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The Rise of Gadgets

In the age of technology as it is now, parents need to introduce children with a variety of
technologies and functions early on so that in everyday life children will no longer feel foreign
in the face of various technologically advanced equipment and support everyday life.

Bany form of technological development that affects human life one of them is communication
technology that has an important role in

ourlives. There are positive and negative impacts that we can review the following.

Problem analysis
1. Is there a cause for the use of gadjet?
We can find parents buying sophisticated gadgets with models that are appropriate
or worthy of the child's wishes. The roleof old people who have a career outside the
home uses
gadgets to monitor activities and communication with children at home while mothers
who are at home such as housewives buy gadgets with the aim of distracting children so
as not to interfere with the activities of mothers in doing household
chores. Initially the goal of the

mothers succeeded incommunication and asa distraction when cooking etc. However,
fora long time the child will bebosen and active to try other features and applications
that are more interesting, namely games.

2. Is there a positive impact on the use of gadjet?

1. Human knowledge communication is increasingly widespread and advanced
different from ancient times humans communicate through the mind or feelings
then develop through writing sent by post. Now the era of globalization humans can
communicate easily, quickly, and more efficiently using
their hand-held phones.
2. Social
Gadgets have many features and applications that are right for us to be able to
share with the utilization can addfriends and can establish relationships
todistantrelatives without having to use a long time to share.
3. As the times
develop, now learning is not only focused with books
through gadgets we can access various sciences that we need.

3. What are the negative impacts of gadjet use

a. When preoccupied with gadgets children lose interest in other activities. b.
Children no longer like to hang out or play outside the house with peers. c. Children
tend to be defensive when there

is effort
/effort to reduce the useof playing video
games. d. Children dare to lie adding time to play
gadgets without limits
4. What do experts think about children who are addicted to gadgets?

Experts say that children can experience signs of childhood experiencing

elementary school and that gadgets can be the main potential that damages the child's brain
and interferes with the child's growth and development process. Based on research
conducted by leading experts, there is data that illustrates the magnitude of the impact of
children who often use their hand-held phones.

Damage that results include exposure to gadget screens and computers that
damage the child's brain to the point of brain growth and development in children to
adolescents. In addition, children will experience a lack of sleep to the ability to focus low.
Children also usually sleep during the day and do activities at night. Each use for 15 minutes
can reduce a child's sleep time by about 60 minutes to 2 hours.

Gadgets are a trend today that brings many changes in social and economic life. Regardless of
the positive and negative impacts we and our parents play a role in handling this era of
globalization. So make it as a tool not the closest person.

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