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First and most I would like to thank God for helping me to get where I am today and my
parents for their never-ending support. I would like to thank dire dawa Institute of
Technology for providing this essential internship program. But mostly I would like to
extend my deepest gratitude to my mentors Ato Abraham mangistu. I would also like to
thank the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia for allowing me to stay as an intern in the most
amazing project and my supervisor Ato Alazar Shiferaw for his continues support. I would
also like to thank the consultant Engineers who were helpful in my stay as an intern

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Lack of implementation of self-compacting concrete in Ethiopian construction industry.

The primary objective of the study was to introduce this new technology of SCC in
different aspects of construction industry of Ethiopia & the second one was to know what
challenges becomes face if we apply this new technology in our country

The problem statement was raise based on resent information of our country, since Ethiopia
has become one of the fastest growing countries in Africa, especially the construction
industry. Large number of buildings, highways and dams like renascence dam are being
constructing. These constructions use conventional concrete which is difficult to compact
in congested reinforcement and then section such as beam–column intersection.

Conventional concrete tends to present a problem with regard to adequate consolidation in

thin sections or areas of congested reinforcement, which leads to a large volume of
entrapped air voids and compromises the strength and durability of the concrete. Using
self-consolidating concrete (SCC) can minimize the problem since it was designed to
consolidate under its own mass.

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Lack of implementation of self-compacting concrete in Ethiopian construction industry.

List of figures ………………………………………………………………………...pages

Fig 1 Composition of self-compacting concrete………………………………..…8
Fig.2 segregation due to lack of homogeneity…………………………………….29
Fig .3 Shear wall and column-beam intersection…………………………………30
Fig.4The segregation of concrete due to over compaction by vibrator…………….31

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Lack of implementation of self-compacting concrete in Ethiopian construction industry.

List of tables……………………………………………………………….pages
Table 2.1 Classification of mineral additions, EN 206……………………………11
Table 2.2 Requirements to follow for filling ability………………………………15
Table 2.3 Requirements to follow for passing ability………………………………16

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Lack of implementation of self-compacting concrete in Ethiopian construction industry.


SCC Self- compacting concrete

NCC normal compacting concrete
VMA Viscosity Modifying Agents
AEA air entraining admixtures
ASTM American Society for Standardization

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Lack of implementation of self-compacting concrete in Ethiopian construction industry.

Table of Contents
List of figures..............................................................................................................................................III
List of tables...............................................................................................................................................IV
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Background....................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Statement of Problem..................................................................................................................2
1.4 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY..............................................................................................................3
1.5 SIGNIFICANT OF THE STUDY..........................................................................................................3
1.6 Scope.............................................................................................................................................3
1.7 limitation of the study...................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................5
2. LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................................................5
2.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................5
2.2 Development of self-compacting concrete..............................................................................5
2.3 Composition of Self-Compacting Concrete....................................................................................6
2.4 DEFINITIONS..................................................................................................................................7
2.5 REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTITUENT MATERIALS AS PER EN and ACI............................................8
2.6. Technological improvement of SCC over NCC.............................................................................11
2.7. Advantages and disadvantages of self-compacting concrete.....................................................15
CHAPTER 3.................................................................................................................................................18
RESEARCHE DESIGN& METHEDOLOGY..................................................................................................18
3.1 STUDY AREA.................................................................................................................................18
3.2 Research Design...........................................................................................................................18

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Lack of implementation of self-compacting concrete in Ethiopian construction industry.
3.3 Subject of the study.....................................................................................................................18
3.4 Population of the study...............................................................................................................18
3.5 Source of data..............................................................................................................................19
3.6 Sample size and Sampling technique...........................................................................................19
3.7 Methods of Data Collection.........................................................................................................19
3.8 Instrument of data Collection......................................................................................................19
3.10 Data collection procedure.........................................................................................................19
3.11 Methods of Data analysis...........................................................................................................20
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................20
4. Data analysis and interpretation........................................................................................................20
4.1. Data obtained from questioner..................................................................................................20
4.2. OBSERVATION.............................................................................................................................27
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................................32
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION...............................................................................................32
5.1 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................32
5.3. Recommendation.......................................................................................................................33
Appendix I..............................................................................................................................................

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Lack of implementation of self-compacting concrete in Ethiopian construction industry.

1.2 Background

1.2.1 Definition
SCC Defined as: “Concrete that is able to flow and consolidate under its own weight,
completely fill the formwork even in the presence of dense reinforcement, whilst
maintaining homogeneity and without the need for any additional compaction”

Self-compacting concrete (SCC), also referred to as self-consolidating concrete, is a

relatively new concrete technology that is used in the construction industry. It differs from
normal compacting concrete (conventional mix design) in one key material property; it is
able to flow under its own weight. Because of this material property, it is able to compact
into every corner of the formwork, purely by means of its own weight and without the need
for vibrating equipment.

SCC was first developed in 1988, in Japan. The main reason for the development of this
material was the lack of skilled workers that could provide adequate compaction for the
creation of durable concrete structures (Okamura &Ouchi, 2003). The material has since
been applied for a multitude of reasons, as is the normal course of a new technology, but
the high flow ability is still the main advantage.

SCC is different than conventional concrete in that it has a lower viscosity and, thus, a
greater flow rate when pumped. As a consequence, the pumping pressure is lower, reducing
wear and tear on pumps and the need for cranes to deliver concrete in buckets at the job

The material has been described as one of the most important developments in the building
industry. It has also been noted that it (SCC) has the potential to dramatically alter and
improve the future of concrete placement and construction processes .The implementation
of SCC in Ethiopia is limited despite the wide usage of the technology in developed

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Lack of implementation of self-compacting concrete in Ethiopian construction industry.

1.3 Statement of Problem

Nowadays Ethiopia has become one of the fastest growing countries in Africa, especially
the construction industry. Large number of buildings, highways and dams are being
constructed. These constructions use conventional concrete which is difficult to compact
in congested reinforcement and then section such as beam –column intersection.

Further more conventional concrete need vibration, which results in increasing the running
cost. By considering the above mentioned things, The study was investigate the
technological & economic comparison of applying self-compacting concrete over normal
compacting concrete in Ethiopian construction project.

The problems of a different type and each must be addresses in its own manner. Then this
research was design to investigate and dig out the problems by raising the following

1. What kinds of benefit is gained by applying SCC in Ethiopia construction industry

technologically and economically
2. What are the major factors that affect the application of SC over NC in Ethiopian
construction industries?
3 How those major factors affect the application of SC over NC in Ethiopian construction
4. What solutions are taken to solve that problem?
5. What roles can universities and contractors play in order to solve the problem.

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1.4.1 General objective
 The main aim of the study was to intruders this new technology of SCC in different
aspects of construction industry of Ethiopia & the second one is to know what
challenges becomes face if we apply this technology in our country.
1.4.2Specific Objectives of the study
 The study was pursuing to identify the major reasons for the lack of implementation
of self-compacting concrete in Ethiopian construction industry.
 To indicate the role of deferent sector of construction industries such as universities
contractors and government.


The finding of this study will be expects to have the following contributions.

 Create awareness for different construction partners such as clients, consultants,

contractors, universities and government by bringing the value of SCC
technologically and economically in to attentions.
 It will help to identify the major factor that affects application of SCC in our
 Since there was no other researches done on this new technology before. It can also
serve as source for other researcher or as a stepping-stone for those who have an
interest in conducting study in the same area.

1.6 Scope

This research was conducted from the standpoint of the Ethiopian construction industry.
Global considerations was only including if it have a direct influence on the local industry.
Some constraints, limits and boundaries are applied to the study. The study investigated a
Ethiopian construction project and limits to the technological & economic aspects.

1.7 limitation of the study

In the course of the study, the researcher encountered several problems. Some of them

 Unable to use more information due to of luck lab and founds.

 Unavailability of enough knowledge about SCC in our country

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Lack of implementation of self-compacting concrete in Ethiopian construction industry.

 The study not addresses all construction industry.

 Also the some company’s not interested to answer the questioners

2.1 Introduction
The literature review was performed by investigating local and international literature
sources. This was done to enhance knowledge areas and clarify uncertainties. This
literature review aims to answer the most obvious and frequent questions concerning SCC.
The objectives of the literature review include the following:

 To familiarize the reader with self-compacting concrete

 To establish the technical characteristics of the material

 To identify the existing applications of the material

 To identify the advantages and disadvantages of using SCC

 To familiarize the reader with the material’s successful applications in Ethiopia

 To provide a general overview of a techno-economic benefits and why it needs to be

performed on SC context.

2.2 Development of self-compacting concrete

Self-compacting concrete is also known by the following terms: self-consolidating
concrete, self-leveling concrete and flowing concrete (Mehta &Monteiro, 2006; Rols,
Ambroise&Péra, 1999:261). Certain companies have also named it as a name for Lafarge’s

The development of SCC was a reaction to poor workmanship and low quality end-
products in the Japanese construction industry (Ouchi, 2000:29). It was developed in 1988
by professor Okamura at the University of Tokyo (Okamura &Ouchi, 2003). The idea was
formed in 1986, by Okamura.

From the creation in Japan, it spread through Asia and found its way to Europe in 1993.
Probably through civil works for transportation(Self-Compacting network Concrete
European Project Group, 2005).

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In North America, the use of SCC expanded from virtually nothing in the year 2000 to over
1 million cubic meters in 2002. In our continent the material was first used in South Africa
in 2002. Britain also had almost no SCC usage in 2000 and more than 400 000m³ of SCC
was used in Britain during 2008 (Jooste, 2009:18).SCC has been accepted with enthusiasm
across Europe.

2.3 Composition of Self-Compacting Concrete

Self-compacting concrete has the great advantage of comprising of materials used for the
production of conventional vibrated concretes, although it is classified within the special
concretes category. The most common recommendations such as „The European
Guidelines for Self Compacting Concrete” 2008 „ACI Committee 237– Self Consolidating
Concrete” 2007 .

Europe recommends the use of materials regulated by EN 206-1 for traditional vibrated
concrete, referring to specific standards for each component of the mixture. The American
recommendations refer to the ASTM (American Society for Standardization) standards,).

Generally, the composition of SCC may be deemed as consisting of: cement,

aggregates, additions, water, superplasticizer additives and sometimes viscosity admixture.

Paste ates
-cement -sand
-mineral additions ate



Fig 1. Composition of self-compacting concrete

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For the purposes of this specification, the following definitions apply:

2.4.1 Addition

Finely-divided inorganic material used in concrete in order to improve certain properties or

to achieve special properties. This specification refers to two types of inorganic additions:

a. nearly inert additions (Type l);

b. pozzolanic or latent hydraulic additions (Type ll)

2.4.2 Admixture

Material added during the mixing process of concrete in small quantities related to the mass
of cement to modify the properties of fresh or hardened concrete.

2.4.3 Binder
The combined cement and hydraulic addition in a self-compacting concrete

2.4.4 Filling ability (unconfined flowability)

The ability of SCC to flow into and fill completely all spaces within the formwork, under
its own weight

2.4.5 Mortar

The fraction of the concrete comprising Paste plus those aggregates less than 4 mm.

2.4.6 Paste

a fraction of the concrete comprising Powder plus water and air.

2.4.7 Passing ability (confined flowability)

The ability of SCC to flow through tight openings such as spaces between steel reinforcing
bars without segregation or blocking.

2.4.8 Powder (Fines)

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The Material having particle size smaller than 0,125 mm. It will also include this size
fraction of the sand.

2.4.9 Self-compacting concrete (SCC)

Concrete that is able to flow under its own weight and completely fill the formwork, even
in the presence of dense reinforcement, without the need of any vibration, whilst
maintaining homogeneity.
2.4.10 Segregation resistance (stability)
It is the ability of SCC to remain homogeneous in composition during transport and

2.4.11 Workability

A measure of the ease by which fresh concrete can be placed and compacted: it is a
complex combination of aspects of fluidity, cohesiveness, transportability, compactability
and stickiness.



2.5.1 General

The constituent materials, used for the production of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC)
shall generally comply with the requirements of EN 206 and ACI 237R.

The materials shall be suitable for the intended use in concrete and not contain harmful
ingredients in such quantities that may be detrimental to the quality or the durability of the
concrete, or cause corrosion of the reinforcement.

2.5.2 Cement

General suitability is established for cement conforming to EN 197-1.

The 237 ACI Committee allows the use of any type of cement regulated by the ASTM C
150, C 595 and C 1157 American standards.

2.5.3 Aggregates

Aggregates shall conform to EN 12620. The maximum size of the aggregates depends on
the particular application and is usually limited to 20 mm.
This is emphasized by the European specifications recommending the use of a maximum
size of the coarse aggregate between 12 and 20 mm, recommendation also included in ACI
237R which states that the maximum size of the coarse aggregate for SCC shall be
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determined as one class lower than the one specified in ACI 301 for vibrated concretes. In
the same time the maximum content of coarse aggregate shall vary between 28% and 32%
of the total concrete volume.

2.5.4 Powder
It is a Particle smaller than 0,125 mm contribute to the powder content.
The moisture content should be closely monitored and must be taken into account in order
to produce SCC of constant quality.
2.5.5 Mixing Water
Suitability is established for mixing water and for recycled water from concrete production
conforming to EN 1008.

2.5.6 Admixtures

Admixtures used shall comply with EN 934-2: 2000 (including Annex A), are the
superplasticizers (high capacity water reducing additives) or viscosity reducing additives
according to this code. Superplasticizers are an essential component of SCC to provide the
necessary workability.

Other types may be incorporated as necessary, such as Viscosity Modifying Agents (VMA)
for stability, air entraining admixtures (AEA) to improve freeze-thaw resistance, retarders
for control of setting.

2.5.7 Additions (including mineral fillers and pigments)

The use of additions arose from the need to produce more economic self-compacting
concretes with cement consumption as low as possible. For the production of the first self-
compacting mixtures, an increased quantity of cement and super plasticizer were used to
obtain an increase fluidity of fresh concrete and to reduce the risk of segregation during
transport and placing, fact which significantly increased the cost of concrete.

In order to eliminate these SCC deficiencies, attempts to use various mineral additions
were made, among the most popular and recommended being:
 mineral fillers
 plant waste
 silica powder
The main objective is to ensure the uniform distribution of particles within the paste and to
ensure the best cohesion possible between materials.
Type Reaction with water Examples
Inert or semi-inert Mineral
Type I fillers(limestone,
Pozzolanic fly ash EN 450
silica powderEN
Type II 13263 Page | 10
Lack of implementation of self-compacting concrete in Ethiopian construction industry.
Hydraulic blast-furnace

Table 2.1 Classification of mineral additions, EN 206

2.5.8. Mineral fillers – are regarded as being inert in the reaction with water and are
obtained by grinding limestone, they may be used to achieve a better distribution of cement
in the paste volume, this fact leading to an increase in paste density.

The embedding of the limestone filers decreases the necessary superplasticizer,

considerably increases the rheological properties and reduces the risk of concrete cracking
in the upper side due to excessive hydration, thereby making it possible to produce more
durable concretes.

2.5.9 Silica powder – may increase the stability of the self-compacting concrete mixes.
Silica fume gives very good improvement of the rheological as well as the mechanical and
chemical properties. It also Improves the durability of the concrete.

The stability of the mixture is increased by the capacity of silica powder to reduce the free
circulation of water within the concrete matrix. For low levels of replacement, 5% or less,
the plastic viscosity of the mixture decreases.

The high level of finesse and the practically spherical shape of the silica powder lead to an
adequate cohesion and to an increase in segregation resistance. Aside from these properties,
silica powder is extremely efficient in reducing or even eliminating the bleeding.

2.5.10. Fly ash – has proved to be efficient as an SCC addition, ensuring an increased
cohesion between materials and a reduced sensitivity to the variation of water content.

Since fly ash retains more water than the cement particles due to its spherical shape, its use
in self-compacting concrete mixtures may reduce both the autogenous and the plastic creep.

2.5.11. Granulated blast furnace slag - is a component material present in CEM II and
CEM III cements. The American specifications recommend the use of blast furnace slag in
accordance with the ASTM C 989 standard, specifying that before placing,

2.5.12 Stone powder. Finely crushed limestone, dolomite or granite may be used to
increase the amount of powder: the fraction less than 0.125 mm will be of most benefit.
Note: dolomite may present a durability risk due to alkali-carbonate reaction.

2.5.13. Ground Glass Filler This filler is usually obtained by finely grinding recycled
glass. The particle size should be less than 0,1 mm and the specific surface area should be
2500 cm2/g. Larger particle sizes may cause Alkali-Silica reaction.
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2.5.14 Pigments The suitability of pigments used in SCC is established in EN 12878.

2.6. Technological improvement of SCC over NCC

2.6.1 Fresh state properties

A .Rheology

Since SCC is defined as a concrete with high workability and no need for vibration, it is
obvious how this property differs from NCC.

For concrete to be considered as SCC it needs a slump-flow of more than 550mm without
significant segregation according to ACI. It also needs to reach a diameter of 500mm
within two seconds..

B .Segregation

SCC should be designed to have a good resistance to segregation. This can be defined as
the ability of concrete to remain homogeneous in composition while in its fresh state. The
viscosity of the paste in SCC is the highest among various concrete types due to its low
water to powder ratio, this characteristic should inhibit segregation of fresh concrete
(Okamura & Ouchi, 2003).

It is required that less than 20% of the mass can pass the 4.75 mm sieve. Admixtures such
as viscosity modifying admixtures can be added to the mix to increase cohesion and
segregation resistance.

C .Bleeding

Bleeding in SCC is usually less than in NCC. This is mainly due the lower water content
the higher fines content. The higher fines content is a result of higher binder content,
of cement and cement replacers, as well as an increased sand content

D. Strength development and final compressive strength

According to the European Guidelines for SCC, the strength development of SCC is similar
to that of NCC. This statement is confirmed by the EFNARC guidelines document. It states

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that SCC can be designed to fulfill the requirements of EN 206 regarding density, strength
development, final strength and durability (EFNARC, 2002:32).

E. Plastic settlement

SCC should be designed to have sufficient resistance to segregation and to be stable.

Admixtures such as viscosity modifying agents, together with the appropriate powder
content can decrease the risk of plastic settlement cracks (Self-Compacting Concrete
European Project Group, 2005).

The occurrence of plastic settlement cracks can be reduced with well-designed SCC due to
the higher flowability and better uniformity. The increased flowability ultimately causes
the cracks to be filled.

F. Plastic shrinkage and creep

Since SCC has less bleeding, the evaporation of surface water must be controlled more
diligently. Proper curing can prevent plastic shrinkage cracks from forming, but SCC will
inherently be more susceptible to this form of cracking (Miao, Tian & Liu, 2009; Wallevik
& Níelsson, 2003).

G. Long term properties and structural durability

The mechanical properties of SCC have been well researched over the last decade and a
half and fundamental cognitions of this material have been developed
These findings are by (Bennek, 2007:24; Van Keulen, 2000). They found that:

 The maturity method to predict the cube strength of NCC is also applicable for SCC
 The characteristic cube strength of SCC is at least ten percent higher than for NCC,
with the same w/c ratio
 The ratio tensile strength / compressive strength is comparable with NCC
 The Young modulus is 10-15% lower after 18 hours and about 10% lower after 28
 The shrinkage and creep deformation together, are less than or equal to that of NCC
 The transfer lengths of pre-stressed strands are comparable or better than for NCC
 The water-penetration test results did not show much difference from NCC

2.6.2. Workability of SCC

Self-compacting concrete workability can be described as the easiness with which the
concrete can be mixed, placed, compacted and finished. In terms of workability, the self-
compatibility can be defined as the ability of concrete to flow after it is discharged from the
pumps, only under the action of gravity.

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Self-compactability, as a fresh concrete property, can be described depending on several
necessities which derive from those specified above, the most important ones being:

a. filling capacity,
b. passing capacity and
c. segregation resistance

a. Filling capacity
May be described as the ability of the SCC to flow through and completely fill the gaps of
a formwork without the need for mechanic consolidation. This property is important during
the selection of the casting method and determine the distance between the points where
concrete is to be cast.

The filling capacity refers to both mixture deformability (concrete flow distance under its
own weight) and deformation velocity (flow rate).In order to achieve a good filling
capacity, concrete must observe certain conditions and present some particular properties.

1. Low friction among the particles

In order to obtain concrete with as highly deformability as possible, one may resort to
reducing the friction between the solid particles in the mix (fine aggregate, coarse
aggregate and all types of additions). In order to reduce friction between the powder-type
particles of the additions increasing the water content within the paste is not recommended.

2. High deformability paste

If we want to obtain concrete with an adequate self-compaction reducing the friction

between its content solid particles is not enough. Paste itself needs to have a good
deformability. This is attainable by adding superplasticizers which can increase
deformability without decreasing the cohesion among particles.

In conclusion, obtaining a concrete with a good filling capacity implies the close
observation of the following aspects:
Action Procedure

Reduction of friction among particles Content of coarse aggregate must be as

low as possible which implies a high
content of past
Optimal content of addition relative to the
aggregates and the cement used

Increasing paste deformability Superplasticizers

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Optimal water/powder ratio

Table 2.2 Requirements to observe in order to achieve an adequate filling capacity

b. Stability – segregation resistance

Concrete stability can be described as the ability to remain homogeneous during the mixing
and placing processes. There are two types of segregation, both are extremely important for
self-compacting concrete.

 Dynamic segregation – it refers to concrete resistance to the separation tendency of

components during formwork casting. An adequate dynamic stability is necessary
for SCC in the moment when the shape of the formwork elements implies passing
through narrow spaces.

 Static segregation – it refers to the concrete resistance against the free water flow
(bleeding), segregation or sedimentation from the surface while concrete is still in
the plastic phase, if this feature is not taken into account, great variations of the
mechanic properties can occur for the elements produced by using this concrete.

c. Passing capacity

Refers to the ease with which concrete can overcome different obstacles such as Arrow-
shaped spaces (narrowing of the cross section) without blockages.

In the case of arrow-shaped sections or in spaces where there is a short distance between
the reinforcements, the SCC is required to meet an additional requirement passing capacity,
to avoid aggregate blockages.

In conclusion, to reach an adequate flow rate we must take into account the aspects detailed
in the following table:

Action Procedure
Increase of cohesion between Low water/powder ratio
materials to reduce segregation Use of viscosity admixtures
Compatibility between free space and Low volume of coarse aggregate
aggregate sizes Limiting the maximum size of

Table 2.3 Requirements to follow in order to achieve an adequate passing capacity

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2.7. Advantages and disadvantages of self-compacting concrete

As with any material SCC can provide an advantage when used for the right application.
To know how to identify a scenario as being more favorable, one should be familiar with
the advantages and disadvantages of the material. The following advantages and
disadvantages have been identified from literature.

2.7.1. Advantages

 Increased speed of construction, such as the 20% time saving

 Cost savings due to lower labor requirements

 Secondary labor cost savings due to accelerated overall project schedule

 Increased site productivity

 Higher quality and aesthetically pleasing finishes are easier to obtain

 Improved structural durability due to better compaction

 Overall better build ability of designs

 The responsibility of concrete quality is shifted off-site to the producer of the SCC
(if ordered ready-mixed)

 Low noise levels on site

 Low dust levels on site due to absence of concrete vibration activities

 Low wear of formwork due to absence of vibration

 Safer working environment

 Freedom of shape in design

 Ability to encapsulate heavily congested steel reinforced sections with relative ease

 Higher strength concretes are possible while increasing the workability at the same

 Less cement needed due to the addition of fly-ash. This also reduces the carbon-
footprint since cement production is not environmentally friendly and fly-ash is an
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industrial by-product

 Overall energy savings during concrete placement

Reduced cast in-situ cost;

Productivity improvements – SCC increases the speed of construction, improves formed

surface finish and thus reduces repair and patching costs, reduces maintenance costs and
provides faster form and truck turn-around time.

Reduced labor costs - SCC reduce the labor demands and compensates for lack of skilled
workers to perform the rigorous work required for quality concrete construction.

Improved work environment and safety - SCC eliminates the use of vibrators for
concrete placement, thus minimizing the vibration and noise exposures and fall hazards.

Improved aesthetics - SCC reduces the number of bug holes, honeycombing and other
surface imperfections on the finished concrete surface.

2.7.2. Disadvantages

• Additional fines such as fly-ash or more cement are needed

• Moisture content should be supervised more diligently due to the sensitivity to moisture
variations such as wet sand

• SCC is sensitive to aggregate changes

• The importance of the delivery schedule can produce additional risk and pressure

• Additional formwork requirements are needed due to hydrostatic pressures. This

translates to higher formwork cost

• Increased cost of raw materials due to the addition of superplasticiser and a higher
binder content

• An overall paradigm shift is required in the supply chain to ensure all the stakeholders
understand the impact of using SCC

• There can be an additional initial cost to change or upgrade the mixing lot

• Increased sensitivity to shrinkage cracks due to the increased fines content Economic Problems

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As we have to use different super plasticizers, fillers and some new and rare materials like
nanoslica in production of S.C.C, it seems that it will be difficult to use it for economic
reasons, at least in developing countries.
Although using S.CC can considerably decrease the required manpower but this is not that
much important like it is in developed countries because manpower is relatively cheap in
developing countries.

So we must explore the ways to economize the production of S.C.C in these countries,
while the quality and durability of S.C.C can have long-term economic justifications. On
the other hand we can study about the resources of each country to find suitable and
economic materials to produce S.C.C.

For example, as coal is used as carbonaceous fuel in Europe, it is an optimum and useful
way to use the ashes of fly ash.

In some countries that have Steel Melting Industries, we can use the wastes of those
factories. IN Southeast Asia, as there is high production of rice, they use the ashes of rice
bran as economic and suitable filler. In some cases using stone dust, fine particles of
mineral limestone and glass powder is possible to make SCC economic.

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This study was conducted in Ethiopia on technological& economic benefits of applying
self-compacting concrete verses normal compacting concrete in Ethiopia construction

3.2 Research Design

This study was designed by descriptive survey methods to investigate technological&
economic benefits of applying self-compacting concrete verses normal compacting
concrete in Ethiopia construction industry. This study was used both quantitative and
qualitative research methods.

3.3 Subject of the study

The subject of the study was 4 contractors namely Rama, Afrotsion, sunshine& CSC (china
state contraction) and CBE consultants from Addis Ababa University and CBE material

3.4 Population of the study

All contractors, CBE consultants from Addis Ababa University and CBE material staff will
be select randomly. The study will conduct in Ethiopia on technological and economic
comparison of applying self-compacting concrete verses normal compacting concrete in
Ethiopia construction industry in 2009 EC. Hence, there will be those above mentioned
contractors are available near to our site and lake of funds to select all contractors as

3.5 Source of data

The source of this study includes both primary and secondary sources. The primary data
will be obtain from engineers in those contractors and engineers in CBE consultants from
Addis Ababa university and CBE material staff through questioner. In addition, the

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Lack of implementation of self-compacting concrete in Ethiopian construction industry.
secondary sources of data was obtained from different documents, previse researches,
books, and internet.

3.6 Sample size and Sampling technique

The sampling technique used in this research was random sampling technique. The sample
size was 6 by random sampling technique due to luck of fund.

3.7 Methods of Data Collection

In this study, a quantitative method of data collection was used. Principally quantitative
was collected by questioners from selected samples.

3.8 Instrument of data Collection

To make the research more precise and effective, the researcher used a proper tool of data
collection that was closed and open-ended questioner. Also the researcher use related
literature to collect data
It was the mechanism using by the researcher to conduct this study. Therefore, the
following was instruments (tools) through which the research will be complete the task.

Questionnaires was one of the mechanism through which information are obtain from those
samples. The questionnaire was prepared and disseminated to concern bodies to collect

Observation will be another method to conduct this works. This was done by observing
different site. The researcher should also observe the information that compares SCC with
NCC and take data by photos.

3.10 Data collection procedure

The questionnaire was prepared for only sample data. The questionnaire was distributed to
the engineers. The engineer was informed about the objective of the study. The engineer
response was interpreted and analyzed. Finally, the result was analyzed by comparison.

3.11 Methods of Data analysis

After gathering the data, the information was grouped in economic and technological part
interpreting in comparison between SCC&NC. Finally, possible definitions, conclusion and
recommendation were forward.

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4. Data analysis and interpretation
4.1. Data obtained from questioner
For how long self-compacting concrete it is used in your company?
The respondent company has the experience of using the self-compacting concrete for two

What are their experiences in terms of cost, time, quality and ease of use when
compared with NCC?

Experiences in terms of Cost ?

 it would increase the overall project cost.

 This cost increase is the net effect of the expense changes in the costing
subcomponents such as formwork, labor and material.

Experiences in terms of Time ?

 It was noted that time savings have been realized by using SCC. The time saving in
the precast yard was mentioned for the construction of heavily reinforced sections
such as precast columns.
 The general opinion was that the casting of bulk elements, such as raft foundations,
could be accelerated the most by implementing SCC faster construction period.

Experiences in terms of Quality ?

 The SCC will lead to higher quality finished-products in specific applications.

 These applications include, but are not limited to, ground level floors, lift shafts,
piling, water retaining structures, off shutter architectural concrete and sections with
limited access.
 The possibility of connecting SCC with a Green Star rating was mentioned as a
possible method of providing incentive for SCC usage when building an
environmentally friendly structure.
 The SCC can accommodate vertical drops better and this property will lead to a
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higher quality finished product in applications such as pile and column
 The slightly increased relative density of hardened SCC due the improved
compaction was expected to enhance the durability contractors ’specifications.
 it also has a good segregations résistance (prevents separation of particle in the mix)

 .Moderate viscosity (necessarily to ensure uniform suspension of solid particles

during transportation

Experiences in terms of Ease of use ?

 The heavy precast industry has already implemented SCC to a notable extent due to
the ease of using SCC.
 The reduced risk of rework and the ability of SCC to incorporate more admixtures
add to the ease of use of the material.
 SCC has simple passing ability it can pass through density spaced rebar
 It has an ability to fill formworks.
 When the height of the structure to be filled is higher it is advantageous to use SCC.
 It has less noise from vibrations.

What is the impact of SCC on construction processes?

 It will take a time to get more précis measurement and monitoring of the constituent
material, it also requires more trial batches at laboratory.
 Another risk that is mitigated by using SCC is that of water addition to the concrete
mix by site personnel. This potentially occurs if the concrete has low workability,
but this problem is inherently removed by SCC’s.
 Additional material attention to curing properties practices on site is needed when
using SCC due to the increased susceptibility of SCC to shrinkage cracking.

What decision criteria are implemented by contractor, client and consultant when
deciding to use SCC or not

 Contractors
 Contractors reported on using SCC mainly to construct elements with
difficult geometries, dense reinforcement or difficult access. The
contractors might also use it if they need to do a large, time constrained

 It seemed that their interest in SCC is limited to the prevention of rework

on difficult sections that is expected with the use of NCC (the rework will
cost more than the additional price of SCC).

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The General decision criteria to implement SCC by Contractors are based on the
 The quality requirement
 to construct elements with difficult geometries
 dense reinforcement or difficult access
 for a faster schedule
 environmental incentive,
 better structural integrity
 If `the height of the structure to be filled is higher and the thickness is
smaller using self-compacting is better.

 Consultants

 The consultants took different views on the matter. One approach was the
deliberate avoidance of the decision, since a structural engineer only
specifies strength and allows the contractor to decide on the rest of the
material details.

 However, for consultants who design bridges or water retaining structures,

for whom the constructability and durability plays a major role in the
design, it might be beneficial to consider SCC if it can improve the
durability or constructability of such a structure.

 Clients

 Clients can specify SCC through the architect if they prefer off-shutter
concrete. Other reasons that might lead a client to specify SCC is an
environmental incentive, better structural integrity or for a faster schedule
that might lead to a quicker turnaround on capital.

What are Challenges and additional design criteria when implementing SCC?

 Challenges

The additional challenges involved with implementing SCC, above those of NCC are.

 The realization of the risk of total material loss when the formwork leaks or fails
was h+ighly commented.
 The challenge is to mitigate this risk through design, construction and management
of the formwork systems.
 The higher moisture sensitivity of SCC is another challenge that should be managed
during construction.
 The higher moisture sensitivity of SCC needs stricter supervision during the
concrete mixing operations (regulating moisture in the sand and aggregate and
using more sensitive water measuring equipment) and during the curing operations.
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 The lack of knowledge regarding the intricate workings of the superplasticiser and
the sensitivity to poor quality formwork and release agents are other challenges that
has to be overcome in order to successfully harness the potential of SCC.

 Additional design criteria when implementing SCC

 The formwork design should be done to minimize displacements during concrete
 Vertical formwork displacement can result in openings between the formwork
panels and can lead to material loss.
 The formwork should be of sufficient strength to support hydrostatic pressures.

 The high characteristic strength of SCC can lead to non-optimal designs where the
strength outperforms the specifications.
 If the regular, lower strength formwork is used, the rate of pour should be closely
monitored and controlled to prevent the development of high hydrostatic pressures.

What labor requirements have to be considered when using SCC?

The general opinion from the industry representatives was that contractors would require a
smaller labor force when using SCC.

What are the cost impact on labor and materials if SCC is implemented?

 Material
 The concrete material cost will probably rise if the decision is made to implement
SCC. This is due to the higher binder content in a SCC mix, relative to a NCC mix.
 The higher binder content means that the cement content is higher and this leads to
an overall increase in price.
 The addition of superplasticiser is another additional cost that will increase the
concrete unit price. This price difference can be reduced by using cement extenders
such as fly-ash or slag.
 The cost of the skilled labor involved in mixing SCC will be included in the margin
if SCC is ordered from an external supplier.

 Labor
 The views regarding the cost influence of SCC on labor was that the labor savings
would not be significant in Ethiopia, because the labor in Ethiopia construction
industry is relatively cheap in comparison to the saved cost.

What are the formwork requirements and impacts if one utilizes SCC?

 The opinion regarding formwork was that the price per square meter would increase
since SCC formwork should resist full hydrostatic pressures.
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 The percentage price increase of formwork for wall elements was predicted to be
the highest of all element types.
 A decrease in the large rework expense associated with NCC off-shutter concrete
can make SCC more economical and advantageous when building according to
these concrete finishing specifications

 The formwork cost of horizontal applications was noted to be comparable with that
of NCC, but the risk associated with formwork leakage and total material loss was
emphasized for horizontal elements.
 Any formwork that must resist hydrostatic pressures will be more expensive than
standardized NCC formwork systems.
 The concrete pressure on the formwork exerts from the time of placing to the
internal stability of the structure.
 It depends on the existing vertical pressure and in the ratio of horizontal pressure, so
the formwork must resist the pressure and must stiff.

What other cost impacts have you realized when using SCC

 Numerous other expenses, besides material, formwork and labor expense, are
impacted when SCC is implemented on a construction site.
 Cost savings through the reductions in overheads, including insurance costs, were
mentioned as a consideration if a construction schedule is accelerated by using
 Rework savings on densely reinforced structures and the elimination of the need for
cracked slabs were also mentioned.
 Additional expenses if SCC is implemented include the use of higher skilled labor
to ensure the proper production of SCC and watertight formwork.
 Risks such as formwork failures and moisture variation were highlighted and how
the financial impact of the risk realization can differ if SCC is used.
 The higher cement content in SCC might increase the concrete mix, but it will have
to be weighed against factors such as the possibility of increasing the cement
extenders and lowering the energy use during placement.

Where can CNN not replaced by SCC

 In most cases SCC could replace NCC if the user possesses the correct knowledge
and skills.
 The lack of appropriate skills were commonly said to be the main reason for failed
SCC application.
 Another difficulty with SCC is when an element is designed to have an inclined
finish (e.g. for drainage), this finish is challenging to achieve with SCC due to its
self-leveling characteristics.
 SCC is a concrete that generally has characteristic compressive strengths of 40 MPa
and more. This makes it inefficient in low cost, low strength concrete applications.
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 SCC is thus over designed at low strength applications and more uneconomical than
for higher strength applications.

What changes are expected in the SCC market in future?

 In the future most of the building structural design will be complex and the
buildings will increase in many aspects.
 Mega structures will be introduced, so lf-compacting will be used frequently.

What are the major factors that affect s your company to apply SCC over NCC?
Finding the admixture is difficulty and the cost, so our company will use SCC when it is
In which structural element your company use SCC and why

 In our site we used SCC in pile construction for foundation, because the depth was
 It was unable to use vibrator and it was easier to pass through reinforcement
without blocking.
What is your suggestion for the higher education to apply this technology in our

 We suggest that the higher education in our country should understand this
technology and education related to this technology should be given
Do you think that there is enough material to apply SCC in our country?

 In our country there is no enough material to use this technology

Do you think that there is the economic impact in your company if the company
applies SCC continuously?

 YES there is economic impact on our company if the company uses SCC

What is the role of government in applying this technology in our country?

 The government supports the higher education in finance in order to make the
higher education the research center and brings the new technology in our country.
Are your company prefers NCC over SCC?

 YES our company prefers NCC

What factors affects applying SCC in our country and what is your suggestion for
wide use of SCC in country?
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 The main factors for the lower levels of SCC implementation in Ethiopia was

 The overall lowest bid tender award structure of the industry

 The lack of client knowledge about SCC
 Increased material unit cost

 Suggestion for wide use of SCC in country

 Clients need to be informed by consultants about SCC to ensure that it can be

financially viable for a contractor to use SCC and deliver a higher quality finished
 Clients should be informed about the technical advantages that SCC can have since
they have the most incentive and potential to benefit from SCC usage
What are the role of higher education to improve widely use of SCC over NCC

 The major factor is finding the admixture therefore they should have to be works on
how finding the admixture and conducts different researches on SCC.
Which one is you prefer aesthetically
 Aesthetically SCC is preferred than NCC.
Do you believe that there is enough knowledge to replace SCC over NCC in our

 There is only a limited awareness of SCC in the Ethiopia construction industry at

 We can replace it if we work on higher education, since SCC have different
advantages over NCC.
What is your suggestion toward the higher education?

 The higher education should have to be encouraging and perform this type of
research and also they should focus on practical rather than theory.

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Observation will be another method to conduct this works. This data obtained during the
observation was able to compare the SCC and NCC by the following main points.

4.2.1. Ability to resist segregation

Concrete stability can be described as the ability to remain homogeneous during the mixing
and placing processes. The following fig shows segregation of concrete due to lack of
homogeneity NCC during the mixing and placing processes.

Fig.2 segregation due to lack of homogeneity

4.3.2. Filling ability

Aggregate-aggregate friction must be brought to the lowest level by limiting the direct
contact between particles. In order to achieve this, the distance between particles must be
increased by reducing the amount of coarse aggregate or by increasing the amount of paste
in the mixture.

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Therefore, SCC can easily fill the section such as shear wall, column-beam intersection
observed on fig below

Fig 3.shear wall and column-beam intersection

4.4.3. Impacts of vibrator

The quality and durability of normal concrete directly depends on the number and the
shape of voids, so, in order to produce durable concrete, it is necessary to reduce the
amount of air that is trapped inside the concrete, which is usually done by vibrating the
concrete in the mixing stage or the casting stage. The following fig shows the segregation
of concrete due to over compaction by vibrator.

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Fig.4The segregation of concrete due to over compaction by vibrator

The above problem will be solved by using SCC since; Self-compacting concretes are
concretes that, in principle, don't require vibrating during casting. Such concretes possess
enough compactness and flow ability through gravity that during pouring they fill all the
space in the formwork.

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5.1 Conclusion

 The objective of this research was to implement self-compacting concrete

technology on a typical Ethiopia construction project. The study was conducted on
techno-economic comparison of SCC over NCC.

 The investigation into the technical properties of SCC was done through a literature
review. The technical details of SCC are well published and standards and
specifications already exist to guide the industry in the implementation of the

 The concrete mix contains more fines than NCC and the addition of superplasticiser
is the differentiating element between the production of SCC and NCC.

 The long-term material properties of SCC are comparable or better than that of
NCC. The extent of the implementation of SCC in Ethiopia is lagging behind that of
the developed nations.

 Advantages and disadvantages of SCC as with any material should be understood

before it is implemented.

 The material has improved workability and can lead to improved durability of a
structure, but SCC can be more expensive and requires higher skilled personnel in
the manufacturing process.

 In Ethiopia, The low usage of SCC compared to developed countries can be

attributed to the cost increase that SCC usage incurs for a Ethiopia construction

 The relatively cheap labor and the absence of other restrictions (such as noise limits
and strict equipment restrictions for urban areas) is a structural difference between
the Ethiopia industry and those countries with higher SCC utilization.

 The cost increase is mainly due to the increase in the cement content of SCC, due to
the higher binder content, and stronger formwork requirements. The cost of rework,
placement labor and other costs such as penalties and overheads are expected to
decrease with the implementation of SCC.

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 The structural differences, combined with the lowest tender awards structure in
Ethiopia, deprive the industry of incentives to harness more time-efficient and
higher workability materials at an increased cost.

 SCC cannot currently replace NCC with financial viability in low cost, low strength
concrete applications or for elements with inclined finishes

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5.3. Recommendation

 It is recommended to inform the clients of the potential benefits that can be realized
if SCC is implemented for a construction project.
 It is necessary that the client is aware of the quality-time-cost trade-off since the
potential benefits of the shortened project schedule and the increased concrete
quality is beneficial to the client.
 To minimize the cost increase, the incorporation of cement extenders should be
considered. Cement extenders have already been shown to work well with SCC
 It is possible to reduce the cost of using SCC further by constructing only certain
structural elements with SCC. The most beneficial elements can be identified and
the most expensive elements can be eliminated.
 The higher education in our country should understand this technology and
education related to this technology should be given.
 The government supports the higher education in finance in order to make the
higher education the research center and brings the new technology in our country.
 The higher education should have to be encouraging and perform this type of
research and also they should focus on practical rather than theory.
 Clients need to be informed by consultants about SCC to ensure that it can be
financially viable for a contractor to use SCC and deliver a higher quality finished

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1. American Concrete Institute, ACI 237R-07 Self Consolidating Concrete, (2007).

2. A. Skarendahl, “Report 033 - TC 188 Casting Self Compacting Concrete,”( 2002)

3. A. Skarendahl, “Report 023: Self Compacting Concrete - State of the Art,” RILEM TC (1784)-SCC,

4. Concrete Technology; Theory and Practice; Fifth Edition by M L Gambhir.

5. EFNARC, Specification and Guidelines for Self-Compacting Concrete,, (2002).

6. EFNARC, the European Guidelines for Self-Compacting Concrete Specification, Production and Use,

7. JSCE, Recommendation for Self-Compacting Concrete, JSCE, (2005).

8. P. Desnerck, Compressive, Bond and Shear Behavior of Powder Type Self-Compacting Concrete,
Gent: Gent University, (2011).

9. RILEM, “Mechanical Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete, RILEM State of The art Reports,”
RILEM, (2014).

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Lack of implementation of self-compacting concrete in Ethiopian construction industry.

Appendix I


The aim of this questionnaire is to collect relevant information about the technological
and economic benefit of self-compacting concert over normal concert.

I. Instruction

Please complete the questionnaires by giving details of explanation and

alternative choose as appropriate.

Part 1 Company information

Name of


Ownership: private public share company


Part 2 Respondent information

I. Your current position

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Lack of implementation of self-compacting concrete in Ethiopian construction industry.

II. Qualification: Diploma B.Sc. degree M.Sc. Degree PhD

III. Years of experience
General experience on construction industry

If SCC is use in your project answer the following questions

1. How long self-compacting concert is used in your company?

a. A, 1 year B, 2 year C, 3 year D,4 year E,5 year f. More

than five years

2. What are their experiences in terms of cost, time, quality and ease of use when compared
with NCC?

What are their experiences in terms of Cost?

What are experiences in terms of Time?
What are experiences in terms of Quality?
What are their experiences in terms of Ease of use?
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Lack of implementation of self-compacting concrete in Ethiopian construction industry.
What is the impact of SCC on construction processes?


3. What decision criteria are implemented by contractor, client and consultant when
deciding to use SCC or not

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4. What are Challenges and additional design criteria when implementing SCC?


Additional design criteria when implementing SCC?

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Lack of implementation of self-compacting concrete in Ethiopian construction industry.

5. What labor requirements have to be considered when using SCC?


6. What are the cost impact on labor and materials if SCC is implemented?


7. What are the formwork requirements and impacts if one utilizes SCC?
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Lack of implementation of self-compacting concrete in Ethiopian construction industry.

8. What other cost impacts have you realized when using SCC

9. Where can CNN not replaced by SCC

10. What changes are expected in the SCC market in future?

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Lack of implementation of self-compacting concrete in Ethiopian construction industry.

11. What are the major factors that affects your company to apply SCC over NCC
12. In which structural element your company use SCC and why
13. What is your suggestion for the higher education to apply this technology in our
14. Do you think that there is enough material to apply SCC in our country?

15.Do you think that there is the economic impact in your company if the company applies
SCC continuously?

16. What is the role of government in applying this technology in our country?
17. Are your company prefers NCC over SCC?
18. What factors affects applying SCC in our country and how they affect?

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19. What are the role of higher education to improve widely use of SCC over NCC

20. Which one is you prefer aesthetically SCC or NCC

22. Do you believe that there is enough knowledge to replace SCC over NCC in our
23. If your answer is NO, what is your suggestion?
24. What is your suggestion toward the higher education?

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