01 October 2018 1M

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Subject : English Language

Class : Year 1 Merah
Enrolment : 11
Proficiency level : Mixed ability
Date : 01 October 2018
Time : 8:15a.m. - 8:45a.m.
Theme : World of knowledge
Topic : Unit 4 Lunchtime
Focus skill
Main : Listening
Complementary : Writing

Previous knowledge : Pupils have learnt the names of the food.

: 1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able
Content standard
to understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts.
: 4.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able
Complementary Content
to communicate with appropriate language form and style for
a range of purposes in print and digital media
: 1.2.2 Able to understand with support specific information and
Learning standard
details of very simple phrases and sentences
Complementary Learning
: 4.3.2 Able to spell familiar high frequency words accurately
: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
Learning Objectives 1. Listen and write three lists correctly in groups
2. Arrange the letters and write five words correctly

Vocabulary : write a shopping list, put (cheese) on the list

Educational Emphasis:
Moral Values : Waiting your turn
Thinking Skills : Analysis, Inference, Evaluation, Explanation
Multiple Intelligence : Visual-spatial, Verbal-linguistic, Bodily-kinaesthetic, Naturalistic
EMK : Creativity and Innovative
Teaching Aids and
Recordings, Worksheet 1
Learning Materials

Steps/ Content Teaching and Learning Remarks


Set Induction Aim: To arouse 1. Teacher lets pupils to make Preparation Phase
pupils’ interests circles of ten pupils and
(3 minutes) a. Preparation
and activate make a ball out of paper for
b. Analysis
vocabulary each group.
2. Pupils hand a ball to a pupil. Educational Emphases

3. The pupil says One and then a. Thinking skills

throws the ball to a pupil who b. Multiple

says Two. Intelligences

4. When pupils get to Ten, they

count backwards. Teaching Aids: A ball

5. Teacher introduces the made of paper

learning objectives to pupils.

Presentation Aim: To present and Imagination Phase

practice 1. Teacher instructs pupils to
(8 minutes) a. Generating ideas
numbers 11-20 take out their Student’s Book.
2. Pupils look at the pictures in
the Student’s Book. Educational Emphases
Sample words: 3. Teacher plays the recording a. Thinking skills
for two times. b. Multiple
a. eleven 4. Pupils listen and repeat. Intelligences
b. twelve 5. Teacher uses the flashcards
c. thirteen to practice the numbers. Teaching Aids:
d. fourteen 6. Teacher shows pupils the Recording, Student’s
e. fifteen numbers in sequence and Book
f. sixteen then at random and elicits
g. seventeen numbers from pupils.
h. eighteen
i. nineteen
j. twenty
Aim: To let pupils 1. Teacher pre-teaches Development Phase
practice shopping list.
a. Enrichment
listening for 2. Teacher divides pupils into
specific three groups, two groups
information with four pupils and one Educational Emphases
group with three pupils. a. Thinking skills
3. Teacher distributes a blank b. Multiple
Group work shopping list for each group. Intelligences
4. Teacher informs pupils they
Sample shopping list: are going to hear a Teaching Aids:
conversation between a A blank shopping list
a. 20 sausages
waiter and a cook.
b. 18 steaks
5. Teacher sticks the food  Assessment for
c. 14 carrots
flashcards on the Learning Objective
(8 minutes) d. 15 pizzas
whiteboard. 1 (group work)

6. Teacher plays the recording.

7. Pupils listen for the foods.
8. Pupils write the list.
9. Teacher plays the recording
10. Pupils complete the list.
11. Teacher shows the answers
in slide.
12. Pupils check for the
13. Teacher provides feedbacks

Production Aim: To let pupils Action Phase

1. Teacher instructs pupils to
practice spelling
(8 minutes) take out their workbook and a. Implementation
numbers 11 -
turn to page 52. b. Continuous Practice
2. Pupils look at the pictures.
3. Pupils arrange the letters to
form words.
Educational Emphases
4. Teacher discusses the

Individual work answers with the pupils. a. Thinking skills

5. Pupils check their answers. b. Multiple
6. Teacher provides feedbacks Intelligences

Teaching Aids:
Workbook page 52

 Assessment for
Learning Objective
2 (individual)

Aim: To recall what 1. Teacher instructs 10 pupils

have been to the front of the class.
learnt 2. Teacher says a number
between 11 and 20 to each
pupil at random.
(3 minutes)
Social Closure & 3. Pupils quickly sequence

Cognitive Closure themselves into a number



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