Respirology Adult Sample Polysomnography Report e

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Polysomnography Report Template

Patient Information
Age: Height: m BMI: kg/m2
Gender: Weight: kg

Sleep Summary Sleep Information

otal recording time: Sleep period: minutes minutes minutes N1 N2 N3 REM
otal sleep time: Sleep efficiency: Sleep latency: % Minutes
EM latency: minutes minutes
% of TST:
umber of awakenings:

Arousal Statistics (/h)

Respiratory arousals Spontaneous arousals PLM arousals
Total arousals

Snoring Statistics
Snoring time: minutes
Snoring %: %TST
Respiratory Events
Apnea Index/h Hypopnea Index/h
Obstructive Obstructive
Central (all) OH with
Mixed desaturation OH
Total AHI / with arousal
Supine h Central
Non- /
supine h (%TST in position)
REM index / (%TST in position)
Non-REM index h
Respiratory event related arousal

SpO2 Statistics
Mean oxygen saturation: % % Time spent with
Lowest oxygen saturation: % Saturation <90%:
Saturation <80%
Oxygen desaturation index (/h) Saturation <70%:
PLM Statistics Total Index (/h)
Limb Movements (LM) PLM with arousals

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