Noise Report Jan-20

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aboratory & EIA Coneultant Organization
EF R.cognlz.d, MBET OCI A.cmdiE, IAO a0O'1, ISO la00l t OHSAS lS00l C..Ul}ld)

Commercial Wing, Jog Layout, Prashant Nagar, Near Ajni Square,

-.l{u u Tel &Fax: (0712\ 2251470, Cell: 9766616862
Email: 'J,, Website:

Test Report
Ambient Air Quali{
Report No. : ELPL/QDI/TRD/5.101 AA-06/Jdi-20/220 Report Date : 27 -01-2020
Name & Address of the Customer : IWs. NCC Limited,
Nagpur Metro Railway Projec! RWS, Jamtha Cricket Stadiu&
Near Ultra Tech Plant , Wardha Road, Nagpur-440008
Ref .: NCCLNGP,4vIETRO/WO/2016-201 7 dtd. 05-01-2017
Sample Description : Ambient Air Sample Sampling Location : Near Treat Me Hospital
Sampling Ref Method :
IS 5182 (Part 14) : 2000
Environment Condition : Sunny
RA 2010 (during sampling)
Sample Inward No: ELPLI Jan-201 191/ 50/ AA-220 Latitude : 2lo 2'33.53' N
Longitude :7go 3'54.13- E

Sampling Date : From 18-01-2020 to 19-01-2020 Sampled by : ELPL Representative

Samole Receipt Date : 19-01-2020
Avg. Ambient Temp : 20 oC Prominent Wind Direction : ENE
Avg. Relative Humidity : 83 % Average Wind Speed
: 4.0 Km,{Hr

Period ofAnalysis : From 20-01-2020 to 27-01-2020

Results of
Sr. No. Test Paiameters Unit Norm ** Result Test Method
I Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) tg/m' IS 5182 (Part 2): 2001 RA 2017
80 12.4

2. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO) tdm' 80 23.9 IS 5182 (Part 6): 2006 RA 2017

3. Particulate Matter size less Fdm' USEPA - 40 CFR Part 50

100 62.7 (Appendix O)
than 10 pm ( PMro)*
4. Particulate Matter size less pdm' USEPA - 40 CFR Part 50
60 3l .5
(Appendix O)
than 2.5 um (PMz s)
5 Carbon Monoxide (CO) * mdm' IS 5182 (Part 10) : 1999 RA
4.0 0.26
2014 (Clause 5.0)
Note 1. *indicate that parameters not covered under NABL Scope of Accreditation.
2. ++ indicates NAAQS (Govt. of India MoEF Notification No. GSR826CEdtd.l6-ll-2009 as amended).
3. Test results relates to sample collected & tested. tt shall not be reproduced partially or fully without prior approval ofELPL.
4. IDstrument CalibratioD Details: Combined PMro & PM z s Sampler Make APM 250 SL. No: 50-DTE-2013. Certificate No:
LES-CC["/FF/PM/SC/I l3 Dare ofcalibration 03/04/2019, Recalibration due date 02/042020. I
Remarks: Ambient air quality is meeting the norms for above parameten

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(Lebontory Dlvlrlonl
Environmental Laboratory & EIA Consultant Organization
QCI Accrcdlted, itoEF Recogniad, NABEI OCr Accr.dn€d,lSO gttol, tSO l,(lot & OHSAS t0OtI Csruflsd)
C-11, Amar Enclave Commercial Wing, Jog Layout, Prashant Na(
ccrlncat. \o.t Tc 7s72
Nagpur-,140 015, Tel & Fax: (071212251470, Cell: 9766616862
Email :, Website:

Test Report
Ambient Air Qualit
Report No. : ELPL/QD4/TRD/5.10/ AA-061 Jan-201221 Report Date : 27 -01-2020
Name & Address of the Customer : IWs. NCC Limited,
Nagpur Metro Railway Project, RWS, Jamtha Cricket Stadium,
Near Ultra Tech Plant , Wardha Road, Nagpur-440008
Ref.: NCCL/NGP/METRO/WO/2016-2017 dtd. 05-01-20t7
Sample Description : Ambient Air Sample Sampling Location : Near Casting Yard Jamtha
Sampling Ref Method : IS 51E2 (Part 14) : 2000 Environment Condition : Sunny
RA 2010 (during sampling)
Sample Inward No:. ELPLI Jan-20/ 191 / 501 AA-221 Latirude :2lo5'33.79"N
Longitude | 7go 3'50.36"8
Sampling Date : From 17-01-2020 to lE-01-2020 Sampled by : ELPL Representative
Sample Receipt Date i 19-01-2020
Avg. Ambient Temp : 20'C Prominent Wind Direction : NNE
Avg. Relative Humidity : 83 % Average Wind Speed
: 4.0 Km/Hr
Period of Analysis : From 20-01 -2020 to 27 -Ol -2020

Results of
Sr. No. Test Parameters Unit Norm* * Result Test Method

I Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) pgn' 80 7.23 IS 5182 (Part 2): 2001 RA 2017
2. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO) pElm' 80 20.3 lS 5182 (Part 6):2006 RA 2017
3. Particulate Matter size less pmt USEPA - 40 CFR Part 50
100 5l .5
than 10 um ( PMro )* (Appendix O)
4. Particulate Matter size less pdm' USEPA - 40 CFR Part 50
60 23.6
than 2.5 um (PMr s) (Appendix O)
5 Carbon Monoxide (CO) * mgmt IS 5182 (Part l0): 1999 RA 2014
4.0 0.20
(Clause 5.0)
Note 1. *indicate that pammeters not covered under NABL Scope ofAccreditation.
2. ** indicates NAAQS (Go\4. of India MoEF Notification No. GSR 826 CE dtd.16-l l-2009 as amended).
3. Test results relates to sample collected & tested. It shall not be reproduced partially or fully without prior approval ofELPL.
4. ltrsaruEena CslibratioD Detrils: Combined PMle & PM2 j Sampler Make APM 250 SL, No: 98-DTF-2017. Certificate No:
LES-CCI-/FFPIWSC/I I l, Date ofCalibration 03/04/2019, Recalibration due date 02104/2020 I
Remarks: Ambient air quality is meeting the norms for above parameters
arthcar :e Labs Pr

\l lse


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(Iabontory lttvt.torl
Environmental Leboratory E EIA Consultant Organization
ISO 900t, r3O 11()01 I OHSAS r000r c6n i6d)

Ccnmc{le r-o.; TC 757?

Nagpur - 440 015, Tel & Fax: (07'12)
Em a il :, Website : www. ea ihcarenag p u t. com

Test Report
Ambient Noise Quality
Report No. : ELPL/QD4/TRD/5. l0/AN/Jan-20l80 Report Date : 27 -01-2020
Name & Address of the Customer : M/s. NCC Limited,
Nag:ur Metro Railway Project, RWS, Jamtha Cricket Stadium,
Near Ultra Tech Plant , Wardha Road, Napur-440008
Ref . : NCCLNGP/METROiWO/2O 1 6-201 7 dtd. 05-01-20 I 7
Sample Description : Ambient Noise Sampling Location : Near Treat Me Hospital
Sampling Ref Method :User's Manual SLM 100
Sample Inward No :ELPL/ Jan-201 19 l/50/AN-80 Environment Condition : Sunny
(during sampling)
Latitude : 2lo 2'33.53- N
Longitude i 7f 3'54.13- E
Sampling Date : From l8-01-2020 Sampled by: ELPL Representative
Results of Measurements
During Day & Night During Day Time During Night Time
Test Parameter Time (Hrly Avg) (Hrly Avg)
(Hrly Avg)
Equivalent Sound Level
58.2 64.r 52.3
Leq dB(A)

Norm** Commercial Area 65 55

indicates Rule 4 ofNoise Pollution (Regulation & Control) Amendment Rules,2000 (S.O. t 046 (E) dtd 22- l I -2000
3. Test rcsults relates to sample collected
& tested. It shall not be reproduced partially or fully without prior approval ofELPL.
4. Instrument Cslibrstion Detrils : Integrated Sound Level Meter SLM 100 S.No: 406-DTI-201 8. Cenificate No:
ECI-/ECLPL/201E-19/MECH2069 Date ofCalibralion 2l109/2018, Recalibration due dare2ll19l21l9.
flemsrks: Ambient noise quality is meeting the norms for above parameteG il
For Earthcar€ Labs Lrd.



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lA Consultant Organization
ET OCI AccEdflrd, l3O e001, ISO laofi e OflSAS l80ol cddfl.d)
C-11, Amar Enclave Commercial l/Ving, Jog Layout, Prashant Nagar, NearAni Square,
Ccnmcatc ..\-o.: TC 75?2
Nagpur - 440 015, Tel & Fax: (0712) 2251470, Cell: 9766616E62
Email:, Wgbslte:

Test Report

Ambient Noise Quality

Report No. : ELPL/QD4/TRD/5. l0/AN/Jan-20l8 1 Report Date : 27-01-2020
Name & Address of the Customer : lWs. NCC Lirnited,
Nagpur Meto Railway Project, RWS, Jamtha Cricket Stadium,
Near Ulta Tech Plant , Wardha Road, Naepur-440008
Ref .: NCCL/NGPA4ETRO/WO/2016-2017 dtd. 05-01-2017
Sample Description : Ambient Noise Sampling Location : Near Casting Yard Jamtha
Sampling Ref Method:User's Manual SLM 100 Environment Condition : Sunny
Sample Inward No :ELPLlJan-201191/50/AN-81 (during sampling)
Latitude : 2lo 5'33.79' N
Longitude : 790 3'50.36" E
Sampling Date : From l7-01-2020 Sampled by : ELPL Representative

Results of Measurements
During Day & During Day Time During Night Time (Hrly
T€st Parameter Night Time (Hrly Avg) Avg)
(Hrty Avg)
Equivalent Sound Level
Leq dB(A)

Note : I.*indicate tltat parameters not covered under NABL Scope of

2. ** indicates Rule 4 ofNoise Pollution (Regulation & Control) Amendment Rules,2000 (S.O. 1046 (E) dtd 22-l l-2000
3. Test results relates to sample collected & tested. [t shall not be reproduced partially or fully without prior approval ofELPL.
4. hstrument Calibratior Details : lntegraled Sound Level Meter SLM 100 S.No: 406-DTI-2018. Certificate No:
' ECL/ECLPLD0IS-19|MECH?O69 Dale ofcalibration 21109/2018, Recalibration due date 2ll09/2019.
Remarks: Ambient Noise level is meeting the norms at above location

( K. L. Jadhav)

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