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Horse Stall Design

he stall is the basic functional openings are adequate for horse and
unit of a horse stable or shelter. A handler safety.
simple backyard pleasure horse Horse barns are commonly built
stall may at first appear different than with a ceiling height of 10 to 12 feet
a stall in a full-feature boarding oper- with 8 feet being the minimum. A low
ation, but they both provide a suitable ceiling not only inhibits air circula-
environment for the horse and han- tion, but also increases the chance
dler. Safety for handlers and horses that a horse may strike its head. In
should be a primary consideration in fact, many stables have open truss or
stall design. Comfort for the horse is rafter construction with no ceiling. In
very important, as is convenience for this case, the minimum height is the
the handler in performing chores clearance to the lowest item on which
associated with good horse care. No a horse may strike its head, such as a
matter what your management style light fixture or truss bottom chord.
or needs, the basics of a safe horse
stall are the same. Many options that
effect function and cost are available Doors
for horse stall features. times the horse’s length. The more Doors come in a wide variety of ma-
This fact sheet provides an over- time a horse spends in a stall or the terials and configurations, although
view of some basic stall features for more active it is, a larger stall size is sw inging and sliding doors are
a typical 1,000-pound horse. You justified. A divider between two stan- common (see Figure 1). Doors can
should adjust the dimensions for dard stalls may be removed to allow cover the full length of the doorway
significantly larger stall occupants. more space for a mare and foal or a opening, be divided into two panels
stall-bound horse. (Dutch door), or partially cover half
to three-quarters of the opening,
Dimensions An 8-foot-high stall partition is
standard. Partition height needs to which is more common with metal
The size of the horse and the amount be at least 7½ feet to prevent hors- mesh doors.
of time the horse spends in the stall es from getting legs over the wall. Swing doors should open into
help determine stall size. Larger Most horses can kick as high as 7 the aisle rather than into the stall.
horses require more square footage feet. An 8-foot-tall by 4-foot-wide Open swing doors decrease aisle
than do smaller ponies to be able to stall doorway opening has been the workspace but may be latched open
turn around, lie down, and get up recommendation for years; although to alleviate this problem. They also
comfortably. A 12-foot x 12-foot stall this is not often seen in stables. Stall require less hardware to function
is the standard recommendation for a door manufacturers typically supply properly, but heavy-duty hinges are
1,000-pound horse. Many stables are a doorway opening of slightly over needed to prevent sagging. Sliding
successful with stalls slightly smaller 7 feet with a 42- to 45-inch width. doors, in addition to the overhead
than this, but walls less than 10 feet These are the dimensions of the track, need a stop to prevent the door
in length are not recommended. actual open area that the horse can from opening too far and falling off
Generally, the stall wall length is 1½ pass through. These smaller doorway the track. They also need floor-level

Figure 1. Examples of stall door designs. Lighting and Ventilation

Exterior Stall Doors Lighting is important for proper care
and observation of stalled horses.
Shadows and poorly lit areas make
stall cleaning cumbersome and inhibit
observation and care. For natural light-
ing, provide a minimum of 4 square
feet of window space in each stall. Glass
windows should be either out of reach
(generally above 7 feet) or protected by
sturdy bars or mesh. Plexiglas is a good
option for window glazing.
Place electric fixtures along the
front or side walls to decrease shadows
in the stall. One fixture above the cen-
ter creates shadows as the horse comes
Interior Aisle Stall Doors to the front of the stall for observation.
A 100W incandescent or 20W fluo-
rescent are suitable electric fixtures.
Position fixtures at least 8-feet high to
minimize contact with the horse. For
further protection, provide a shatter-
proof cage, which is available at most
lighting supply stores.
All electrical wiring in the barn
should be housed in metal or hard
plastic conduit since rodents may chew
unprotected wires, creating a fire haz-
ard. Metal conduit can be used but has
the tendency to rust. Position electrical
Interior Stall Doors with Safety Gate wiring out of reach of horses, children,
and pets.
Fresh air should be available to
ever y horse for good respirator y
health. A window, which opens for
each stall, eave and ridge vents, and no
ceiling (or at least a high ceiling), will
enhance fresh air exchange. Storing
hay and bedding over the top of the
stalls is not recommended. Not only
guides to keep the lower portion the traffic path. Door latches and are these substances a fire hazard, but
in place when the horse is pawing, other clasps that can be operated they also carry allergens and inhibit
leaning, or kicking at the door. Full- with one hand are an advantage at air circulation.
length doors should have less than chore time. Position door latches Open panels on the tops of stall
3 inches of clearance under them to out of reach of horses that may find dividers and open mesh doors help
prevent the horse from getting a hoof pleasure in learning how to operate the air circulate within the stall
or leg stuck. them. Horses may try to jump over interior. Often, the stable aisles are
All doors and doorjambs need to doors that are half height (such as well ventilated while the stalls suffer
be durable, with secure latches, and a Dutch door); however, options are from stagnant air caused by poor
free of sharp edges or protrusions. available that allow a horse to hang air circulation. More information is
For example, door guides on sliding its head out yet discourage jumping. available in Horse Facilities #7, “Horse
doors should be rounded and out of Stable Ventilation.”

Figure 2. Stall cross-section showing typical dimensions and components. solid materials along the bottom 48
to 60 inches with an open panel on
top. Bars of ¾ to 1-inch diameter
pipe, or equivalent, are common.
Place bars no more than 3 inches
apart or use a heavy-gauge wire mesh
Fresh air to with approximately 2-inch openings.
each stall
Air entry at Metal electrical conduit is not strong
eaves Window enough for bars. To keep hooves from
getting stuck between the openings,
Stall guard reinforced, be sure the bar material is reinforced
so it will not bend when kicked and
unprotected window

1" diameter bars, 4" o. c.

10' Typical

allow the hoof to go through and be

7' Minimum to

Typical stall lining boards, trapped. Some horses behave better

rough cut 2' x 6' if they can not see their neighbors, in
which case, a temporary solid panel
Floor above (plywood, for example) can be in-
4' to 5'

grade stalled over the bars or mesh.

Typical Subfloor Profile
Stall floor material 4" to 5" deep
Pressure-treated Fine gravel 4" deep
wood in contact Figure 3. Partition design.
Large gravel 12" deep
with ground

Native soil

A. Solid panel (boards shown) below with stall guard

Partition Design (vertical bars shown) above.

Stall dividers are commonly 2-inch- Stall partitions should be about

thick rough-cut oak or tongue-and- 8-feet high and be flush with the
groove pine. Kicking and chewing stall sub-floor to prevent hooves from
damage is more obvious with soft- getting caught underneath. Boards
woods, with most kicking damage can be spaced up to 1½ inches apart
in the lower 5 feet of the partition. to enhance air movement between
Use pressure-treated lumber for the stalls while discouraging encounters
bottom boards in contact with the between stall occupants. With spaced
ground. Plywood (¾-inch minimum boards, use vertical center bracing B. Solid panel may be 2 x 6 boards, tongue-and-
groove lumber, ¾-inch plywood, or concrete block
width) is an alternative to boards. to stabilize the 12-foot-long wall and (shown).
Unlike boards, which may shrink, prevent the boards from breaking if
warp, or crack, plywood dissipates kicked. Horizontal wood edges are
kicks, giving it a better strength-to- vulnerable to being chewed by horses
weight ratio. For a more fire-resistant unless capped with metal.
alternative to wood, concrete (block Stall walls do not have to be solid
or poured) and stone may be used. all the way to the top. An open panel
Concrete provides strength and design at the top allows for better
durability but has been criticized for ventilation and easy observation of
its thermal characteristics, high con- the horse. It also allows horses to see C. Spaced board panel with 1½-inch air gaps be-
struction cost, and unyielding nature their companions and other barn tween boards. Panel may be totally solid (shown on
against kicks. activities to decrease boredom and left) or with stall guard (wire mesh shown on right).
Center wall board support is needed.
vices. An open panel partition has

Horse stall interiors, including hard- fast, strong animals that have all day can be tipped over. The bucket rim
ware, need to be smooth, rugged, to work on the stall components. should be positioned just above horse
and free of projections. Typical stall Choose high-quality, durable hard- chest height at nose level. This is low
fixtures include a water bucket or ware for long-term, trouble-free use. enough to allow the horse to reach it
automatic drinker, feed tub, a ring comfortably, yet reduce the chance of
for tying the horse, and optional Grain and water the horse stepping in it. Unfortunate-
items such as a hay rack or ring for Be sure to separate feed and water ly, the correct placement of buckets
a hay net/bag, and environmental stations in the stall. A horse will drop is the ideal height for manure to be
enrichment devices (toys). When grain into the water bucket as he deposited in them. Fixtures to hang
purchasing stall fixtures, consider chews his ration if it is within reach of buckets should be smooth, free of
cost, durability, ease of replacement, the feed tub. Water and feed buckets gaps, and fastened securely to the
and ease of cleaning, especially for should be fastened to the wall rather wall. An eyehook and double-ended
feed and water buckets. Horses are than placed on the floor where they snap work well for buckets with a bail

Figure 4. Typical box stall construction.

Wire out of reach and

Light fixture front or between stalls protected by conduit

42" x 7' minimum door opening

Stall guard for visibility and ventilation

Smooth interior lining

and hardware Horizontal wood edges protected
from chewing with metal
7½' to 8'
4' to 5'

Partition flush with subfloor

Durable floor with traction and some “give”

Adapted from Horse Handbook Housing and Equipment. MidWest Plan Service, Ames, Iowa. 1971.

handle. Some manufacturers provide heating the barn, providing access Tie ring
feed tubs and buckets with hardware to ground heat below the frostline, A ring for tying the horse is often
for safe and secure wall attachment. and/or using electrical heat tape on placed at or above horse wither
The hardware should be equally exposed waterlines. height. Place the ring away from the
safe whether the bucket is present feed and water buckets and toward
or not. Be sure that fasteners allow Hay feeding the back on one of the sidewalls. This
easy bucket removal for frequent The ideal way to feed forage (hay) keeps the horse secure when cleaning
cleaning. varies among owners. Hay can be the stall or grooming and tacking.
The decision to provide water fed directly off the ground, but this Be sure the wall is strong enough to
in buckets or by using automatic method allows the forage to come in withstand resistance from a horse,
watering devices is usually based on contact with waste, dirt, and to be and fasteners are smooth on both
cost and management preferences. mixed with the bedding. A corner sides of the wall.
An automatic drinker is more ex- apron of concrete can minimize
pensive than a bucket to purchase forage contact with a dirty floor. A
and install. Drinkers reduce the time primary advantage of floor feeding Flooring
needed to complete daily activities is that it allows the horse to eat in a Many stall floor options are available
but are not a watering “cure-all.” natural position. and should meet most of the follow-
Drinkers, like buckets, need to be Hay racks, hay bags, and hay nets ing requirements. Horses are hard on
checked daily to ensure that they can keep forages off the ground. flooring so it must be durable against
are free of manure and contain fresh Hay fixtures should be used with ex- pawing and use by a 1,000-pound
water. Any watering device needs to treme caution since a horse’s leg may occupant. A good floor has some
be cleaned of algae and debris on a become caught if the horse kicks or “give.” A floor that absorbs some of
regular basis. Horses will drink more rears near the rack or net. Consider the impact and weight of a horse will
water if they have a clean bucket the horse’s habits, personality, and reduce stress on the horse’s legs and
with fresh water. Buckets allow water behavior before selecting a fixture. ease foot problems. The floor should
to be easily removed from the stall When a hay rack, net, or bag is used, be nonslip to prevent injuries, espe-
for post-exercise or treatment pur- the bottom end should be at wither cially muscle pulls when the horse
poses and allow you to monitor the height for the horse. Too high and tries to stand from a lying position.
horse’s water intake. Proper drinker hay dust falls into the horse’s eyes and Slippery floors can inhibit the horse
placement is similar to water bucket nostrils; too low and the horse may from even trying to lie down.
placement in height and separation become tangled. All weld joints on Since horses have their heads
from feed tub. Some models allow racks need to be strong and smooth close to the ground for most of the
two stalls to share one drinker. with rounded corners. day, a non-odor (ammonia) retentive,
Select an automatic drinker by There is much disagreement over nonabsorbent floor is beneficial. Min-
considering the strength and main- the proper hay feeding station. A hay imize the time needed to clean and
tenance requirements of the mate- rack or net is disliked by some owners maintain the stall floor by choosing
rials that will come in contact with due to the inhalation and irritation a low-maintenance material. No sin-
the horse, the smoothness of these of hay dust and its unnatural position gle flooring material seems to have
surfaces, water refill mechanism, for a horse to eat. An alternative to a all the desirable attributes. Dirt has
and ease of cleaning. Some drinkers rack or net is a hay manger. Mangers “give” but is not durable; concrete
require the horse to lower the level of let the horse eat in a more natural is durable but has no “give.” Some
the water to refill it, whereas a refill position, are less prone to trap the of the hardness of concrete and
mechanism that requires the horse horse, and reduce dust fall. A well-de- other unyielding materials can be
nose to open a valve can be difficult signed manger is usually made of overcome by using rubber mats or
or frightening for some horses to use. wood, starts flush with the floor, and deep bedding. Sufficient bedding
Valve mechanisms can also become ends above horse chest height. Hay helps prevent sores or abrasions.
a “toy,” and some horses delight in chaff and dust can accumulate in the Rubber mats and clay can be slippery
holding the valve open and flooding bottom of the manger and must be when wet. For more information on
the stall. In colder climates, protec- removed regularly. flooring, see “Horse Stable Flooring
tion is needed to prevent waterlines
Materials and Drainage.”
from freezing and breaking. Methods
to consider include burying the lines,

By following simple guidelines that for horse stall components. For ex- presented here that address stall size,
consider both handler and horse ample, doors and flooring materials durability, and horse care. Providing
needs, you can provide a pleasant are quite variable among successful a stall of proper dimensions with a
and safe stall environment. Fortu- stables. Good, safe, and easily man- good environment is essential.
nately, there are many good options aged stables incorporate the features

Figure 5. Overhead view of horse stall features including options for doors, feed, and waterer locations and lighting fixtures.

Window with protective guard

Exterior siding (option: exterior door)

Hay Wood stall lining

station Stall divider

Feed (bucket
with eyehook Eyehook for tying/cross ties
Feed (bucket
with eyehook Separation Door
shown) of feed and (sliding
Automatic water shown)
waterer Light fixture—side option
(fluorescent shown)

Work Aisle

Latch to Optional feed Light fixture— Water

secure swing Swing door door in front front option (bucket with
door open partition (incandescent eyehook as
shown) shown)

Prepared by Eileen Wheeler, associate professor of status, sex, sexual orientation, marital or family status, pregnancy,
pregnancy-related conditions, physical or mental disability, gender,
agricultural and biological engineering, and Jennifer
Smith Zajaczkowski, senior research technologist in Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences research and extension perceived gender, gender identity, genetic information, or political
programs are funded in part by Pennsylvania counties, the Com- ideas. Discriminatory conduct and harassment, as well as sexual
agricultural and biological engineering.
monwealth of Pennsylvania, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. misconduct and relationship violence, violates the dignity of
individuals, impedes the realization of the University’s educational
The authors express sincere appreciation to Patricia Where trade names appear, no discrimination is intended, and no mission, and will not be tolerated. Direct all inquiries regarding the
Comerford, instructor in equine science, and Roy endorsement by Penn State Extension is implied. nondiscrimination policy to Dr. Kenneth Lehrman III, Vice Provost for
Young, chair and professor of agricultural and Affirmative Action, Affirmative Action Office, The Pennsylvania State
This publication is available in alternative media on
biological engineering, who offered their professional University, 328 Boucke Building, University Park, PA 16802-5901;
and horse ownership expertise to the manuscript. Email:; Tel 814-863-0471.
The University is committed to equal access to programs, facilities, © The Pennsylvania State University 2002
admission, and employment for all persons. It is the policy of the
University to maintain an environment free of harassment and Produced by Ag Communications and Marketing
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