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Power System Analysis

and Design Using


Eng. TareQ FoQha

Power System Planning: TL Planning

• load forecasts in terms of annual

peak demand for the entire
system, as well as for each region
and each major present and future
• and then finding specific
alternatives that satisfy the new
load conditions. The system
performance is tested under
steady-state and contingency
Power System Planning: TL Planning

• The main objective is to

identify the potential problems,
in terms of unacceptable
voltage conditions, overloading
of facilities, decreasing
reliability, or any failure of the
transmission system to meet
performance criteria. studies
under both normal and
emergency operations.
Power System Planning: TL Planning

• After this analysis stage, the planner develops alternative plans or

scenarios that not only will prevent the foreseen problems but also will
best meet the long-term objectives of system reliability and economy.
• The effectiveness of the alternative plans is determined by load-flow, or
power-flow, studies under both normal and emergency operations.
• The load-flow programs now in use by the utilities allow the calculation
of currents, voltages, and real and reactive power flows, taking into
account the voltage-regulating capability of generators, transformers,
synchronous condensers, specified generation schedules, as well as net
interchange among interconnected systems, automatically. By changing
the location, size, and number of transmission lines, the planner can
achieve to design an economical system that meets the operating and
design criteria.
Power System Planning: TL Planning

• After determining the best system configuration from load-flow

studies, the planner studies the system behavior under fault
• The main objectives of short-circuit studies can be expressed as
1. To determine the current-interrupting capacity of the circuit
breaker so that the faulted equipment can be disconnected
successfully, therefore clearing the fault from the system, and
2. To establish the relay requirements and settings to detect the fault
and cause the circuit breaker to operate when the current flowing
through it exceeds the maximum allowable current.
Power System Planning: TL Planning

Finally, the planner performs stability studies in order to be sure that the
system will remain stable following a severe fault or disturbance. Here,
the stability analysis is defined as the transient behavior of the power
system following a disturbance. It can be classified as transient stability
analysis. The transient stability is defined as the ability of the system to
maintain synchronous operation following a disturbance, usually a fault

Unless the fault condition is cleared rapidly by circuit breakers, the

generators, which are connected to each other through a transmission
network, will get out with respect to one another, that is, they will not run
in synchronism.

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