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Creation of Cabinet ID

Menu : Safe Deposit Vault >> SDV Cabinet Maintenance

\\ SCR:035020 SDV: Cabinet Inventory

Select the function

“Create” from drop down

Enter the correct CABINET ID

Branch has to identify their Locker Cabinet and name it suitably and respective
Cabinet ID is to be entered against the third field.

On authorization of the queue, system will display the next screen :

\\ SCR:035030 SDV: Cabinet Inventory

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Enter The Master

Key Number

Branch has to enter the Correct Master Key ID in the specified field for The Cabinet
Cabinet status : 01:Active (by default)
Master Key Status: 01:Active (by default)
Make and Model: Branch has to type the make of cabinet
☼ E.g. Make of the Cabinet is company name Godrej or Steelage etc.

Branches may identify their cabinet as per the name already followed at the branch for
the concerned cabinet without giving room for any problems or confusions so that easy
identification will be there even after taking to CBS. Like such if more than one cabinet is
existing in a Branch, the Cabinet ID is to be entered one after another under create

Creation of Locker ID

After creating the CABINET ID, Branch has to create a LOCKER ID

Safe Deposit Vault >> SDV Locker Maintenance \\ SCR:035000 SDV:Locker Inventory

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Safe Deposit Locker in CBS

Enter The Already

Created Correct Cabinet

Enter Locker No.

Branch has to enter the correct Locker ID number and the same has to be entered against
the fourth field one by one under create function. Branch has to correctly create locker ID for
all the lockers of the cabinet.

Branch should be very careful while creating locker units particularly with regard to its
exact numbers and size (category) and the connected locker key nos.

All Locker units have to be created without any omission in each Cabinet ID at the time of
first creation of lockers in the cabinet itself. On authorization of the queue, system will
display the Next screen for Creation Of Locker ID \\ SCR:035010 SDV: Locker Inventory

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Enter The Locker Key


Select The Locker

Category Code (Size)

Branch has to enter the LOCKER Key ID in the column provided CATEGORY CODE: select
the appropriate category code from the Drop Down menu

Branch should correctly identify the category A, B, C (different sizes of lockers) so as to

recover rent correctly by the system after taking into account the sub-category codes at
the time of opening the locker account for customers. Any mistake in creation will lead
to error in recovery of rent and confusion over the size and sub-category.

Locker status: 01: Available (by default)

Key Status: 01: Active (by default)

New Locker Account Opening

New Account Opening Screen – For Lockers

SDV (Lockers) >>Account Opening SDV \\ SCR:062000 CIF: Create Account

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Safe Deposit Locker in CBS

Enter The Deposit

Account No. Or Cif
No. Of The Customer

Select SDV: Create SDV/SC

Account in the Drop Down

Click Transmit button for the next screen-- NEW ACCOUNT OPENING SCREEN – FOR
LOCKERS \\ SCR:035200 Create New Safe Deposit Account

Select N:New Locker

Account From The
Drop Down Menu

Click the verify button and the Category Code will be

fetched automatically. However sub-category is to be
selected from drop-down by the Branch user

1. Select N: New Locker Account from the drop down menu

2. Input the Locker ID and Cabinet ID

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3. Click the verify button and the Category Code will be fetched automatically.
4. Sub Cat: Select the appropriate Locker Sub Category from the drop down menu –
STAFF/URBAN/METRO for correct Locker Rent recovery
5. Account Type: By Default it will be 1. Safe Deposit
6. Mode of fee: A/c transfer or cash. Branches are advised to choose any one of the
two methods for proper locker rent recovery
7. Under ‘Rent Recovery Account’ the user has to input the concerned SB account
number of the locker account holder
8. No of Yrs For Which Fee Is Collected: default ‘0’ Branch user has to input number of
years fee to be collected - minimum 2 years.

Fee-Waiver For Any Locker Unit (Lockers for Branch Use)

Fee Waived: Always it must be “No”. If ‘Yes’ is selected then a popup message will be
displayed as follows

"This locker account rent is waived. Please ensure that the locker is used for official
purpose and not allotted to customers/staff members"
On clicking ‘OK’, the system will display a queue and the same is to be authorised. In case
Fee waived is given ‘Yes’, additionally, the system expects supervisory override at a

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Safe Deposit Locker in CBS

capability level of 15 and above and accordingly the pop-up will be displayed and the same
is to be authorised.

If Fee Waived is ‘No’, the above mentioned queue has to be simply authorised by 9 level
officer. On authorization, Locker A/c No. will be shown at the left bottom of the screen.

Note Down The Locker Account Number And Go To The

Screen \\ SCR: 035250 Sdv: Prompt For Collection Of
Locker Fee

On authorisation of the Queue, TEN DIGITS Locker A/ c Number will be displayed which has
to be noted down by the Branch User in all the records and ensure collection of locker rent
through the screen shown below:

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Fee – Collection

After opening of account,

Branch should collect the locker rent fee through the menu

SDV (Lockers) >> Financial Transaction Prompt

\\ SCR:035250 SDV: Prompt For fee

Locker Account Number

Select From The Drop

Down The Mode Of
1. Cash
2. Transfer

(If Cash option is selected from the Drop Down, cash dialog box will be opened and the
normal cash transaction has to be effected by the concerned teller within SWO concept.)
Next screen in case of Transfer transaction.

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Locker Fee to be collected as

required by the system

Please cross check the amount

with the latest Locker Rent

After authorizing the above queue, the Branch User can verify the Locker Enquiry to confirm
the rent recovery for the concerned locker account

Locker Fee Received

Locker Account Opening – For Existing Locker Accounts

SDV (Lockers) >>Account Opening SDV \\ SCR:062000 CIF: Create Account

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Enter The Deposit Account No Or CIF Number

Select The SDV: Create SDV/SC Account From The

Drop Down

Select E: Existing Locker Account From

The Drop Down Menu

Enter The
Opening Date

Input the date upto which the

fee is collected

Input the fee arrears

amount upto June 2010

01. Select E: EXISTING LOCKER ACCOUNT from the drop down menu
02. Enter the original Locker account opening date
03. Input the Locker ID and Cabinet ID – correct Cabinet ID & Locker ID which is already
allotted to the customer.
04. Account Type: By Default it will be 1. Safe Deposit

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05. Sub Cat: Select the appropriate Locker Sub Category from drop down menu
06. Mode of fee: A/c transfer or cash
07. Rent Recovery Acct: Enter the SB account of the locker account holder
08. In case of existing account, the branch has to calculate and arrive the correct
rent arrears and the same has to be entered against ‘Arrears amount upto June
2010’ and the exact date upto which the rent collected has to be entered
against the field ‘Rent collected Till’
09. Fee Waived: Always it must be “No”. If ‘Yes’ is selected then a popup message
will be displayed as follows
"This locker account rent is waived. Please ensure that the locker is used for official
purpose and not allotted to customers/staff Members”

However, supervisory override screen will be exhibited at a capability level of 15 and above
will be displayed if ‘Yes’ is chosen under Fee Waiver filed.

10. Transmit and get the queue passed

On authorisation of the queue, system will display the locker

account number. Please note down the locker account number
without fail

Account Enquiry
SDV (Lockers) >> Enquiry of SDV >> SDV Account Enquiry \\ SCR:035700
SDV/SC:Enquiry prompt.

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If any arrears is
pending branch
should collect the
arrear amount
through the

Branch can verify the backdated account opening date and fee in arrears in the locker
enquiry screen. For the above existing account opened with arrears, fee can be collected
through the menu SDV (Lockers)>> Financial Transaction Prompt \\ SCR:035250 SDV:
Prompt For fee

Select From The Drop Down

Mode Of Payment
1. Cash
2. Transfer

On clicking transmit button; cash dialog box will be opened for the teller to receive the cash.

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Safe Deposit Locker in CBS

When the total fee arrears are collected, then the next rent
due date will be changed to due date of this annual year. i.e.

To the extent of fees collected towards arrears, such amount will get reduced in “Fees in
Arrears” field and to the extent the same will be reflected in ‘Fee Collected column’.
However, if lesser amount is received towards Arrears, it is to be noted that Next Rent Due
Date and Fee Paid Upto date will continue to be one and the same. Only upon receipt of the

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entire arrears, the ‘Next Rent Due Date’ and ‘Fees paid upto date’ will get shifted to 30 06
2010 and on.

For creation of password for the locker account Branch Administration >>Security>>Create
\\ SCR:062403 CIF: Create Password



Minimum Length 4, Maximum

Length 8
Case Sensitive Character
or Numeric value

PASSWORD for operating the locker is to be created for the CIF of that Locker Account.
The Branch User has to create password for each and every CIF connected to that Locker
account one by one. If the same customer is having different Locker Units within the
Branch, the pass-word created for the first account is sufficient. There is no necessity for
creating the pass-word once again for the same CIF and the system will not allow such
Menu : Branch Administration >> Security Create : \\ SCR:062403 CIF: Create Password
Enter Password and re-enter the same password for verifying the password, it must be
Minimum Length of 4, Maximum Length of 8 and it is Case Sensitive , Character or Numeric
value. In the same way, we can amend, delete, and reset the password.
By going to the screens
Amend : \\ SCR:067403 CIF: Amend Password
Delete : \\ SCR:067406 CIF: Delete Password
Reset : \\ SCR:067407 CIF: Reset Password

During our discussion with many of the branches, it has been informed to us that Pass-word
has not been obtained from the Locker customers. Since pass-word is a must in Locker
(revised) Module, we advise all the branches to create pass-word with last four digits of
concerned Locker Customer CIF No. If the same customer (with the same CIF) is also
linked in more than one locker accounts, the pass-word created for one account is sufficient
and there is no need for creating pass-word for other Locker accounts.

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Safe Deposit Locker in CBS

Amendment of Locker Account Details

For changing of rent recovery account number and mode of fee SDV (Lockers)>> SDV
Account Maintenance Prompt \\ SCR: 035150 SDV: Prompt For Maintenance

Select The Option

1:Account Details

On clicking transmit button, next screen will be displayed. \\ SCR:035100 SDV: Account

You Can Change You Can Change The Rent

The “Mode Of Fee” Recovery Account Number

In The Above Screen \\ SCR:035100 SDV: Account Maintenance Branch Can Amend The
‘Mode Of Fee’ And/Or ‘Rent Recovery Acct’

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Mode Of Operation
For addition of CIF to an existing locker account
SDV (Lockers) >> SDV Account Maintenance Prompt \\ SCR:035150 SDV :Prompt For
Select The Option 2: Account Access Details

Select The Option

2. Account Access Details

On clicking transmit button, next screen will be displayed.

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Safe Deposit Locker in CBS

Mode Of Operation
To Be Changed To
Either Or Survivor

Add another CIF in the second row under

accessing customer field and under password
check required retain “yes” as it is

Branches have to necessarily change the Mode of Operation when they are adding more
than one account holder CIF, without fail.
The second customer CIF No. is to be entered in this screen and required change has to be
made under the filed ‘Mode of Oper’ (2. Either or Survivor, 3. Former or Survivor, 4.
Later or Survivor, 5. Both, 6. Anyone or Survivor and 7. Power Of Attorney). If the
mode of operation is not amended and ‘Self’ is retained, the system will not allow for adding
the additional CIF holder at the time of authorising the queue.

Operations Of The Locker

For Operating the Locker Account -- Select the menu -- SDV (Lockers) >>SDV Locker
Operating Prompt -- 035500://Operate Locker Account Prompt.

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Select the appropriate

option from the drop down

Only after checking

the Pass-word, the
transmit button is
to be clicked

Select Drop
Down : Yes

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Safe Deposit Locker in CBS

Enter the

In this screen under ‘Verify Password’ field, Branch User must enter the password of the
Locker Accessing Customer on his oral spell out, which the system would cross verify which
was already created in the Branch Administration >> Security >> Create

After checking the password, officer can allow the customer to operate the locker.

Transaction Enquiry

For Locker Transaction Enquiry : SDV (Lockers) >> Enquiry of SDV >> SDV Teller
Transaction Enquiry \\ SCR: 035730 Transaction Enquiry.

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Upon operating the Locker by the customer, the same can be verified in the above Locker
Transaction Enquiry screen

Closure of Locker Account

SDV (Lockers) >> SDV Account Closure \\ SCR:035360 SDV/SC: Account Closure

On clicking “Transmit” button, queue will be created for authorization.

When the branch user authorises the queue a supervisor override message as ‘check if
some amount is to be refunded’ but the system will not refund such amount.
The branch has to identify such amount and refund to the party manually, by debiting
the BGL rent on locker (99016) through system, after keeping proper manual record
for future verification.

Swapping of Locker Keys

After closure of existing Locker Account and before re-allotting the same to another
customer, the Branch has to necessarily swap the keys of such closed lockers of the same
cabinet WITHOUT FAIL through SDV (Lockers) >> Swap Keys. Transmit And Get The
Queue Passed
After swaping the locker key nos.can be enquired.

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Safe Deposit Locker in CBS

After Swaping The Keys

Locker Key ID Is Changed
From 1 To 2

Amending of Locker ID

After closure of the locker account, Locker ID will be moved to “closed” status and key to
“inactive” status

After swapping of key, branch should necessarily amend locker status to ‘available’ and key
status to ‘active’ for that particular locker ID so as to enable the system to allow re-allotment
of that locker to another customer

Safe Deposit Vault >> SDV Locker Maintenance \\ SCR:035000 SDV:Locker Inventory

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Select Amend From

Drop Down Menu

After Closure Locker

Status Will Show As
Closed And Key
Status As Inactive.

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Safe Deposit Locker in CBS

For Reuse Of Closed

Lockers You Must
Amend The Locker
Status As Available
And Key Status As

After amending the locker status as available and key status as active, one can verify
through the enquiry menu \ scr:035760 sdv: LOCKER FREE Enquiry.

Uploading of Signature in Locker Account

Image Maintenance>>Upload Image. Enter the locker account number and transmit. After
transmitting Select The E:\Imageupload\File Name.GIF Input the description and account
mandate upload the image though the bulk image upload also.

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After authorizing the queue the signature/photo with signature in the locker account can be


Provision for registering Nomination is also made available for Locker Accounts.
The same has to be registered through the following menus as done in the case of Deposit
Customer Management>> Relationships/Ownership>> Relationships

Select ‘A: Add’ From Drop Down

Input The CIF No

Information Master’
From The Drop
Select ‘9430:
Nominee To
Select ‘A: All’ From The Drop Account’ From The
Down Drop Down

On clicking ‘Transmit’, the system will exhibit the next Screen No.060442

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Safe Deposit Locker in CBS

On clicking the ‘Transmit’ button, a queue will be generated for authorisation.

On authorisation, the system displays ‘OK’ message with Nomination No.
In case of Individual Locker Account, only one Nominee is permitted and under Joint Locker
Account, one or more Nominees are permitted. (Please verify the Locker Document Manual
for further details)
Nomination for Locker Accounts can also be enquired and verified through Customer
Management >> Relationships/Ownership >> Relationships (Screen No.060440) by
choosing “E:Enquire/Amend” under Required Action field, Locker Account No. under ID and
“SDV:SDV/SC Nominee” under Entity and “9430:NOMINEE TO ACCOUNT” under
Relationship Reqd:

Guidance From Project Office

We refer to our message with regard to Locker Module instructions in Help Desk under the
heading BRANCH INSTRUCTION. htm. along with xle. format
for preparing the necessary details for locker module migration for all branches which has
been placed in Help Desk by us on 29 09 2009.
We advise all the branches to create the Cabinet, then create Locker Units and migrate the
accounts (open in the CBS system afresh) which are already available at branches based on
the details entered in xle. format.
Once the first cabinet details are fully entered in the system, the second cabinet can be
created. Like-wise one after the other cabinet is to be incorporated in the system. If one
cabinet is created on any particular day, the details of all locker units have to be completed
fully on the same day so as to avoid confusion.
Regarding the branches (432 branches) where Locker Module is already in CBS itself, the
related tables will be truncated at CDC and such details will be pushed to the respective

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branches through Reports folder. The file path will be informed to the branches after
transmitting the details. Such branches should also necessarily perform migration of their
lockers afresh and obtain new Locker Account No. as mentioned in the above instruction
already placed in Help Desk.

Branches are advised to follow the procedure and migrate all the Locker accounts cabinet-

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