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Gold Experience A2 Progress test 4

Name Class

1 Choose the correct option for each sentence.
1 This red T-shirt is much nicer/much more nice than that blue one.
2 Chocolate is more delicious/deliciouser than carrots.
3 Horror films are excitinger/more exciting than love films.
4 Our new teacher is badder/worse than the old one.
5 Summer in Spain is hoter/hotter than summer in Scotland.
6 Maths is interesting/more interesting than science.

2 Complete the sentences with the superlative form of these adjectives.

cheap expensive friendly far good tall
1 I love this shoe shop. It’s the 1) cheapest in town. You can get some great bargains!

2 El Freddo is the 2) ______________ café in town. A small ice cream costs three pounds!

3 Everyone likes Sally. She’s the 3) ______________ girl in the class.

4 Joe is the 4) ______________ boy in our class. He’s nearly 190 centimetres.

5 Layla got ninety-eight percent for the last English test. That was the 5) ______________ mark
in the class.

6 Strides is my favourite shoe shop, but it’s the 6) ______________ from my house!

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3 Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of these adjectives.
expensive cheap far friendly good interesting
There are three sports shops in my town: Fast Feet, Whizz By and Winners. I really like going to Fast
Feet – the shop assistants are 1) friendlier than in Whizz By. They are always smiling and helpful! Fast
Feet is 2) ______________ than Whizz By – there are never any bargains in this shop. I got a pair of
trainers for twenty pounds in Whizz By – it’s the 3) ______________ sports shop in town!

The 4) ______________ sports shop is Winners though – the prices aren’t too bad, and the shop
assistants are nice too. It has three floors and hundreds of things to buy – it’s the biggest sports shop in
town! There are so many things to look at that it is the 5) ______________ , too. The only problem is
that it is the 6) ______________ from my house. It is a long walk!

4 Write comparative sentences using these words.

1 John / is / tall / Paul.
John is taller than Paul.
2 The blue T-shirt / is / cheap / the red T-shirt.
3 Scotland / has / bad weather / England.
4 Paul’s house / is / small / Ann’s.
5 The shop assistants at Shoe Heaven / are / friendly / shop assistants in Shoe Dream.
6 Laptops / are / expensive / mobile phones.


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5 Complete the missing words.
1 It tells you how much something costs.


2 You pay with this if you don’t have cash.


3 The person who works in a shop.

s_____________ a_____________

4 The piece of paper you get when you buy something.


5 If something isn’t expensive, it is c_____________ .

6 If you get something for a very good price, it’s a b_____________ .

6 Match the prices (1–6) with how we say them in English (A–F).
1 €45 E A seven pounds
2 20C ____ B ten euros thirty
3 €10.30 ____ C eleven ninety nine
4 £11.99 ____ D twenty cents
5 50p ____ E forty five euros
6 £7.00 ____ F fifty p

7 Choose the correct option for each sentence.

Last Saturday I went shopping and I saw a really fantastic pair of jeans for fifty pounds in my favourite
1) clothes/book shop. I didn’t buy them, because they were too 2) cheap/expensive for me. Then
yesterday I went back to the shop and they were only thirty pounds – twenty pounds 3) cheaper/more
expensive than last time. What a 4) cash/bargain! I went home and saw that I had thirty-five pounds in
5) cash/receipt in my purse. Yes! I ran back to the shop but nobody was there and the lights were off –
it was 6) open/closed!

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8 Complete each sentence with one word only.
1 The shop assistants in that bookshop are not very friendly.

2 I _____________ all my money on clothes last weekend!

3 I am _____________ my money because I want to buy a new laptop!

4 The shop opens at nine o’clock and it _____________ at six o’clock.

5 I like that T-shirt! How much does it _____________ ?

6 When you go shopping you can pay by cash or _____________ .

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9 Listen to Jake and Anna talking about what Jake wants to spend his money on. Which
item does Jack choose in each situation? Choose the correct answer.
A jeans B T-shirt C trainers
A laptop B e-book C camcorder
A white T-shirt B green T-shirt C red T-shirt
A book B comic C laptop
A chocolates B flowers C necklace
A dictionary B trainers C sweater

10 Listen to the conversations again and complete the sentences.

1 I think you need a smaller size.

2 I really want a ________________ one.

3 I need a new T-shirt for ________________ .

4 That looks like a really ________________ book!

5 It’s her favourite ________________ , too!

6 I think you need new ________________ .

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11 Put the conversation in the correct order (1–6).
____ Green, I think.
____ Yes, I’m looking for a sweater. It’s for my mum.
1 Hi, can I help you?
____ Okay. What colour does she like?
____ It’s great, thanks! How much is it?
____ Green. Let’s see. What about this one?

12 Match the questions (1–6) with the correct answers (A–F).

1 Can I help you? B A They’re fifty pounds.
2 How much do these ones cost? ____ B Yes, please. I’m looking for a T-shirt.
3 Can I try it on? ____ C Sure!
4 Can I pay with a card? ____ D It’s in your bag.
5 Can I have the receipt please? ____ E Bye!
6 Thanks, bye! ____ F No, sorry. We only take cash.

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Time to shop
1 My favourite place to shop is the market. It’s on every Saturday in the centre of town. I love it
because I can find so many bargains there and the clothes are cheaper than the clothes you find
in the shops. The people who work there are friendly too – they always have time to stop and
2 My favourite shop in town is the department store – I go there every weekend! I love looking
at the jewellery. There is a fantastic café at the very top – it has an amazing view of the city. I
love having a cola here and looking at the other people shopping. It’s great fun!
3 My favourite shop is the bookshop near my house. It sells new and old books and comics. It’s a
great place – the shop assistant sometimes brings you a drink while you read! It’s a great place
to relax. It is more expensive than shopping online, but I think this is a nicer way to shop.
4 I love my music shop! On A Saturday afternoon my friends and I go there and listen to music –
the shop assistants are really cool. The customers can listen to the music before they buy it. It’s
easy to shop online for music now, but going to the shop is more fun.

13 Read the text. Match the headings (a–d) with the correct paragraphs (1–4).
a Fun at the market ____
b Music shop moments ____
c The best bookshop ____
d Fun at the department store ____

14 Read the text again. Match the words in bold in the text with the meanings (1–7).
1 a lower price cheaper
2 available through the Internet _________________
3 a big shop which sells everything _________________
4 costing a lot of money _________________
5 the people who buy things from a shop _________________
6 magazines you read with lots of pictures in them _________________
7 a place where people buy and sell things _________________

15 Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 The market is on once a month. F
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2 The people who work at the market are friendly. ____
3 The clothes in the market are very expensive. ____
4 The department store has a café. ____
5 Karen doesn’t like the department store. ____
6 Karen goes to the department store every day. ____
7 The shop assistant in the bookshop isn’t very friendly. ____
8 Bobby’s favourite bookshop is cheaper than online bookshops. ____
9 Mark thinks it’s fun to buy music online. ____
10 Mark goes to his favourite shop with his friends. ____
11 The shop assistants in the music shop are cool. ____


16 Read about Bobby’s favourite shop and answer the questions.
My favourite shop is called Party Mania. It’s in Glasgow and it sells party things: clothes, sweets,
balloons, presents – everything you need for a party! The best thing about the shop is the friendly shop
assistants – they always say ‘hello’ when you go in. They are the friendliest shop assistants in town!
The worst thing about this shop is that it’s always busy. It is open every day – from nine until six.
1 What is the shop called? Party Mania
2 Where is the shop? _________________
3 What does the shop sell? _________________
4 What’s the best thing about the shop? _________________
5 What’s the worst thing about the shop? _________________
6 When is it open? _________________

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17 Match the sentences (1–6) with the headings (A–F).
1 It is really expensive! E A Name of shop
2 It’s open everyday from nine until six. ____ B Where it is
3 It’s in Madrid. ____ C What it sells
4 It sells bicycles. ____ D Best thing about it
5 The bicycles are really beautiful. ____ E Worst thing about it
6 It’s called ‘Wheels.’ ____ F When it is open

18 Write about your favourite shop. Write 25–35 words. Use these questions to help you.
 What is the shop called?
 Where is the shop?
 What does the shop sell?
 What’s the best thing about the shop?
 What’s the worst thing about the shop?
 When is it open?


Total: 100

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