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J . Chem. Tech. Biotechnol.

1996,65, 186-192

Relationship between Surface Aciditv and

Activity of catalysts in the Transforhation of
Methanol into Hydrocarbons
Ana G. Gayubo,* Pedro L. Benito, Andres T. Aguayo, Martin Olazar &
Javier Bilbao
Departamento de Ingenieria Quimica, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Apartado 644,48080 Bilbao, Spain
(Received 13 April 1995; revised version received 6 September 1995; accepted 7 September 1995)

Abstract: The effect of Si/Al ratio of HZSMS zeolite-based catalysts on surface

acidity and on selectivity in the transformation of methanol into hydrocarbons
has been studied. The acidic strength distribution (measured by combining the
differential scanning calorimetry and the chromatographic analysis) and the total
acidity (measured by calorimetry and temperature programmed desorption),
using ammonia and tert-butylamine, have been studied as acidity measurements.
The nature of the acidic sites has been determined by FTIR analysis of both the
surface OH groups and the interaction of Bronsted and Lewis sites with pyridine.
The increase in light olefin selectivity and the decrease in methanol conversion
with increasing Si/Al ratio are a consequence of the kinetic scheme of the reac-
tion, which has steps in series, and can be explained by the decrease in total
acidity. The same acidic sites are responsible for the formation of light olefins
and for the transformation of these olefins into higher hydrocarbons.

Key words : MTG process, HZSMS zeolite, catalyst acidity, activity.

1 INTRODUCTION The suitability of HZSM5 zeolites for use in the

MTG process can be attributed to the shape selectivity
The conversion of methanol into the hydrocarbons cor- of these zeolites, and not to thermodynamic or chemical
responding to the range of the boiling point of gasoline The diffusional restrictions of bulky products
(MTG process) can be schematically represented as a in 5.5 A mean pore diameter zeolites cause a high selec-
two-step process.'.' In the first step, alkenes (ethylene, tivity towards certain products, which in decreasing
propylene and, in a smaller proportion, butene) are order of preference are :6 normal paraffins, isoparaffins,
formed from oxygenated compounds (methanol and monocyclic hydrocarbons, dimethyl-substituted paraf-
dimethylether in equilibrium); in the second step fins and aromatic hydrocarbons. The diffusional
heavier hydrocarbons are formed: restrictions also cause the inhibition of coke precursor

(methanol dimethylether) ~
+ light olefins - parafins
C , , olefins

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

J. Chem. Tech. Biotechnol. 0268-2575/96/%09.000 1996 SCI. Printed in Great Britain
Catalytic transformation of methanol into hydrocarbons 187

growing reactions, thus justifying the use of these zeo- The final catalyst, as it is used in the reactor, is
lites in coke deactivation.' obtained by physical mixing, under high humidity con-
The activity, selectivity and resistance to deactivation ditions, of the zeolite (25 wt%) with a binder (bentonite,
are also a consequence of the composition of the 30 wt%) and an inert component (alumina, 45 wt%).
HZSM5 zeolites. It has been proven that the increase in The purpose of the binder is to provide the physical
aluminium content causes an increase in aromatic selec- resistance, while the inert component is used to dilute
tivity, and a decrease in olefin s e l e ~ t i v i t y . ~ , ~ , ~ the catalyst and provide sufficient mass to absorb the
Nevertheless, Si/Al ratio is not the sole variable that thermal variations that will occur during the process.
can explain the catalyst activity and selectivity. The The denomination of the catalysts, based on the Si/Al
kinetic behaviour of the catalyst is a consequence (for a ratio of each zeolite used, is: Z1B (Si/Al = 24), Z2B (Si/
uniform porous structure) of the surface acidic structure A1 = 32), Z3B (Si/Al = 42), Z4B (Si/Al = 78), Z5B (Si/
and this is affected not only by the global %/A1 ratio A1 = 154).
but also by different circumstances related to the prep- The characterization of the porous structure of the
aration of the catalyst. zeolites has been carried out in nitrogen adsorption
The objective of this paper is to contribute to the equipment (ASAP 2000 from Micromeritics) for the
explanation of the different activity and selectivity in the measurement of micropores and mesopores, and in a
MTG process, according to the different acidic structure mercury porosimeter (Autopore 9220 from
of the HZSM5 zeolite-based catalysts, when the zeolites Micromeritics) for the measurement of macropores.
are synthesized with different Si/Al ratios. In order to The porous structures of all the catalysts synthesized
isolate the effect of acidity, catalysts with different acidic using different zeolites will be quite similar (see Table 2)
structures, but with similar porous structures, have been as they will be a consequence of the presence of com-
used. ponents with the same pore volume distribution.

2 EXPERIMENTAL 2.2 Acidity measurement methods

2.1 Catalysts The nature of the acidic sites has been studied by FTIR
analysis of O H groups of the zeolites, and of the ratio of
Five ZSM5 zeolites have been synthesized with different Bronsted/Lewis sites after pyridine adsorption. The
Si/Al ratios (24, 32, 42, 78 and 154) by following the equipment used is a catalytic chamber, Spectra Tech,
method detailed in a previous paper," from sodium connected in series with an FTIR Nicolet 740 spectro-
silicate, aluminium sulphate, and tetra-n-propylammon- photometer.
ium bromide according to Mobil patents, and have The surface acidic strength distribution has been
been cation-exchanged to HZSM5 by using ammonium studied by measurement of the differential adsorption
nitrate."*'* The physical properties of the HZSM5 heat of ammonia and tert-butylamine, by combining
zeolite are set out in Table 1. The values of the zeolite differential scanning calorimetry (Setaram DSC 111)
crystal size have been determined in a Mastersizer and gas chromatography (Hewlett Packard 5890) in
instrument from Coulter, and the crystallinity degree order to measure the heat of neutralization of the acidic
has been measured by IR in a Nicolet 740 FTIR spec- sites and the amount of base chemically adsorbed,
trophotometer, from the intensity ratio of the bands at respectively.' Once the sample is saturated at 423 K,
3 3 1 4

550 and 450cm-'. By means of X-ray diffraction the total acidity measurement is obtained by tem-
studies and electron microscopy it has been demon- perature programmed desorption (TPD) of the base, by
strated that the structure of the zeolite crystals is the following a ramp of 5 K min-' between 423 K and
one characteristic of HZSM5 zeolites. 873 K, with a helium flow of 20 cm3 min-' and using

Properties of the Synthesized Zeolites

Zeolite Si/Al BET Vpm Density Crystallinity Crystal

area (cm3 g-') ~ m - ~ )
(g ("/.) size
(mZg - l ) (Pm)

HZSMS-1 24 420 0.65 0.94 93 6.3

HZSM5-2 32 405 0.62 0.93 91 5.7
HZSM5-3 42 440 0.64 0.96 96 4.0
HZSM5-4 78 365 0.62 0.97 93 3.8
HZSM5-5 154 395 0.63 0.97 92 4.0
188 A . G. Gayubo et al.

Pore Volume Distribution of the Catalysts (contribution of pores of different diam-
eter, d,)

Catalyst % micropore YOmesopore % macropore

d, < pm lo-' pm < d , < 0.01 pm 0.01 pm < d, < 2 pm

Z1B 8.0 14.7 11.2

Z2B 8.6 15.3 16.0
Z3B 8.8 15.5 15.1
Z4B 1.5 14.0 78.4
Z5B 8.1 14.6 11.2

gas chromatography (Hewlett Packard 5890 connected 2.3 Equipment and reaction conditions
with a Perkin Elmer ion trap detector) for measurement
of desorption products. The equipment for the reaction and analysis of the pro-
In Fig. 1, the diagram of heat flow registered in the ducts is outlined in Fig. 2. The reaction has been carried
calorimeter (lower plot) and the chromatographic signal out in Autoclave Engineers BTRS Jr. equipment. The
(upper plot) in the cycle of adsorption (by pulses) and reactor is a vertical cylinder (6.4 mm internal diameter,
desorption of tert-butylamine, for the Z1B catalyst, are 152.4 mm long, with a volume for the catalyst of up to
shown as an example of the applications of these 5 cm3) which is placed in a stainless steel chamber
methods. Three peaks can be observed in the TPD: one heated by means of an electric resistance. The bed tem-
peak at low temperature (470 K), corresponding to the perature is controlled and monitored by means of an
desorption of the physically adsorbed base (carrying out Eurotherm 9 1 temperature controller. The furnace tem-
the adsorption at 473 K no physical adsorption has perature, the temperature of the transfer line to the
been determined); and two peaks at high temperature, chromatograph and the temperature of the reactor wall
corresponding to the desorption of butene (564 K) and are controlled by means of three Eurotherm 847 tem-
ammonia (685 K) resulting from the cracking of the perature controllers.
chemically adsorbed base.I3 Thus, the measurement of In the bottom of the furnace are placed two eight-
the total acidity of the zeolite will be given by the high port-valves which are driven by compressed air. One of
temperature peaks (the mmol amount of chemically the valves permits the passage of reactants to the
adsorbed base is obtained from the area under any of reactor or sends them through a second line, which
the high temperature peaks). allows a sample of the reactants to be taken for chro-
matographic analysis. The second valve permits a
s 10'
. base 1-butylamine
- 973 sample of the products to be taken; this sample is sent
catalyst 216 to the on-line chromatograph for analysis. For this
- 104
c purpose, there is a sample-taking loop of 25 cm3
.g 3 10'- through which the outlet products of the reactor pass.
'c 2 l o 4 -
In addition to the entrances for methanol and inert
iii 1 10'-
gas feeding, the reactor equipment is provided with
three auxiliary gas entrances: for reactor purge with

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000

helium; for the helium that carries the sample through
Time (s) the transfer line to the chromatograph; and for the
compressed air that drives the valves. The purge of the
reactor and the feeds are provided with needle valves
for flow control. Each one of the entrances is provided
with a three-port-valve that allows or stops the access
of the feed to the system or sends it to the outlet though
a vent line. The helium flow is measured with a Brooks
5850 mass flow meter.
An IsoChrom LC isocratic pump (Spectra-Physics)
-201 3 7 3 has been used to feed methanol to the reactor through a
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Time (s)
1.6 mm inner diameter steel pipe.
The analysis on-line of the reaction products has been
Fig. 1. Example of the study carried out by combining calo- carried out in a Hewlett Packard 5890 gas chromato-
rimetry and chromatography measurements of the adsorption
(by pulses)-desorption of bases. Upper plot, chromatographic graph, which is provided with a Hewlett-Packard soft-
measurement. Lower plot, calorimetric measurement. Base, ware, H P 3365 Chemstation. The chromatographic
terr-butylamine. Temperature, 423 K. Catalyst, Z1B. column system consists of a 5 m long HP-1 semi-
Catalytic transformation of methanol into hydrocarbons 189

mass flow

Fig. 2. Reaction equipment.

capillary column, a 1.83 m long Porapack Q packed groups clearly decreases as the Si/A1 ratio increases,
column, and a SO m long Pona capillary column. which proves that Bronsted acidity of HZSMS zeolites
Because of the great number of compounds analysed in increases with aluminium content (as there are more
each chromatographic run and the complexity required skeletal hydroxyl groups, AIOHSi). It must be pointed
for the mass balance, a program in FORTRAN has out that the spectra studied correspond to the zeolites,
been written. and not to the catalysts, because the bands correspond-
ing to hydroxyl groups are masked by the bands corre-
sponding to the binder (bentonite).
3.1.2 BronstedlLewis ratio
3.1 Effect of Si/AI ratio on the surface acidic structure In Fig. 4 the FTIR spectra of adsorbed pyridine are
and on the kinetic behaviour shown for some HZSMS zeolites samples with different
aluminium contents. The spectra have been carried out
3.1 .I Bronsted acidity once the samples have been activated at 673 K for 1 h,
HZSMS zeolites contain two main types of hydroxyl
pyridine has been adsorbed at 423 K and physisorbed
groups: (A) one type is characterized by an IR band
pyridine has been removed by vacuum at 423 K. The
with a wavenumber of approximately 3610 cm-' which spectra that are shown have been obtained by subtrac-
can be assigned to skeletal O H groups, SiOHAl, that ting the corresponding white trial (prior to pyridine
are responsible for the strong Bronsted acidity of the
zeolites. The intensity of the band is related to the alu-
minium content of the zeolites and to the amount of
proton e x ~ h a n g e ; ' ~ .(B)
' ~ a second type of hydroxyl
group, with an IR band at 3740-3720cm-' has been
associated either with silica amorphous impurities' or
with silanol groups, SiOH, that is to say, terminal
hydroxyl groups located at the external surface of the
In the literature there are discrepancies con-
cerning these silanol groups, which are considered to be
non-acidic or weakly
In Fig. 3 the FTIR spectra of the framework hydroxyl
groups of four of the HZSMS zeolites prepared with
different Si/Al ratios and calcined at 803 K are shown.
__ -
The spectra have been registered by diffuse reflectance
in a catalytic chamber, once the samples have been acti- 3900 3800 3700 3600 3500 3400 00

vated at 673 K for 1 h. It can be observed that the peak W a v e n u m b e r ( c m ')

assigned to silanol groups does not depend on the Si/A1 Fig. 3. FTIR analysis of hydroxyl groups of HZSMS zeolites
ratio, while the peak corresponding to skeletal hydroxyl with different Si/AI ratios.
A . G. Gayubo et al.

200 Si/AI=154 0
24 A
- H 150 ammonia
78 0
Y, 420
100 24A

75 F
50 * ' . ' . " I *

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Fig. 5. Differential adsorption heat at 423 K of NH, and of
;li HZSM5-1 tert-butylamine, for catalysts prepared with zeolites of differ-
b ) HZSM5-3 ent SiIAl ratios.
C ) HZSM5-3
d ) HZSh15-3
1700 1600 1500 1400 are shown. The acidic strength distribution of the cata-
Waveiiurnber (crx-' ) lysts is almost identical to that of the corresponding
Fig. 4. FTIR analysis of pyridine adsorbed at 423 K on zeolite used in its preparation, because the alumina used
HZSM5 zeolites with different SiiAl ratios. as an inert component is non-acidic and the acidity of
the bentonite binder is negligible compared with that of
the zeolite. It can be observed that tert-butylamine can
adsorption) from the spectrum of each sample. Conse- titrate very strong acidic sites, with adsorption heat
quently, the negative absorbance peaks (on the left of above 200 kJ mol-'. The results of the differential
Fig. 4) correspond to species that disappear as adsorp- adsorption heat of ammonia, a stronger base, show that
tion takes place, and the positive absorbance peaks (on this base can titrate acidic sites weaker than those
the right of Fig. 4) correspond to species generated as titrated using tert-butylamine.
pyridine adsorption takes place. It is observed in Fig. 5 that as the Si/Al ratio
The Bronsted/Lewis sites ratios, determined" from increases, the total acidity decreases, even though a
the intensity of adorption bands at 1550 and 1455 cm-' small number of stronger acidic sites has been gener-
of Fig. 4 are set out in Table 3. It can be observed that ated. The relative proportion of weakly acidic sites
the Bronsted/Lewis sites ratio increases with the Si/Al noticeably decreases. The values of total amount of
ratio. This result can be due to a higher stability of the adsorbed base are set out in Table 3.
zeolite and to a lower density of acidic sites as the Si/Al In Table 4 the results of temperature programmed
ratio increases, which hinders the dehydroxylation of desorption (TPD) of ammonia and tert-butylamine are
Bronsted sites.22 set out. The temperatures of the chemical desorption
peak and the amount of chemisorbed base, expressed as
3.1.3 Acidic strength distribution and total acidity mmol of chemisorbed base per g of zeolite in the cata-
In Fig. 5 the differential adsorption heats of ammonia lyst, for both bases are shown. The temperatures shown
and tert-butylamine for some of the synthesized catalyst for tert-butylamine correspond to desorption of the

Ratio of Bronsted/Lewis Sites Obtained from the Intensity of the IR Bands, and Total
Acidity Measurements Carried out by Calorimetry

Zeolite Bands ratio Total acidity

1550 cm-'/1455 em-'
(rnrnol N H , g - I ) (mmol tert-butylamine g-')

HZSM5-1 2.86 0.58 0.54

HZSM5-2 3.10 0.5 1 0.46
HZSM5-3 3.40 0.41 0.40
HZSMS-4 3.63 0.28 0.26
HZSMS-5 4.42 0.13 0.16
Catalytic transformation of methanol into hydrocarbons 191

TPD Results of Ammonia and tert-Butylamine (desorption at
5 K min-') rest of tIC A

~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~

Zeolite TPD of NH, TPD of tert-butylamine ,@,

T (K) (mmol g - ' ) T (K) (mmol g - ' )
HZSMS-1 700 0.50 583 0.38 0 01 02 03 04 05 ( 6
HZSMS-2 695 0.36 577 0.30
HZSM5-3 691 0.27 514 0.25
HZSMS-4 685 0.19 570 0.19
HZSM5-5 667 0.10 560 0.10 30
g 20

alkene resulting from tert-butylamine cracking. The

small discrepancy between total acidity titrated by T P D
and that titrated by calorimetry (Table 3) corresponds 0 002 004 006 008 01 012
to the amount of physisorbed base (which shows a Contact time [h)

separate peak at low temperature in TPD). Fig. 6. Product distribution in the conversion of methanol at
It is observed that the maximum of the chemical 623 K. Upper plot, against total acidity of the catalysts. Lower
desorption peak displaces towards lower temperatures plot, against contact time over Z l B catalyst.
with increasing Si/AI ratio. However, conclusions con-
cerning differences in acidic strength distribution cannot
be drawn from this result, because this displacement is through a maximum. This kinetic behaviour of catalysts
not only affected by acidic strength of the catalyst but with different Si/Al ratios is similar to that previously
also by other factors such as total amount of adsorbed observed by other a ~ t h o r s .From
~ . ~ the results shown in
base (or total acidity) and the conditions of the analysis, the lower plot of Fig. 6 it can be concluded that the
that is to say, carrier gas flow and amount of catalyst effect of contact time on selectivity is quite similar to the
o ample.^ effect of total acidity of the catalyst.
From the results of Table 4 it can be definitely stated Thus, it can be stated that both activity and selec-
that there is a great decrease in total acidity as the Si/A1 tivity of catalysts are functions, mainly, of the total
ratio increases, but the variation in Si/Al ratio only acidity of catalysts.
slightly affects the acidic strength distribution (Fig. 5).

3.2 Kinetic behaviour of the catalysts 4 CONCLUSIONS

In Fig. 6 the evolution of reaction products as a func- Taking into account the effect of Si/Al ratio on total
tion of total acidity of different catalysts (upper plot) acidity and on acidic strength distribution, clear evi-
and as a function of contact time for catalyst Z1B dence of total acidity being the variable most affected
(lower plot) are shown. The compositions (in wt%) of by %/A1 ratio has been observed. This result leads us to
the following fractions : light olefins (C, -), the other postulate that the important effect of Si/Al ratio on
hydrocarbons, and non-converted oxygenated MTG process selectivity can be attributed to the varia-
(methanol and dimethylether), have been plotted. The tion in total acidity as aluminium content changes, and
kinetic results of both plots correspond to runs at cannot be attributed to the slight variation observed in
623 K. The kinetic results of the upper plot in Fig. 6 acidic strength distribution with aluminium content.
correspond to a contact time of 0.052 h. In order to There is no clear evidence of the intervention of sites
avoid erroneous conclusions due to deactivation (more of different acidic strength in either of the two steps in
noticeable with increasing temperature),', the results series of the kinetic scheme, eqn. (1): conversion to light
shown in Fig. 6 have been obtained by extrapolating to olefins from oxygenated, and transformation of olefins
zero time the evolution of each fraction from experi- into hydrocarbons in the range of gasoline. The effect of
ments of 12 h duration. Si/Al ratio can be considered similar to the effect of
In the upper plot of Fig. 6 it is observed that as total contact time for a process with steps in series, such as
acidity increases (that is to say, with decreasing Si/A1 the one studied in this paper. The increase in selectivity
ratio) selectivity towards heavier hydrocarbon forma- to light olefins (intermediate product in eqn. (1))
tion increases, while light olefin selectivity passes observed in the literature as Si/Al ratio increases, is
192 A. G. Gayubo et al.

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