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Chaotic Neutral Shundar-Quah Sorcerer 10

Strength +4 18
Dexterity -1 8 ARMOR CLASS 28 FORTITUDE 21
Constitution +4 19
Intelligence +0 10 SPEED 20 REFLEX 20
Wisdom +2 14
Charisma +5 20 BULK 6/9 WILL 19

SKILLS mod abi pro ATTACK bon dam typ ran trait
Acrobatics (dex) +9 -1 +10 Bastard +16 1d8+4 S
Arcana (int) +10 +0 +10 Bastard 2H +16 1d12+4 S
Athletics (str) +20 +4 +16 Whip +16 1d4+4 S 10 DFNT
Crafting (int) +10 +0 +10
Deception (cha) +21 +5 +16
Diplomacy (cha) +17 +5 +12
Intimidation (cha) +17 +5 +12
Herbalism Lore (int) +12 +0 +12
Medicine (wis) +12 +2 +10
Nature (wis) +14 +2 +12
Occultism (int) +12 +0 +12
Performance (cha) +15 +5 +10
Religion (wis) +14 +2 +12
Society (int) +10 +0 +10
Stealth (dex) +9 -1 +10
Survival (wis) +12 +2 +10 EQUIPMENT
Thievery (dex) +9 -1 +10 Full Plate +1
Hand of the Mage
LANGUAGES Predictable Silver Piece
Common, Shoanti Staff of Fire
Small pouch of ritual ingredients
TRAINED 2 wands of heal
Unarmed, Simple, Martial Weapons 1 Daily talisman of single use +1 save
Unarmored, Light, Medium, Heavy Armor Bag of Holding II

NOTES Artefatos Shoanti

Topaz Shoanti rebelde 1 wand de alert
Anna Ex-namorada Deanus 1 wand de Longstrider+1
Deanus Shoanti morto Silver bell focus
Derum Cacique
Escudo Xamã da caveira
Ribero Patrono
Zim Fantasma Rei Passado
Liandra Elfa possuída DEITY Calistria (CN)
Lucidolus Padre Desna The mischievous goddess known as the Savored
Lisala Deusa Shoanti Sting extols the virtues of lust, revenge, and
Elias Shoanti de Calistria trickery. Edicts pursue your personal freedom,
Makota Líder Halfling seek hedonistic thrills, take revenge.
Anathema become too consumed by love or a need
for revenge, let a slight go unanswered.

Varnus – Barb
Wejit – Alchemist
MONEY 56 GP Soren – Wizard
Lvl B Spell CT Range Target Duration Comp. Type DMG
C Acid Splash 2 30ft 1C S V Att Acid 2d6+5+3Spl
C Electric Arc 2 30ft 1 or 2C S V Ref Elec 5d4+5
C B Produce Rock/Flame 2 30ft 1C S V Att B/F 5d4+5
C Ray of Frost 2 120ft 1C S V Att Cold 5d4+5
C Tanglefoot 2 30ft 1C 1min S V Att -10Sp
F B Elemental Motion 2 self 1min S V 10 ft burrow speed
F B Elemental Toss 1 30ft 1C S Att B 5d8
1 B Burning/Dirty Hands 2 15” cone S V Ref B/F 2d6
1 Feather Fall R 60ft 1C 1min R
1S Heal 1-3 touch to 30” emanation S (V (M)) Fort Pos 1d8(+8)
1 Pest Form 2 self 10min S V
2 Enlarge 2 30ft 1C 5min S V
2S Final Sacrifice 2 120ft 20” emanation S V Ref Fire 6d6
2S Heal (H+1) 1-3 touch to 30” emanation S (V (M)) Fort Pos 2d8(+16)
2S Heat Metal 2 30ft 1C S V Ref Fire 4d6+2d4P
2 B Resist Energy 2 touch 1C 10min S V Resist 5
2S Scorching Ray 1-3 60ft 1-3C S V Att Fire 2d6/4d6
3 Aqueous Orb 2 60ft 10ft orb S-1min S V Ref
3S Final Sacrifice (H+1) 2 120ft 20” emanation S V Ref Fire 8d6
3S Heal (H+2) 1-3 touch to 30” emanation S (V (M)) Fort Pos 3d8(+24)
3 Haste 2 30ft 1C 1min S V
3S Heat Metal (H+1) 2 30ft 1C S V Ref Fire 6d6+3d4P
3 Meld into Stone 2 10min S V
3S B Rockball 2 500ft 20” brst S V Ref B 6d6
3S Scorching Ray (H+1) 1-3 60ft 1-3C S V Att Fire 3d6/6d6
4S Final Sacrifice (H+2) 2 120ft 20” emanation S V Ref Fire 10d6
4 B Freedom of Movement 2 touch 1C 10min S V
4 Gaseous Form 2 touch 1C 5min S V Resist 8 PHY + Fly 10
4S Heal (H+3) 1-3 touch to 30” emanation S (V (M)) Fort Pos 4d8(+32)
4S Heat Metal (H+2) 2 30ft 1C S V Ref Fire 8d6+4d4P
4S B Rockball (H+1) 2 500ft 20” brst S V Ref B 8d6
4S Scorching Ray (H+2) 1-3 60ft 1-3C S V Att Fire 4d6/8d6
4S Vital Beacon 2 touch self day S V 4d10 → 4d8
Bonus CRIT SPELL SLOTS Lvl B Spell CT Range Target
lash +2P 1st 5 Dinosaur Form (H+1) 2 self
2nd 5 B Elemental Form 2 self
+5d4P 3rd 5S Final Sacrifice (H+3) 2 120ft 20” emanatio
-10Sp 1Rd 4th x 5 Flammable Fumes 3 120ft 20” burst
+Immob. 5th 5S Heal (H+4) 1-3 touch to 30” emanat
Staff 5S Heat Metal (H+3) 2 30ft 1C
+5 Focus 5S Lightning Storm 3 120ft 2x 5” brst
+2 Summon 5S B Rockball (H+2) 2 500ft 20” brst
Wand 5S Scorching Ray (H+2) 1-3 60ft 1-3C
Feat 5S Vital Beacon (H+1) 2 touch self
S Summon Animal/Plant (+4) 3 30ft
ATTACK bon dam IC Mage Hand 2 60ft
+2 Bastard +16 1d8+4 I1 Alarm 3 touch 20” brst
Bastard +16 1d12+4 I2 Longstrider 2 self
+2 +2d4P Whip +16 1d4+4 Feat Fly 2 touch 1C


+3 +3d4P Spell Att +19
Class DC 29

0 No crit

+4 +4d4P
8 → 4d6 → 4d4

Dinosaur Form (H+1) Elemental


Speed 25 Speed fly
Tail (backswing, reach 15) 4d6 B Gust 1d4 B
Foot (reach 15) 4d6 B
Speed 25 Fist 2d10
Tail (reach 20) 4d6 B
Foot (reach 15) 4d8 B FIRE ELEME
Speed 50
Speed 40 Weakness 5
Talon (agile, reach 15) 4d4P + 1 bleed Tendril 1d
Jaws (reach 15) 2d10 P
Speed 30 Fire resis
Tail (reach 15) 4d8 P Wave, 1d12
You can sp
Speed 30 with the e
Horn (reach 15) 4d8 P crit + 2d6 bleed
Foot (reach 15) 4d6 B AC 28
+10 tempor
Speed 30 Att +18 dm
Jaws (deadly 1d12, reach 15) 2d12 P Acrobatics
Tail (reach 15) 2d10 B Athletics

AC 27
+20 temporary HP
Low-light vision
Scent 30
Att +18 dmg +15
Athletics +21
Duration Comp. Type DMG Bonus CRIT SPELL SLOTS
1min S V 1st
1min S V 2nd
on S V Ref Fire 12d6 +5 3rd
1min M S V Poison 2d6+10d6 explosion 4th x
tion S (V (M)) Fort Pos 5d8(+40) 5th
S V Ref Fire 10d6+5d4P +5 +5d4P Staff
S-1min M S V Ref Elec 4d12 Focus
S V Ref B 10d6 +10 Summon
S V Att Fire 5d6/10d6 +5 Wand
day S V 5d10 → 5d8 → 5d6 → 5d4 Feat
S-1min M S V
S S V 20 ft speed ATTACK bon dam
8h M S V Bastard +0 0
S V +10 Speed Bastard +0 0
5min S V Fly 20 Whip +0 0

Spell Att +4
Class DC 14

Form Pest Form


80 (doesn't trigger reactions) AC 24
B Speed 10
Weakness 5 to PHY
MENTAL (MEDIUM) Low-light vision
Burrow 20 Scent 30
B Acrobatics and Stealth +10
Athletics -4

stance 10
5 to cold and 5 to water
d8 Fire + 1d4 persistent fire
Swim 60
stance 5
2 B
pend an action immediately
it to push the target 5ft
effects of a Shove.

rary HP
mg +9
s (air or fire) +20
(earth or water) +20
Chaotic Neutral Shundar-Quah Sorcerer 9
Strength +3 16
Dexterity -1 8 ARMOR CLASS 27 FORTITUDE 20
Constitution +4 18
Intelligence +0 10 SPEED 15 REFLEX 19
Wisdom +1 12
Charisma +4 19 BULK 6/8 WILL 17

SKILLS mod abi pro ACP ATTACK bon dam typ ran trait
Acrobatics (dex) +5 -1 +9 -3 Bastard +14 1d8+3 S
Arcana (int) +9 +0 +9 Bastard 2H +14 1d12+3 S
Athletics (str) +15 +3 +15 -3 Whip +14 1d4+3 S 10 DFNT
Athletics-Attack (str) +18 +3 +15
Crafting (int) +9 +0 +9
Deception (cha) +19 +4 +15
Diplomacy (cha) +15 +4 +11
Intimidation (cha) +15 +4 +11
Herbalism Lore (int) +11 +0 +11
Medicine (wis) +11 +1 +10
Nature (wis) +12 +1 +11
Occultism (int) +11 +0 +11
Performance (cha) +13 +4 +9
Religion (wis) +12 +1 +11
Society (int) +11 +0 +9
Stealth (dex) +5 -1 +9 -3 EQUIPMENT
Survival (wis) +10 +1 +9 Full Plate +1
Thievery (dex) +5 -1 +9 -3 Hand of the Mage
Predictable Silver Piece
LANGUAGES Staff of Fire
Common, Shoanti Small pouch of ritual ingredients
2 wands of heal
TRAINED 1 Daily talisman of single use +1 save
Unarmed, Simple, Martial Weapons Bag of Holding II
Unarmored, Light, Medium, Heavy Armor
Artefatos Shoanti
NOTES 1 wand de alert
Topaz Shoanti rebelde 1 wand de Longstrider+1
Anna Ex-namorada Deanus Silver bell focus
Deanus Shoanti morto
Derum Cacique
Escudo Xamã da caveira
Ribero Patrono
Zim Fantasma Rei Passado DEITY Calistria (CN)
Liandra Elfa possuída The mischievous goddess known as the Savored
Lucidolus Padre Desna Sting extols the virtues of lust, revenge, and
Lisala Deusa Shoanti trickery. Edicts pursue your personal freedom,
Elias Shoanti de Calistria seek hedonistic thrills, take revenge.
Makota Líder Halfling Anathema become too consumed by love or a need
for revenge, let a slight go unanswered.

Varnus – Barb
Wejit – Alchemist
MONEY 56 GP Soren – Wizard
Lvl B Spell CT Range Target Duration Comp. Type DMG
C Acid Splash 2 30ft 1C S V Att Acid 2d6+4+2Spl
C Electric Arc 2 30ft 1 or 2C S V Ref Elec 5d4+4
C B Produce Rock/Flame 2 30ft 1C S V Att B/F 5d4+4
C Ray of Frost 2 120ft 1C S V Att Cold 5d4+4
C Tanglefoot 2 30ft 1C 1min S V Att -10Sp
F B Elemental Motion 2 self 1min S V 10 ft burrow speed
F B Elemental Toss 1 30ft 1C S Att B 5d8
1 B Burning/Dirty Hands 2 15ft cone S V Ref B/F 2d6
1 Feather Fall R 60ft 1C 1min R
1S Heal 1-3 touch to 30ft emanation S (V (M)) Fort Pos 1d8(+8)
1 Pest Form 2 self 10min S V
2 Enlarge 2 30ft 1C 5min S V
2S Final Sacrifice 2 120ft 20ft emanation S V Ref Fire 6d6
2S Heal (H+1) 1-3 touch to 30ft emanation S (V (M)) Fort Pos 2d8(+16)
2 Heat Metal 2 30ft 1C S V Ref Fire 4d6+2d4P
2 B Resist Energy 2 touch 1C 10min S V Resist 5
3 Aqueous Orb 2 60ft 10ft orb S-1min S V Ref
3S Final Sacrifice (H+1) 2 120ft 20ft emanation S V Ref Fire 8d6
3S Heal (H+2) 1-3 touch to 30ft emanation S (V (M)) Fort Pos 3d8(+24)
3 Haste 2 30ft 1C 1min S V
3S B Rockball 2 500ft 20ft brst S V Ref B 6d6
3 Wall of Thorns 3 60ft 60ft line 1min M S V 3d4P
4S Final Sacrifice (H+2) 2 120ft 20ft emanation S V Ref Fire 10d6
4 B Freedom of Movement 2 touch 1C 10min S V
4 Gaseous Form 2 touch 1C 5min S V Resist 8 PHY + Fly 10
4S Heal (H+3) 1-3 touch to 30ft emanation S (V (M)) Fort Pos 4d8(+32)
4S B Rockball (H+1) 2 500ft 20ft brst S V Ref B 8d6
4 Summon Fey (H+3) 3 30ft S-1min M S V
4S Vital Beacon 2 touch self day S V 4d10 → 4d8
5 Dinosaur Form (H+1) 2 self 1min S V
5 B Elemental Form 2 self 1min S V
5S Final Sacrifice (H+3) 2 120ft 20ft emanation S V Ref Fire 12d6
5S Heal (H+4) 1-3 touch to 30ft emanation S (V (M)) Fort Pos 5d8(+40)
5S Lightning Storm 3 120ft 2x 5ft brst S-1min M S V Ref Elec 4d12
5S B Rockball (H+2) 2 500ft 20ft brst S V Ref B 10d6
5S Vital Beacon (H+1) 2 touch self day S V 5d10 → 5d8
S Summon Animal/Plant (+4) 3 30ft S-1min M S V
IC Mage Hand 2 60ft S S V 20 ft speed
I1 Alarm 3 touch 20ft brst 8h M S V
I2 Longstrider 2 self S V +10 Speed
Feat Fly 2 touch 1C 5min S V Fly 20
lash +3P 1st Dinosaur Form (H+1) Elemental
-10Sp 1Rd 4th x Speed 25 Speed fly
+Immob. 5th Tail (backswing, reach 15) 4d6 B Gust 1d4 B
Staff Foot (reach 15) 4d6 B
+2 Summon BRONTOSAURUS (HUGE) Speed 20, Bu
Wand Speed 25 Fist 2d10 B
Feat Tail (reach 20) 4d6 B
Foot (reach 15) 4d8 B FIRE ELEMEN
ATTACK bon dam Speed 50
+2 Bastard +14 1d8+3 DEINONYCHUS (HUGE) Fire resistanc
Bastard +14 1d12+3 Speed 40 Weakness 5
+2 +2P Whip +14 1d4+3 Talon (agile, reach 15) 4d4P + 1 bleed Tendril 1d8 F
Jaws (reach 15) 2d10 P
FORTITUDE 18 Speed 30 Fire resis
REFLEX 17 Tail (reach 15) 4d8 P Wave, 1d12
+6 WILL 15 You can sp
Spell Att +16 TRICERATOPS (HUGE) after a hi
+4 Class DC 26 Speed 30 with the e
Horn (reach 15) 4d8 P crit + 2d6 bleed
0 No crit Foot (reach 15) 4d6 B AC 28
+10 tempor
Speed 30 Att +18 dmg
8 → 4d6 → 4d4 Jaws (deadly 1d12, reach 15) 2d12 P Acrobatics
Tail (reach 15) 2d10 B Athletics

+5 AC 27
+20 temporary HP
Low-light vision
+10 Scent 30
8 → 5d6 → 5d4 Att +18 dmg +15
Athletics +21
Form Pest Form


80 (doesn't trigger reactions) AC 24
B Speed 10
Weakness 5 to PHY
MENTAL (MEDIUM) Low-light vision
urrow 20 Scent 30
Acrobatics and Stealth +10
Athletics -4

ce 10
to cold and 5 to water
Fire + 1d4 persistent fire

Swim 60
stance 5
2 B
pend an action immediately
it to push the target 5ft
effects of a Shove.

rary HP
g +9
s (air or fire) +20
(earth or water) +20
1 H Animal Allies Summon animals to briefly attack adjacent foes. 3d4PL
2 Instant Armor Set a contingency to return your armor to you. Wand
2 Magnetic Attraction Pull items with magnetism, even disarming metal weapons. Wand
2 H Magnetic Repulsion Push metal away, defending against metal weapons and armored foes. Wand?
2 H Scorching Ray Fire one to three rays of heat and flame at different foes. 4d6x3 2d6PL
3 Mind of Menace Set a contingency to punish a foe’s mental effect and protect yourself from iWand?
4 H Petal Storm A storm of razor-sharp petals slash creatures in the area. 2d10 1min
5 H Blazing Fissure Rip a crack of magma in the earth. 10d6 2d6
5 H Flammable Fumes Conjure poisonous fumes that can explode in flame. 10d6

C H Gale Blast Damage and push adjacent creatures with air. comparar mod
5E ???

Heat metal

sim 1 5 7.5 7 7.5 26 21 22.5

120L 2 8.5 10 28 30
3 12 12.5 35 37.5
4 15.5 15 42 45
5 19 17.5 49 52.5
6 22.5 20 56 60
7 26 22.5 63 67.5
8 29.5 25 70 75
9 33 27.5
1d6PL 10 36.5 30

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