70) 2013 Viduka CFD-DEM Investigation of Particle Separations Using A Sinusoidal Jigging Profile

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Advanced Powder Technology 24 (2013) 473–481

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Advanced Powder Technology

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Original Research Paper

CFD–DEM investigation of particle separations using a sinusoidal jigging

Stephen Viduka a,b, Yuqing Feng a,⇑, Karen Hapgood b, Phil Schwarz a
CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics, and Statistics, Box 312, Clayton South, 3169 Victoria, Australia
Monash Advanced Particle Engineering Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash University, PO Box 36, Clayton, 3800 Victoria, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents a numerical investigation of solid separation in jigging device. Jigging is a gravity sep-
Received 15 June 2012 aration method commonly used by the minerals industry to separate coal, iron ore, diamonds and other
Received in revised form 29 October 2012 minerals on the basis of particle size and/or density. Separation is recognised as being heavily dependent
Accepted 8 November 2012
on fluid motion in the jig. This study explores the effects of the inlet time dependent velocity profile in
Available online 11 February 2013
relation to a wide criterion on jigging performance. Modelling of the liquid–solid system is performed
through a combination of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to simulate liquid flow and discrete ele-
ment method (DEM) to resolve particle motion. The initial packing conditions consist of a binary-density
Discrete element method
Computational fluid dynamics
particle system of 1130 particles each 1 cm in diameter. A range of jigging profiles have been imple-
Liquid–solid flow mented in mineral processing. In this study the sinusoidal pulsation profile is selected adopting varia-
Jigging tions in both amplitude and frequency. The performance of profile variants are compared in terms of
Stratification solid flow patterns, separation kinetics, energy, and mean particle position. These quantitative compar-
Gravity concentration isons demonstrate significant differences in the segregation rate, energy, and solid phenomena, helping
find an alternative optimum operating setting for the system. In addition, boundaries of operation are
found in terms of frequency and amplitude limits and the concentration mechanics are investigated in
these regions.
Ó 2013 The Society of Powder Technology Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. and The Society of Powder
Technology Japan. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (CFD) technique but this was limited as it treated the slurry as a
single phase. Various studies applied discrete element method
Jigging is a gravity separation process adopted by the minerals (DEM) to simulate the motion of individual particles discretely
industry to separate ore minerals on the basis of particle size and/ coupled with simplified fluid models giving some insights into mi-
or density [1]. Jigging units apply pulsed liquid flow dilating the cro-mechanical processes at the particulate level [3–5,14–17].
particle bed where particle stratification ensues due to influences These modelling techniques assume a uniform fluid field and do
of hydrodynamic and gravity forces. not account for the effect of non-uniform fluid velocity on the par-
Much of the published research performed in jigging has been ticle drag forces. The Euler–Lagrange (DEM–CFD) model, first pro-
experimental [2–11]. Further, commercial jigs date back as far as posed by Tsuji et al. [18], remains the most attractive technique
the Neil Jig (1914) [12]. It is reasonable to assume many jigs histor- because of its superior computational convenience as compared
ically were designed principally with the aid of experiments and to Direct Numerical Simulation-DEM, or Lattice Boltzmann-DEM
also analytical expressions in the absence of computational capa- models, and the capability to capture the particle physics as com-
bilities. The past empirical studies develop understanding of how pared to DEM-simplified fluid models. The model has been increas-
the feed material macroscopically responds to various operating ingly used to study a wide range of particle fluid systems [19]. The
conditions, they do not elucidate on the intricate transient behav- liquid phase flow is solved using the Navier–Stokes and continuity
iour of the fluid and particles, along with separation kinetics which equations, while the motion of individual particles is obtained by
are important to develop a full understanding of the process. solving Newton’s second law of motion, with the liquid-particle
Modern investigations of jigging phenomena using numerical coupling treated using Newton’s third law of motion. This ap-
simulation techniques has shown to be a fast growing area. Solnor- proach can generate detailed information about the trajectories
dal et al. [13], applied a single phase computational fluid dynamic of particles and the transient forces between two particles and be-
tween particles and fluid. Other notable models used to investigate
jigging include Potential energy [20–22], Potential energy-Monte
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 3 9545 8982; fax: +61 3 9545 8669. Carlo [21], Artificial Neural Network (ANN) [23,24], Statistical
E-mail address: Yuqing.Feng@csiro.au (Y. Feng). [25], and Unsteady-fluidisation [26].

0921-8831/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 The Society of Powder Technology Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. and The Society of Powder Technology Japan. All rights reserved.
474 S. Viduka et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 24 (2013) 473–481

Only a few jigging studies have adopted the DEM–CFD approach B formulation is adopted [36]. The liquid phase is treated as a con-
[27–30]. Both the studies by Asakura et al. [27] and Xia and Peng tinuous phase moving through a porous medium created by the
[28] are two-way coupled and consider drag on each particle indi- particles, and is modelled similarly to conventional two fluid mod-
vidually, but do not consider porosity. Xia and Peng [28,30] used a els in which porosity (or liquid volume fraction) modifies the stan-
2D column model and implemented forces including virtual mass dard single phase Navier–Stokes equations. The governing
force, Magnus force [31], and Saffman force [32,33]. One study ana- equations are then the conservations of mass and momentum in
lysed the importance of different forces acting on a particle in jig- terms of the local mean variables over a computational cell, given
ging and was performed for multi-sized and binary-sized particles by:
in a sinusoidal pulsion. Additionally, the authors studied the hin-
dered settling velocity as a function of particle densities and sizes, þ r  ðeuÞ ¼ 0 ð3Þ
and the effect of sinusoidal pulsation, amplitude and frequency on
the particle separation and fluid flows [28]. A separate study used and
the same model and highlighted that the fluid is highly dynamic Pk c
@ðqf euÞ i¼1 f f ;i
and influenced by the presence of particles confirming the simpli- þ r  ðqf euuÞ ¼ rP  þ rðesÞ þ qf eg ð4Þ
fied idealised flow behaviour as assumed in DEM-simplified fluid @t DV
models does not exist [30]. Asakura et al. [27] went a step further where qf, u and P are, respectively, the fluid density, velocity and
including the Basset force [34] and a 3D column model which stud- pressure; s, e and DV are the fluid viscous stress tensor, porosity
ied the trajectory and response time of a single particle in a jig. and volume of a computational cell.
Dong et al. [29] applied a one-way coupled 3D model to a close- The particle flow is solved numerically using an in-house DEM
to realistic geometry Inline Pressure jig. The study considered that code [36] with an explicit time integration method and established
fluid flow is the dominant factor in the jig, and implemented a saw- geometrical and flow boundary conditions. The continuous liquid
tooth-forward leaning jigging profile investigating vibration fre- phase is readily solved using a commercial CFD software package
quency and amplitude, and the size and density of ragging (ANSYS CFX 10.0). The coupling between DEM and CFD is achieved
particles on the flow separation. However, one-way coupling does as follows. At each time step DEM will give information of posi-
not account for the influence of the local particles on the fluid. tions and velocities of individual particles for the evaluation of
Previous studies using the DEM–CFD model have used a sinu- porosity and volumetric fluid drag force in a computational cell.
soidal pulsation profile with the exception of Dong et al. [29], CFD will then use this data to determine the fluid flow field, which
who used a forward leaning saw tooth cycle. No numerical inves- in turn is used to determine the fluid drag forces acting on individ-
tigations (including all various modelling techniques) have studied ual particles. Incorporating the resulting forces into DEM will pro-
what effect the sinusoidal profile has on concentration mechanics duce information about the motion of individual particles for the
by using two-way coupling in conjunction with a porous drag force next time step. The fluid drag force acting on an individual particle
model. Further, these studies have not investigated jigging aspects will react on the fluid phase from the particles, so that Newton’s
such as separation time, energy, and profile optimisation. The aim third law of motion is satisfied.
of this study is to elucidate how the profile induces segregation,
and how variations of frequency and amplitudes affect perfor- 2.2. Simulation conditions
mance based on a range of criteria.
The model consists of a rectangular domain filled with a binary-
2. Simulation method density spherical particle system and liquid. The particles were di-
vided into 565 light particles and 565 heavy particles with respec-
2.1. Governing equations tive densities of 2540 kg/m3 (glass) and 4630 kg/m3 (ceramic), the
liquid used was water 1000 kg/m3 in density. Detailed model set-
The DEM–CFD model has been well documented in the litera- tings are shown in Table 1. The side walls were treated with no-slip
ture. For brevity, only the outline of the model structure is de- boundary conditions. The bottom was considered as a wall for the
scribed below. The solid phase is treated as a discrete phase and particle phase, so they cannot fall through, but as an inlet for liquid.
solved using DEM. The translational and rotational motions of a The top exit was treated with a zero normal gradient opening con-
particle at any time, t, in the bed are determined by Newton’s sec- dition. Periodic boundary conditions were applied to the front and
ond law of motion. These can be written as: rear surfaces of the flow domain effectively creating infinite thick-
ness and economically reducing the number of particles required
X k
dv i i to produce three dimensional (3D) results. The liquid flow was
mi ¼ f f ;i þ ðf c;ij þ f d;ij Þ þ f g;i ð1Þ considered in two dimensions (2D) using only one cell in the thick-
dt j¼1
ness direction and hence does not resolve detailed flow fields in
and this direction, while DEM modelling of the particles was in 3D,
with a bed thickness equal to five particle diameters. As all pulsa-
dxi X i
tion profiles are studied with a two dimensional model, the results
Ii ¼ T ij ð2Þ
dt remain acceptable for comparison.
Uniform liquid flow was injected through the inlet and the
where mi, Ii, ki, vi and xi are, respectively, the mass, moment of iner- flowrate varied with time according to the pulsation profile simu-
tia, number of contacting particles, translational and rotational lated. The inlet flow for the sinusoidal pulsation profile was estab-
velocities of particle i, and ff,i, fg,i are fluid drag force, gravitational lished using a sinusoidal function. The pulsation profiles are
force respectively. fc,ij, fd,ij and Ti,j are the contact force, viscous con- compared by holding the shape of the profile constant and using
tact damping force and torque between particles i and j. These in- three variations of period (T) and volumetric water input/exhaust
ter-particle forces and torques are summed over the ki particles in (A). These are 1, 2, and 3 s periods (or 60, 30, and 20 cycles/min),
contact with particle i. and, 1.5, 2.25 and 3 L water amplitudes. The amplitudes are repre-
The particle–particle and particle–wall contact force is based on sented in litres not distance as the water/air free surface is not re-
the soft-sphere method. The particle fluid interaction force is cal- solved (i.e. the domain at anytime is completely filled with water),
culated using the Di Felice drag force correlation [35], and Model otherwise the amplitudes would be equivalent to 0.2, 0.3 and
S. Viduka et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 24 (2013) 473–481 475

Table 1
Jig model specifications.

Particle phase Liquid phase

Density (kg m ) Light 2540 Viscosity (kg m1 s1) 1  103
Heavy 4630
Young’s modulus (N m2) 1.0  108 Density (kg m3) 1000
Poisson ratio (N m2) 0.3 CFD cell Width (m) 0.025
Sliding friction coefficient (–) 0.3 Height (m) 0.025
Damping coefficient (–) 0.2 Bed geometry Width (m) 0.15
Particle diameter (m) Light 0.01 Height (m) 0.9
Heavy 0.01 Thickness (m) 0.05
Number of particles (–) Light 565 Bed distributor Uniform
Heavy 565
Time step (s) 1  105 Time step (s) 1  103

better mixed packing before the start of the jigging. After settling,
0.9 0.9
liquid is injected through the bottom following the appropriate
0.6 0.6 pulsation profile and jigging begins.
Water (L) x 10 -1

0.3 0.3 Velocity (m/s)

0 0
3. Results and discussion
-0.3 -0.3
3.1. Solid flow patterns
-0.6 -0.6
Solid flow patterns are plotted first to obtain a visual under-
-0.9 -0.9
standing of the stratification process. Fig. 2 shows the particle posi-
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
tions for the sinusoidal profile variant of T = 2 s and A = 3 L over six
Time (s) jigging cycles. This variant is moderate profile in terms of fre-
Water input/exhaust Velocity quency and volumetric water input and therefore elucidates on
Fig. 1. An example of the sinusoidal pulsation profile applied at inlet boundary
more general profile phenomena which exist in all the profile vari-
condition. T = 2 s, A = 3 L. ants. The maximum and minimum particle displacements can be
visualised. The light particles are coloured black and heavy parti-
cles grey. Three snapshots are taken at each cycle: before pulsion,
0.4 cm. A further study is performed with broader amplitude and during the cycle when particles are at their peak heights, and at the
frequency values to establish and investigate operational limits end of suction, respectively.
of these parameters. The particles were processed using 60 s of jig- In the initial cycle the particle bed begins well mixed. As pulsion
ging concluding with 1 s of settling after the last jigging cycle. An proceeds the bed starts to loosen from the bottom and total bed
example of the sinusoidal profile is displayed graphically in expansion follows via a loosening wave rapidly spreading upwards
Fig. 1. Each profile includes a pulsion period with an upward liquid through the bed. The bed is left almost uniformly expanded (see
motion (positive value in velocity) and a suction period with a Fig. 2). Segregation proceeds both in pulsion and suction and heavy
downward liquid motion (negative value in velocity). The simula- particles begin to populate the bottom of the column. As segrega-
tion begins with the random generation of particles without over- tion progresses particles towards the top of the bed increasingly
laps, followed by a period of gravitational settling to form an initial begin to cluster and lift to greater heights. In the final rested state
mixed fixed bed. During the settling process, the buoyancy force to at the end of the sixth cycle particles are shown to be completely
particles is switched off to help prevent segregation and achieve a separated.

Fig. 2. Solid flow patterns shown by particle position for variant T = 2 s, A = 3 L, at the: 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 6th cycle. Heavy and light particle are coloured grey and black
476 S. Viduka et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 24 (2013) 473–481

Bed height (cm) 80 rested state when segregation is achieved. The results show vast
70 differences in maximum heights the particles reach in pulsion
60 and also bed expansion. Profiles with volumetric water inputs of
A = 1.5 L, have insufficient velocity and therefore little drag to lift
30 the bed to great heights. Consequently, there is little opportunity
20 for bed expansion which facilitates particle rearrangement. These
10 variants comparatively require a lot of time to segregate the parti-
0 cle bed. As the volumetric input increases the bed maximum par-
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 ticle height and expansion increases. This is advantageous to
Time (s)
segregation and these profiles segregate much faster. Decreasing
Heavy Light
the cycle period is shown to increase expansion and maximum
Fig. 3. Mean particle position for variant T = 2 s, A = 3 L. particle height. It is found a high frequency profile must lift the
bed to a large height which therefore increases settling time allow-
ing time for rearrangement before being quickly sucked back
The mean particle position can be used to quantify particle down. A moderate or low frequency profile does not have to lift
behaviours by illustrating the average height of both particle types a bed to such great heights as the duration of the cycle is longer
separately. Fig. 3 shows the mean particle position for the sinusoi- allowing more time for rearrangement.
dal profile variant of T = 2 s and A = 3 L over 12 s of jigging. Starting Therefore two important criteria must be met for segregation: a
from a well mixed state where each type of particle has a similar profile must sufficiently lift the bed to a height where expansion
mean position, the light particles travel upwards faster than the and loosening can proceed, but also allow enough time for particles
heavier particles during pulsion and reach greater heights passing to rearrange.
heavy particles. During the suction period heavier particles
increasingly settle first owing to a higher downward velocity and 3.2. Particle separation time
being closer to the bottom of the column. Following jigging, more
and more light particles aggregate on top of heavier particles. As The coordination number represents the average sum of con-
this occurs lighter particles receive less constraint from the heavier tacts of a particle type, with either similar or different particle
particles and are able to travel higher in proceeding jigging cycles types, e.g. the heavy particles average contact number with light
until a dynamically stable state is reached. All profiles display particles. The heavy-light coordination number is a good indication
gradual segregation shown by the growing differences in mean of particle segregation and can be written as:
particle positions.
The maximum particle displacements of all variants in the first 1X l

C hl ¼ xl ð5Þ
cycle can be visualised in Fig. 4, together with the particles in a kl l¼1

Fig. 4. Solid flow patterns during the first cycle when particles are at their peak heights for all variants of the sinsuoidal profile (top) and snapshots at the end of suction once
separation is complete (bottom). Heavy and light particle are coloured grey and black respectively: (a) T = 1 s, (b) T = 2 s, and (c) T = 3 s.
S. Viduka et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 24 (2013) 473–481 477

where for each light particle l the sum of contacts with heavy par- faster until the bed can no longer expand and settle within one cy-
ticles xl gives the coordination number for each light particle, which cle. Therefore, for each variation in amplitude an intermediate fre-
is averaged over the number of light particles kl. The coordination quency provides the fastest separation.
number fluctuates as the bed expands under pulsion and compacts It can be concluded from the results that an optimal amplitude
under suction. Only values when the bed is at rest are considered and frequency exists in terms of separation time.
here which coincides with the state of the final product. The value The number of jigging cycles used to achieve segregation can be
gradually reduces from when the bed is in a mixed state through to important in terms of operating wear and fatigue. High cycle num-
complete segregation. The lower the value the higher the segrega- bers may cause certain mechanical damages earlier. The two equal
tion i.e. the less light particles are in contact with heavy particles. fastest profile variants of frequency, T = 1 s and T = 2 s, separate
Of the nine profiles, eight completely segregated the particle after 10 s of jigging. However, the high frequency variant of
bed within 60 s of jigging time. Complete segregation is indicated T = 1 s requires five additional cycles, that is 100% more cycles.
by coordination numbers beginning to plateau after approximately
a value of 0.5, slight differences under this value are insignificant 3.3. Jigging profile optimisation
(see Fig. 5). Steady separation is critical for a reliable jigging pro-
cess. The separation process can be unsteady and is able to reverse With exception of the high frequency variant of T = 1 s, the
and mix in subsequent cycles, in this situation the coordination mean particle positions for all other profiles remain at a constant
number of a rested bed will fluctuate [37]. In this study the sinu- value for a significant period during suction. These moments corre-
soidal profile is found to provide steady segregation for the eight spond to a fixed bed which is a waste of time and energy and show
variants which induce segregation (see Fig. 5). an opportunity to improve jigging performance by modifying the
A consistently low coordination number indicates stable sepa- profile settings. Fig. 7a displays the mean particle position for a
ration and a segregated bed. However, it does not characterise in high frequency variant of T = 1 s where the mean particle position
which way particles have settled. Desirable settling occurs when is constant for an instant. Fig. 7b displays values for a low fre-
particles are stratified vertically with one particle type directly quency profile of T = 3 s where a significant duration of the bed
on top of another, this ensures separate delivery to launders. In remaining in a static state is present.
addition to segregation the settling also needs to be stable. If set- Using mean particle position data to identify at what point in
tling is inconsistent it is undesirable and unreliable in jig process- the cycle the bed is at rest, this point is made the beginning of
ing even if the bed is perfectly segregated. The solid flow patterns, the following cycle. To illustrate how the profile setting can be im-
as in Fig. 2, help visualise the stratification behaviour. Similar to proved the settings where changed for variant of T = 2 s and A = 3 L.
the coordination number the solid flow pattern is tracked through The original variant period, T, of 2 s was changed to 1.7 s and as a
all the jigging cycles. If a tendency of undesirable settling is pres- consequence the water input is not completely exhausted at the
ent, the variant is deemed impractical for particle processing of conclusion of the cycle. This has no influence on results, but can
this system. All variants of the sinusoidal profile were found to be- be a consideration for jigging design, the inlet and exit water veloc-
have steadily in both coordination number and settling ity remains the same. Fig. 8a shows the modified profile setting.
configuration. The resulting mean particle position is shown in Fig. 8b which dis-
The effects of volumetric water input and cycle period on the plays a reduction in time the bed is at rest when compared to Fig. 3.
separation time is shown in Fig. 6. Here a broader range of cycle After modification the profile separated after 8.5 s, which is 1.5 s
profile parameters are used to illustrate the complete particle sep- (15%) faster. With the exception of the high frequency variant of
aration time phenomenon in terms of amplitude and frequency T = 1 s all other profiles have the ability to increase performance
selection. A strong relationship between volumetric input, A, and in terms of segregation speed, while the cycle numbers remain
separation time is seen in all but one variant of frequency the same. Applying the same treatment to the fastest profile of
(Fig. 6a). As the volumetric input increases the separation time re- T = 2 s and A = 3.5 L (which one would expect to have a minimal
duces. The profile which is the exception has a profile setting of time that the bed is at rest) the separation time is reduced from
T = 1 s and A = 3 L. Unlike other frequency variants, segregation is 8 s to 6.8 s, again 15% faster.
faster at an intermediate amplitude. This is found to be caused
by particles being far from settled at the end of suction before pul- 3.4. Power
sion begins in the following cycle (see variant A = 3 L on the bottom
of Fig. 4a where particles are shown not to be fully settled at the There are various parameters to judge the performance of a jig-
end of suction). In this variant, a portion of the light particles are ging device. In addition to the separation speed, number of cycles
still settling during pulsion in the subsequent cycle. These light to achieve segregation, and the final degree of separation as al-
particles under pulsion have a downwards momentum and low ready discussed, the energy input is an important concern in indus-
drag force upwards (due to high porosity) resulting in a decelera- trial processes.
tion of the particle downwards. Alternatively, the heavy particles The following formula is used to calculate the input power,
settled in the previous cycle. These heavy particles which have where power is a product of total pressure drop DPt, and volumet-
no momentum while in a packed bed state and higher drag force ric flow rate Q:
(due to low porosity) move upwards with an opportunity to pene-
Power ¼ DPt Q ð6Þ
trate back through the bed slowing down segregation. It is ex-
pected that further increases in amplitude for variants T = 2 s, and
and T = 3 s, would eventually result in the same situation.
DPt ¼ DPfa þ DP pa þ DPfw þ DPsw þ DPshs þ DP shf ð7Þ
The relationship between period, T, and separation time is
shown in Fig. 6b. Reducing the cycle period has a similar effect of where the total pressure drop DPt is a summation of various pres-
increasing amplitude. As the cycle period is reduced, the resulting sure drops due to, DPfa, fluid acceleration, DPpa, particle accelera-
higher inlet velocity substantially increases particle expansion tion, DPfw, fluid-to-wall friction, DPsw, solid-to-wall friction, DPshs,
reducing separation time. The reduction in particle separation time static head of solids, and, DPshf, static head of fluid. The contribu-
plateaus and reaches a point where further reduction in cycle per- tions of wall effects are not resolved in high resolution using the
iod slows separation. The separation slows for the same reason as current model due to the computational effort and complexity.
explained previously, for variant of T = 1 s and A = 3 L, separation is Although these effects do contribute they are relatively small. The
478 S. Viduka et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 24 (2013) 473–481

(a) 4.5

Coordination no. (-)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (s)
T=1 s, A=1.5 L T=1 s, A=2.25 L T=1 s, A=3 L

(b) 4.5
Coordination no. (-)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (s)
T=2 s, A=1.5 L T=2 s, A=2.25 L T=2 s, A=3 L

(c) 4.5
Coordination no. (-)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (s)
T=3 s, A=1.5 L T=3 s, A=2.25 L T=3 s, A=3 L

Fig. 5. Packed bed coordination number values for all profile variants: (a) T = 1 s, (b) T = 2 s, and (c) T = 3 s.

following power values are calculated using ANSYS CFX commercial quick aid for power evaluation. For example, neither: litres input,
software. The values calculated are not absolute power values yield- segregation speed, pulsion or suction velocities or duration, alone
ing only qualitative results. The model does not consider the fluid correlate to energy. It is a combination of all these variables which
pushing through a distributer plate at the inlet which would cause decide the energy outcome.
substantial drag on the fluid. By integrating power over the jigging Further, in six of the nine profiles considerable power is found
time the total energy can be calculated shown in Fig. 9. to be used in suction. This occurs in situations when the bed falls
The results show energy per cycle is proportional to water vol- into a packed or partially-packed bed while a high suction velocity
umetric input. Further, the energy required is shown not to be and pressure drop is present. Optimising the profile as shown pre-
dependent on the time taken to achieve segregation. A profile viously by immediately beginning the following pulsion cycle once
can use little or large amount of energy and segregate either the bed comes to rest can reduce or remove this redundant power
quickly or slowly. Each profile has individual characteristics and usage. This reduction depends on how high the suction velocity
reasons which describe the energy required to achieve segregation. and low the average porosity is in the remainder of the jigging cy-
There is no correlation between the profiles which can be used as a cle. Another method is to use hutch water addition. This involves
S. Viduka et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 24 (2013) 473–481 479

(a) 60 (b) 60

Separation time (s)

Separation time (s)
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0 1 2 3 4
Volumetric input (L) Period (s)
T=1 s T=2 s T=3 s A=1.5 L A=2.25 L A=3 L

Fig. 6. The effect of separation time against pulsation profile input parameters: (a) volumetric input and (b) cycle period.

(a) 80 (b) 80

Bed height (cm)

Bed height (cm)

70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 3 6 9 12
Time (s) Time (s)
Heavy Light Heavy Light

Fig. 7. Mean particle position showing where profile improvements can be made: (a) T = 1 s, A = 3 L and (b) T = 3 s, A = 3 L.

(a) (b)
0.9 0.9 80
Bed height (cm)

0.6 0.6 70

Velocity (m/s)

Water (L) x 10

0.3 0.3 50
0 0 40
-0.3 -0.3 30
-0.6 -0.6 10
-0.9 -0.9 0
0 0.85 1.7 2.55 3.4 0 1.7 3.4 5.1 6.8 8.5 10.2 11.9
Time (s) Time (s)
Water input/exhaust Velocity Heavy Light

Fig. 8. Alternative profile: (a) improved profile setting and (b) mean particle position of improved profile.

introducing water from the bottom of the column with a positive the separation time up to a point where the bed ceases to settle be-
upwards velocity nullifying the high negative suction velocity. fore the proceeding cycle. At this point the bed undergoes pulsion
Hutch water addition is not a new concept in relation to controlling in an unsettled state which slows separation. Alternatively,
the dilation of the bed however no references have been made to increasing frequency has a similar effect of increasing amplitude.
controlling energy usage. Separation time reduces until the bed can no longer settle before
the beginning of pulsion in the proceeding cycle resulting in slower
4. Conclusion separation.
The number of cycles used to complete separation is found to be
A DEM–CFD model was used to investigate the particle separa- vastly different and could be a consideration in operation. For
tion process in a jigging device using a sinusoidal profile. The study example, two profiles where found to separate in an equal time
selected three variations in amplitude and applied those over three of 10 s, but with a large five cycle difference, which is 100% more
frequencies. Only one variant did not induce particle separation, cycles.
those that displayed separation did so at different rates and energy The mean particle position indicates the particle bed remains at
usage. Of the nine variants eight were shown to completely sepa- rest for some time during suction which varies depending on var-
rate the particles within 60 s, which was illustrated by a plateau iant. This static moment is a waste of processing time, by eliminat-
in the coordination number. ing this period the separation time is found to reduce significantly.
Broadening the study to more variations in amplitude and fre- Two variants investigated separated 15% faster.
quency it was found an optimal amplitude and frequency exists Total energy required to complete separation is shown not to be
in terms of separation time. Increasing the amplitude will decrease dependent on the time taken to achieve segregation. It is a combi-
480 S. Viduka et al. / Advanced Powder Technology 24 (2013) 473–481

(a) 450
Total energy (J) 300
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (s)
T=1 s, A=1.5 L T=1 s, A=2.25 L T=1 s, A=3 L
(b) 450
Total energy (J)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (s)
T=2 s, A=1.5 L T=2 s, A=2.25 L T=2 s, A=3 L
(c) 450
Total energy (J)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (s)
T=3 s, A=1.5 L T=3 s, A=2.25 L T=3 s, A=3 L

Fig. 9. Total energy for all variants: (a) T = 1 s, (b) T = 2 s, and (c) T = 3 s.

nation of many factors which contribute to the final energy out- Acknowledgement
come e.g. water velocity, pulsion duration, and separation time.
Further, in six of the nine profiles considerable power is found to This work was supported by a CSIRO OCE PhD scholarship.
be used in suction. This arises from the fluid being forced at high
velocity through an already packed or partially-packed bed. This References
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