BODS Scripting: Select

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BODS scripting


Sql(‘datastore name’,’select empname from emp where empid = 10’);


Sql(‘datastore name’,’update emp set loc = \’hyd\’ where empid = 10’);


Sql(‘datastore name’,’Delete from emp where empid = 10’);


Sql(‘datastore name’,’ Truncate table table name’);

Ifthenelse in script :

IF ( 1 = 1)


Print(‘the condition satisfied succesfully’);




Print(‘the not condition satisfied’);


While loop :

while ( $G_Count <= $G_Retry_Count )


#### Checking the Zip file in InDir folder

UPDATE_[$G_ZIP_SYSDATE].zip',2)is not null)


Print('############### The
FILENAME_[$G_Region]_UPDATE_[$G_ZIP_SYSDATE].zip file exist in InDir


$G_Count = $G_Count+1;




1 .Aggregate functions:

1. Avg – avg(filed) – the remaining fields will be available in group by clause

2. Min – min(field)- same as above
3. Max – max(field)-same as above
4. Count- count(field)- same as above
5. Count_distinct(field)- same as above
6. Sum- same as above

2 .Cast: Explicitly converts an expression of one data type to another.

Ex: Cast('field name','<data_type>')

3. Current_system_configuration : Returns the name of the system

configuration used at runtime.

Ex : Current_system_configuration()

4. Decode : we can write multiple if then else conditions in decode function.

Ex: decode ((EMPNO = 1), '111',
(EMPNO = 2), '222',
(EMPNO = 3), '333',
(EMPNO = 4), '444',

5. exec : we can use exec to run command line statements.

Ex: Exec(‘cmd’,’move source folder Target folder’);

6 . file_exists : Returns 1 if a file or directory is present on the disk (even if 0

bytes long), 0 otherwise.

Ex: file_exists(<file_path>)

7 . gen_row_num_by_group: Generate a column of row IDs for each ID group

in the specified column, beginning with integer value 1 and then incremented
sequentially by 1. When the group is changed, the value is reset to 1.Syntax

Ex : gen_row_num_by_group(field name)

8. gen_row_num() : it will generate sequence in specified column.

Ex: gen_row_num()

9. ifthenelse() : Allows conditional logic in expressions.

Ex : ifthenelse (1=1,’A’,’B’)

10. length : Returns the number of characters in a given string.

Ex : length(field)

11. lookup : Retrieves a value in a table or file based on the values in a

different source table or file.

Ex: lookup (<lookup_table>, <result_column>, <default_value>, <cache_spec>,

<compare_column>, <expression>)

12. lookup_ext : we can extract multiple column values from look up table.
13. lpad : lpad(<input_string>,<size>,'<pad_string>')

Ex: lpad('Tanaka', 15, ' ') – Here we are doing lpad with space (‘’)

Result ( Tanaka)

14. rpad : rpad(<input_string>,<size>,'<pad_string>')

Ex: rpad('Tanaka', 15, ' ') – Here we are doing rpad with space (‘’)

15. ltrim : The function scans <input_string> left-to-right removing all

characters that appear in <trim_string> until it reaches a character not in

Ex: ltrim('ABCABCD', 'ABC') - result is ‘D’, ltrim(field name,’values’)

16. ltrim_blanks : Removes blank characters from the start of a string.

Ex: ltrim_blanks (field name)

17. Raise_exception : for aborting the job.

Ex: raise_exception(<error_msg>)

18. sleep : Suspends the execution of the calling data flow or work flow.

Ex : sleep(<num_millisecs>)
19. sysdate() : it will generate the current system date.

Ex: sysdate()

20. To_char – if you want to change format we need to use to_char

Ex: to_char (sysdate(),’YYYY.MM.DD’)

If you want to convert above sysdate field to date format.

To_date (to_char (sysdate(),’YYYY.MM.DD’),’YYYY.MM.DD’)

21. Upper : This function will convert lowercase to uppercase.

Ex : upper('Accounting101') ----Result - 'ACCOUNTING101'

22. Word_ext :
Returns the word identified by its position in a delimited string.

Ex : input – 123,345,456

Word_ext(‘123,345,456’,1,’,’) ---- result – 123

23. get_file_attribute: To identify the file size or date modified.

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