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CONFUSING WORDS – CỤM TỪ GÂY NHẦM LẪN Mark the underlined part that needs correction in each of the

A. LÝ THUYẾT following questions.

Economic (thuộc về kinh tế) Economical (tiết kiệm) Question 1. It was inconsiderable of him not to call home and let his
Addictive (gây nghiện) Addicted to (bị nghiện cái gì) parents know wouldn't come back until the next day.
Considerate (tận tâm, chu đáo) Considerable (đáng kể)
Forgetful (hay quên) Unforgettable (không thể quên) A. inconsiderable B. not to call C. wouldn't D. until
Sensitive (nhạy cảm) Sensible (khôn ngoan)  inconsiderate
Responsible (có trách nhiệm) Responsive (phản ứng nhanh)
Beneficial to/for (có ích/ có lợi)
Beneficent (việc thiện/ lương Question 2. It concerns many sociologists that inadequate parents
thiện) skills may lead to an increase in the number of incidents of juvenile
Appreciative (đánh giá cao) Appreciable (đáng kể)
Respectable (đáng kính) Respectful (lễ phép)
Expectation (mong chờ) Expectancy life (tuổi thọ) A. concerns B. parents skills
Successful (thành công) Successive (liên tiếp)
C. incidents D. juvenile delinquency
Product (sản phẩm) Produce (nông sản)
Exhausted (kiệt sức) Exhaustive (toàn diện, mọi mặt)  parental skills
Historic (có tính lịch sử/ quan Historical (thuộc về lịch sử) Question 3. The keynote speaker started with the complementary
Complementary (bổ sung) Complimentary (miễn phí) remarks about the organizers of the conference, and then proceeded
Comprehensive (đầy đủ, toàn Comprehensible (có thể hiểu with her speech.
diện) được)
A. The keynote speaker B. complementary remarks
Intelligent (thông minh) Intelligible (dễ hiểu)
Effective (hiệu quả) Efficient (hiệu suất cao) C. organizers D. proceeded
Social (thuộc về xã hội) Sociable (hòa đồng)  complimentary remarks
Distinguished (kiệt xuất) Distinguishable (có thể phân biệt
được) Question 4. They have carried out exhausting research into the effects
Ignored (bị lãng quên) Ignorant (thiếu hiểu biết) of smartphones on schoolchildren's behavior and their academic
Alternative (lựa chọn thay thế) Alternation (sự thay đổi)
Informative (nhiều thông tin) Informed (sang suốt/ khôn performance.
ngoan) A. exhausting B. into C. behavior D. academic performance
 exhaustive
Question 5. Drawing on her own experience in psychology, the writer
B. BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG successfully portrayed a volatile character with dramatic alternatives
of mood.
A. in psychology B. portrayed Question 11. His eldest brother was the distinguishable singer and
C. character D. dramatic alternatives song writer Son Tung MTP.
 dramatic alternations A. eldest B. was C. distinguishable D. and
Question 6. At the beginning of the ceremony, there was a respectable  distinguished
one-minute silence in remembrance of the victims of the earthquake. Question 12. Sociable distancing has prevented an estimated 70,000
A. the ceremony B. respectable people in Oregon from being infected with COVID-19.
C. in remembrance of D. earthquake A. Sociable distancing B. has C. an D. with
 respectful  social distancing
Question 7. Our grandfather, who had an excellent memory when Question 13. The country has been in a very poor economical state
young, has become very forgettable in recent years due to his old age. ever since the decline of its two major industries as a result of Covid-
A. excellent B. when young C. forgettable D. old age 19.
 forgetful A. has been B. economical C. decline D. as a result of
Question 8. Thanks to advances in medical science, life expectation Question 14. The most effective IT function is one that is responsible
for both men and women has improved greatly over the past decades. to the needs of the business it serves.
A. advances B. life expectation C. has improved D. past A. effective B. is C. responsible D. serves
 life expectancy  responsive
Question 9. The villagers are highly appreciable of the volunteers' Question 15. People who are obsessed with celebrities are more likely
efforts in reconstructing their houses after the devastating storm. to engage in addicted use of social media, according to new research
A. highly appreciable B. volunteers' efforts from Oxford University.
C. reconstructing D. devastating A. obsessed B. likely to C. addicted D. according to
 highly appreciative  addictive
Question 10. Vietnam recorded no fresh cases of COVID-19 over Question 16. Many important historic documents were destroyed
eight successful days. when the library was bombed.
A. recorded B. fresh C. over D. successful A. Many B. historic C. were D. was bombed
 successive  historical
Question 17. Many teenagers are surprisingly ignored about current
A. are B. surprisingly C. ignored D. politics
 ignorant
Question 18. She was so upset when she talked about the fact that her
boyfriend had cheated on her that she was hardly intelligent.
A. so B. when C. had cheated D. intelligent
Question 19. Despite strong demand for basic foods like dairy
produces amid the coronavirus pandemic, the milk supply chain has
seen a host of disruptions.
A. Despite B. dairy produces C. the D. has seen
 dairy products
Question 20. It would seem more sensitive to do the research now
before we start on the project.
A. seem B. sensitive C. do D. before
 sensible

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