to get all member participating in a decision?


To achieve the goal, a group needs to be filled with variety members that can play crucial roles at the time of the
need. These roles are distributed in 3 categories

Task Focused- who mainly focus on task.

Maintenance - Oriented toward improving and maintaining relationships among members.

Self-Oriented – who focuses on personal benefits without being concerned toward group.

Ideas of group building

Group building ideas centres around the capacity to take a gathering of people with a scope of qualities and make a
group out of it.

The most well-known idea of the group building is the STAR group model which propose that a viable collaboration
in the working environment happens when four viewpoints, which incorporates Strengths, Teamwork, Alignment
and Results, are set up.

Qualities: Development of a person when they utilize and improve their aptitudes.

Cooperation: A solid gathering is framed by building a solid relationship establishment among the part.

Arrangement: Understanding the individual quality and adjusting them as per the need can help in accomplishing
better outcomes.

Results: As a gathering everybody accomplishes more as execution streams and significance and compensating are

To shape a group utilizing STAR group model the accompanying cycle stream is followed:

• Establish the requirement for the group and what are the last objectives that they must accomplish.

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

IFMR GSB, Krea University
MBA Program
End-Term Examination: OBHR 501 Managing Individuals & Teams
Date: 10th October 2020

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

• Identify the assignment those are should be satisfied.

• Finally allots the jobs and duties to the individuals dependent on their qualities.

Lets us now look at the various real-life situations involving group activity:

Situation 1: A country at War

Example : - India v/s Pakistan - The URI Attack : Surgical Strike

We all know that India carried out surgical strike In the Pakistan occupied Kashmir in the year 2016-17.

This was a highly secretive mission in which we know that there were Several groups formed and the success of the
mission was highly dependent on the members of these groups.

There were total four groups formed, and the objective of the group was to destroy the terrorist Launch pads and
their training centres in the Pakistan occupied Kashmir.

This mission would not have been possible without the collective efforts and co-ordination on the part of all the
team members.

Situation 2: A loosing Sports Team

Example : - Indian Cricket Team winning world cup in 2011 after bad performance in world cup 2007

The one that was 'intended to be', yet rather end up being perhaps the most obscure section in Indian cricket.

This was the 'brilliant age', in its ceremony – Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly, Virender Sehwag and Rahul Dravid were
among the main batsmen in the configuration, Yuvraj Singh and MS Dhoni were at that point set up stars in the
game. One stale week, and they were sentenced to an embarrassing way out.

Amusingly, the early trip back home arrived in a competition design which was attempted to guarantee the polar
opposite; four gatherings of four groups each contended, with the eight 'significant' countries split similarly and
matched with the 'lesser' ones.

Catastrophe struck in the absolute first game – the strong batting arrangement collapsed for only 191, and half-
hundreds of years from youngsters Tamim Iqbal, Mushfiqur Rahim and Shakib al Hasan drove Bangladesh to just
their second win against India.

The batsmen had some good times to the detriment of Bermuda, crushing a then-record 413/5 in the subsequent
game, yet confronted with an absolute necessity win pursue of 255 against Sri Lanka, India broke apart

The unfathomable had occurred: India were out in the first round and which gave a shock to the entire nation.

However, in 2011 the team regrouped reorganise them self and won the World Cup for India by performing to their
best of abilities.

Situation 3: An NGO working in a area hit by a natural disaster

Example : - Help Age India foundation working for old homeless people in Fani cyclone struck in Orissa 2019.

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

IFMR GSB, Krea University
MBA Program
End-Term Examination: OBHR 501 Managing Individuals & Teams
Date: 10th October 2020

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

Towards the end of April, a red alert was sounded in Odisha about an approaching cyclone: Fani. The state is not
alien to cyclones, and the administration started taking precautionary steps right away. As the day of the landfall
approached, the alert became more serious — the cyclone was termed “extremely severe”, raising concerns of
largescale damage.

Since the Super Cyclone in 1999, which left over 10,000 dead in the state, and a devastation that took years to get
over, Odisha has seen multiple storms. Phailin struck in 2013, followed by Hudhud a year later. Last ...

Help Age India was involved In rescuing the old and displaced people and also help them in regrouping themselves
to a proper and safe location. This was achieved only through the combined efforts of all the volunteers of the Help
Age India foundation.

Situation 4:

A high technology-based market leader

Example : - Reliance Industries Limited

Reliance industries Ltd is one of the world’s fifth largest companies in terms of market capitalisation. Not only this
but it has also achieved the status of being the most high-tech company in the market so far. Recently the shares of
the company have touched lifetime high of Rs.2200 per share.

The company has also launched Jio and has also acquired stakes in future retail group. Not only this the company
has also attracted investments in Reliance India To the tune of two lakh crore rupees from the global investors this
was only achieved through the combined efforts of all the employees of Reliance India Ltd who are working day
and night towards achieving the organisational goals. Further credit should be also given to the management for
looking after their employees and rewarding them appropriately with the work and the results achieved by them.

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

IFMR GSB, Krea University
MBA Program
End-Term Examination: OBHR 501 Managing Individuals & Teams
Date: 10th October 2020

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

Name: Siddharth Poddar Sub-Section: A1 Roll Number: 155

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