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STUDENT’S ID 2019311647



Technology and Education - Prospects of a Future Classroom
Generally, I choose this article to be reviewed is titled “Technology and Education -
Prospects of a Future Classroom” and written by Mrs. Sonali Bhandari Jain, Assistant
Professor, Department of Commerce, St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India.
The article was published in June 2021 in International Journal of Education. This article was
conducted purposely because the researcher stated that to determine which method of
teaching is more interesting and attractive for students and to find which method of teaching
provides a better understanding of the topic delivered. Next, ascertain which method of
teaching helps in retaining the information given for a longer period and to measure the
effectiveness of online or E-education. Moreover, the outcomes of this study are exclusively
based on Primary Data and secondary data obtained by the author. The primary data is Data
acquired directly from primary sources by researchers through interviews, questionnaires,
studies, and so on and the secondary data is the information that has already been gathered
from primary sources and made available to academics for their own research. It's a type of
information that has previously been gathered. The researcher made the researcher at the
Billabong High International School in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh and the school has a total
enrollment of 352 students, and the study was conducted on a group of 40 pupils,
representing approximately 10% of the overall population. The researcher finds that the new
generation reacts to IT tools and their use better than the old prevalent pen paper teaching.
Those educators across the globe must train themselves to make use of technology in such a
way that it can aid them in their classrooms. Technology and education go hand in hand and
can work wonders when teamed up together.

Next, this article needs to be review because in this fast-paced climate, one cannot
afford to be reactive and must aim to be proactive. This approach must also be implemented
in the sphere of education. The current generation responds better to IT technologies and their
application than the previous generation did to pen-and-paper instruction. Educators across
the world must train themselves to use technology in such a way that it can help them in the
classroom. It not only makes their students' classroom experiences more enjoyable and
engaging, but it also saves time and resources. It makes the seemingly impossible by learning
via video conference session. Furthermore, the use of the internet and technology opens new
avenues for the educator's personal development, such as delivering online classes or
launching a YouTube channel, which allows them to grow financially and help the student
can easily make the revision by watching their teacher videos.
Furthermore, the strength of this article is given benefit to student, teacher, and
institution. The author describes the benefit for student and explain about the company like
Apple and Microsoft have always supported technology for students by making most of their
goods and gadgets accessible to them by give the discount or promotion for the gadget or
their application software and technology is intended to be as infinite as the imagination of a
child. For the teacher, the researcher emphasizes the learning process has no boundaries now.
The educators can now give their courses or video teaching via video conversations, which
are cost-effective because they do not require any infrastructure setup for the educator and
can be accessed by students from anywhere, thanks to applications like Skype and Google
meets. For the institution, the author stated that the institutions are now adopting to online
assessments in place of traditional examinations since it allows for better monitoring and
assessment of pupils. When technology is used to evaluate performance, it decreases human
error and making it more effective and efficient for the institution. This clearly help the next
generation to get adapt with the advancement of technology and to make the education
institution became better for the future generation.

Next, the ways of the researcher use in doing the experiment for finding the result are
different from other author and unique because the researcher do the field experiment that the
teachers discussed India's rich heritage using a variety of IT tools and using the TVs in the
classrooms, the numerous dance forms practiced in India were exhibited in a video and they
were also urged to develop a one-minute PowerPoint presentation demonstrating their
understanding of numerous sub-topics such as India's national animal, fruit, sport, languages
spoken, and various foods consumed in various regions of the country. The researcher also
achieved all the research question which are to determine which method of teaching is more
interesting and attractive for students and to find which method of teaching provides a better
understanding of the topic delivered and to ascertain which method of teaching helps in
retaining the information given for a longer period and to measure the effectiveness of online
or E-education.

Beside that, this article weakness is the investigator has insufficient time to devote to
the experiment because the researcher stated that there is never enough time to conduct
flawless research as there exist inherent limitations such as time deadlines. Next, the
researcher can increase the population sample because to get the more accurate result and be
more valid data because the research study was conducted in Billabong High International
School, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. The total strength of the school is 352 students, who are
10% from the total population.

Finally, after reading and viewing the complete post, I concluded that the author must
make some changes to better it. In my opinion, firstly, the researcher did not state the
discussion in this article and did not follow the standard of the research paper. The purpose of
discussion in the article is the Discussion section of your article is where you can explain
what your findings signify in relation to the big questions you posed in the Introduction and
the Discussion informs the reader about the implications of the experiment's findings for the
larger question. This is because according to Suzanne Jacobs (2005) she stated that the
discussion is your chance to show that you've thought about your work by highlighting the
most important implications, listing crucial items you don't know, and outlining the work that
needs to be done in the future. Thus, the discussion part is very important because where you
examine the underlying meaning of your research, its potential ramifications in other fields of
study, and the improvements that can be done to further address the issues raised by your

Secondly, in my opinion, the literature reviewed by the researcher are supported by

past research because the author of this article does the literature review by 10-year range.
This is because according to Yu xiao and maria Watson (2017) they stated the limit of the
literature review date is from 2006 to 2016 articles published in the past ten years, so that we
can build our review on the recent literature considering information retrieval and synthesis
in the digital age and the data literature reviews should be valid, reliable, and repeatable. So,
A literature review is necessary for generating a study concept, consolidating what is
previously known about a subject, and identifying any knowledge gaps and how your
research could add to further understanding. This is also necessary to secure financing for

Lastly, the purpose of this article is to determine which method of teaching is more
interesting and attractive for students and to find which method of teaching provides a better
understanding of the topic delivered and to ascertain which method of teaching helps in
retaining the information given for a longer period and measure the effectiveness of online or
E-education. I believe the researcher doing excellence investigate to give benefit for the
future generation and educate about the useful of technology for education purpose. The
result for this article clearly shows the advantage by using IT tool for the education as the
researcher stated in the conducted research studies, there is a need to realize that a change is
required in the way we impart education because most schools and colleges, especially in a
country like Although this article has certain flaws and shortcomings, I feel the author can
improve it by adding some adjustments. So, this article is very useful and given benefit for
further researcher by another author.


L Winchester Catherine L Winchester, ., & Salji, . (2016, May 16). SAGE Journals: Your
Gateway To World-class Research Journals. SAGE Journals.

Jacob , S. (2005, August). Journal Article: Discussion : Broad Institute Of MIT And
Harvard. Journal Article: Discussion : Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.

Xiao , Y., & Watson , M. (2017, August 28). SAGE Journals: Your Gateway To World-class
Research Journals. SAGE Journals.

Guides: Write a Literature Review: Seven Steps To Writing a Literature Review. (2021,
October 29). Seven Steps to Writing a Literature Review - Write a Literature Review -
Guides at University of Guelph.

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