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U2: respiratory system:

1. Sign and symptoms:

- epistaxis: nosebleed
- hemoptysis: cough up blood
- sputum: material expelled from the bronchi, lungs, or upper respiratory tract by spitting
- dyspnea: shortness of breath
- retraction: a sign that someone is working hard to breathe
- wheezes: continuous high-pitched whistling sounds produced during breathing
- pleural rub: scratchy sound produced by pleural surfaces rubbing against each other

2. Diseases:
- Pneumonia: acute inflammation and infection of alveoli
- Lung cancer: malignant tumor arising from the lungs and bronchi
- Pneumothorax: collection of air in the pleural space
- Pleural effusion: abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pleural space
- Atelectasis: collapsed lung
- Pyothorax: collection of pus in the pleural space
- Emphysema: hyperinflation of air sacs with destruction of alveolar walls
- Pulmonary edema: fluid in the air sacs and bronchioles
- Pulmonary abscess: large collection of pus (bacterial infection) in the lungs
- Pulmonary embolism: clot or other material lodges in vessels of the lungs
- Pulmonary fibrosis: Formation of scar in the connective tissue of the lungs
- Hemothorax: collection of blood in the pleural space

Tonsillectomy: removal of lymph tissue in the oropharynx

Thoracentesis: surgical puncture of the chest to remove fluid from the pleural space
Rhinoplasty: surgical repair of the nose
Thoracotomy: incision of the chest
Laryngectomy: removal of the voice box
Lobectomy: removal of a region of a lung
Thoracoscopy: endoscopic examination of the chest
Pneumonectomy: pulmonary resection

U3: endocrine system

1 components and function:
1. Gland: an organ which produces and releases substances that perform a specific function in
the body
2. Hormone: substance secreted by an endocrine gland
3. Receptor: a recognition site in the target tissues on which the hormones act
4. Endocrine gland: secretes hormones directly into the bloodstream
5. Exocrine gland: sends chemical substances via ducts to the outside of the body
6. Homeostasis: constancy in the internal environment of the body
7. Electrolyte: mineral salt found in the blood and tissues and necessary for proper functioning
of cells
1. Adrenal glands: located on top of both kidneys
2. Ovaries: located in the lower abdomen of a female
3. Pancreas: located behind the stomach
4. Parathyroid glands: 4 small glands on the posterior of the thyroid gland
5. Pituitary gland: located at the base of the brain, composed of an anterior and a posterior
6. Testes: two glands enclosed in the scrotal sac of a male
7. Thyroid gland: located in the neck on either side of the trachea

1. Adrenaline: increases heart rate and blood pressure

2. Testosterone: promotes development of sperm and male secondary sex characteristics
3. ADH: increases reabsorption of water by the kidney
4. Calcitonin: decreases blood calcium levels
5. Cortisol: secreted in times of stress, has anti-inflammatory effect
6. Estrogen: promote development of ova and female secondary sex characteristics
7. Glucagon: increases blood sugar
8. Insulin: decreases blood sugar
9. GH: stimulates growth of bones and soft tissues
10. Oxytocin: stimulates uterus contraction during labor & childbirth
1. Hypoglycemia: abnormal decrease of sugar level in the blood

2. Hypercalciuria: presence of an excess amount of calcium in the urine

3. Muscle atrophy: the loss or decrease of muscle mass

4. Polydipsia: excessive or abnormal thirst

5. Exophthalmos: protrusion of the eyeballs.

6. Amenorrhea: an abnormal absence of menstruation

7. Hirsutism: excessive hair on the face and body

1. Exphthalmometry: measurement of eyeball protrusion (as in Graves disease)

2. CT scan: X-ray imaging of endocrine glands in cross section and other views, to assess size and
infiltration by tumor

3. MRI: Magnetic waves produce images of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to locate

4. Thyroid scan: Scanner detects radioactivity and visualizes the thyroid gland

5. Ultrasound examination: Sound waves show images of endocrine organs

1. Myxedema: severe hypothyroidism characterized by firm inelastic edema, dry skin and hair, and loss
of mental and physical vigor

2. Dwarfism: congenital hyposecretion of GH that causes a person to stop growing before reaching
normal adult size

3. Diabetes mellitus: lack of insulin secretion or resistance of insulin in promoting sugar, starch, and fat
metabolism in cells

4. Acromegaly: hypersecretion of GH from the anterior pituitary after puberty, leading to enlargement
of extremities

5. Cretinism: extreme hypothyroidism during infancy and childhood leads to a lack of normal physical
and mental growth
6. Gigantism: hypersecretion of GH from the anterior pituitary before puberty, leading to abnormal
overgrowth of body tissues

U4 : reproductive system

1 .Gamete: sex cell in general

2. Menopause: the time that marks the end of menstrual cycles

3. Lactation: the production and secretion of milk by the mammary glands

4. Ejaculation: to produce a sudden flow of semen from the penis

5. Semen: a combination on fluid and sperm cells

6. Coitus: sexual intercourse

7. Gestation: the carrying of young in the uterus

8. Parturition: the act or process of giving birth

9. Gynecology: the study of the female reproductive system

10. Andrology: the study of the male reproductive system

1. Cervical erosion: cells from inside the cervical canal grow onto the outside of the cervix.

2. Leukorrhea: flow of a whitish, yellowish, or greenish discharge from the vagina.

3. Metrorrhagia: vaginal bleeding unrelated to menstruation

4. Amenorrhea: the absence of menstrual bleeding

5. Menorrhagia: menstrual periods with abnormally heavy or prolonged bleeding

6. Dysmenorrhea: pain associated with menstruation

1. Endometriosis: tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus.

2. Fibroids: benign tumor in the uterus.

3. Ectopic pregnancy: implantation of the fertilized egg in any site other than the normal uterine location
4. Placenta previa: implantation of the placenta over the cervical opening or in the lower region of the

5. Hydrocele: the accumulation of fluids in the scrotum.

6. Varicocele: enlargement of the veins within the scrotum

7. Phimosis: narrowing of the opening of the skin covering the head of the penis.

U1 : circulatory systems

Diaphoresis: excessive, abnormal sweating

Cyncope: a bluish or purplish discoloration (as of skin) due to deficient oxygenation of the blood
Intermittent claudication: uncomfortable sensation in the chest from missed heartbeat
Bradycardia: slow heartbeat
Tachycardia: rapid heartbeat
pericardial friction rub: the auscultatory sound produced by the rubbing together of inflamed
pericardial membranes
edema: an abnormal infiltration and excess accumulation of serous fluid in
connective tissue or in a serous cavity

1. epistaxis: nosebleed

2. hemoptysis: cough up blood

3. sputum: material expelled from the bronchi, lungs, or upper respiratory tract by spitting produced
during breathing

4. dyspnea: shortness of breath

5. retraction: a sign that someone is working hard to breathe

6. wheezes: continuous high-pitched whistling sounds

7. pleural rub: scratchy sound produced by pleural surfaces rubbing against each other

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