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Herbal Remedies: The Natural

Approach to Combating Stress


Nurses working in high-pressure situations encounter an inordinate degree

of work-related stress in addition to the daily stress experienced in evelyday
living. A current trend in health care is to utilize natural substances to
decrease stress. This article provides an overview of stress and its impact on
health. Common herbal remedies, as well as other helpful aids for decreasing
stress and promoting health, are identified and discussed. A f e w guidelines
are offered for those who are considering the use of herbs in alleviating the
prevailing symptoms of stress. Generally speaking, therapeutic herbs are, for
the most part, safe and effective and result in general good health. A f e w
exceptions and warnings are noted.
9 1999 by American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses.

S THE NEW millennium approaches, it comes EXPERIENCING STRESS

A with advancements in computer technology,
diversity in life events, and drastic changes in
Nurses are engaged in all aspects of patient care.
This combination of environmental work condi-
health care. All of these have produced increased tions produces constant stress with very little
stress in all aspects of our lives. To deal with stress,
respite for the nurses. Psychologists define stress as
people have tried various coping strategies includ-
an anxious feeling experienced by individuals in
ing positive thinking, social support, assertive
response to circumstances and events, called stress-
behavior, stress management, and medications.
ors, that threaten them and tax their coping abili-
Drugs, though, often have undesirable side effects.
ties. 1-4 Stress permeates one's life in whatever
For various reasons, these ways of handling stress
context it exists--home, school, work, travel, and
have been slow in bringing about the desired
social relationships.
changes in reducing the stress that people experi-
Since the 1950s, several psychological perspec-
ence on a daily basis. Consequently, many individu-
tives have been identified that assist in under-
als have turned to complementary health modali-
standing stress. The following factors have
ties. One popular category of natural remedies is
also been explored: biological, cognitive, sociocul-
the use of herbs for alleviating stress. The first part
tural, environmental, and personality factors.
of this article will provide a brief overview of
The biological factors in stress were discovered
stress, including its effects on one's total being. The
by Hans Selye, 1,4 who showed that the body's
second part will describe the common herbal
remedies as well as other helpful herbs that are used response to stress was a general adaptation syn-
in decreasing stress and ultimately, in promoting drome. In the cognitive approach, life events are
health. Last, a few general practical guide- evaluated according to whether they are challeng-
lines are discussed for those considering the use of ing, threatening, or harmful within the context of
herbs. the situation. In the sociocultural realm, stress has
been related to socioeconomic status, gender, and
culture, then the person determines how to effec-
Natalie Pavlovich, PhD, RN, DiHt, is a Professor at Du- tively cope with the stressor. In everyday life,
quesne University, School of Nursing, Pittsburgh, PA. environmental factors such as conflict, frustration,
Address correspondence to Natalie Pavlovich, PhD, RN,
DiHt, Box 96002, Pittsburgh, PA 15226.
overload, burnout, daily hassles, and life events are
9 1999 by American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses. faced.
1089-9472/99/1403-0003503. 00/0 Research results have shown how personality

134 Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, Vol 14, No 3 (June), 1999: pp 134-138


characteristics influence our responses to stress, they are usually taken for a specific condition or
namely, the Type A and Type B personality pat- symptom, the herbs support and aid the whole
terns. The Type A person is described as hard- body. The symptoms experienced by an individual
working (at times, a workaholic), extremely com- are viewed as signs of distress or adjustment. In
petitive, impatient, and, at times, hostile. These herbology, the remedy aims to remove the cause of
characteristics typically have been related to the the problem; in so doing, the distressing symptoms
incidence of cardiovascular problems. The Type B then begin to fade away. A recent survey showed
individual views life and experiences in an easy- that one third of all respondents took herbs. 5,6 The
going way. This person is relaxed, enjoys whatever two major reasons identified for using these natural
he or she is doing, and balances life with work, rest, products were to promote one's well-being and to
and recreational activities. maintain general health.
To deal with stress, individuals have tried Vari- In my health care practice, I have discovered that
ous coping strategies that include social support, people take natural products, including herbal
assertive behavior, stress management, meditation, remedies, for additional reasons. A major one is the
positive thinking, biofeedback, yoga, relaxation fear of possible side effects of prescription drugs. In
techniques, and certain medications that have be- addition, prescription drugs are quite expensive,
come popular during the past several decades. At and are frequently taken for an extended period of
the same time, concerns have surfaced about the time according to the directions of the medical
undesirable side effects of prescription drugs. An- physician. Frequently though, the prescriptive medi-
other approach to coping with stress has been cations do not seem to alleviate the symptoms or
complementary health modalities (ie, massage, ailments. Yet, on the other hand, the consumer will
homeopathic medicines, and herbal remedies). In note imbalances occurring within his or her body,
the last few years, the use of these modalities has which, over time, may inhibit and compromise the
been increasingly popular in the United States immune system or other bodily structures and
because of their effectiveness, low cost, and lower organs. Simply said, there is often very little relief
potential for harmful side effects than the tradi- for conditions or symptoms. On the other hand,
tional medical approaches. some people simply do not like to take chemicals
because of the effects on the body and/or mind.
These people, many times, prefer natural sub-
in America today, the stances.
rediscovery of the healing
power of plants has made its
Herbs have been used for stress because of their
mark, ability to act on the nervous system or to induce
states of relaxation and tranquility. Other herbs
relax tense muscles, ease stress-related headaches,
soothe an upset stomach, or encourage restful
Traditionally, herbs have been used as medicine sleep. Consequently, many of these remedies help
throughout the evolution of humanity beginning with several symptoms related to stress including
with the Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilizations, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, and nervousness. Sev-
extending through the Middle Ages, and enter- eral commonly used herbal stress relaxants are
ing modern day civilization. Consequently, described. For each herb mentioned, the common
herbalism is considered the oldest complementary name as well as the botanical name, which consists
therapy. Throughout their long history, herbs be- of at least two names is listed, with the first
came categorized as folk medicine in various representing the genus and the second the species. 7
cultures. Therefore, herbal remedies are quite popu- The identification is followed by a brief description
lar throughout the world. In America today, the of the herb's properties and actions.
rediscovery of the healing power of plants has
made its mark. s Astragalus (Astragalus officinalis)
In the United States, herbal remedies have This remedy, frequently referred to as Huang Qi,
become popular since the mid-1960s. Although is known for its immune property and is, therefore,

effective in activating, protecting, and supporting anti-inflammatory drugs because it can inhibit
the immune system, helping in the adrenal gland clotting; and (2) estrogens or corticosteroids be-
function, and providing overall energy to combat cause ginseng may increase the side effects of those
fatigue. One precaution is that this herb should not drugs. Diabetics should not use any ginseng be-
be taken in the presence of a fever. cause it can affect the blood glucose levels. Last,
ginseng "may cause headache, tremulousness, and
American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) manic episodes in patients treated with phenelzine
This herb is helpful in alleviating fatigue. It is sulfate. ''8
interesting to note that side effects are rare with
American ginseng. However, there have been some Kava Kava (Piper methysticum)
reports of insomnia and allergic symptoms while
This herb, known as "kava," is famous for its
taking the herb. If these reactions are experienced,
calming properties. It is effective in reducing
stop taking the herb.
anxiety, fatigue, stress-related disorders, nervous-
Asian Ginseng--Korean, Chinese (Panax ginseng) ness, and insomnia because of its relaxing effect on
the central nervous system, and enhancing well-
This remedy helps in states of exhaustion. It is
being without compromising alertness. It induces
considered more powerful and stimulating than
physical and mental relaxation as a result of its
American ginseng. Three precautions are suggested
calming and relaxing effects. An advantage of this
when taking this herb. (1) Avoid taking too close to
remedy is that it does not lose its effectiveness over
bedtime, because it is much more stimulating than
time. One precaution is noted--this herb can cause
the American ginseng; (2) avoid taking it with
drowsiness. If this occurs, its use should be discon-
coffee; and (3) avoid taking it if you have high
tinued or the dosage reduced. (NOTE: In the
blood pressure.
previously mentioned AMA studies on herbal rem-
edies, results showed that kava should not be used
herbal remedies are relatively with the tranquilizer alprazolam because it may
result in a coma. s)
safe a n d effective.
Passion Flower (Passiflora incamata)
Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) This herb, often referred to as "maypop," is a
This herbal therapeutic agent, also known as gentle sedative that helps anxiety, insomnia, ner-
Eleuthero, helps the body adapt to physical, mental, vous tensions, nervous headaches, and stress-
and emotional stress. It also stimulates the immune related disorders because of its effect on the
system and, thereby increases body energy and sympathic nervous system. One warning is that
vitality to combat fatigue. This ginseng is more women should not use this herb in high doses
powerful than Asian ginseng; therefore, use it with during pregnancy.
care. With this herb, the two major precautions are
(1) avoid taking it too close to bedtime, because it Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora)
is much more stimulating than the American gin-
This herb helps with insomnia, anxiety, fatigue,
seng; and (2) avoid taking if you have hypoglyce-
nervous disorders, and stress headache because of
mia, high blood pressure, or any type of heart
its calming and relaxing effect on the central
condition. (NOTE: Herbal remedies are relatively
nervous system.
safe and effective. However, if certain herbs are
taken along with prescription medications, the
results can be dangerous because of the interaction Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
of the herbal remedy with the prescribed drug.) This remedy is considered a potent herbal against
Recently, the American Medical Association (AMA) anxiety, nervous irritability, fatigue, emotional
conducted several studies on various herbal rem- stress, and insomnia (mild) because of its most
edies. The AMA reported that ginseng should not useful calming and relaxing effect. Because of its
be used with the following: (1) drugs such as water soluble characteristic, it is considered the
warfarin, heparin, aspirin, and other nonsteroidal best among herbalists. Furthermore, the herbal is

not habit-forming and does not produce a hangover. findings have shown this herbal remedy to be
According to the US Food and Drug Administra- effective.
tion, this remedy is recognized as safe and is
approved for use. (NOTE: Differences in research
findings on this herb exist in the literature. Re- Vervain (Verbena offficinalis)
search 9 involving studies of this herb in both This remedy promotes a tranquilizing effect,
clinical and laboratory settings have provided scien- easing everyday tensions and stress because of its
tific evidence that this specific remedy is effective.) strengthening effect on the nervous system.
Recently, it has been reported that AMA research
findings on valerian showed that "it should not be
used with barbiturates such as thiopental and NEW COMBINATION FOR STRESS
pentobarbital because it can cause excessive seda-
Recently, a new preparation for alleviation of
stress has been patented in Germany. This remedy
contains active ingredients from ginger (Zingiber
OTHER HELPFUL HERBS FOR STRESS officinalis) and gingko (Ginkgo biloba) for the
In addition to the common herbs mentioned, various anxiety states. It is known as the anxiolytic
there are several other herbal remedies that are ginger/ginkgo combination. 10
helpful in decreasing symptoms and signs of stress.

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla or recutita) GUIDELINES FOR USING HERBAL REMEDIES

This herb has been a traditional helper with For the most part, herbal therapy has been
everyday tension, stress, anxiety, mild nervousness, effective in alleviating symptoms and various con-
and insomnia. It is also effective with conditions ditions including stress. However, on occasion, the
that are caused by stress such as diarrhea, indiges- news media reports a "negative" story about a
tion, and nervous problems of the stomach. Essen- remedy. In examining the story, a few causative
tially, it is a very soothing, relaxing herb for any factors may have been involved in the harvesting of
irritating condition. The individual is advised not to the herbal plant, the processing of the remedy, or
use this herb for long periods of time because this perhaps in the packaging. Currently, most herbal
may lead to ragweed allergy. Similarly, this herb remedies are sold without the US Food and Drug
should not be used by those who are allergic to Administration approval. Because herbs in the US
ragweed. Otherwise, research findings indicate that are treated under dietary supplements, there are a
this herb is effective. 9 few tips to follow.
1. Carefully read the label on the specific
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
herb. Pay attention to what is said and
This remedy is known for its soothing property any warnings on the label. Note where the
and acts to promote relaxation, ease nervous ten- product is made (What country? What state?).
sion, relieve stress-related digestive problems, and Look for herbs made by reputable, well-
alleviate insomnia as a result of its gentle, relaxing known herbal companies. Also note the ingre-
nature. It is used by drinking a cup of this herb dients and their amounts in addition to
before going to bed. Research results 9 have shown the cost of the product. A cheaper product
that this herb, too, is effective. of a particular herb may provide a smaller
St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) 2. Be aware that there are health risks with
This herb acts to relieve anxiety, everyday stress, some herbal remedies. These risks may be
insomnia, and tension headaches. It must be indirect, direct, or cause adverse effects. Look
cautioned that when taken internally in large for warnings and precautions. Read available
amounts, it can cause heightened sun sensitivity, literature on the particular herbal remedy,
especially in fair-skinned people. This remedy also too.
interferes with the absorption of iron and other 3. Purchase products that are dated. Pay
minerals. According to scientific evidence, 9 attention to the expiration date.

4. A v o i d t a k i n g herbs every day. That is synergistic effect. Other herbs require that the
not the i n t e n t o f h e r b a l therapy. Herbs p e r s o n drink plenty of fluids.
are taken o n l y w h e n n e e d e d b y the individ-
ual; in other words, they are for short-term
usage. Herbal remedies, for the most part, are consid-
5. B e w a r e w h e n t a k i n g h e r b s w i t h p r e s c r i p - ered helpful in alleviating the s y m p t o m s that are
t i o n d r u g s . If y o u are taking prescription experienced from stressful lifestyles resulting from
drugs, y o u need to discuss this with the work, home, and family situations. Therapeutic
medical physician. S o m e herbs should not b e herbal agents are usually quite safe and beneficial.
m i x e d with alcohol because of the strong Precautions should be taken with any remedy.

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