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Review on Development of Intuitive and

Ergonomic Gesture Interfaces for HCI

M Sidhanta Sanatani
Department of Industrial Design, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
Date: 12/05/2021

With the development of human-computer interaction technology, how to use natural if not
quasi-natural, intuitive interaction methods has become an important topic of research.
Gesture is one of the most important communication methods of human beings, which can
effectively express users' demands. This article focuses on the development of gesture
interaction technology in the past few decades and discusses the definition and classification
of gestures, input devices for gesture interaction, and gesture interaction recognition
technology. Also the application of gesture interface in human computer interaction is
studied, the existing problems in the current gesture interaction are summarized, and the
future development is suggested.
Gesture Interaction, Gesture Interface, Human-Computer Interaction

1. Introduction:
In this paper one very particular use of the term "gesture" that is, hand gestures that
co-occur with spoken language is to be discussed. Why such a narrow focus given that so
much of the work on gesture in the human-computer interface community has focused on
gestures as their own language gestures that might replace the keyboard or mouse or speech
as an direct command language?
In real life, people use their hands to perform operations such as grasp, move, and
rotate. In the process of communication, people spontaneously attract the attention of others
by hand movements. Gesture is the way people express their will under the influence of
consciousness. As Justin Cassell puts it, “I don’t believe that everyday human users have any
more experience with, or natural affinity for, a "gestural language" than they have with DOS
commands. Thus if our goal is to get away from learned, pre-defined interaction techniques
and create natural interfaces for normal human users, we should concentrate on the type of
gestures that come naturally to normal humans.” [1].
Gesture interaction is intuitive, natural, and flexible. Therefore, it is also very
important for some users with physical disabilities, such as visual impairment and hearing
impairment, to interact through gestures. Much work has been conducted in the investigation
and development of natural interaction interfaces, including gesture interfaces. Science
fiction literature and movies also dream up gesture interfaces, for example the movies Johnny
Mnemonic (1995), Final Fantasy (2001), and Minority Report (2002).
Application domains in this direction involve virtual reality, augmented reality,
wearable computing, and smart spaces, where gesturing is a possible method of interaction.
Gestures can also bring a new perspective on the creativity of designers. Beside the
advantages of personal style, speed and preservation of perceptual-motor skills, designers
sketch because they need indeterminacy and controlled ambiguity to stimulate idea
generation. [2]
1.1. Human-Computer Interaction
Human-computer interaction refers to the research in design, utilization, and
implementation of computer systems by human. It is a technology to study about
humans, computers, and the interaction between the two. With the development of
computing devices and related technologies, the interaction between humans and
computers has become a part of daily life including work, shopping, and
communication [3]. The graphical user interface based on mouse and keyboard is the
commonly used user interface; however, the user interface based on the Window,
Icon, Menu, Pointer (WIMP) interface paradigm is limited to two dimensional (2D)
planar objects, which cannot interact with the objects in the three-dimensional (3D)
space, reducing the naturalness of the interaction.
1.2. Gesture Interface Technology in HCI
Unlike traditional WIMP, in a natural user interface or a supernatural user interface
scenario, the user interacts in a 3D environment simply involving gloves or high
degree of freedom devices. Previous research in this area can be classified into the
following approaches: indirect cursor control, direct cursor control, device-based
direct pointing, and free direct pointing through finger, hand, or body movement. [4]
With the continuous development of interactive technology like VR and AR has been
widely used in many fields such as game entertainment, medical care, and education.
In recent years, information acquisition based on high-tech equipment such as
electromyography signal acquisition has gradually become a research focus. Owing to
the variability and complexity of the gesture, how to use the existing technology to
process the input signal collected by the device, how to determine the spatial position
and posture of the hand, and how to obtain an accurate recognition result have great
impact on the effect of subsequent gesture interactions. Gesture recognition
technology is mainly categorized into gesture recognition based on wearable sensor
devices, gesture recognition based on touch devices, and gesture recognition based on
computer vision.

2. Gesture definition and classification

"A gesture is a movement of one’s body that conveys meaning to oneself or to a
partner in communication." That partner can be a human or a computer. Meaning
refers to information that contributes to a specific goal. [5]
It has been suggested that "intonation belongs more with gesture than with grammar".
Not only do intonation and hand and face gestures function in similar ways, they also
stand in similar relationships to the semantic and information structures underlying
spoken language. The distribution of gestural units in the stream of speech is similar
to the distribution of intonational units, in three ways.
 First, gestural domains are isomorphic with intonational domains. The speaker’s
hands rise into space with the beginning of the intonational rise at the beginning of
an utterance, and the hands fall at the end of the utterance along with the final
intonational marking.
 Secondly, the most effortful part of the gesture (the "stroke") co-occurs with the
pitch accent, or most effortful part of enunciation.
 Third, one is most likely to find gestures co-occurring with the rhematic part of
speech, just as we find particular intonational tunes co-occurring with the rhematic
part of speech. We hypothesize this because the rheme is that part of speech that
contributes most to the ongoing discourse, and that is least known to the listener
beforehand. It makes sense that gestures, which convey additional content to
speech, would be found where the most explanation is needed in the discourse. [6]
2.1. Classification based on spatiotemporal status
According to the spatiotemporal operating state, gestures are generally classified into
static gestures and dynamic gestures.
 A static gesture is a static spatial posture of a finger, palm, or arm at a certain
moment. It usually only represents one interactive command and does not
contain time series information.
 A dynamic gesture refers to the posture changes in a finger, palm, or arm over
a period of time. Accordingly, it also contains time information. Dynamic
gestures also include conscious dynamic gestures and unconscious dynamic
gestures, in which unconscious movements during physical activity are called
unconscious dynamic gestures, and gestures for communication purposes are
called conscious dynamic gestures.
The difference between the two is that static gestures only include spatial gestures
without causing changes in spatial position, whereas dynamic gestures are
characterized by movements in spatial locations over time, such as waving gestures,
which are typical dynamic gestures. [7]
2.2. Classification based on gesture semantics
i. Emblematic: These gestures are culturally specified in the sense that one
single gesture may differ in interpretation from culture to culture. For
example, the American "V-for-victory" gesture can be made either with the
palm or the back of the hand towards the listener. In Britain, however, a ‘V’
gesture made with the back of the hand towards the listener is inappropriate in
polite society.
ii. Propositional gesture: An example is the use of the hands to measure the size
of a symbolic space while the speaker says "it was this big". Another example
is pointing at a chair and then pointing at another spot and saying "move that
over there". These gestures are not unwitting and in that sense not
spontaneous, and their interaction with speech is more like the interaction of
one grammatical constituent with another than the interaction of one
communicative channel with another; in fact, the demonstrative "this" may be
seen as a place holder for the syntactic role of the accompanying gesture.
iii. The spontaneous unplanned, five categories: beat gestures, iconic gestures,
deictic gestures, metaphoric gestures, and cohesive gestures.
 Beat gestures are usually a repetitive action, which have the
characteristics of short time and fast speed;
 Iconic gestures describe the image or action through the movement of
the hand;
 Deictic gestures indicate the real position or abstract position of the
 Metaphoric gestures describe abstract things through simple but
meaningful expressions; cohesive gestures transfer interactive tasks.
 Unconscious gestures, also known as adaptor gestures, mainly refer to
unconscious communication habits generated during communication
3. Finding Gestures
When developing a gesture interface, the objective should not be “to make a generic
gesture interface”. A gesture interface is not universally the best interface for any
application. The objective is “to develop a more efficient interface” for a given
application [8]. Nicole Beringer’s Wizard of Oz experiment [9] can be used while
developing gesture interface. The main benefit of following the Wizard of Oz User
Interface is to simulate a working system that differs from the usual computer interfaces,
especially from internet applications. Moreover the graphical design is mainly based on
series of webpages that correspond to the most likely way subjects are expected to solve
the problem given to them.
The human based principles should make the gestures:
_ Easy to perform and remember
_ Intuitive
_ Metaphorically and iconically logical towards functionality
_ Ergonomic; not physically stressing when used often
In order to achieve these principles it is necessary to take usability theory, and
biomechanics/ ergonomics. The work of Jakob Nielsen on usability gives a good
overview. [10]
Research on usability focuses on five main principles:
Learnability- The time and effort required to reach a specific level of use performance.
Efficiency- Steady-state performance of expert users.
Memorability- Ease of system intermittently for casual users.
Errors- Error rate for minor and catastrophic errors.
Coverage -The amount of operators discovered vs. the total operators.

Most interactive user interfaces (UIs) in HCI are based on the traditional eye-centred
UI design principle, which primarily considers the user’s visual searching efficiency and
comfort, but the hand operation performance and ergonomics are relatively less considered.
As a result, the hand interaction in VR is often criticized as being less efficient and
precise. The hand operation in the downward direction was more efficient and accurate than
that in the upward direction. Thus, in a VR scene, targets at lower positions relative to the
hand can be selected more efficiently and accurately than those at higher positions.
It has also been found that the choice of the hand being used had a crucial impact on
free hand interaction in VR, the left hand selected targets at the left side more promptly and
accurately, but the right hand performed better in selecting targets at the right side. [11]

4. Potential issues
Firstly, although gesture interaction simplifies the interactive input method, there is
no standardized operation specification. Since the gesture and the task do not have one-to-
one correspondence, it is necessary to select appropriate gesture types according to the
characteristics of the task. Owing to the diversity and complexity of gestures, it is difficult
for developers to build a consistent operation platform. Therefore, when users use gesture
interactions for different products, they need to be trained for a period of time, which
increases the difficulty of learning and cognition.
Secondly, gesture-based interaction is closer to the human expression, but in some
HCI interaction scenarios, it is required to wear cumbersome gesture collection devices,
which reduces the comfort and naturalness of the interaction, immersing the users in a
negative situation, and affecting their mood.
Thirdly, compared with the point-to-point precision operation of the mouse and
keyboard, the gesture interaction is not an accurate operation, and its application range is
affected by many factors such as the interaction device, the recognition method, and user

5. Conclusion
This paper summarized the following aspects of gesture interaction technology in HCI.
Firstly, the definition of gestures is provided, and the existing gesture classification
methods are investigated and summarized.
Secondly methods to finding ergonomic and intuitive gesture was discussed.
At last potential issues in gesture interface was provided.

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