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ranger 2 forasteiro Cristiano

Tabaxi caotico/neutro

12 +2
16 +4 30
eu devo alcançar a gloria

+4 +2
Minha família, clã ou tribo é a coisa
+0 mais importante em minha vida,
mesmo que estejam longe de mim.

12 +6 Violência é minha resposta

+1 -1
1d10 para quase todo desafio.

8 +0
Favored Foe
-1 -1
The first time on each of your
turns that you hit the favored
enemy and deal damage to it,
14 +2 1d4+1(cortante)
including when you mark it,
you increase that damage by
+0 espada(perfurante)1d6+dex 1d4.
-1 arco (perfurante) 1d8+dex You can use this feature to
mark a favored enemy a
number of times equal to your
10 +4
proficiency bonus, and you
+0 +4
regain all expended uses when
you finish a long rest.

Dueling(=2 em dano)
armadura de Couro
Batido Dread Ambusher
armadura bunita(14
proeficiencias: armaduras
de ca + destreza) Umbral Sight
leves, medias, escudos
ignora dois de dano
armas simples, marciais
cortante 4 pm
120 espada curta
espada curta
(ancian+1 dex)
Pacote de Explorador
e, primordial
Arco Longo
(20 flechas)
25 1,70 86

amarelos pele branca com manchas pretas brancos

Darkvision. You have a cat's keen senses, especially in the dark. You can
see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness
as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Feline Agility. Your reflexes and agility allow you to move with a burst of
speed. When you move on your tum in combat, you can double your speed
until the end of the tum. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until
you move 0 feet on one of your turns.

armadura bunita(14 de ca + destreza) ignora dois de dano

2 poçao de cura ikimon (2d10)
nao tomar sobre um rio
Zephyr Strike(1d8 +vantagem +30 pes)
hunters marks (1d6)
Disguise Self
Speak with Animals

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