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Assignment 2

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) English Education

Faculty of Arts and Social Science

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Perak Campus)

January 2012 Session

Tutorial 1

WONG Wai Ling, 1101212, ED

LING Jie See, 1101047, ED

6 APRIL 2012 [Date of Submission]

Assignment 2: Writing Aims and Behavioural Objectives

Write a suitable aim and a behavioural objective /learning outcome for each of the skills below for an average
ability Form 1 class:

1. Learning outcome 1.0: Talking about self. Responding appropriately to questions by stating, refuting and
giving details.

Aim: To enable students to introduce about themselves orally.

Behavioural Objective: After watching a short video clip about two students describing about themselves,
students tell five things about their personal information.

2. Learning outcome 2.1(a): Listening to spoken texts such a briefing for an educational field trip.
Aim: To enable students to acquire information about educational field trip.

Behavioural Objective: After listening to the briefing conducted by teacher for an educational field trip, students
tell the name of the place that they are going, three rules have to follow by them and five things that they have
to bring along the trips.

3. Learning outcome 2.2 (a): Skimming and Scanning: Telling what the text is about.
Aim: To enable students to interpret the text about animals.
Behavioural Objective: After skimming and scanning a passage about “A trip to zoo” given by teacher, students
will be able to list ten names of the animals in the passage.
Marking Criteria

Statement of aim – using general terms expressing overall goals relevant to the learning outcome(s) using
correct and appropriate language.

Excellent 9 - 10 marks
Good 7 - 8 marks
Average 5 - 6 marks
Weak 3 – 4 marks
Poor 1 – 2 marks

Range Descriptors
A very comprehensive answer showing excellent understanding of
9 - 10
concept with clear example(s). Excellent use of language.
Comprehensive answer showing good understanding of concept with
clear example(s). Minor errors in language use.
Fairly comprehensive answer showing good understanding of concept
with reasonably clear example(s). Some parts vague.
Weak understanding of concept with some attempts at providing relevant
example(s). Language errors evident with some parts not being vague.
Poor understanding of concept with no example(s). Language errors mar

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