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PUC II - Academic Year 2021-22

Sub: Chemistry Assignment
Topic - Solutions
One Mark Questions:
1. What is a binary solution? Give example.
A. A solution containing only two components is called binary solution. [The two components present in it are
solute and solvent]
Ex : NaCl in water, N2 + O2, alcohol in water etc.,
2. Define molality of a binary solution. Give its units.
A. The number of moles of the solute(n) present in 1 kg or 1000 grams of the solvent is called molality (m).
Molality (m) = x („V‟ in grams)

Molality =
Units of molality(m) = mol. kg or molal(m).
3. Define molarity of a binary solution?
A. The number of moles of the solute present in one litre of the solution is known as molarity of the solution.
It is denoted by M.
Molarity(M) =
M= ⟹M= x (“V” in litres)
= x (“V‟in mL.)
4. What is the unit of molarity?
A. Mole/litre or Molar or mol L-1
5. Define mole fraction of a component in the solution.
A. The ratio of number of moles of one particular component to the total number of moles of the solution is
known as mole fraction of the component.
Molefraction =
6. What is lowering of vapour pressure of the solution (P -P)?
A. The difference between the vapour pressure of the pure solvent and that of the solution is called lowering of
vapour pressure. ∴ lowering of V.P = P -P
Where po = v.p of the pure solved
P = v.p of the solution
7. What is relative lowering of vapour pressure of the solution (∆p/po) ?
A. The relative lowering of vapour pressure is the ratio of the lowering in vapour pressure of the solution to the
vapour pressure of the pure solvent. i.e r.l.v.p =
8. State the general statement of Raoult‟s law.
A. At constant temperature, for any solution of partial vapour pressure of each volatile component in a solution
is directly proportional to its mole fraction.
9. What is meant by azeotropic mixture?
A. A mixture of two real miscible liquids having a definite composition which boils at a constant temperature
without undergoing any change in composition is called as azeotropic mixture or constant boiling mixture or
simply an azeotrope. “Two liquid which are having same composition in the solution or vapour and they
boils at constant temperature”.
10. On what factor does the colligative property value depends.
A. It depends on the no. of solute particles [but not on this nature]
11. At a given temperature and pressure nitrogen gas is more soluble in water than Helium gas. Which one of
them has higher value of KH?
A. Helium.
12. What is the significance of Henry‟s law constant (KH)?
A. Higher the value of KH lower is the solubility of the gas in the liquid at a given pressure.
13. Define osmotic pressure.
A. External pressure, which is applied to avoid or to stop the osmosis it is denoted by „π‟

14. Ornametal gold is example for what type of solution

A. Solid in solid. [Au + Cu]

15. Give example for solution of liquids in solid
A. Amalgam of mercury with sodium.
16. What is edema?
A. People taking a lot of salt or salty food experience water retention in tissue cells and intracellular spaces
because of osmosis. This results in puffiness or swelling called edema

Two Mark Questions:

1. State Henry‟s law and write its mathematical form.
A. According to this at a given temperature the partial pressure of the gas dissolved in a liquid is directly
proportional to the mole fraction of the gas in the solution or At constant temperature solubility at gas in
liquid is directly proportional to the pressure
∴ p ∝ x ⟹ p = KH x x
KH = Henry‟s law constant or proportionality constant.
p = partial pressure, m = mass of the gas, x = mole fraction.
2. What are hypertonic solutions? (< π)
A. A solution having higher osmotic pressure (higher concentration) than the other given solutions is called
hypertonic solution. Ex : R.B.C present in 5% NaCl (R.B.C shrinks)
3. What are hypotonic solution?
A. A solution having lower osmotic pressure (lower concentration) than the other given solutions is called
hypotonic solution. Ex : R.B.C present in Distilled water (R.B.C swells)
Ex 1) When grape is placed in water (hypotonic solution) the fluid (solvent) enter into the grape, cells swell
and burst, this process is called haemolysis.
Ex 2) When RBC is placed in sea water; they swell and even burst due to the inflow of water.
4. What is reverse osmosis? Mention one of its use.
A. If a pressure higher than osmotic pressure is applied on the solution, the solvent will flow from the solution
into the pure solvent through semi-permeable membrane. This process is called reverse osmosis.
Significance : It is used in the desalination of sea water to obtain fresh drinking water.
5. What are isotonic solutions? Give an example. (= π) Ex R.B.C present in 0.91 NaCl)
A. Different solutions having the same osmotic pressure at the same temperature are called isotonic solutions.
Ex : RBC is isotonic with 0.9% NaCl solution which is called normal called saline. It is used in injections
instead of distilled water.
6. Write any two applications of Henry‟s law.
A. According to Henry‟s law,
i) To increase the solubility of CO2 in soft drinks and soda water, the bottle is sealed under high pressure.
ii) At high pressure, solubility of the gas in liquid increases, to avoid this tank used by scuba divers is filled
with air diluted with helium (11.7% helium, 56.2% nitrogen and 32.1% oxygen).
iii) At high pressure, the concentration of nitrogen in blood increases due to this; blocks the capillaries and
creates a medical condition known as bends, which are painful and dangerous to life.
iv) At high altitude, low blood oxygen causes climbers to become weak and unable to think clearly,
symptoms of a condition known as anoxia.
7. What is an ideal solution? Give an example.
A. A solution which obeys Raoult‟s law at all concentrations and temperature is called non ideal solution.
Ex : 1) C6H5 – Cl + C6H5− Br 2) n-hexane + n-heptane
9. Give examples for +ve deviate non-ideal solutions from Raoult‟s law?
A. 1) C2H5OH & H2O 2) Acetone & ethyl alcohol 3) Acetone & CS2
4) Acetone & C6H6 5) CCl4 & CHCl3

10. Give any four differences between ideal and non-ideal solution
Ideal solutions Non-ideal solutions
1. Which obey‟s Raoult‟s law at all 1.Which do not obey‟s Raoult‟s law at all
concentrations. concentrations
2. There is no change in 2. There is a change in volume on mixing
volume on mixing i.e. ∆Vmix = 0 i.e. ∆Vmix = 0
3. The force of interaction between the 3. The force of interaction between the
components of solution are similar as in components of the solution are different
pure components from those present in pure component

11. What are colligative propertices? Name them.

A. The properties of dilute solutions which depend upon the number of solute particles (molar concentration of
the solute in the solution) but not on the nature of the solute particles are called colligative properties.
Ex : i) Relative lowering of vapour pressure (∆p1/ ) ii) Elevation in Boiling Point (∆Tb)
iii) Depression in freezing point (∆Tf) iv) Osmotic pressure (π)
9. Define elevation in boiling point.
A. It is the difference between the boiling point of the solution and that of the pure solvent.
i.e., ∆Tb = Tb − where T∆b = elevation in boiling point, Tb = boiling point of the solution,
= boiling point of the pure solvent.
10. Give reason for the following a) Raw mangoes shrivel when pickled in brine (salt + water) solution
b) Blood cells collapse when suspended in saline water
c) Wilted flowers revive when placed in fresh water
A. a) Due to exosmosis, water molecules of blood cells enter into the saline
b) Due endosmosis, water molecules enter into the flowers.
c) Due to exosmosis, water molecules of mango enters into brine solution

Three or Five Mark Questions :

1. Explain the factors affecting the solubility of a gas in a liquid.
A. Effect of temperature: The solubility of gases in liquids decreases with rise in temperature.
Effect of pressure : The solubility of gases in liquids increases with rise in pressure. Due to the increase in
pressure, the number of gaseous particles per unit volume over the solution and also the rate at which the
gaseous particles are striking the surface of solution to enter it increases. The solubility of the gas will
increase until a new equilibrium is reached resulting in an increase in the pressure of a gas above the solution
and thus its solubility increases.
Ex : CO2 in soft drinks, soda water, little amount of O2 in water etc.,
2. State and explain Henry‟s law graphically with one example.


According to this, at a given temperature the partial pressure of gas dissolved in a liquid is directly
proportional to the mole fraction of the gas in the solution.
Θ p ∝ p = KH x x ----1
x = Mole fraction p = partial pressure
KH = Henry‟s law constant or proportionality constant.
Ex : HCl(g) in Cyclohexane at 298 K
A graph is drawn between partial pressure along y-axis and mole fraction of the gas in the solution along
x-axis, then we should get a straight line plot which is passes through origin as shown in the given figure.
Slope of the line is Henry‟s law constants.

3. State and explain Raoult‟s law for a binary solution containing two volatile components:
A. „In a binary solution of two liquid components 1 and 2, partial vapour pressure of each component is equal to
the product of mole fraction of that component in the solution and the vapour pressure of the pure component
at that temperature. p1 = x1 →for solvent (1)
p2 = x2 →for solute (2)
For a binary solution partial v.p of each component is directly proportional to its mole fraction.
According to Dalton‟s law of partial pressure, the total vapours pressure of the solution is equal to sum of the
partial pressure of the individual components. The total vapours pressure of the solution,
p(Total) = p1 + p2
p(Total) = x1 + x2
p(Total) = (1 – x2) + x2
Θ x 1 + x2 = 1 x1 = (1- x2) or x2 = (1- x1)
p(Total) = + ( - ) x2
4. What is meant by negative deviation of non-ideal solutions from Raoult‟s law or ideal behaviour? Explain it.
A. The Vapour pressure of the solution is lower than that predicted by Raoult‟s law is said to be a -ve deviation
of non-ideal solution.

If the solvent-solvent (A - A) and solute-solute (B - B) intermolecular attractive forces are weaker than
solvent-solute (A - B) interactive forces and molecules of solvent-solute (A - B) leads to decrease in vapour
pressure than in pure state. Such molecules shows negative deviation from Raoult‟s law.
i.e., (A --- A) = (B --- B) < (A --- B)
Conditions for -ve deviate non-ideal solutions,
• ∆Vmix < 0 i.e ∆Vmix = - ve and ve ∆Hmix = −
• p1 < x1, p2 = x2, p(Total) < p1 + p2
• The observed vapour pressure of each component and the total vapour pressure is less than that expected
from Raoult‟s law.
• Ex : Acetone and Chloroform.
5. Give any four difference between binary solutions showing + ve and - ve deviation from Raoult‟s law.
Non-ideal with +ve deviation Non-ideal with - ve deviation
1) Force of attraction between A 1) Force of attraction between A
and B molecules will be less than and B molecules will be greater than
that of A - A and B - B molecules. that of A - A and B - B molecules.
2) The vapour pressure is higher 2) The vapour pressure is lower than
than that predicted from Raoult‟s that predicted from Raoult‟s law.
3) Volume of the solution increases 3) Volume of the solution decreases
on mixing two components on mixing two components
i.e.,Vmix = + ve i.e.,Vmix = - ve
4) On mixing two components heat 4) On mixing two components heat
is absorbed is absorbed
i.e.,Hmix = + ve i.e.,Hmix = - ve

6. 18 g of glucose, C6H12O6 is dissolved in 1kg of water in a saucepan. At what temperature will water boil at
1.013 bar?
Kb for water is 0.52 K kg mol .
A. Moles of glucose = 18 g/180 g mol = 0.1 mol Number of kilograms of solvent = 1 kg
Thus molality of glucose solution=0.1 mol kg-1 For water, change in boiling point

-1 -1
Tb = Kb x m = 0.52 K kg mol x 0.1mol kg = 0.052 K. Since water boils at 372.15 K at 1.013 bar
pressure, therefore the boiling point of solution will be 373.15 + 0.052 = 373.202 K.
7. 58g of a non-volatile solute was dissolved in 100g of carbon disulphide (Molar mass - 76). The vapour
pressure of the solution was found to be 190mm Hg. Calculate the molar mass of the solute. The vapour
pressure of pure carbon disulphide is 195 mm Hg.
A. po = 195 mm Hg p = 190 mm Hg
w2 = 5.8g ; w1 = 100g M1 = 76g ; M2 = ?
5.8  76 195
W.K.T, p  p  w2  M1 ⟹ 195  190  5.8  76 ⟹ M2 = 5  100  165.98 g

po M w 2195 1 M 100 2

8. 200 cm-3 of an aqueous solution of a protein contains 1.26 g of the protein. The osmotic pressure of such a
solution at 300 K is found to be 2.57 x 10-3 bar. Calculate the molar mass of the protein. (R = 0.083L bar
-1 -1
mol K )
1.26  0.083  300
A. MB = wB RT V = 200 cm3 = 0.2 L = = 61039 g mol-1
V 2.57 103  0.2

9. Calculate the amount of benzoic acid [C6H5COOH] required for preparing 250 mL of 0.15 M solution in
A. MB = 6 x12 + 6 x 1 + 2 x 16 = 122 g mol , V = 250 mL, Molarity = 0.15M
wB  1000
Molarity = wB 1000 0.15 = wB = 0.15 122  250 = 4.575 g
M B V 122  250 1000
10. The vapour pressure of pure benzene a certain temperature is 0.850 bar. A non-volatile, non electrolyte solid
weighing 0.5 g when added to 39.0 g of benzene (molar mass 78 gmol ). Vapour pressure of the solution
then is 0.845 bar. What is the molar mass of the solid substance
A. Given, WB = 0.5 g, = 0.850 bar,
pA = 0.845 bar, wA = 39 g, MA = 78 mol
MA = wB  MoA  p A

wA  ( p A  p A )
0.5  78  0.850 -1
MB = 39  (0.850  0.845) = 170 g mol
11. 18 g of glucose is dissolved in 1kg of water in a saucepan. At what temperature will water boil at 1.013 bar?
Kb for water is 0.52 K kg mol .
A. ∆Tb = Kb  wB 1000
M B  wA
Given, wA = 1 kg = 1000g, Kb = 0.52 K kg mol , wB = 18g, = 373.15 K
Tb - = 0.5  18  1000 = 0.052K
180  1000
Tb = 0.052 + = 0.052 + 373.15 = 373.202K
12. In a cold climate, water gets frozen causing damage to the radiator of a car. Ethylene glycol is used as an
antifreezing agent. Calculate the amount of ethylene glycol to be added to 4 kg of water to prevent it from
freezing at -6oC (Kf for water = 1.85 K kg mol molar mass of ethylene glycol = 62 g mol-1).
K f  wB 1000
A. ∆Tf =
M B  wA
Given, WA = 4 x 1000g, Kf = 1.85 K kg mol-1,
WB = 1.41 g, ∆Tf = = Tf = 0 - (-6) = 6
1.85  wB  1000 W = 804.32 g
6  B
62  4  103

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