RPC Book 2 Panic Reviewer RGTuazon

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Bar Saturday Panic TREASON (114)

 Modes:
Reviewer o A. Levying war against the Philippines by:
 1. Assembling armed men
 2. To achieve treasonous design by force
Copyright (2011) o B. Adhering to the enemy, by giving aid or comfort
 Intent:
Roland Glenn T. Tuazon
o To deliver country to the enemy
Ateneo de Manila School of Law o If only to overthrow: rebellion
Feel free to share, but no watermarking please  Two-witness rule:
o Quantity of witnesses is not enough; the witnesses
must be credible. Each witness must testify to the
Contents same overt act.
o No need for two-witnesses if there is confession in
I: CRIMES AGAINST NATIONAL SECURITY .................................. 1
open court.
II: CRIMES AGAINST FUNDAMENTAL LAW................................... 3  Notes:
III: CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC ORDER......................................... 5 o Only committed during war time
o All persons are regarded as principals
IV: CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC INTEREST ................................... 10 o Absorbs common crimes
V: RELATED TO OPIUM ........................................................... 15 o Delito continuado
o ISL does not apply
VI: CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC MORALS .................................... 16
o Articles 13 and 14 do not apply
VII: CRIMES COMMITTED BY PUBLIC OFFICERS ......................... 16 o Occupation of a State is not a defense; what matters is
VIII: CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS ............................................ 20 that the original government is still de jure
 Which aliens are liable for treason:
IX: CRIMES AGAINST PERSONAL LIBERTY AND SECURITY .......... 26 o 1. Dual citizens who do not renounce Filipino
X: CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY ............................................... 29 citizenship
o 2. Resident aliens
XI: CRIMES AGAINST CHASTITY .............................................. 35
 Cases:
XII: CRIMES AGAINST CIVIL STATUS ....................................... 36 o P v. Lozano: Sexual and social relations with Japanese
XIII: CRIMES AGAINST HONOR ............................................... 37 soldiers do not materially improve their war effort.

XIV: CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE .................................................. 38 CONSPIRACY AND PROPOSAL TO COMMIT TREASON (115)

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 Notes: PIRACY (122-3)
o If they actually commit treason, this crime loses  Modes:
juridical personality o 1. Attacking or seizing a vessel on high seas or
o Need not be war time Philippine waters
MISPRISION OF TREASON (116) o 2. Seizing cargo, equipment, or personal belongings or
 Elements: complement or passengers on high seas or Philippine
o 1. Aware of plan to commit treason; Waters
o 2. Fails to report it to governor/mayor or fiscal  Elements:
 Notes: o 1. Vessel in high seas or RP waters
o Only committed by Filipinos, not foreigners. Thus, o 2. The offenders must not be members of the
dual citizens, who are foreigners too, may NOT be complement or passengers
liable for misprision of treason. o 3. Commits either of the two modes above
 N.B. compare to treason itself: even dual o 4. Intent to gain
citizens can commit treason  Crimes committed by crew members or passengers:
o Article 20 (accessories exempt from criminal liability) o Mutiny if they unlawfully resist superior officer or raise
does not apply disturbances on board
o Punished “as an accessory to treason.” But he is still a o Robbery or theft
principal of misprision of treason.  Qualifying circumstances:
o 1. Seized a vessel by boarding or firing upon it
ESPIONAGE (117) o 2. Pirates abandoned victims without means to save
 Modes: themselves
o 1. Without authority, entering warship, fort, etc. to o 3. Attended by murder, homicide, PI (includes
obtain information, etc. of confidential nature attempted/frustrated homicide), or rape
o 2. Possessing by reason of public office the confidential  Notes:
information, etc. and disclosing them to foreign o RA 7659 added Philippine waters, not just high seas
representative o PD 532 applies if the offenders were purposely
 Notes: organized not just for one act of robbery, but several
o First mode: mere entering with intent consummates indiscriminate commissions thereof.
o Need not be war time o Do not apply Art 48 – common crimes committed in
FLIGHT TO ENEMY COUNTRY (121) pursuance of piracy absorbed
o RA 9372 – piracy can be predicate crime for terrorism
 Elements:
o 1. War involving RP ANTI-HIJACKING LAW (RA 6235)
o 2. Offender has allegiance to RP  Modes:
o 3. Offender attempts to flee to enemy country o 1. Compel a change of course of a Philippine aircraft or
o 4. Going there is prohibited by competent authority seize control thereof while in flight

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 “In flight” when all the external doors are o Mere conspiracy punished
closed after embarkation II: CRIMES AGAINST FUNDAMENTAL LAW
o 2. Compel foreign aircraft to land in Philippine territory
or seize control thereof while in the Philippines ARBITRARY DETENTION (124)
o 3. Ship, load, or carry in public passenger aircraft  Elements:
explosive, corrosive, flammable, or poisonous o 1. Offender is public officer or employee
materials o 2. Detains person
o 4. Ship, load, or carry in cargo aircraft any of the same o 3. Without legal ground
materials against regulations by the Civil Aeronautics  Distinguish:
Association o If offender is private person and purpose is to deprive
 Special aggravating circumstances for modes 1 and 2: liberty, kidnapping
o 1. Firing upon the pilot, crew, or passenger of the o If offender is private person and purpose is to arrest
aircraft and deliver to authorities but without legal ground,
o 2. Exploded or attempted to explode a bomb to unlawful arrest
destroy the aircraft  Notes:
o 3. Accompanied by murder, homicide, PI, or rape o Public officer or employee must be authorized to detain
HUMAN SECURITY ACT (RA 9372) another person
 District Foresters, for Forestry Act; School
 Elements of terrorism: officials for Dangerous Drugs
o A. Sowing widespread and extraordinary fear and panic o Barangay officials authorized to detain are only
among the populace persons in authority if they act within their jurisdiction
o B. To coerce the government to give into an unlawful o May be committed by dolo or culpa (ex. re-arresting a
demand person released by court order already)
o C. By violating any of the ff laws: o If with excessive force, there can be arbitrary
 Piracy or mutiny, rebellion/insurrection, coup detention complexed with PI
d’etat, murder, kidnapping and serious illegal o Need not actually be convicted for the crime – enough
Detention, crimes involving destruction for there to be probable cause for arrest to be valid
 PD 1613 – law on arson
 RA 5207 – atomic energy regulatory and
liability  Elements:
 RA 6235 – anti-hijacking law o 1. Offender is public officer or employee
 PD 532 – anti-piracy and anti-highway robbery o 2. Detained a person legally
 PD 1866/RA 8294 – illegal possession of o 3. Fails to deliver person to proper judicial authorities
firearms and unlawful manufacture/use of within proper time period
explosives  12 hours – light
 Notes:  18 hours – correctional

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 36 hours – afflictive VIOLATION OF DOMICILE (128)
 3 days – under the HSA  Modes:
 Notes: o 1. Entered dwelling
o Applies to SPL using RPC nomenclature o 2. Searched without consent
o Periods based on what the crime appears to be, as to o 3. Surreptitiously entered and refused to leave
the arresting officer  Notes:
o Finish inquest within period allowed, then deliver to o If all three modes committed, just one crime still
judicial authorities: filing with trial court o May only be committed by public officers or employees
o Not with prosecutor (otherwise, if the detainee with authority to arrest, or to seize property of
requests for prelim investigation, waive Art. 125) another.
o Remember insuperable cause defense in Art. 12(7) o If entry made through a way not intended for ingress,
o If private person delays in delivery, illegal detention there is entry against will of owner – denial is implied
o Failure of officer to comply with Article 125 does not o “Owner” also includes lessee
affect the legality of the confinement.
 Modes:  Modes:
o 1. Officer delays release of arrested person (either o 1. Procuring search warrant without just cause
convict or detention prisoner) beyond period provided. o 2. Exceeding authority or using unnecessary severity in
o 2. Unduly delays service of notice of such order to the executing legal search warrant
prisoner  Notes:
o 3. Unduly delays proceedings upon petition for o Article 48 DOES NOT apply. There are two crimes
liberation (habeas corpus) committed (Ex. perjury and procurement of malicious
EXPULSION (127) search warrant, separately; or offering false testimony
in evidence [e.g. deposition] and procurement of
 Elements:
malicious search warrant)
o 1. Offender is public officer or employee
 Expels a person from the RP (131)
 Compels someone to change residence  Acts punishable:
o 3. He is not authorized by law o 1. Prohibiting/interrupting/dissolving peaceful meeting
 Note: without legal ground
o Probation Law – allows change of residence as o 2. Hindering persons from joining lawful association or
condition preventing them from attending
o Only President can expel from RP o 3. Prohibiting or hindering persons from petitioning to
o HSA – suspect may be granted bail, but placed under authorities for correction of abuses or grievances
house arrest under usual place of residence  Notes:

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o If done by a private person stranger to the meeting, it naval/armed forces), depriving the President or
is serious disturbance/tumults (Art. 153) Congress of any of its powers or prerogatives
o If done by member of meeting, it is unjust vexation  Distinguish:
ANTI-TORTURE ACT (RA 9745) o Rebellion – overthrow government and supersede it
o Insurrection – minor change as to certain matters in
 Modes: government or to prevent exercise of government
o 1. Physical torture authority as to certain matters
o 2. Mental or psychological torture  Notes:
o 3. Other cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment o Political crime
o 4. Secret detention, solitary confinement, o Can be private or public individuals
incommunicado o Vast movement of people; involving multitudes
 Note: o Continuing crime
o Torture is jus cogens o Common crimes are absorbed by the political crime.
o Immediate commanding officer of the unit or  But there may be civil liability for these
immediate senior public official who knew of the predicate crimes
torture/CIDT and could’ve prevented it but didn’t is a o No frustrated rebellion. Consummated upon
principal commission of overt acts
o No amnesty for torturers
 Special aggravating circumstances: COUP D’ETAT (134-A)
o 1. Death results  Elements:
o 2. Mutilation results o 1. Swift attack by violence, intimidation, threat,
o 3. With rape or sexual abuse strategy, stealth
o 4. Victim became insane, an imbecile, impotent, blind, o 2. Against:
or maimed for life  A. Duly constituted authorities of the
o 5. Against children Philippines
 Dual nature of torture:  B. Any military camp or installation,
o Torture is both an aggravating circumstance and a communications network, public
separate and independent crime in itself utilities/facilities for exercise of power
o 3. Carried out by military or police or public officers
III: CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC ORDER  With or without civilian support
o 4. To seize or diminish State power
 Elements: o Absorbs common crimes done to achieve it
o 1. Rising publicly and taking arms against the  Is there a frustrated crime of coup d’etat?
Government o No. The moment there is intent + swift attack, the
o 2. For purpose of removing from Phil. allegiance the crime is consummated, even if the purpose is not
territory of the Philippines (or any part thereof or achieved.

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o No frustrated coup d’etat o 3. Any of the following motives/purposes discussed
COUP (136)  1. Prevent promulgation or execution of law, or
holding of popular election
 Omil v. Ramos: Conspiracy to commit rebellion or coup d’etat  2. Prevent National, provincial, or municipal
is a continuing crime (odd) government or officer from exercising functions
DISLOYALTY (137) or preventing execution of AO
 Modes:  3. Act of hate/revenge upon person or property
o 1. Failed to resist a rebellion by all the means in their of public officer or employee
power  Contrast with direct assault: here,
o 2. Continuing to discharge functions there is tumultuous public uprising
o 3. Acceptance of public position  4. Act of hate/revenge against private persons
 Notes: or social class, for political or social end
o Motive immaterial  5. Despoil any person, municipality, or
o Disloyalty loses juridical existence if the officer province, or National Govt. of all its property or
commits overt acts of rebellion part thereof, for political or social end
 Notes:
INCITING TO REBELLION OR INSURRECTION (138) o Modes 1 and 2 do not include Barangay officials and
 How committed: ordinances
o Writings or speech must be done with intent to induce o Mode 3 can include Barangay officials
the readers or listeners to commit rebellion or o Common crimes are separately and independently
insurrection punished (ex. sedition and murder).
 Notes:  Except: complex crime of sedition and
o Listeners need not actually commit the crime prevention of meeting of Board/Congress
o If listeners rebel, inciter becomes a PDI for rebellion  Distinguish:
SEDITION (139) o Rebellion  to achieve political purpose, they take up
 Nature of sedition: o Sedition  as long as tumultuous; they do not take up
o Raising of commotion or disturbance in the state; arms, because they do not intend to overthrow the
revolt against legitimate authority, public corporation, government
social classes, etc.
o Ultimate objective: violation of the public peace CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT SEDITION (141)
 Elements of sedition?  No crime of proposal to commit sedition; just conspiracy
o 1. Rise publicly and tumultuously INCITING TO SEDITION (142)
o 2. To obtain by force, intimidation, or other illegal
methods  Modes:
o 1. Inciting others to commit acts of sedition

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o 2. Uttering seditious words or speeches tending to o A. Without public uprising, use force/intimidation to
disturb public peace attain any of the purposes in rebellion or sedition:
o 3. Writing, publishing, circulating scurrilous libels and o B. Attack, use force, or seriously intimidate or
government or authorities tending to disturb public seriously resist a PIA or any of his agents
peace  1. While in the performance of duties or
 Notes: attacked for past performance of duty
o “Concealing such evil practices” is not an act of an  Ex. attacking judge who convicted him
accessory in this case, but an act of a principal for is for past performance
inciting to sedition  2. Accused knew or ought to have known that
ILLEGAL ASSEMBLIES (146) he was a public officer or agent
 When qualified:
 Modes: o 1. Committed with weapon
o 1. Meeting to commit RPC crime, with armed persons  This is a special aggravating circumstance that
o 2. Meeting where audience is incited to commit cannot be offset by MCs
treason, rebellion/insurrection, sedition, or direct  Ex. Mere aiming of a gun at a PIA is qualified
assault, whether armed or not direct assault because there is intimidation,
 Notes: with use of weapon.
o In mode 1, if crime actually committed, illegal o 2. Offender is public officer or employee
assembly loses juridical personality o 3. Laying a hand on a PIA
o In mode 2  Notes:
 If stranger: liable for inciting o No attempted or frustrated direct assault (formal)
 If member: either inciting or illegal assembly o Seriously only qualifies “intimidate” and “resist”
o If person has unlicensed firearm, presume illegal o Motive only important for mode 1
assembly o Lawyers and teachers can be PIAs
o The person with unlicensed firearm is considered a o If officer exceeds authority, resistance is legitimate.
leader or organizer of the meeting Amount of resistance depends on extent of excess of
 Two types:  Ex. P v. Fook – Chinese immigrant who was
o 1. To commit any of the crimes in the RPC unreasonably searched twice in customs
o 2. To commit some purpose contrary to public morals lawfully resisted
 Notes: o There can be a complex crime of direct assault with
o HSA, sec. 17: Public officers may petition that an another felony.
association may be declared as one composed of those  Ex. Complex crime of direct assault with
conspiring to commit terrorism murder or homicide; Complex crime of direct
assault with serious disturbance under 153
DIRECT ASSAULTS (148)  But if direct assault is committed and ONLY
 Forms/elements: slight PI results, there is just direct assault.

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o LSPI (265) provides for a distinct penalty if the victim Interruption of Serious Interruption of
is a PIA to. To reconcile, LSPI applies if the PIA was peaceful disturbance (153, gatherings (153,
attacked not during performance of duties or for past meetings (131) p.1) – taken in p.2)
performance of duties. contrast with 131
 Sample situations: By public officer By public officer By a private person
o A mayor is on the way home or on the way to the or public officer
office. The accused robbed the mayor and killed him. NOT part of the Part of the NOT part of the
 HELD: Robbery with homicide. The direct assembly assembly assembly
assault is absorbed by Robbery with homicide, Covers peaceable Covers normal
which absorbs crimes committed pursuant to assemblies or gatherings (non
such. rallies political, non
o X fired an SMG against police officers serving warrant. religious)
 HELD: Direct assault with multiple attempted Cannot be
homicide committed by culpa
(there is intent to
seriously disturb)
 Elements:
o 1. There is direct assault against an agent of a person
in authority (under Art. 148)  Notes:
o 2. A person came to the aid of the agent o For 153, there is intent to disturb and it is serious.
o 3. The offender uses force or intimidation against such Otherwise, there is just Alarms and Scandals.
person coming to the aid of the agent o The locus of the crime is the place. It must be public.
 Notes:  Ex. court proceedings, COMELEC proceedings
o Under RA 1978, one who goes the aid of a PIA o Presumption of tumultuous disturbance if caused by
becomes an agent of a PIA, so there is direct assault; more than 3 (at least 4) armed men
indirect assault if the private person comes to the aid o Apply Art 48. Ex. complex crime of serious
of the agent of the PIA (but Reyes/Guevarra disagree) disturbance with direct assault
o If there is intent to incite, apply inciting to rebellion or
sedition. If there is just tendency, apply 153.
 Modes:
o 1. Serious disturbance in public place
o 2. Interrupting or disturbing gatherings not included in  Modes:
131 or 132 (thus, neither political nor religious) o 1. Discharging firearm, rocket, firecracker, or explosive
o 3. Making outcry tending to incite rebellion or sedition within any town or public place
o 4. Displaying placards or emblems which provoke o 2. Charivari or disorderly meetings
disturbance of public place o 3. Disturbing public peace while wandering at night or
o 5. Burying with pomp one who is executed engaged in nocturnal amusements
 Distinguish:

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o 4. Causing disturbance or scandal while intoxicated  Who may be liable for delivery:
while 153 is not applicable o 1. Co-prisoners
 Notes: o 2. Employees of penal establishment, if without
o Not a specific intent crime (“Calculated to cause alarm custody of the prisoner or if he is off-duty
or danger” is an erroneous translation)  If he has custody, crime is infidelity in custody
o If firearm is pointed at another and discharged but of prisoners
there is no intent to kill and no damage caused, there o 3. Private person
is just discharge of firearms EVASION OF SERVICE OF SENTENCE (157-9)
 Elements: o 1. Convicted by final judgment
o 1. Any person removes from jail or penal o 2. Serving of sentence which consists of deprivation of
establishment a person confined therein liberty
o 2. Through: o 3. Escaping during sentence
 A. By violence, intimidation, or bribery  Qualifying circumstances:
 B. Other means (lower penalty) o 1. Unlawful entry (by scaling), breaking doors,
 Ex. craft or disguise windows, etc.
 C. Taking guards by surprise outside the o 2. Using picklocks, false keys, disguise, deceit
establishment (lowest penalty) o 3. Violence, intimidation
 Notes: o 4. Through connivance with other convicts or
o Applies to both detention and convicted prisoners employees of penal institution
o Crime consummated when he steps out of the building  Notes:
where the cell is, however brief o Only convicted prisoners
o No frustrated delivery; there is attempted delivery o Covers those sentenced to destierro who entered the
o “Detention” includes mental retardates detained in a prohibited place
hospital or those under house arrest. o Note covered by evasion:
o If a relative is not exempted under Article 19 (ex. the  1. Detention prisoner
prisoner is convicted of parricide), the prosecutor may  2. Deportee who violated deportation order
charge him for delivery of prisoners or as accessory to  3. Youthful offenders (RA 9344), because
the crime rehab center is not a penal institution
o If the one bribed was an officer, he is liable for both o Covers both RPC and SPL crimes
bribery and delivery. If the one bribed is a private o Art 48 does not apply if one uses violence or
person, then it is just a means to commit delivery. intimidation. But if one commits a crime to evade,
o If the “other means” constitutes a crime, apply Art. 48. then apply Art. 48.
But if the mode is specifically provided in the crime  Other provisions:
(like those under “A,” do not apply Art. 48 because the o Violation of conditional pardon is also evasion. Violator
crime is already punished by a higher crime here) of pardon is not entitled to ISL.

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o Convict evading during catastrophe: o “Making” can be attempted or frustrated (if imitation is
 If caught again, increase penalty by 1/5 imperfect)
 If he returns within 48 hours, decrease by 1/5 o Number of crimes equal to number of currencies
QUASI-RECIDIVISM (160) o Can be prosecuted abroad under Art. 2 of the RPC
o Damage is not an element of utterance
 Elements:
o 1. Offender convicted by final judgment MUTILATION OF COINS (164)
o 2. Commits new felony before or while serving  Notes:
sentence o Amended by PD 247, which punishes willful
 Notes: defacement, mutilation, tearing, burning, or destroying
o Quasi-recidivism is not a crime, but a special currency notes or coins
aggravating circumstance o Must be of legal tender
 If second crime has an aggravating o Coins of foreign currency are not included
circumstance, quasi-recidivism will result into SELLING OF FALSE OR MUTILATED COIN (165)
the maximum of the maximum
o First crime can either be RPC or SPL crime.  Modes:
o Second crime has to be punished in RPC. o 1. Possession with intent to utter
o If one is a recidivist and quasi-recidivist: o 2. Actual utterance
 Since recidivism is an AC, apply the maximum  Notes:
of maximum o Both physical and constructive possession
 Recidivism can be offset by generic MCs, o There must be knowledge that the coin is false
quasi-recidivism cannot o If he is the counterfeiter, 163 absorbs 165
o “Beside provisions of Art. 62 par. 5” – so apply rules FORGING, IMPORTING, OR UTTERING TREASURY OR BANK NOTES OR
on habitual offenders as well if applicable. DOCUMENTS PAYABLE TO BEARER (166)
o Compare with reiteracion: it requires final service of 2  Modes:
or more lesser crimes or one graver or equal crime o 1. Forging or falsifying treasury/bank notes/documents
payable to bearer
IV: CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC INTEREST o 2. Importing false or forged bank notes
MAKING, IMPORTING, AND UTTERING FALSE COINS (163) o 3. Uttering these with connivance with forgers or
 Modes:  How forgery is committed:
o 1. Making false coins o 1. Giving appearance of a true and genuine document
o 2. Importing o 2. Erasing, substituting, or counterfeiting, or altering
o 3. Uttering with connivance with counterfeiter figures, letters/words, or designs in said instrument
 Notes:  Notes:
o Coin must be legal tender in the RP at time of violation o Uttering is offering it with representation that it is
genuine, with intent to defraud

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o Blank forms of postal money orders are not official  What documents are covered:
public documents, or treasury/bank notes. They are o Public documents
not certificates of obligations until filled up. o Where something is proved, established, or set forth
o Treasury warrant is a government obligation and is o Applies to electronic documents
therefore covered o A document incapable of producing legal effects cannot
be subject to falsification – not a foundation of rights
ORDER (167)
o The falsification of a private document before
submission may nevertheless be falsification of public
 Same, except payable to order or official document because it is destined to be such.
OTHER CREDIT INSTRUMENTS (168) o Falsification of public or commercial document can be
 Elements: by culpa. Intent to damage is not needed.
o 1. Treasury/bank note/ security payable to bearer or o Falsification of private document cannot be committed
order is forged or falsified by another person by culpa, because there must be intent to damage.
o 2. Offender knows it was falsified  Ex. Flores: The falsification of a daily time
o 3. Used OR possessed with intent to use record automatically results in financial losses
 Notes: to the government because it enables the
o Possession without use or intent to use, not covered employee to be paid salary for services never
o Must know it’s falsified rendered. Damage is not an element per se.
o There can be estafa through falsification of public or
FALSIFICATION OF LEGISLATIVE DOCUMENTS (170) commercial document. There is no crime of estafa
 Elements: through falsification of private document.
o 1. There is a genuine resolution, ordinance, bill  Notes:
o 2. Material alteration of the issuance o If a notary public notarizes a document without
o 3. With deliberate intent commission:
 Notes:  1. The crime is falsification of public document
o By either public or private person  2. But the document remains private
o No attempted or frustrated falsification of public or
official document, unless the falsification is imperfect
o There can be falsification by omission (ex. book keeper
 “Taking advantage of public position”: omitted things in the ledger)
o 1. Has official custody of the document or intervenes in o One found in possession of falsified document is
preparation of the document presumed to be the author.
 If it is not part of the public officer’s duties, he o There are as many crimes as the number of documents
is treated as a private individual falsified
o 2. Uses influence, prestige, or ascendancy of office to  What are the acts punished as falsification?
commit the crime

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o 1. Counterfeiting or imitating handwriting, signature, FALSIFICATION BY PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS AND USE OF FALSIFIED
o 2. Causing to appear that persons participated in any  Who commits the acts here:
act or proceeding when in fact they did not o Private persons
 Ex. X made it seem that Y and Z executed a o Public officers acting without abuse of official position
deed of sale over their lands  Modes:
 Ex. X was an accountable officer who o 1. Falsifying a document:
misappropriated funds. To conceal it, he  Per se, if public, commercial, or official
falsified receipts to show people received document, or
amounts there did not. HELD: Complex crime  With intent to cause damage or with damage
of malversation through falsification caused, if private document
o 3. Persons in fact participated in proceedings, but o 2. Use of falsified document:
accused make it seem that they said/did some things  Knowingly introduced as evidence in a judicial
they did not do proceeding, or
 Ex. X changed the answers of a Bar taker  In other proceedings, to cause damage or with
o 4. Making untruthful statements in narration of facts intent to cause damage
 The facts must be absolutely false. If there is o N.B. Mode 2 applies to people other than those who
colorable truth, one is not liable. authored the falsification
 If the officer merely wrote down what was
dictated to him, there is no criminal intent to USURPATION OF AUTHORITY OR OFFICIAL FUNCTIONS (177)
falsify  2 modes of committing the crimes:
 No culpa; there must be intent to speak of a o A. Usurpation of authority
falsity  1. Knows he is not a public officer
o 5. Altering true dates  2. Falsely represents himself as such
 Intent is essential here  3. Such person has performed pertaining to an
 Dates must have legal efficacy act of person in authority or agent of PIA
o 6. Making alteration or intercalation to genuine o B. Usurpation of official functions
document which changes its meaning  Notes:
 Duty of one making an alteration in a o Covers retired/resigned public officers or employees
document to explain the change and notaries-public with expired commissions
 Document altered to speak the truth – valid o Good faith is a defense
 Alteration that didn’t change substance of the o Where usurpation is a complex crime:
document – valid  Pretended in order to molest a minor: complex
o 7. Issuing copies where there is no genuine original; or crime of usurpation of public authority with
alteration of the copy as to not reflect the original seduction
o 8. Intercalating instrument or note

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 Pretended to be a BIR agent and showed o X a convict serving sentence, and Y, in jail, substitutes
falsified ID: complex crime of usurpation of for X, to allow X to escape. Y took his place and
public authority with falsification claimed to be the escapee by stating his name.
o Where usurpation is just a mode:  HELD: X committed evasion of sentence,
 To commit robbery, because robbery can be complexed with use of fictitious name. Y
committed through pretense of exercise of committed evasion of sentence, complexed
public authority (Art. 299-A par. 4) with use of fictitious name.
 To commit kidnapping, because usurpation of ANTI-ALIAS LAW (C.A. 142)
authority is a mode to commit kidnapping
 Exceptions to prohibition of use of fictitious name:
PUBLIC USE OF FICTITIOUS NAME (178) o Literary, cinema, TV, radio, entertainment purposes,
 Modes: and other athletic events where use of a pseudonym is
o 1. Fictitious name – purposes: a normally accepted practice
 1. To conceal a crime  How to secure an alias:
 2. To escape judgment o Need judicial approval for at most, one alias. Same
 Both criminal and civil judgments proceedings as change of name.
o 2. Person who conceals his true name or other DEFENDANT (181), IN CIVIL CASES (182)
personal circumstances
 Notes:  Elements of false testimony against defendant (180):
o Motive essential for first mode only o 1. Criminal proceeding
o “Public use”: includes use in official or public document o 2. Offender falsely testifies under oath against
o “Damage” here is not to a particular person but to defendant
public interest. o 3. Offender knew it was false
o There are as many crimes as the number of fictitious o 4. Defendant either acquitted or convicted in judgment
names used  Elements of false testimony favorable to defendant
o Where fictitious name is just a mode and loses juridical (181):
existence: o 1. Criminal proceeding
 Estafa, if to defraud another (Art. 315-2A) o 2. Offender falsely testifies under oath in favor of
 Robbery (Art. 299(A)-4), since fictitious name defendant
is a mode o 3. Offender knew it was false
 In a narration of facts in public or official  Elements of false testimony in civil cases (182):
document: because penalty for use of fictitious o 1. Civil proceeding
name is already integrated there o 2. Testimony relates to issues presented in said case
 Obstruction of justice (“knowingly uses a o 3. Offender falsely testifies
fictitious name to delay apprehension of o 4. Offender knew it was false
suspects”) o 5. Testimony is malicious and intends to affect material
issues in the case

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 Notes: o Generally, a petition filed in court where false
o Testimony must be complete (direct and cross, unless statements are made: perjury.
waived) o No need for proceedings to terminate first.
o Intent needed for all three o Subornation of perjury is inducing somebody to
o For 180, must be an RPC crime or SPL crime using RPC execute an false statement/affidavit on a material
nomenclature, since penalty depends on graduation matter. The inducer is liable as PDI of perjury.
 If the final penalty is less than correctional, Art MACHINATIONS IN PUBLIC AUCTIONS AND MONOPOLIES (185-6)
180 does not apply. But perjury may apply.
o For 182, penalty not dependent on outcome of case  Notes:
o Formal crime. Retraction does not matter, unless it o 185: threatening other bidder so he will not participate
was spontaneously done in the same testimony. o 186: mere monopoly is not penalized, but it must be
o HSA – False testifier not liable under 180-2 but for the monopoly in restraint of trade
crime committed. NEW PUBLIC BIDDING LAW (RA 9184)
 Who can commit these crimes:  Prohibited acts for public officers:
o “Witness” can be the injured party. o 1. Opening sealed bid prior to time appointed
o NOT by accused giving false testimony in his own favor o 2. Delaying w/o just cause the screening for eligibility,
under 181, unless falsely he pins guilt upon another opening of bids, evaluation, or post-evaluation of bids,
(“Hindi ko pinatay yan, SIYA po ang pumatay!”) and awarding beyond allowable period
FALSE TESTIMONY IN OTHER CASES AND PERJURY IN SOLEMN o 3. Unduly influencing or using undue pressure on the
AFFIRMATION (183) Bids and Awards Committee to accept a particular bid
 Two crimes: o 4. Splitting of contracts which exceed purchase limits
o 1. False testimony in other cases and competitive bidding
o 2. Perjury in solemn affirmation o 5. Rejecting bids due to manifest preference for a
 Elements of perjury: closely related bidder
o 1. False statement under oath or affidavit upon  Prohibited acts for private individuals and colluding
material matter (subject of investigation or resolution public officers:
of issue; not merely pertinent matter) o 1. Two or more bidders agree and pre-arrange multiple
o 2. Before a competent officer who administers oaths bids where one is obviously better than the other
o 3. Willful and deliberate assertion of falsity o 2. One bidder maliciously submits different bids
o 4. The statement or affidavit is required by law or through different persons (to simulate competition)
made for a legal purpose o 3. Entering into contracts where one party refrains
 Notes: from bidding or withdraws one already made
o “Other cases” includes special proceedings, etc. o 4. Schemes that naturally reduce competitive bidding
o Petition for habeas corpus is a public document. If o 5. Submitting false eligibility requirements
allegations are false, falsification of a public document. o 6. Submitting falsified info in bidding documents
o 7. Participating in bidding using another’s name or
allowing another to use one’s name

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o 8. Withdraw bid after it has been named highest-rated uses his power or position to shield, harbor, screen, or
or lowest-calculated without just cause or to cause the facilitate escape
bid to be awarded to another  New offenses:
 Notes: o 1. Illegal chemical diversion of CPECs
o Officers liable here can still be liable under RA 3019 o 2. Failure to maintain and keep original records on
o For offenses #1-4 in second enumeration: transactions with DDs or CPECs
 The private individual cannot transact with o 3. Public officer misappropriates, misapplies, benefits
government again from, or fails to account for confiscated materials
 Officer suffers temporary or perpetual DQ o 4. Planting as evidence any DD/CPEC
o 5. Violation of any RR of the DD Board
V: RELATED TO OPIUM o 6. Issuance of false or fraudulent drug test results
o 7. Violation of confidentiality of records
 New classification of drugs: o 8. Refusal of law enforcer or government official to
o 1. Dangerous drugs testify as prosecution witness in DD cases
o 2. Controlled precursors and essential chemicals o 9. Delay and bungling in the prosecution of drug cases
(CPECs)  Old offenses carried over:
 Penalties: o 1. Importation of DD/CPCE
o Do not use nomenclature of RPC anymore o 2. Financing, organizing, managing
o Only time RPC has effect: for minors convicted, o 3. Protecting/coddling
because they receive RP (others get non-RPC o 4. Selling or distributing or brokering transactions
penalties) o 5. Use by drug pushers of minors or mentally
o No longer based on quantity except possession incapacitated individuals as couriers or runners
o Accessory penalties apply even before finality of o 6. Drug den, dive, or resort: maintaining, visiting,
judgment (even on appeal) working for, or protecting/coddling
o Malum prohibitum o 7. Manufacture of DDs/CPCEs, instruments, apparatus
o Use of dangerous drugs now has a graduated penalty o 8. Possession of DDs or instruments
 Just rehab for first offense of use o 9. Use of DDs
 If possession & use concur: charge possession o 10. Cultivation of plants classified as DDs or sources
 If possession & sale concur: charge sale o 11. Unnecessary prescription of DDs
 Plea bargaining/probation: o 12. Unlawful prescription of DDs
o No plea bargaining o 13. Attempt or conspiracy
o No probation for drug pushers and traffickers  Attempt or conspiracy to commit unlawful acts:
 New additional offenders: o Have the same penalty as the consummated crime in:
o 1. Financier – person who pays for or underwrites o 1. Importation of DDs/CPECs
illegal activities in the DDA o 2. Sale, trade, administration, dispensation, delivery,
o 2. Protector/coddler – person who knowingly and distribution, or transportation of any DDs/CPECs
willfully consents to the unlawful acts in the DDA and o 3. Maintenance of a den, dive, or resort

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o 4. Manufacture of DDs/CPECs VAGRANTS AND PROSTITUTES (202)
o 5. Cultivation and culture of plant-sources  Notes:
 Qualifying or aggravating circumstances: o Amended by RA 9344: Minors exempt from criminal
o 1. Crime committed under the influence of drugs liability from prosecution for vagrancy or prostitution
o 2. Possession of DDs or equipment aggravated if o Or mendicancy under PD 1563
possessed during parties, social gatherings, or in
proximate company of at least two persons

VI: CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC MORALS  “Public officers” in this title:

o Embraces all public servants, from highest to lowest
GRAVE SCANDAL (200) o No distinction between officers and employees
 Elements: o Includes GOCCs and subsidiaries
o 1. Highly scandalous conduct KNOWINGLY RENDERING AN UNJUST DECISION (204)
o 2. In a public place
 Elements:
 Notes: o 2. Renders judgment in case submitted to him
o Test of obscenity: shocking to ordinary and common o 3. Judgment is unjust
sense; tendency to deprave or corrupt those whose o 4. He know the judgment is unjust
minds are open to immoral influences  Notes:
o Commercial distribution is punished, not isolated o Only trial court judges; not SC, CA, SB
LAW PUNISHING VIDEO AND PHOTO VOYEURISM (RA 9995) o This is an intent crime
o Not mere error in judgment
 Acts punished: o Decision must first become final and executory before
o 1. Taking video or photo of sexual act without consent judge can be charged under 204
o 2. Take image of sensitive body parts without consent o Prerequisite proceedings:
 If there is reasonable expectation of privacy  Decision of appellate court impugning validity
o 3. Sell, copy, or distribute video or photos – even of decision, or
when there is consent by the persons involved  Administrative charge against judge
o 4. Broadcast in print, radio, or video these sexual acts

o Lack of consent is not an element when the material is (205)

being distributed already  Elements:
o Photo or video is inadmissible for evidence o 1. Offender is judge
o Exception: police can apply to court for order to take o 2. Renders judgment in case submitted to him
a photo/video for investigation and apprehension of o 3. Judgment is manifestly unjust
those committing this crime o 4. Due to inexcusable ignorance or negligence

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 Notes: o 1. Malicious breach of lawyer of professional duty, or
o Can be committed by culpa, unlike 204 inexcusable negligence, or ignorance, causing damage
UNJUST INTERLOCUTORY ORDER (206) or prejudice to client
 Lawyer also liable under RA 3019 Sec. 4B if he
 Elements: induces public officer to violate RA 3019
o 1. Offender is a judge o 2. Revealing client’s secrets learned in confidence; no
o 2. Renders interlocutory order that is either: need for damage or prejudice here
 Manifestly unjust, or o 3. Defending opposing party in same case without first
 With inexcusable negligence or ignorance client’s consent
 Notes:  Modes:
o Mere delay not enough; there must be intent to delay o 1. Agreeing to perform or performing criminal act in
PREVARICACION/DERELICTION OF DUTY (208) connection with duties, for consideration
 Elements: o 2. Executing unjust but not illegal act in connection
o 1. Public officer in charge of instituting or filing criminal with duties, for consideration
complaints (Fiscal, OMB, NBI agent, PDEA, not BIR  Ex. Policeman asked for money from theft
agents) victim before chasing the thief
o 2. Maliciously refrains from instituting prosecution for o 3. Agreeing to refrain or refraining from doing
violation of law or tolerates commission of these acts something he must officially do, for consideration
 Notes:  Elements:
o Malum in se; there must be malice, even in tolerance o 1. Offender is public officer
o Condition sine qua non: person whom he refused to o 2. Accepts offer or promise or receives gift by himself
prosecute must first be prosecuted and convicted for or through another
that crime where prosecution was initially omitted o 3. It was accepted or received in view of any of the
o Both RPC and SPL crimes three modes above
 Relation to other laws: o 4. The act is connected with official duties
o For other public officers: either PD 1829 (obstruction)  Notes:
or accessory under Art. 19, not 208 o For second mode, while not illegal, it must be unjust
o Those liable under 208 also liable under RA 3019 o If the act is ENTIRELY outside his official functions, not
o 208 is constituent element of qualified bribery (211- liable for direct bribery
A); prior conviction in 208 must precede 211-A  Ex. Officer represents to individual that he can
issue a permit, but he actually cannot: estafa
BETRAYAL OF TRUST BY ATTORNEY OR SOLICITOR (209) o Consummated upon acceptance of offer/promise
 Modes: o Pelegrino: Mere physical receipt without any other act
or sign showing acceptance cannot consummate crime
o No attempted or frustrated bribery

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o What is usually punished as “attempted bribery” by the  Modes:
SC is actually attempted corruption of public officer. o 1. Entering into agreement for scheme to defraud govt
 Usual case: officer accepted the consideration, o 2. Collector of tax, license, fee:
but turned it over as evidence against briber.  Demands larger sum
The briber is usually charged with “attempted  Does not issue receipt voluntarily
bribery” (quite erroneously)  Collects things other than provided by law
o Gift: either offered or solicited  Notes:
o No need to actually perform the act o Mode 1 – agreement consummates (malum in se)
o If the criminal act was actually done by the officer, he o Mode 2 – demand consummates (malum prohibitum)
is guilty of two crimes: direct bribery + that crime (not MALVERSATION (217)
o As many crimes of direct bribery as the number of  Elements:
times a bribe is offered and received/accepted o 1. Public officer
o 2. Custody or control of funds due to duties of office
INDIRECT BRIBERY (211) o 3. Those are public funds for which he is accountable
 Elements: o 4. Either:
o 1. Public officer  Appropriates, takes, misappropriates
o 2. Accepts gifts  Consents, or through abandonment or
o 3. Given by reason of his office negligence, permits another to take the same
 Notes:  Notes:
o No such agreement to perform or not perform an act o Malversation can be by dolo/culpa
QUALIFIED BRIBERY (211-A) o Demand is not an element
o Covers property under custodia legis deposited with
 Elements: public authorities or private individuals
o 1. Public officer entrusted with law enforcement  Includes funds from extrajudicial foreclosure
o 2. Refrains from arresting or prosecuting an offender o “Taking” – same concept as theft/robbery
o 3. Offender committed crime punishable by RP o Nature of duties, and not nomenclature of position
o 4. In consideration of gift, promise, offer, or present determines accountability
 Notes: o If officer is not accountable, charge for theft
o Must first be convicted for prevaricacion (208) o If dangerous drugs, covered by RA 9165, not Art 217
CORRUPTION OF PUBLIC OFFICERS (212) o Private persons who benefit charged as accessories
 Notes: o Public officers giving allowances to co-employee from
o Act of offering or giving to the public officer gifts, public funds (“vale”) covered
presents, by reason of his public office o Number of crimes determined by number of instances
o Attempted, if offer not accepted. No frustration of malversation, not types of property taken


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o Restitution does not exempt; it can just mitigate  Notes:
liability as mitigating circumstances analogous to o If mail matter entrusted, infidelity
voluntary surrender o If mail matter not entrusted but misappropriated in the
o AC of taking advantage of public position is inherent course of duty, qualified theft
 Elements:  Notes:
o 1. Public officer o See RA 9745 – law on torture
o 2. Has public fund or property under administration o Officer may be guilty for maltreatment of prisoners and
o 3. Has been appropriated by law or ordinance either PI or homicide/murder
o 4. Applies such fund or property for public use OTHER
THAN that for which it has been appropriated for ABUSES AGAINST CHASTITY (245)
 Notes:
o He did not get it for himself  Modes:
Infidelity of public officers o 1. Public officer solicits or makes immoral or indecent
advances to a woman interested in matters pending
INFIDELITY IN THE CUSTODY OF PRISONERS (223-5) before such officer
 Elements: o 2. Warden solicits or makes indecent advances to a
o 1. Public officer woman under his custody
o 2. With custody of prisoner – either detained or convict o 3. Warden makes immoral advances or solicitation to
o 3. Prisoner escaped the wife, daughter, sister, or relative within the same
o 4. He connived with escape degree of affinity of any person in the custody of such
 Notes: warden/officer
o Art 224 punishes gross negligence of public officer  Notes:
o Art 225 punishes private persons entrusted with o Mere solicitation or advances consummate
custody of prisoner o Mode 3 does not cover mothers
INFIDELITY IN THE CUSTODY OF DOCUMENTS (226-8) o If crime against chastity or person is actually
committed, Art 245 is absorbed
 Elements: o Public authority is an AC
o 1. Public officer
o 2. Document is abstracted, destroyed, or concealed ANTI-GRAFT AND CORRUPT PRACTICES ACT (RA 3019)
o 3. Document was entrusted by reason of his office  Actors covered:
o 4. Damage or prejudice to the public interest or a third o 1. Elected and appointed officials and employees
person receiving compensation from government
 Modes: o 2. Private individuals involved in paragraphs B, C, D, K
o 1. Remove, destroy, conceal documents  What are the punishable acts?
o 2. Breaks the seals or permit them to be broken o a. Inducing a public officer to commit offense

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o b. Requesting or receiving benefit in govt transaction o “Pattern” is at least two such acts within 10 years
where officer intervenes HUMAN SECURITY ACT (RA 9372)
o c. Requesting or receiving benefit from one for whom
officer will secure or has secured permit or license  Liabilities of authorities:
o d. Accepting employment in private enterprise with o 1. Failure to turn over detainee within 3 days to
pending official business with him judicial authorities
 Even up until 1 year after termination o 2. Infidelity in custody of detainees
 Also inducing relatives to accept position o 3. Furnishing false evidence, forged document,
o e. Causing undue injury to party/govt or granting spurious evidence
unwarranted benefits to party (BF or gross negligence)
o f. Neglecting or refusing to act upon official duty to VIII: CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS
obtain some benefit or to discriminate PARRICIDE (246)
o g. Entering in manifestly and grossly disadvantageous
contract on behalf of Government  Elements:
o h. Having pecuniary interest in any transaction with o 1. A person is killed
Government upon which he intervenes o 2. By the accused
o i. Having material interest in any transaction or act o 3. Deceased is the parent or child (whether legitimate
requiring discretionary approval by a board which he is or illegitimate), legitimate ascendant/descendant, or
part of, even if he votes in the negative spouse of the accused
o j. Knowingly granting a benefit in favor of an  Notes:
unqualified person or to a mere dummy of the latter o Legitimate relationship not needed between parent and
o k. Divulging confidential information child
 Exception: o Legitimate relationship needed for every other
o Unsolicited gifts of small or insignificant value offered ascendant-descendant relationship and for spouse
or given as mere ordinary token of gratitude/friendship o Parricide can be complexed with unintentional abortion
ANTI-PLUNDER ACT (RA 7080) o No “robbery with parricide,” just “robbery with
 Elements: homicide”
o 1. Public officer acting alone or with others o Can be committed by culpa
o 2. Amasses ill-gotten wealth amounting to at least 75M
o 3. Thru combination or series of overt or criminal acts DEATH UNDER EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES (247)
 Notes:
o Ill-gotten wealth is through malversation, kickbacks,  Elements:
fraudulent conveyances, monopolies, undue advantage o 1. Legally married person surprises his spouse in the
of public position, illegal business interests act of sexual intercourse with another person (also,
o “Series” is repetition of same act. “Combination” is minor daughter living with parent)
commission of at least 2 different predicate acts o 2. He kills any or both of them or inflicts SPI
o 3. During the act or immediately thereafter

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 Notes: o Only one needed to qualify homicide to murder; the
o The sexual intercourse must be consensual other will be a generic AC
o If not consensual, the husband may invoke mistake of HOMICIDE (249)
fact if applicable (“eh mukhang nasasarapan!”)
o Doesn’t cover sexual assault (8353 didn’t amend 247)  Elements:
o Killing may happen a bit after, or even after an hour, if o 1. Person is killed
it was still proximate and is the by-product of rage o 2. Offender killed him without justifying circumstances
o “Living together” is only for minor daughter; the o 3. Intent to kill, which is presumed
spouses need not live together o 4. Not murder, parricide, or infanticide
o Punishment is destierro if there is death; none for PI  Notes:
o If one prostitutes his spouse or daughter, no 247 o When consummated, intent to kill is presumed and
o No civil liability for causing such death hence need not established
o If the husband was the one attacked by the wife or o When victim did not die, intent to kill is a specific
paramour and he kills them – Art 11 (self-defense) criminal intent that must be established BRD
o If relative causes death under exceptional o If intent to kill is not established and victim did not die,
circumstances, he may invoke Art 11 (defense of only physical injuries
honor), but the act must be reasonable o This is why there is no frustrated homicide through
o If in course of firing upon his spouse/paramour, a third reckless imprudence – if there is no death, no intent to
party is caught in the crossfire, the crime is Art. 365 – kill presumed
SPI/LSPI through simple imprudence. There is no o RA 7610 – if the victim of homicide, murder, SPI, or
attempted homicide because there is no intent to kill intentional mutilation is under 12, punishment is
and offended spouse is not committing a crime (247). always RP
o RA 9262 (VAWC) –
MURDER (248)  If there is death or violence with intent to kill,
apply murder or homicide
 What qualifies homicide to murder:  If there is violence without intent to kill, VAWC
o 1. Treachery, superior strength, aid of armed men, provisions apply
employing means to weaken the defense o RA 8294 –
o 2. Price, reward, or promise  Illegal possession of firearms is AC in murder
o 3. Inundation, fire, poison, explosion, etc., or by and homicide
means of motor vehicles  Use of unlawfully manufactured, acquired, or
o 4. On occasion of a calamity possessed explosives is AC in any of the crimes
o 5. Evident premeditation in the RPC if it results to injury or death
o 6. Cruelty, scoffing at the corpse (except political crimes that absorb)
 Notes:
o If killing is not homicide (e.g. parricide or infanticide), DEATH IN TUMULTUOUS AFFRAY (251) AND PHYSICAL INJURIES IN

then the above circumstances are generic ACs TUMULTUOUS AFFRAY (252)

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o If intent is to discharge, but a random person gets hit
 Elements of 251: with the stray bullet – complex crime of discharge of
o 1. Several persons (more than 2 in each group) firearms and physical injuries (or homicide)
o 2. Not groups organized to attack each other
o 3. Persons attack one another is a tumultuous manner INFANTICIDE (255)
o 4. Cannot determine who killed the deceased
o 5. Person who inflicted physical injuries on the  Elements:
deceased can be identified o 1. Child is born alive
 Elements of 252: o 2. The child is already viable
o Same circumstances, but nobody died, although there o 3. The infant killed was less than 3 days old
is SPI and one who inflicted it cannot be ascertained  Notes:
o But can determine who inflicted violence on the person o Can be committed by anyone, even if not a relative
 Notes: o Treachery and abuse of superior strength inherent
o Victim in 251 can be a participant or stranger o Conspiracy, while not applicable to conspiring relative
o Victim in 252 must be participant and stranger in parricide (will be parricide and
o If person who killed or caused SPI respectively can be homicide), is applicable to conspiring relative and
ascertained, do not apply 251 or 252 stranger in infanticide (both infanticide)
o If the group is organized to attack the other, apply  Extenuating circumstance:
conspiracy (act of one, act of all) o Concealment of dishonor committed by mother of child
or maternal grandparents of the child
ASSISTANCE TO SUICIDE (253) o Concealment of dishonor is mitigating in infanticide but
not parricide
 Notes:
o Suicide is not a crime, but person assisting him is ABORTION (257-259)
liable under 253
o Whether the suicide is consummated or not  Types of abortion:
o 1. Intentional abortion
DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS (254) o 2. Unintentional abortion
 Modes of intentional abortion:
 Elements: o 1. Violence upon person of pregnant woman
o 1. Discharge of firearm against or towards another o 2. Without violence, but without consent of woman
o 2. With no intention to kill or injure but only to scare o 3. With consent of woman
 Notes:  Special provisions:
o If with intent to kill – attempted homicide/murder o 1. Abortion practiced by the pregnant woman herself
o If no intent to kill, but hit – physical injuries or her parents
o If fired in the air – alarms and scandals (155) or o 2. Abortion performed by a physician or midwife
serious disturbances (153)  Degree of education is inherent here, not AC

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 Unintentional abortion: o 2. Lost power to speak, hear, smell; lost use of eye,
o Another person causes abortion by violence against the hand, food, arm, leg; permanent incapacity to work
woman, but not intentionally o 3. Deformity; lost any other body part; illness or
 Notes: incapacity to work for more than 90 days
o J. Regalado – there is frustrated abortion o 4. Illness or incapacity to work for more than 30 days
o “Unintentional” in unintentional abortion refers to lack  Qualifying circumstances:
of intent to abort the fetus. But the prior act of o 1. Victim is any of those in parricide, except parents
violence causing the abortion must be with intent. causing injuries to children due to excessive
o If violence was caused by imprudence, it is not chastisement
unintentional abortion – just reckless/simple o 2. Presence of qualifying circumstances for murder
imprudence resulting to unintentional abortion  Notes:
o Concealment of dishonor provision also applies to the o No intent to kill in physical injuries
special provisions (where abortion is caused by the o Robbery with PI is caused if:
pregnant woman on herself or by her parents)  “By reason or on occasion of robbery” for
paragraphs 1 and 2
MUTILATION (262)  “In course of execution of robbery” for
paragraphs 3 and 4
o 1. Intentional chopping off of a part of the body which
will not grow again  Notes:
o 2. Intent to mutilate. It cannot be by culpa. o Injurious substances introduced or injected into body
 Notes: of victim, with no intent to kill.
o If no intent to mutilate, it is SPI o If substance is poisonous – murder
o If with intent to kill, frustrated homicide o If offender did not know substance was injurious –
o RA 9262 – mutilation punished under RPC, not VAWC Reckless imprudence resulting in SPI
o Punishment greatest if you cut off a body part for o If substance is not enough to kill – SPI/LSPI

 Modes of SPI:  When is there LSPI:

o 1. Wounding, beating, or assaulting another (263) o Incapacity or medical attendance for 10-30 days
o 2. Knowingly administering injurious substances or  Qualifying circumstances:
beverages (264a) – see below o 1. Ignominy or to insult or offend the victim
o 3. Taking advantage of weakness of mind or credulity o 2. Victim is offender’s parent, ascendant, guardian,
(264b) curator, teacher, or persons of rank or PIA
 When is there SPI (by paragraph):  N.B. If PIA was in course of duties or was
o 1. Became insane, imbecile, impotent, blind attacked for past performance, DA, not LSPI

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SLIGHT PHYSICAL INJURIES AND MALTREATMENT (266) o 8. In full view of the spouse, parent, children, or other
 When is there slight PI: relatives up to 3rd degree
o 1. Incapacity of offended party is 1-9 days o 9. Victim is under 7 years old
o 2. Did not prevent the victim from engaging in habitual o 10. Victim has religious vocation or calling and it is
work and did not require medical attendance known by the offender prior to the rape
o 3. Maltreatment by deed o 11. Victim was pregnant and it is known by offender
 Notes: o 12. Victim has mental disability, emotional disorder, or
o X slapped Y: If purpose is to hurt – slight PI; If physical handicap and it is known by the offender
purpose is to humiliate – slander by deed  Special complex crime:
o Homicide committed on occasion of rape or sexual
RAPE (266-A AND 266-B) assault
 N.B. Homicide used in its generic term. Can
 Punishable acts: cover murder.
o 1. Rape  Notes:
 Always man against woman o Rape is now a crime against persons
 Woman may be accomplice or PIC o Marital rape is a crime
o 2. Sexual assault o No frustrated rape or sexual assault, just frustrated
 May be against men or women rapists 
 “Instrument” may be body part or thing o Just one circumstance to qualify rape; others do not
 Modes: become generic ACs
o 1. Force, threat, intimidation o Pardon – valid marriage between offender and
 Includes moral ascendancy offended party or forgiveness of wife of her husband
o 2. Victim deprived of reason or consciousness VAWC (RA 9262)
o 3. Fraudulent machination or grave abuse of authority  Punishable acts:
o 4. Under 12 years old or demented (statutory) o 1. Actual, threatened, or attempted physical harm, or
 Qualifying circumstances: placing in constant fear
o 1. Use of deadly weapon or by 2 or more persons o 2. Controlling what woman or child could do or
o 2. Victim is under custody of police or military restricting freedoms (by using physical, financial, or
o 3. Committed by AFP, PNP, or other law enforcer emotional leverage)
o 4. Victim became insane on occasion of rape o 3. Using force or intimidation to have the woman or
o 5. Victim suffered permanent mutilation or disability child perform non-rape sexual activity
o 6. Offender knows he has HIV, AIDS, or other STD o 4. Acts that cause emotional or psychological distress,
o 7. Victim is under 18 and offender is a parent, humiliation, or ridicule to the woman or her child
ascendant, step-parent, guardian, relative by blood or
affinity to 3rd degree, common law spouse of parent of ANTI-CHILD PORNOGRAPHY LAW (RA 9775)
victim  Who is a “child”:
o 1. Below 18

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o 2. Mentally incapacitated o 1. Owner of the place where it was done, if he has
o 3. Person of age, but depicted as a child actual knowledge of what is happening
o 4. Computer generated child o 2. School authorities who consented to the hazing or
 Punishable acts: knew, but did not prevent
o 1. Producing child porn, hiring children, providing  Qualifying circumstances:
venues o 1. Recruitment by force, violence, threat, intimidation,
o 2. Selling, distributing, broadcasting, or possession or deceit
with same intent o 2. Recruit consented to join but wanted to quit upon
 N.B. presumed intent if there is possession of learning about hazing, but was not allowed to quit
at least 3 copies of child porn in same form o 3. Recruit was prevented from reporting to parents or
 Panderers are covered (selling material authorities through force, violence, threat, intimidation
claiming to be child porn when it is not) o 4. Hazing committed outside school or institution
o 3. Parent/guardian permitting child to engage in porn, o 5. Victim is below 12 years old
or luring/grooming a child  Notes:
 Luring: communicating thru computer w/ child o Praeter intentionem is not a defense under RA 8049
to facilitate sexual activity or porn production JUVENILE JUSTICE AND WELFARE ACT (RA 9344)
 Grooming: preparing child for sexual activity
by communicating child porn  Prohibited acts by competent authorities:
o 4. Willfully accessing or possessing child porn o 1. Branding or labeling the child as young criminal,
o 5. Conspiracy; Syndicated child porn (at least 3) juvenile delinquent, prostitute, or attach other
derogatory names, or making discriminatory remarks
ANTI-HAZING LAW (RA 8049) o 2. Employment of threats of whatever kind or nature
 Elements of valid initiation rites: o 3. Abusive, coercive, and punitive measures, CIDT,
o 1. No physical violence involuntary servitude
o 2. Prior written notice to school authorities or head of SPECIAL PROTECTION AGAINST CHILD ABUSE (RA 7610)
the organization (ex. AFP) 7 days before the initiation
(school or org sends representative)  Punishable acts of child prostitution:
o 3. Notice includes names and time o 1. Promoting, facilitating, or inducing child prostitution
o 4. Initiation must not exceed 3 days.  N.B. Attempt – non-relative of the child is
 Liable as principals: found alone with the latter inside an area
o 1. Officers and members who actually participated in under circumstances that would lead a
the infliction of physical injury or death reasonable person to believe the child is about
o 2. Officers or alumni who planned the hazing though to be exploited
not present o 2. Those who commit sexual intercourse or lascivious
o 3. Parents of member whose house is used, if they conduct with child exploited in prostitution
knew but did not prevent such acts from happening  N.B. if child is under 12, charge under RPC
 Liable as accomplices:  N.B. Attempt – receiving services from child in
massage parlor, sauna, health club, etc.

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o 3. Deriving profit or advantage from child prostitution o 3. Victim is raped
 Punishable acts of child trafficking: o 4. Victim is subjected to torture or dehumanizing acts
o 1. Engaging in trading and dealing with children, as in  Distinguish:
o In grave coercion, a person is also prevented from
buying and selling children for consideration
leaving or going to another place, but there is no
o 2. Qualified trafficking if victim is less than 12 actual confinement or lockup of the victim.
 Attempted child trafficking: o P v. Astorga: accused and victim where strolling in
o 1. Child travels alone to foreign country without valid school grounds where accused led victim to another
reason, clearance from parents or guardian, or DSWD town. The child wanted to leave but accused did not
o 2. Person or institution recruits women or couples to let her – grave coercion
bear children to be trafficked  Notes:
o Kidnapping denotes taking of victim; illegal detention
o 3. Doctor, midwife, nurse, or other hospital employee
consists in mere deprivation of liberty
simulates birth for purpose of child trafficking o Recall RA 9745, Torture law, which qualifies as well
o 4. Person finds children among low-income families, o There is special complex crime of kidnapping with
hospitals, clinics, etc. for trafficking murder (unlike robbery, where everything is just
“robbery with homicide”)
o The special complex crimes arise when there is a
IX: CRIMES AGAINST PERSONAL LIBERTY AND SECURITY logical connection or intimidate relation between the
KIDNAPPING AND SERIOUS ILLEGAL DETENTION (267) kidnapping and the other crime – includes death in
o Even if the rape, killing, etc. is just an afterthought
 Elements of kidnapping/SID:
o If the original intent, however, is to murder or to rape,
o 1. Committed by private individual
then that is the crime per se
o 2. Kidnaps, detains, or deprives another of liberty
o There are as many crimes as the number of persons
o 3. Detention is illegal
 Presumed lack of consent if minor
o If the component crime of the special complex crime is
 Even if there was prior consent, but is
merely attempted/frustrated, there is no special
thereafter prevented from leaving
complex crime
o 4. At least one of the following circumstances applies:
o PD 532 – Kidnapping qualifies highway robbery
 Detention lasted more than 3 days
 Situations:
 Offenders simulated public authority
o X and Y kidnapped Z, took his car, and demanded
 Physical injuries were inflicted on the victim
ransom. When they failed to get it, they killed Z.
 Threats to kill the victim were made
 HELD: 1) Kidnapping with homicide for
 Victim is a female, public officer, or minor
ransom. 2) Carnapping
(except when accused is one of the parents)
o X killed son of employer then kidnapped and killed the
 Notes on circumstances:
other child
o Length of time only relevant for 1st ground
 HELD: 1) Murder, and 2) Kidnapping with
o Usurpation of authority is absorbed by the 2 nd ground
murder, as the killing of the first child was
o PI absorbed by 3rd ground, so no complex crime
already consummated at the time the second
 Qualifying circumstances:
was kidnapped and killed.
o 1. Ransom is demanded
o 2. Victim is killed or dies as a consequence SLIGHT ILLEGAL DETENTION (268)

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o Same, but none of the grounds in 267 apply
 Modes (280):
o Special rule: anyone who furnishes the place for
o 1. Entering dwelling of another against the latter’s will
perpetration of slight illegal detention is punished as a
o 2. Same, but through means of violence or intimidation
principal. For 267, he is an accomplice.
 Elements of 281:
 Special mitigating circumstance:
o 1. Entering closed premises or fenced estate of another
o Offender voluntarily releases the victim within 3 days,
o 2. It is uninhabited
without having attained the purpose intended or before
o 3. The prohibition to enter is manifest
institution of criminal proceedings
o 4. No permission secured from the owner or caretaker
o N.B. This does not apply to 267
 No trespass committed:
UNLAWFUL ARREST (269) o 1. Purpose of entry is to prevent some serious harm to
 Elements: the person entering, occupants, or third persons
o 1. Offender arrests or detains another o 2. Purpose is to render some aid to humanity or justice
o 2. Purpose is to deliver him to proper authorities o 3. Places entered are cafes, taverns, inns, and other
o 3. Arrest or detention not authorized by law or there is public houses while open
no reasonable ground  Notes:
 Notes: o If one enters the dwelling to commit a crime and
o Usual cause: arrest without warrant but not under any commits it, then dwelling becomes an AC and trespass
of the exceptions under law loses juridical existence
o Proper authorities: authorized to arrest or file charges o If he intends to enter only, and upon entering, he
o Committed by private individuals or public officers decides to commit another crime – 2 crimes
without authority to do so or not acting in his official o Refusal of consent may be express or implied
capacity o Applies even to tenants or lessees
o If place is a restaurant, disco, etc. then it’s trespass to
KIDNAPPING AND FAILURE TO RETURN A MINOR (270) sproperty, not dwelling
 Elements: o Permission must be by one of sufficient discretion
o 1. Person entrusted with the custody of a minor  Contrast:
o 2. He/she deliberately fails to restore the latter to his o 1. Violation of dwelling (128) if public officer searches
parents or guardians o 2. Unjust vexation or light coercion (287)
 Notes: o 3. Theft: entered to fish, harvest, or gather, etc.
o Can be committed by any of the parents, but reduces o 4. Vagrancy: unfenced and not prohibited to enter
 Notes: Grave threat Light threat Other light threat
o Inducing a minor to abandon the home of his parents
Threatens a crime Threatens a wrong Threatens a wrong
or guardians or persons entrusted with his custody
o Because parents cannot commit kidnapping and SID May or may not Must have a Does not have a
against their children, if the parent “kidnapped” the have a condition condition condition
minor child, then apply 271. If the child is an adult,
Indications show Threat made in the
apply 267.
he persists in the heat of anger and

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crime indications show he o If to take real property, usurpation of real property
does not intent to o If with lewd design, forcible abduction
persist in the
wrong Threats Coercion

 Notes: Threatened harm is future and Threatened harm is immediate,

o Must create in the mind of the victim that the threat conditional personal, direct
will be carried out, when made May be through intermediary or Cannot be through intermediary
o Threatening another with weapon or drawing it in in writing or in writing
quarrel, unless in lawful self-defense: other light threat
By intimidation which is future By violence or intimidation if it
o Intimidation may be committed by intermediary
or condition is direct, immediate, and
o If threat is part of element of another crime, it is
personal (ex. firearm)
absorbed (ex. threatening to kill to get consent for
sex: rape; ex. usurpation of real property) Ex. “If you are still here when I Ex. “If you do not get out, I will
o Grave threats depends on moral purpose; robbery is come back, I will kill you.” kill you.”
securing the property on the spot
o Grave threat and light threat – court may require bond
for good behavior; failure to give: destierro LIGHT COERCIONS/UNJUST VEXATION (287)
o Threat to sue in court is not a “wrong”  Light coercion:
o Through violence, seizing anything belonging to debtor
GRAVE COERCION (286) to apply for payment of debt
 Elements:  Unjust vexation:
o 1. Person is prevented by another from doing o Conduct not leading to physical harm or without force
something not prohibited by law or compelled to do or intimidation – leads to annoyance, irritation,
something against his will, whether right or wrong disturbance to victim (“pangkukupal”)
o 2. Prevention or compulsion by violence (material force  Notes:
or serious intimidation) o If against property, there is malicious mischief; not
o 3. Person has no right to do such personal security
 Aggravated grave coercion: o Only through dolo
o 1. Against right of suffrage ANTI-WIRETAPPING ACT (RA 4200)
o 2. Against right of religion
 Notes:
 Notes:
o RA 4200 covers private conversations (not public)
o Preventive coercion – prevent from doing something
o Recording allowed if there is consent by all those
o Compulsive coercion – compel to do something
involved in the conversation
o Preventive coercion with subject of an act prohibited
o Tape recorders included; phone extension lines are not
by law: no grave coercion but it can be physical
injuries or unjust vexation (if no physical injuries) HUMAN SECURITY ACT (RA 9372)
o If there is deprivation of liberty, SID/kidnapping  Punishable acts:
o If to prevent from seeking grievance, Art. 131

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o 1. Unauthorized or malicious interception or recording o Exempt from filing fees
of communication or conversation X: CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY
o 2. Unauthorized or malicious examination of bank
 Bank officials or employees defying court ROBBERY IN GENERAL (293)
authorization  Elements:
o 3. Unauthorized revelation of classified materials o 1. Personal property of another
ANTI-TRAFFICKING OF PERSONS ACT (RA 9208) o 2. Unlawful taking
o 3. Intent to gain
 Punishable acts of trafficking: o 4. Violation or intimidation against persons OR force
o 1. Recruiting/providing persons for prostitution, porn, upon things
sexual exploitation, involuntary servitude, forced labor,  Notes:
slavery, debt bondage o No more frustrated robbery
o 2. Other means to achieve above: mail-order brides or o Gain need not be material
paid matching, , offering or contracting marriage, sex o If property thought to be one’s own – no intent to gain
tourism, adoption, pretense of overseas recruitment, o If violence or intimidation is done after possession is
o 3. Organ harvesting or recruitment of child soldiers taken, only liable for theft, grave coercion, or physical
 Acts promoting trafficking: injuries. But if person is killed “in occasion of
o 1. Leasing property for trafficking robbery,” it is robbery with homicide
o 2. Issuing fake govt compliance materials, assisting in o Need not offer in evidence the property taken, because
misrepresentation, facilitating entry/exit, confiscating it could have been destroyed or thrown away
or destroying travel documents of trafficked persons o Presumption of robbery (or theft) if person possesses
o 3. Advertising or promoting recently-stolen property and cannot explain why
o 4. Knowingly benefiting from involuntary servitude,
 Qualified trafficking:  Crimes punished:
o 1. Trafficked person is a child o 1. Robbery with homicide
o 2. Adoption through Inter Country Adoption Act o 2. Robbery with rape, intentional mutilation, arson, or
o 3. By syndicate or large scale personal injuries (par. 1 of 263)
o 4. By ascendant, parent, sibling, guardian, or person o 3. Robbery with physical injuries (par. 2 of 263)
with authority of the victim, or public officer/employee, o 4. Robbery with physical injuries (pars. 3-4 of 263)
law enforcement agent, military personnel o 5. Simple robbery
o 5. Victim dies, becomes insane, acquires HIV/AIDS  Notes:
 Notes: o #s 1-4 are special complex crimes. Follow above order.
o Civil liabilities from personal properties; if insolvent, So if there is robbery with homicide and rape, it is
from proceedings and instrument of trafficking that are robbery with homicide only
confiscated o The “extra rape” above is not aggravating
o There can be independent civil action under RA 9208

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o Remember that homicide, rape, mutilation, arson, and  Notes:
SPI are only special complex crime components for o Frustrated robbery does not exist anymore
robbery with violence upon persons o P v Escote: Treachery can aggravate robbery with
o If PI are just LSPI or slight, only simple robbery homicide (not qualified to murder)
o The other component crime must be consummated o If robbery is attempted, but homicide consummated:
o If the other constituent element is not consummated, separate crimes of attempted robbery and homicide
it can be a complex crime under Art. 48 EXECUTION OF DEEDS BY MEANS OF VIOLENCE OR INTIMIDATION (298)
o “Homicide” is a generic term that can cover murder,
parricide, etc. It covers even reckless imprudence.  Notes:
o “By reason of crime of robbery” means that there must o Crime is still robbery, but person compels one to sign,
simply be a legal connection or intimate relation with execute, or deliver public instrument or document
robbery, even if it happens, before, during, or after through violence or intimidation
o If there are separate criminal intents, or the other is o Public instruments or documents only
just an afterthought, there are two separate crimes o If document is void, grave coercion only
o Even if person killed is one of the robbers, it is robbery o If person compelled dies due to heart attack, the crime
with homicide is still 298, not robbery with homicide, although
o Even if multiple people are killed or rape, just robbery penalty is governed by 294 par. 1
o Act of one is act of all EXCEPT if one robber overtly RELIGIOUS WORSHIP (299)
attempts to prevent the homicide; he is just liable for  Modes of robbery with force upon things in 299:
simple robbery even if he wasn’t able to prevent it o 1. Entering premises using constructive or actual force
o Dwelling is AC in violence against persons; inherent in o 2. Entering without force but while inside, broke walls,
force upon things if broke into dwelling doors, receptacles to extract personal property
ROBBERY WITH PHYSICAL INJURIES THAT ARE COMMITTED IN AN o 3. Brought out of the premises locked or sealed
UNINHABITED PLACE AND BY A BAND, OR WITH THE USE OF FIREARM ON A receptacles for the purpose of breaking them outside
STREET, ROAD, OR ALLEY (295-6) o 4. Place is inhabited house, public building, or edifice
 Special aggravating circumstances: for public worship
o 1. In an uninhabited place  Notes:
o 2. By a band o Constructive force is entering through opening not
o 3. Attacking a moving train, car, airship, or entering meant for ingress/egress, using picklocks or tools, or
passenger compartments in a train simulating public authority or false name
 Notes: o For mode 2, only actual force (actual breaking)
o Applies to robbery with physical injuries only o If none apply, just theft
o “Band” here is SPECIAL AC – no offset by generic MC o Use of fake name or usurpation of authority is just a
o “Unlicensed firearm” removed by RA 8294 mode; do not apply Art. 48


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 Notes: o 4. Enter enclosed property where trespass is
o If committed by a band, impose maximum penalty prohibited, then hunt, fish, or gather crops
o If to rob cereals, fruits, firewood: 303 (lower penalty)  Notes:
POSSESSION OF PICKLOCKS OR SIMILAR TOOLS (304-5) o Distinguish from #4: robbery of cereals in uninhabited
 Notes: o Stolen property may be stolen again
o Mere possession or making these tools is punished o If private person is given property for particular
o If robbery actually committed, absorb possession purpose and he took it, it is theft if only physical
o “False keys” include genuine keys stolen from owner possession is given but juridical possession is kept by
BRIGANDAGE (306-7) the transferor; if juridical possession is given to the
thief, it is estafa
Brigandage Highway Robbery (PD 532)
 Ex. a bank teller who steals deposited money
3 or more armed robbers Even just one person; but commits theft because he only has de facto
actually organized or
possession of money as employee
dedicated to commit highway
robbery o Services can be stolen (ex. electricity)
o Lost property must not yet be abandoned
Mere conspiracy to form a There must be performance of
o Person who profits from crime: principal under Anti-
band of brigands is a crime actual highway robbery
fencing law or accessory under RPC
Against a particular victim Indiscriminate highway  Situation:
robbery o A sheriff stole evidence stored in the vault of the court
Liability of those who profit from the robbery: (ex. Gun, money, whatever), when the clerk of court
Brigandage Highway Robbery mistakenly left the vault open.
 HELD: Sheriff: theft; Clerk of court:
Aiding or abetting a band of Accomplice under Art. 4 of PD
Malversation by culpa, since he has custody
brigands (307) 532
 Qualifying circumstances:
o 1. Grave abuse of confidence
THEFT (308) o 2. By domestic servant
 Modes: o 3. Coconut taken from plantation (tree or ground)
o 1. Taking another’s property without his consent o 4. Fish taken from pond
o 2. Offender finds lost property and he deliberately does o 5. Motor vehicle (now also carnapping)
not return it to the owner or the authorities o 6. Large cattle (now also cattle rustling)
o 3. A person who maliciously damaged property of o 7. Mail matter
another, shall remove or make use of fruits or object o 3. Taken during calamity and misfortune
of the damage caused by him  Notes:

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o Anti cattle rustling law, and anti-carnapping law did o Qualified and simple carnapping do not follow RPC
not amend 310 – these are SPLs nomenclature so rules on accessories, etc do not apply
o If one is trusted and the other is not, then it is o X stole a truck and personal effects therein.
qualified to the former and simple theft for the other  HELD: Two crimes: 1) carnapping and 2) theft
o A commission salesman – not special confidence  Special duties:
required by “grave abuse”; it must be personal o 1. On collector of customs, to report to LTO within 7
relationship, not just business relationship days of arrival of motor vehicle or parts, and hold it
ANTI-CARNAPPING LAW (RA 6539) until LTO numbers it, if unnumbered
o 2. Importer, distributor, seller must keep record of
 Elements: stocks and to whom these are sold to
o 1. Taking of motor vehicle o 3. Assembler or rebuilder of vehicle must secure
o 2. With intent to gain clearance and permit
o 3. Either:
 Without owner’s consent ANTI-FENCING LAW (PD 1612)
 Force upon things  Requisites:
 Violence/intimidation upon persons o 1. Crime of robbery or theft committed
 Modes: o 2. Not a principal or accomplice in the commission of
o A. Carnapping with homicide, carnapping with rape, or the crime, deals with the article in any manner, and
carnapping with murder the article was derived from the proceeds of the crime
 Special complex crime (RP) o 3. Accused knows or should have known that it was
o B. With violence, intimidation, force upon things derived from proceeds of robbery or theft
 “Qualified carnapping” (17y4m-30y) o 4. There is intent to gain for himself or another
o C. Without violence, intimidation, force upon things  Notes:
 “Simple carnapping” (14y8m-17y4m) o “Fence” is the person or entity that fences
 Notes: o Those who buy-and-sell need a permit, or else, liable
o Motor vehicle is propelled by power other than as fence
muscular and using public highways o Failure to get permit can result into closure of business
o Not utility vehicles if not used on public highways, o Test of “should have known” it is stolen: if the articles
those than run on rails or tracks, or exclusively used were displayed for sale, receipt was issued, etc.
for agricultural purposes o Presumption: mere possession of the stolen goods
o Trailers are a separate motor vehicle USURPATION OF REAL PROPERTY OR REAL RIGHTS OVER PROPERTY (312)
o Special complex crime – “if committed on the course of
commission of carnapping or on occasion thereof”  Notes:
o Person killed or raped may even be a bystander o Similar to robbery, except involving real property
o If homicide/murder/rape is not consummated, qualified o Double penalty – one for act of usurpation, one for
carnapping only each act of violence
o BUT it is a single and indivisible offense (just
usurpation, not “usurpation with homicide”)

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CULPABLE INSOLVENCY (314) o As many counts of estafa as number of victims; but if
 Notes: committed on different occasions, as many counts as
o Debtors who conceal properties to avoid paying debt number of transactions
 Modes under par 2 (fraud):
SWINDLING/ESTAFA (315) o 1. Using fictitious name, falsely pretending to possess
 Types of estafa: power, influence, qualifications, property, credit, etc.
o 1. With abuse of confidence or unfaithfulness (par. 1) o 2. Altering quality, fineness, weight of anything
o 2. Through fraud (par. 2) pertaining to his business or art
o 3. Through other fraudulent means (par. 2) o 3. Pretending to have bribed government employee
 Modes under par 1 (abuse of confidence): o 4. Bouncing check
o 1. Altering the substance of anything with value that o 5. Obtaining food or service from a hotel or restaurant
the offender should deliver by obligation without paying for it and with intent to defraud, or
o 2. Misappropriating or converting to the prejudice of obtaining credit through false pretense/fraud
another, some money, goods, etc.  Notes:
o 3. Taking undue advantage of signature in blank o Maximum penalty, if mode 3
 Notes: o Illegal recruitment – liable in Labor Code and estafa
o Mode 1 can cover even illegal or obscene goods o Elements of par 2 crimes:
o Elements of mode 2:  1. False pretense, fraudulent act or means
 1. Goods were assigned  2. Made or exhibited prior to or simultaneously
 2. Misappropriation, conversion, or denial of  3. Victim relied on such and was thus induced
receipt to part with his money or property
 3. To the prejudice of another  4. Causing damage
 4. Demand by offended party to return the o Caveat emptor does not apply
money or property o Bouncing check under estafa (315)
o Mode 2 covers juridical possession (ex. bailment) o Elements of bouncing check in estafa (315):
o There must be fiduciary relationship involved  1. Post-dating or issuing check for obligation
o No estafa if there is no gain for the party contracted at the time the check was issued
o No such thing as estafa through negligence; it is dolo  2. Lack or insufficiency of funds to cover it
o No estafa in mutuum (ownership transferred)  3. Knowledge of the drawer of this lack
o X was a sales agent selling residential lots on behalf of  4. Damage capable of pecuniary estimation to
a corporation. He was authorized to sell the lots, but the payee
NOT receive the monthly amortizations from the lot  5. Did not deposit required amount within 3
buyers. However, he received these and worse, he days from notice of dishonor
failed to remit these. o Key: the obligation must not pre-exist the issuance of
 HELD: Two sets of estafa: 1) against lot the check; thus, if issued as security, no estafa
buyers, through fraud or misrepresentation; 2) o Lack of funds material when the check is due
against employer, abuse of confidence  Modes under par 3 (other frauds):

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o 1. Inducing another through deceit to sign document o 1. Destructive arson
o 2. Fraudulent practice to insure success in gambling  Place with explosive materials
o 3. Removing, concealing, or destroying in whole or in  Cultural, educational, social service edifice
 Religious place
part, any court record, office files, document, or any
 Where evidence is kept
other papers  Train, plane, vessel, means of transportation
BOUNCING CHECKS LAW (BP 22)  Hospital, hotel, housing, mall, market, movie,
and similar places
 Covered by BP 22, but not estafa:  Building in congested or populated area
o 1. Issuance of check as deposit o 2. Other arsons:
o 2. Issued as guaranty  Government building
o 3. For pre-existing obligation  Inhabited house or building
 Notes:  Industrial establishment (shipyard, mine,
o Period to cover lack of funds is 5 days from notice of platform, tunnel, etc.)
dishonor, not 3 days  Plantation or farm, rice mil
o If check is already stale when cashed, then there is no  Station, airport, wharf, warehouse
prima facie presumption of knowledge of no funds o 3. Simple arson
o There can be simultaneous BP 22 and Estafa case  Special aggravating circumstances:
OTHER FORMS OF ESTAFA/SWINDLING (316) o 1. With intent to gain
o 2. To benefit another
 Modes:
o 3. Out of spite or hatred
o 1. Pretends to own of real property and disposes it
o 4. By syndicate
o 2. Knows real property is encumbered and disposes it
 Specially punished:
o 3. Owner of personal property wrongfully takes it from
o 1. Arson, where death results (qualified)
lawful possessor to latter’s prejudice or of 3rd person
o 2. Mere conspiracy
o 4. Executing fictitious contract to prejudice of another
 Notes:
o 5. Person accepts any compensation given him under
o There can be arson by negligence (ex. person burns
the belief that it was in payment for labor/service
trash, disregarding strong winds. The winds blew
when he didn’t actually perform any
cinders to neighbor’s property, burning it) – simple
o 6. Surety in a bond for criminal or civil action disposes
imprudence resulting in arson
of the property given by him, without leave of court
o No frustrated arson
OTHER DECEITS (318) o No “arson with homicide.” If intent is to kill, murder. If
 Notes: intent is to burn, arson (just civil liability for death). If
o Covers other conceivable deceits not covered above burning is conceal homicide, separate crimes.
o Even those who tell fortunes or dreams for a profit (!) o Just one crime of arson even if several houses burned
o Burned own property: liable if damaged other property
 Elements:
o 1. There is fire  Notes:
o 2. It was intentionally caused o Intentionally causing damage to property of another
o 3. Property burned even if not completely destroyed without use of fire or pyrotechnic
 Modes: o There must be specific intent to destroy such property
(unlike arson, where it can be culpa or dolo)

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o If purpose is to annoy, unjust vexation  Who is liable:
o If death results from arson, it is just arson; if death or o Husband
injury results from malicious mischief, separate crimes o Concubine – destierro only
(332) o If man had a married concubine: liable for both
adultery and concubinage
 What crimes are covered:
o 1. Theft and qualified theft ACTS OF LASCIVIOUSNESS (336) AND CONSENTED ACTS OF

o 2. Estafa not complexed with other crimes LASCIVIOUSNESS (339)

o 3. Malicious mischief
 Who are exempt from criminal liability:
Acts of Consented acts of Sexual abuse
o 1. Spouses
lasciviousness lasciviousness (339) (RA 7610)
o 2. Ascendants and descendants
o 3. Son/daughter-in-law and mother/father-in-law
o 4. Brothers and sisters who must be living together Obscene acts Obscene acts Obscene acts
 Whether legitimate, half, or illegitimate committed with committed with lewd committed with
 Notes: lewd design design lewd design
o Participating strangers are not exempt
Committed under Committed under
o There is still civil liability, exemption is for criminal
circumstances of circumstances of
rape (no consent) seduction (consent
XI: CRIMES AGAINST CHASTITY secured by deceit)
ADULTERY (333) Victim is male or Victim is female Victim is male
female or female
 Liable for adultery:
exploited in
o 1. Married woman who has sexual intercourse with a
prostitution or
man not her husband
subjected to
o 2. That other man who has carnal knowledge of her,
sexual abuse
knowing her to be married
 Notes: Any age, any 12 to below 18 years 12 to below 18
o The other man must know she is married reputation old and virgin of good years old (if less
o Each sexual intercourse is one count of adultery reputation than 12,
o No frustrated adultery; there is attempted adultery prosecute under
o Criminal action must be against both parties if alive RPC)
o Both pardon and consent bar filing criminal complaint
o Private crime
Qualified seduction (337) Simple seduction (338)
 Modes:
o 1. Husband keeping a mistress in the conjugal dwelling Offender has sexual Offender has sexual
o 2. Having sexual intercourse under scandalous intercourse with the victim intercourse with the victim
circumstances with a woman not his wife through cajolery through cajolery
o 3. Cohabiting with the woman in any other place

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Victim is a virgin woman Victim is a single woman or o Complex crime of forcible abduction with rape – Taking
widow (because you can’t get of the woman amounts to forcible abduction, and
married below 18 now) of thereafter she got raped
good reputation o Only one rape can be complexed with forcible
abduction. Subsequent rapes are separate crime
Offender is person with Offender is any person
o Kidnapping if initial intent of taking to deprive of liberty
authority, confidence, or
o Kidnapping with rape – if the woman was raped
relationship vis-à-vis the
thereafter in the occasion of kidnapping
o Forcible abduction cannot be complexed with
Generally, victim is 12 to Victim is always 12 to below attempted rape or acts of lasciviousness, because all
below 18 years old than 18 years old those crimes are different manifestations of the same
Victim can be 18 or older if “lewd design”
or brother
 Notes:
o Civil indemnity is absolute and not dependent on
 Notes: financial capacity of accused
o Seduction is sexual intercourse with one presumed to o For concubinage and adultery, both must be charged
be unable to give full consent, although not rape (or pardoned). The offended party may grant pardon
o If no sexual intercourse, but same circumstances, to both offenders prior to criminal prosecution.
consented acts of lasciviousness o For other crimes against chastity, there can also be
o Abuse of confidence is inherent in qualified seduction pardon prior to criminal prosecution by victim.
 Compare with rape: o For rape, seduction, abduction, acts of lasciviousness,
o It is always rape if less than 12 years old valid marriage between offender and offended
o If 12-18 there must be force or intimidation to become extinguishes criminal action or remits penalty for rape,
rape. Virginity is not material in rape. seduction, abduction, acts of lasciviousness
o In qualified seduction, the girl must be 12-18 and  For seduction, abduction, acts of lasciviousness
virginity is an element. – there is express provision extending benefit
to co-accused (344)
 For rape, no such specific provision (266-C)
 Civil liability of rape convict who sires a child:
Forcible abduction (342) Consented abduction (343) o 1. Indemnify the woman
o 2. Acknowledge the offspring unless the law prevents
Victim is any woman of any Victim is virgin of 12 to below him from doing so
age, civil status, or reputation 18 years old o 3. Support the offspring
Abducted against her will Abducted with her consent
With lewd designs With lewd designs
 Notes:
o If initial intention is rape, forcible abduction absorbed
 Punishable acts:

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o 1. Simulating birth, substituting one child for another, XIII: CRIMES AGAINST HONOR
or abandoning/concealing a legitimate child to have LIBEL (353)
him lose civil status
o 2. Cooperating in the crime through office or position,  Elements:
if physician, surgeon, or public officer o 1. Allegation of discreditable act or condition to
o 3. Usurping the civil status of another to defraud the another
offended party or his heirs o 2. Publication of the charge
 Notes: o 3. Identity of the person defamed
o Simulation of birth done in record of birth o 4. Existence of malice
o If in another document, crime is falsification  Notes:
o Identity – a stranger or third person may be able to
BIGAMY (349) identify him as the subject of the statement
 Elements: o Publication – after being written, made known to
o 1. Offender has been legally married someone other than the person to whom it has been
o 2. Marriage has not been legally dissolved, or absent written
spouse not yet been judicially declared presumed dead
 Unsealed libelous letter sent to offended party
o 3. Offender contracts a subsequent marriage
o 4. Such subsequent marriage has all the essential is published, because anyone could read it
requisites of validity  Inter-office memo directed only towards
 Notes: supervising officers is not published
o Judgment of nullity or annulment must precede o Presumption: all defamatory imputations are malicious,
subsequent marriage; no “curing” even if the allegation is true
o Constructive notice by registration does not apply to  Exception: Good intention and justifiable
bigamy, because it is usually entered into secretly from
motive shown
the legal spouse. There must be actual knowledge of
the subsequent marriage. (Whereas in property and o Court may impose a fine instead of imprisonment, or
land disputes, constructive knowledge vests upon both. (SC AM No 08-2008: fine is preferred)
registration degree) o A headline alone is not libelous; it must be read
ILLEGAL MARRIAGE (350), PREMATURE MARRIAGE (351), alongside the accompanying article
 Illegal marriage: o 1. Private communication to another in performance of
o Knowingly enter into void or voidable marriage (except legal, social, or moral duty
bigamous marriages) o 2. Fair comment of public acts
 Premature marriage:  Other punishable persons in libel:
o 1. Remarry within 301 days from the death of husband o 1. Those who threaten to publish the libelous material
o 2. Remarry prior to delivery of her child, if pregnant unless he is compensated
during his death
o 2. Those who offer to prevent the publication of such
 Illegal marriage ceremony:
o Solemnizing officer who celebrates illegal marriage libel for compensation

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o Whether defamatory remark is serious or slight  Crimes under incriminatory machinations:
depends on special circumstances of each case, o 1. Incriminating an innocent person (363)
antecedents, or relationships between the offended o 2. Intriguing against honor (364)
party and the offender which might tend to prove the  Notes:
intention of the offender at the time o Incriminating against a person is imputing to him the
o Not depending on sense and grammatical meaning of commission of a crime (including planting of evidence)
the utterances o Intriguing against honor – “chismis”; author is
o “Putang ina mo” is not slander unknown and offender appears to be repeating what
o Defamation: formal crime – no attempt/frustration he heard from others, and he is not assuming
SLANDER BY DEED (359) responsibility for the statement
 Notes: o If source of statement is known, it is slander
o Slander by deed is dishonor, discredit, or contempt
upon another person not covered by slander or libel XIV: CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE
GENERAL PROVISIONS (360)  What are the elements of reckless imprudence?
 Persons responsible for defamatory publications: o 1. Offender does or fails to do an act
o 1. Publishes, exhibits, or causes the publication or o 2. It is voluntarily done or not done
exhibition of any defamation o 3. Without malice
o 2. Author or editor of a book or pamphlet, newspaper o 4. Material damage results from the reckless
– to the extent they are authors/editors thereof imprudence
 Jurisdiction: o 5. There is inexcusable lack of precaution on the part
o Express provision of law: always under RTC of the offender, taking into account: employment,
 Alternative venues of libel cases: intelligence, physical condition, other circumstances
o 1. RTC where libelous article is printed and first  Types of criminal negligence:
published (regardless of nature of victim) o 1. Simple imprudence – failure to exercise diligence
o 2. If victim is a private individual, RTC where he necessary or called-for by the situation; harm is not
actually resided during offense immediate and danger is not openly visible
o 3. If victim is a public officer whose office is in Manila o 2. Reckless imprudence – voluntarily doing or failing to
at the time of the commission of offense, in RTC Manila do, without malice, where material damage results
o 4. If public officer outside of Manila, in the RTC where from inexcusable lack of precaution
he held office during the commission of the offense  Notes:
 When public officers can demand damages from press: o There must be manifest material damage to another
o 1. Statement was made with actual malice – with o Complex crimes apply to imprudence, if reckless,
knowledge that it was false, or imprudent, or negligent act results in 2 or more grave
o 2. With reckless disregard of whether it was true or not or less grave crimes

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o Subsequent abandonment of victim has higher degree
of penalty (must allege as qualifying circumstance)
o Medical malpractice usually requires expert evidence,
except if there is res ipsa loquitur
o No crime of “double homicide through reckless
imprudence.” In reckless imprudence, the actual
penalty for criminal negligence bears no relation to the
individual willful crime or crimes committed, but set in
relation to a whole class/series of crimes.
 N.B. In the penalties for negligence, what
matters is if a less grave or a grave felony
results. This determines the violation.
o A charge under the RPC does not absorb other charges
comprising mala prohibita crimes

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