Past Simple Tense: Za Dokončana Dejanja V Preteklosti

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Was ( I, he, she, it)/wasn’t
Were ( we, you, they)/weren’t
-REGULAR VERBS končnica-ED /didn’t+verb
-IRREGULAR VERBS (book p 158)
We swam in the lake
We didn’t swim in the lake
Did we swim in the lake?
Za dokončana dejanja v preteklosti
15.12. Test

Za nedokončana dejanja
Was /
+ verb-ing
She was reading her book when her phone rang.

(book) 138
Today i was waling next to a river when I nearly stood on a snake.

I stopped immediately. The snake’s fans were going in and out. I was terrified.

I didn’t move. One bite and you’re dead in 3 hours.

Early this morning we were crossing the river by boat when we saw five canoes. The tribesmen
carried knives and guns. They were angry because we didn’t have permission to be on their land. We
left as fast as we could.

I was lying in my hammock trying to sleep, but it was impossible because the noise of the jungle


1. I was sitting in a cafe when you called.

2. When you arrived at the party who was there.
3. Susie was watching a film when she heard a noise.
4. Yesterday I went to the library, next I had a swim, I met Julie for a coffee.
5. We were playing tennis when John hurt his ankle.
6. What were they doing at 10pm last night it was really noisy.
7. He was taking a shower when the telephone rang.
8. He was in the shower when the telephone rang
9. When i walked in to the room, everyone was working.
10. It was the last day September. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. I was walking
along the street when I met an old friend.
11. He was living in Russia when the Revolution started.
12. When her train got to the statin we were waiting on the platform.

Dictation – Narek

Last night thieves in New York broke into the museum of modern art, and escaped with three
paintings by Picasso, valued at eighty million dollars. Cameras were recording the rooms all the
time, but the guard who was watching the screens saw nothing. Museum officials didn’t discover
the theft until the next morning.

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