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Understanding Data Loading

and Extraction

Oracle Learning Cloud 21D

July 2021
Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates
Confidential – Public
This document provides an overview of features and enhancements included in release <Release>. It is
intended solely tohelp you assess the business benefits of upgrading to <Release> and to plan your I.T.

This document in any form, software or printed matter, contains proprietary information that is the
exclusive property ofOracle. Your access to and use of this confidential material is subject to the terms
and conditions of your Oracle softwarelicense and service agreement, which has been executed and
with which you agree to comply. This document and information contained herein may not be
disclosed, copied, reproduced or distributed to anyone outside Oracle without prior written consent of
Oracle. This document is not part of your license agreement nor can it be incorporated into any
contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates.
This document is for informational purposes only and is intended solely to assist you in planning for
the implementationand upgrade of the product features described. It is not a commitment to deliver
any material, code, or functionality, andshould not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions.
The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described in this document
remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.
Due to the nature of the product architecture, it may not be possible to safely include all features
described in this documentwithout risking significant destabilization of the code.

2 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Table of Contents

PURPOSE STATEMENT .............................................................................................................................................2
DISCLAIMER ...............................................................................................................................................................2
Document Control .......................................................................................................................................................5
HCM DATA LOADER (HDL) OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................6
PREREQUISITE ..........................................................................................................................................................6
HCM DATA LOADER PROCESS..................................................................................................................................6
Key Types ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Supported Key Types ................................................................................................................................. 6
Source Keys .............................................................................................................................................. 7
User Keys ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Oracle Fusion GUIDs................................................................................................................................... 7
Oracle Fusion Surrogate IDs........................................................................................................................ 7
Business-Object Structure .......................................................................................................................... 8
Example Formats ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Learning HDL Business Objects .................................................................................................................... 9

LEARNING HDL OBJECTS ........................................................................................................................................ 12

Legacy Learning Item ...............................................................................................................................13
Legacy Learning Item Translation ...............................................................................................................13
Noncatalog Learning Item .........................................................................................................................13
Noncatalog Learning Item Translation .........................................................................................................13
Classroom Resource ..................................................................................................................................13
Classroom Resource Translation..................................................................................................................14
Instructor Resource ..................................................................................................................................14
Course Default Access ...............................................................................................................................16
Course Translation ...................................................................................................................................16
Offering Default Access .............................................................................................................................17
Offering Translation .................................................................................................................................18
ILT Activity .............................................................................................................................................18
Instructor Led Activity Translation ..............................................................................................................18
Ad Hoc Resources .....................................................................................................................................18
Classroom Reservation ..............................................................................................................................18
Instructor Reservation...............................................................................................................................18
Self-Paced Offering Activity .......................................................................................................................19
Self-Paced Activity Translation ...................................................................................................................19
CourseOfferingPricingDefaults ....................................................................................................................19
Offering Custom Pricing .............................................................................................................................19
Specialization ..........................................................................................................................................19
Specialization Default Access .....................................................................................................................20
Specialization Translation ..........................................................................................................................20
Specialization Section Translation................................................................................................................20
Learning Record .......................................................................................................................................20
Loading Historical Completions with both Course and Offering Completions ........................................................24

3 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Toolkit for Updating LearnerLearningRecord .................................................................................................27
Midstream Assignments ............................................................................................................................27
How to Purge Deleted Learning Records .......................................................................................................33
Learning Record Activity Attempt ...............................................................................................................34
Global Access Group Relation ......................................................................................................................35
Community Relation .................................................................................................................................35
LOADING PREREQUISITES AND OUTCOMES FOR LEARNING ITEMS ....................................................................35
Create Learning Prerequisite/Outcome ......................................................................................................36
Create Profile Relation ...........................................................................................................................37

IMPORTING AND LOADING A FILE ........................................................................................................................ 38

Effective Dating .......................................................................................................................................38

BI CLOUD CONNECTOR ........................................................................................................................................... 41

Extraction Process ....................................................................................................................................42

ORACLE LEARNING CLOUD IMPLEMENTATION .................................................................................................. 48

DATA MOVEMENT BETWEEN ENVIRONMNETS .................................................................................................... 56
CURRENT HDL LIMITATIONS .................................................................................................................................. 56
Overview ................................................................................................................................................56
Learning Record Limitations .......................................................................................................................56
Course Limitations ...................................................................................................................................57
Default Assignment Rules on a Course .........................................................................................................57
Offering Limitations .................................................................................................................................57
Resources Limitations ...............................................................................................................................57
Specialization Limitations ..........................................................................................................................58
Other Learning Object Limitations...............................................................................................................58

TROUBLESHOOTING BASICS .................................................................................................................................. 58

Steps to Run the HDL Diagnostics Report.......................................................................................................58
Troubleshooting Suggestions .....................................................................................................................59

4 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Document Control
Change Record
Date Version Changes Reference
06-Jul-21 1.1 1. Updated Learning Record Limitations.
3. Added new section for Learning Records "How to Purge Deleted
Learning Records".
4. Added new section "Import eLearning completion details with renewals"
with steps to load course completion details for latest completion of
renewal series.
5. Updated Learning Record Lookups Section.
6. Updated loading historical offering completions.
7. Added new assignment status transition (Active to Deleted) for all
learning item types.
8. Added Course/Offering/Specialization Default Access objects sections.

5 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Confidential – Public
HCM Data Loader is a powerful tool for bulk-loading and maintaining data. You can use HCM Data
Loader for data migration, ongoing maintenance of HCM data, and coexistence scenarios where core HR
data is uploaded regularly. UsingHDL, you can Insert and update Data in the Application. Hard deleting
data in the system using HCM Data Loader is supported, but it is not currently supported for Oracle
Learning Cloud.

You must have the Human Capital Management Integration Specialist job role or privileges to access
HCM Data Loader. Refer to the Human Capital Management Data loader User guide prior to reviewing
this document.


This section outlines the process of loading data in bulk, which can be from any source, by using .dat files
and the HCM DataLoader. You must follow these general steps to load in data into Oracle Learning Cloud:
1. Navigate to the Import and Load Data functionality: My Client Groups > Data Exchange >
Click the NavigationBar > Select Import and Load Data.
2. Upload the .zip file that contains the .dat file of the data object that you want to load.
3. Submit the request to HCM Data Loader to import and load the .zip file. HCM Data
Loader decompressesthe .zip file and imports individual data lines to its stage tables. In
the stage tables, related data lines are grouped to form business objects. Any errors that
occur during the import phase are reported on the HCM
Data Loader interface. HCM Data Loader calls the relevant logical object interface method
(delivered in productservices) to load valid objects to the application tables. Any errors that
occur during the load phase are reported in the HCM Data Loader interface.
4. Review any errors from the import and load phases. You can view the error messages in the
HCM Data Loaderinterface.
5. Correct errors from the import and load phases in your source data.
6. Load a new .zip file containing the corrected data.
7. Repeat this process from step 2 until all of the data is successfully loaded

Tip: You can also correct load errors interactively on the HCM Data Loader interface and resubmit any
corrected data from there.

Key Types
When planning to integrate data from one system to another, you must determine the key types that will be
used to identifyunique records. In HCM Data Loader, use these keys to identify the record that you're
creating or updating, and the parent records of the record you're creating or updating. The parent record
may be in the same data file being created, or it may have already been created and already exists in
Oracle Learning Cloud.

Supported Key Types

HCM Data Loader supports the following key types. When more than one key value exists for an object,
key references areresolved in the following order:
⚫ Oracle Fusion Globally Unique Identifier (GUID)
⚫ Source key
⚫ Oracle Fusion surrogate ID
⚫ User key

For example, if you supply both a GUID and a source key, then the GUID is used and the source key is

6 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Confidential – Public
ignored. If the sourcekey identifies a different record from the GUID, then no error is raised. The best
practice is to use source keys for both creating and updating business objects.
Note: The learning record object needs all the required fields included in an update (Surrogate ID and User Keys).

Source Keys
A source key is the ID that identifies a business object in its source system. You can use source keys when
creating or updating business objects. The best practice is to use source keys for all implementations, but
particularly for ongoingintegrations where data is maintained in the source system.

Source-Key Structure
A source key has two components:
⚫ Source-System Owner - Identifies where the data originated.
⚫ Source-System ID – The ID used in the source system. The ID must be unique for the business-
object componentand source-system owner.

Default Source Keys

If you don’t provide source key when creating an object, then the source key is created automatically. The
default source-system owner is FUSION, and the default source-system ID is the surrogate ID. You can
update the source key later using the source key business object. In the source key business object, you
supply the new source key and a reference to the object that you're updating.

Source-System Owner Values

The source-system owner value is validated against the HRC_SOURCE_SYSTEM_OWNER lookup
type. You must add your source-system names to this lookup type before loading data using source-
system references. Use the Manage Common Lookups task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to

User Keys
Regardless of whether they're enabled for integration, most Oracle HCM Cloud business objects have one
or more attributesthat make up a user key. The user key (also known as a natural key) is always visible on
the user interface. For example, on the Course and Offering detail pages there is a Learning Item ID that
is displayed that represents a User Key for these objects. When loading the offering, it should contain a
user key for the course, as the course learning item ID is mandatory for creating the offering.
User keys are part of the business object definition. They are always required when you create a logical
object, regardless ofhow you create it. User keys are recommended when:
⚫ You're referencing or maintaining an object that wasn't created with a source key.
⚫ The source-key value is unknown.
⚫ When a business object is bound by another, the user key must include the user key for its parent.

Oracle Fusion GUIDs

When you create an integration-enabled business object in Oracle HCM Cloud, a GUID is automatically
generated for the object. As the GUID is generated when you create the business object, it's suitable only
for identifying business objects thatalready exist. You can't supply a GUID when creating a business object.
The GUID, a hexadecimal value. It isn't held on the created object, but it exists in the Integration Key
Map table.

Oracle Fusion Surrogate IDs

The surrogate ID, a numeric value, is the internal system identifier that's generated when you create a
business object. Allobjects (including those that aren't integration-enabled) have surrogate IDs.
7 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction
Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Confidential – Public
The ID is also used in the Integration Key Map table to provide a mapping for GUID and source-key values.
As the surrogate ID isn't generated until the object is created, you can't use this value when creating objects.
Access to surrogate IDs may also be limited.

Business-Object Structure

Each Oracle HCM Cloud business object is a hierarchy of business-object components. At the top of the
hierarchy is the parent component, and beneath it may be child and grandchild components. Each
business-object component has multipleattributes. For example, “course” is the parent object and it has
course number, while “offering” (its child object) contains a course number along with offering number.

Figure 1. Business Object Structure

Files for objects need to be prepared in a .dat extension file format, and then zipped and loaded via HCM
Data Loader. Allthe columns in both lines should be separated by Pipe (|) operator. There will always be
one metadata line and multiple merge lines per one business object in a file.

Example Formats
(Metadata line) MERGE|COURSE|

Accessing HDL and Learning HDL Business Objects

You should add the “HCM Integration Specialist” role to the user performing the data loading so that they
have access to theImport and Load Data feature. Navigation: My Client Groups > Data Exchange > Click the
Navigation Bar > Select the Links within HCM Data Loader.
View Business Objects – This link takes you to a page where you can view all of the HCM Data Loader
business objects. Thisfunctionality allows you to see all of the objects available, download the .dat file,
and view the attributes inside the objectwith their definitions.
Import and Load Data – This link takes you to a page where you can import and load data once the .dat file is prepared.
Delete Stage Table Data – This link takes you to a page where you can delete the stage table data that is
used to store theloaded data.

8 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Figure 2. HCM Data Loader

Learning HDL Business Objects

To search for learning HDL business objects, click View Business Objects, and search using “learning” as the
string in the
Product Area search box. You should see a list of learning HDL objects similar to the screen below.

9 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Figure 3. Learning HDL Business Objects

Before you begin working on HDL items, review all available business objects on the View Business
Objects page. There could be changes to HDL business objects between updates, so it’s important to
ensure that you are getting the most up–to-date information. Refreshing ensures that the business object
information is updated in the customer pod, and when you view information about the object, it’s the
latest information for the version of software that the pod is on. To initiate this refresh, click Refresh All
Objects, and then select the Learning Cloud product area. A job runs to update the objects based on the
version of the pod.
To get information about the business structure and attribute definitions, click the object link. The object
component details display, listing information about the learning object. There is also a tree structure in
the upper left-hand corner that defines all the other objects that have a relationship to this object.

10 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Figure 4. Learning HDL Component Details
Select the Attributes tab to see information about the HDL object attributes, such as definitions, length,
key type, whetherthe attributes are required, and other relevant information.

11 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Figure 5. Learning HDL Attribute Details
To gain access to the .dat file template click the download icon from the view objects list screen.
IMPORTANT: HDL objects may change when a new update is delivered to a customer. It is important to check for HDL
changes in the What’s New documentation for each software release. You should also always gain access to .dat file
templates via the download icon from the view objects page. Don’t use .dat file templates that you find from other
sources. The .dat file template downloaded from the pod will be the most up-to-date template that works with the
current version of code on the pod.


The following objects are supported for Oracle Learning Cloud:
⚫ Legacy Learning Item
⚫ Legacy Learning Item Translation
⚫ Noncatalog Learning Item
⚫ Noncatalog Learning Item Translation
⚫ Classroom Resource
⚫ Classroom Resource Translation
⚫ Instructor Resource
⚫ Course
⚫ Course Translation
⚫ Offering Translation
⚫ Instructor Led Activity Translation
⚫ Self-Paced Activity Translation
⚫ Course Offering Pricing Defaults
⚫ Offering Custom Pricing
⚫ Specialization
⚫ Specialization Translation
12 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction
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⚫ Specialization Section Translation
⚫ Learning Record
⚫ Learning Record Activity Attempt
⚫ Global Access Group Relation
⚫ Community Relation

Legacy Learning Item

This object must be used when loading legacy LMS learning items. Legacy learning items are learning
items that will not be used moving forward but are needed for learner transcripts because they were
completed in the past. These objects will nothave any rich media learning content associated to them
because they are no longer active learning items in the catalog.
To download the .dat file for this business object: search under View Business Objects > search for “legacy
learning item” >click the download icon. Once the legacy learning item is loaded through HDL, you can
attach it to learners using LearningRecord .dat file.

General Attribute Validations

⚫ OwnedByPersonId cannot be null!
⚫ Person object not found for PersonId = <OwnedByPersonId>

Legacy Learning Item Translation

This object loads the translation of the legacy learning item to the other languages installed in the application.
The legacy learning item should be loaded before loading its translation item. To download the .dat file
for this business object: search under View Business Objects > search for “Legacy Learning Item
Translation” > Click the download icon. Thistranslation can be verified in a learner’s transcript when the
language in Oracle Learning Cloud is changed.

Noncatalog Learning Item

This object represents noncatalog courses that have been taken outside of Oracle Learning Cloud that
will need to appear on the learner's learning history. These noncatalog learning items are not backed by
any learning content in Oracle LeaningCloud.
To download the .dat file for this business object: search under View Business Objects > search for
“Noncatalog LearningItem” > click the download icon. Once the noncatalog learning item is loaded through
HDL, you can attach it to learners using LearningRecord .dat file.

Noncatalog Learning Item Translation

This object loads the translation of the noncatalog learning item to the other languages installed in the application.
The noncatalog learning item should be loaded before loading its translation item. To download the .dat file
for this businessobject: search under View Business Objects > search for “Noncatalog Learning Item
Translation” > Click the download
icon. This translation can be verified in a learner’s transcript when the language in Oracle Learning Cloud is changed.

Classroom Resource
This object creates a classroom, which is a location where an on-site instructor led activity takes place.
To download the .dat file for this business object, search under View Business Objects > Search for
“Classroom Resource” > Click the download icon. Once a classroom resource is loaded successfully, you
can verify it from the following the location in Oracle Learning Cloud:
My Client Groups > Learning > Catalog

13 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Resources > Classrooms tab. General Attribute
⚫ On Creation Title cannot be null!
⚫ On Creation Description cannot be null!
⚫ On Creation LocationId cannot null!
⚫ On Creation OwnedByPersonId cannot null!
⚫ Address details not available for LocationId = <LocationId>
⚫ Location cannot be null!
⚫ Person object not found for PersonId = <ContactId>
⚫ Person object not found for PersonId = <ownedByPersonId>

Classroom Resource Translation

This object loads the translation of the Classroom Resource to the other Languages installed in the
application. A classroomresource should be loaded before loading its translation item.
To download the .dat file for this business object, search under View Business Objects > search for
“Classroom ResourceTranslation” > Click the download icon.
You can verify it after changing the application language, and then accessing the object from the following
location OracleLearning Cloud:
My Client Groups > Learning > Catalog Resources > Classrooms tab.

Instructor Resource
An instructor is a person who teaches a group of people how to achieve learning outcomes associated to
a course. To download the .dat file for this business object, search under View Business Objects > Search
for “Instructor Resource” > Clickthe download icon. Once an instructor is loaded, you can verify it by
following location in Oracle Learning Cloud:
My Client Groups > Learning > Catalog Resources
> Instructors.General Attribute Validations
⚫ On Create PersonId cannot null!
⚫ On Create InstructorResource object already exists for PersonId = <PersonId>
⚫ On Create Provided InstructorResourceNumber is not valid!
⚫ On Create PersonId cannot null!
⚫ On Create OwnedByPersonId cannot null!
⚫ Person object not found for PersonId = <PersonId>
⚫ Person object not found for PersonId = <OwnedByPersonId>
⚫ InstructorResource object already exists for PersonId = <PersonId>
⚫ PersonId cannot be updated!

A course is instruction for an individual subject that has specific outcomes. A course has an offering or
list of offerings thatlearners can take to achieve the course outcomes, which could be skills and
qualifications. To download the .dat file for this business object, search under View Business Objects >
Search for “Course” > Click the download icon. You can load courses, offerings, activities, and reservations
through this file. Once a course file is loaded successfully, you can verify it by followinglocation in Oracle
Learning Cloud:
My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Course.

General Attribute Validations

⚫ On Create, Provided CourseNumber is not valid!
14 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction
Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Confidential – Public
⚫ On Create, Title cannot be null!
⚫ On Create, OwnedByPersonId cannot null!
⚫ Person object not found for PersonId = <OwnedByPersonId>
⚫ Trailer Video record not found for TrailerLiId = <TrailerLiId>
⚫ CoverArtFile Extension is not valid! Valid file formats are .jpeg|.jpg|.bmp|.tiff|.png|.gif
⚫ Validation Failed! EffectiveStartDate cannot be empty or null.
⚫ Validation Failed! publishStartDate cannot be after publishEndDate.
⚫ Zero and positive numbers are valid for MinimumExpectedEffort.
⚫ Only positive numbers are valid for MaximumExpectedEffort.
⚫ Validation Failed! MinimumExpectedEffort cannot be greater than MaximumExpectedEffort.
⚫ Only positive numbers are valid for MinimumPrice.
⚫ Only positive numbers are valid for MaximumPrice.
⚫ Validation Failed! MinimumPrice cannot be greater than MaximumPrice.
⚫ Couldn't retrieve learning item access properties.
⚫ CoverArtFile is not provided or couldn't read CoverArtFile.

The Course HDL object has the following Hierarchy and processing order
associated with it:ClassroomResource (Processing Order: 106030)
(Processing Order 106031)Course
(Processing Order 106060)
a. Offering (Child of Course)
i. InstructorLedActivity (Child of Offering)
1.) ClassroomReservation (Child of
InstructorReservation (Child of
InstructorLedActivity) 3.)
AdhocResource (Child of
ii. SelfPacedActivity (Child of Offering)
iii. Offering Default Access (Child of Offering)
b. Course Default
Access CourseTranslation
(Processing Order: 106061)
(Processing Order:
(Processing Order 106064)
(Processing Order 106065)
(Processing Order 106070)
c. CourseOfferingPricingComponent(Child of
(Processing Order 106075)
d. OfferingCustomPricingComponent (Child of OfferingCustomPricing)

The course object has some different characteristics than other objects. A course file can have a syllabus
description that is in rich text format, and it can also have cover art associated with it. If a customer wants
to load in rich text, they need to reference a rich text file name (like an html file) in the syllabus attribute of
the course .dat file. They would need to load inthese rich text files, called Clob files, by zipping them up in a

15 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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folder called ClobFiles and then zip this up inside the file for loading. This approach would also
be taken with the background image. It would need to reference an image file (i.e. jpg) in the CoverArtFile
and CoverArtFileName attributes of the course.dat file. They would need to load in these image files,called
Blob files, by zipping them up in a folder called BlobFiles and then zip this up inside the file for

Course Default Access

This object loads the default access properties for the course that apply to all learners accessing courses,
prior to having an access group, or an assignment.

To download the .dat file for this business object, search under View Business Objects > Search for “Course” > Click
the download icon. Once a course file is loaded successfully you can verify the course access from the following
location in Oracle Learning Cloud:
My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Course > Manage Default Access

Course Translation
This object loads the translation of the courses to the other languages installed in the application. A
course should exist before loading its translation. To download the .dat file for this business object,
search under View Business Objects > Search for “Course Translation”> Click the download icon. Once a
course file is loaded successfully, you can verify it after changing the application language and then
accessing the object from the following location in the Oracle Learning Cloud:
My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Course

You can load self-paced, ILT or blended offerings through this file. A course must exist before loading the
offering. Todownload the .dat file for this business object, search under View Business Objects > Search
for “Course” > Click thedownload icon. Once the course .dat file is loaded successfully, you can verify it
from the following locations in Oracle Learning Cloud:
⚫ My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Offerings
⚫ My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Course
> Offering Info tileGeneral Attribute Validations
⚫ On Create PersonId cannot null!

⚫ On Create InstructorResource object already exists for PersonId = <PersonId>

⚫ On Create Provided InstructorResourceNumber is not valid!
⚫ On Create OwnedByPersonId cannot null!
⚫ Person object not found for PersonId = <PersonId>
⚫ Person object not found for PersonId = <OwnedByPersonId>
⚫ InstructorResource object already exists for PersonId = <PersonId>
⚫ On Create Provided OfferingNumber is not valid!
⚫ On Create Title cannot be null!
⚫ On Create OfferingType cannot be null!
⚫ On Create OwnedByPersonId cannot null!
⚫ On Create CourseId cannot be null!

16 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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⚫ Person object not found for PersonId = <OwnedByPersonId>
⚫ Couldn't retrieve course details for CourseLearningItemId = <CourseId>
⚫ Validation Failed! EffectiveStartDate cannot be empty or null.
⚫ Validation Failed! publishStartDate cannot be after publishEndDate.
⚫ The publish start date for the offering must be later than the publish start date for the course.
⚫ Zero and positive whole numbers are valid for MinimumCapacity.
⚫ Only positive whole numbers are valid for MaximumCapacity.
⚫ MinimumCapacity cannot be greater than MaximumCapacity.
⚫ Valid values for EnableCapacity are 'Y' and 'N'
⚫ Valid values for EnableWaitList are 'Y' and 'N'
⚫ MaximumCapacity cannot be null when EnableCapacity value is 'Y'
⚫ Couldn't find the AccessPermissionId for course!
⚫ Validation Failed! offeringStartDate is mandatory for offering Type
⚫ Validation Failed! offeringEndDate is mandatory for offering Type
⚫ Questionnaire record not found for QuestionnaireCode = <QuestionnaireCode>
⚫ Default Questionnaire is not configured for this OfferingId = <OfferingId>
⚫ PrimaryLocation is mandatory for ILT and Blended Offering
⚫ PrimaryLocation is allowed for SP offering but not mandatory.
⚫ To set PrimaryClassroom to "VirtualClassroom" set PrimaryLocationId to "-1"
⚫ To set PrimaryClassroom to "Not Defined" set PrimaryLocationId to "-2"
⚫ Coordinator is mandatory
⚫ FacilitatorType is mandatory when either of PrimaryInstructorId or TrainingSupplierId is provided
⚫ Valid values for FacilitatorType are ORA_TRNG_VENDOR or ORA_INSTRUCTOR
⚫ TrainingSupplierId is mandatory when FacilitatorType is ORA_TRNG_VENDOR
⚫ Provided TrainingSupplierId should be a valid value

⚫ PrimaryInstructorId is mandatory when FacilitatorType is ORA_INSTRUCTOR

Offering Default Access

This object loads the default access properties for the offering that apply to all learners accessing
offerings, prior to having an access group, or an assignment.

To download the .dat file for this business object, search under View Business Objects > Search for “Course” > Click
the download icon. Once a course file is loaded successfully you can verify the offering access from the following
location in Oracle Learning Cloud:
My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Offering > Manage Default Access

17 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Offering Translation
This object loads the translation for course offerings. A course and offering must exist before loading the
offering translation. To download the .dat file for this business object, search under View Business Objects
> Search for “OfferingTranslation” > Click the download icon. Once the course file is loaded successfully,
you can verify it after changing theapplication language, and then accessing the object from the following
locations in Oracle Learning Cloud:
⚫ My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Offerings
⚫ My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Course > Offering Info tile

ILT Activity
An ILT offering should exist before loading the ILT activity. To download the .dat file for this business
object, search under View Business Objects > Search for “Course” > Click the download icon. Once the
course file is loaded successfully, you canverify it by following locations in Oracle Learning Cloud:
⚫ My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Offerings > Edit > Activities
⚫ My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Course > Offering Info tile > Edit > Activities

Instructor Led Activity Translation

This object loads the translations for instructor led activities. An ILT Offering and ILT activity should exist
before loading theILT activity translation. To download the .dat file for this business object, search under
View Business Objects > Search for “Instructor Led Activity Translation” > Click the download icon. Once
a course file is loaded successfully, you can verify it after changing the application language and then
accessing the object from the following locations in Oracle Learning Cloud:
⚫ My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Offerings > Edit > Activities
⚫ My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Course > Offering Info tile > Edit > Activities

Ad Hoc Resources
Ad hoc resources are unplanned teaching resources used for an on-site instructor led activity. Examples
of unplanned resources are flip charts, projectors, pens, and other such items. An ILT activity should
already exist before loading the Adhoc Resources data. To download the .dat file for this business object,
search under View Business Objects > search for
“Course” > Click the download icon. Once the course file is loaded successfully, you can verify it from the
following locationsin Oracle Learning Cloud:
My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Course > Offering Info tile > Edit > Activities > Edit the
Activity > See Other Resources Section

Classroom Reservation
Classroom reservations are classrooms reserved for instructor led activities. An ILT activity should
already exist before loading a classroom reservation. To download the .dat file for this business object,
search under View Business Objects > Search for “Course” > Click the download icon. Once Course file is
loaded successfully, you can verify it from the followinglocation in Oracle Learning Cloud:
My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Course > Offering Info tile > Edit > Activities > Edit the
Activity > See Classrooms Section

Instructor Reservation
An Instructor is the person reserved for an instructor-led training (ILT) activity. An ILT activity should
already exist beforeloading instructor reservations. To download the .dat file for this business object,
search under View Business Objects > Search for “Course” > Click the download icon. Once the course

18 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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file is loaded successfully, you can verify it from the following location in Oracle Learning Cloud:

My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Course > Offering Info tile > Edit > Activities > Edit
the Activity > See Instructors Section

Self-Paced Offering Activity

A self-paced activity is unit of teaching conducted online using content like SCORM or video. A self-
paced offering shouldalready exist before loading a self-paced offering activity. To download the .dat file
for this business object, search under View Business Objects > Search for “Course” > Click the
download icon. Once course file is loaded successfully, you can verify it from the following location in
Oracle Learning Cloud:
My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Course > Offering Info tile > Edit > Activities

Self-Paced Activity Translation

This object loads the Translations for self-paced activities. A self-paced offering and self-paced offering
activity shouldalready exist before loading the self-paced offering activity translation.
To download the .dat file for this business object, search under View Business Objects > Search for “Self-
Paced ActivityTranslation” > Click the download icon. Once a course file is loaded successfully, you can
verify it after changing theapplication Language and then accessing the object from the following location
in Oracle Learning Cloud:
My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Course > Offering Info tile > Edit > Activities

Pricing rule defaults and pricing components for offerings, set at the course level. To download the .dat file
for this business object, search under View Business Objects > Search for “Course Offering Pricing
Defaults” > Click the download icon. Once the file is loaded successfully, you can verify it by following
location in Oracle Learning Cloud:
My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Course

Offering Custom Pricing

Custom pricing rule and Custom pricing components set for offering. To download the .dat file for this
business object,search under View Business Objects > Search for “Offering Custom Pricing” > Click the
download icon. Once the file is loaded successfully, you can verify it by following location in Oracle
Learning Cloud:
My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Course > Offering

A specialization contains multiple courses grouped together as a single entity, to help learners achieve
goals that a single course cannot address. To download the .dat file for this business object, search under
View Business Objects > Search for“Specialization” > Click the download icon. Once the file is loaded
successfully, you can verify it from the following location inOracle Learning Cloud:
My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Specialization
Like the course object, the specialization object also has a hierarchy associated with it. The Specialization
HDL object has thefollowing hierarchy and processing order:
1. Specialization (Processing Order: 106080)
a. SpecializationSection (Child of Specialization)
i. SpecializationSectionActivity (Child of Specialization Section)
19 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction
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b. SpecializationDefaultAccess (Child of Specialization)
2. SpecializationTranslation (Processing Order: 106081)
3. SpecializationSectionTranslation (Processing Order: 106082

Specialization Default Access

This object loads the default access properties for the specialization that apply to all learners accessing
specializations, prior to having an access group, or an assignment.

To download the .dat file for this business object, search under View Business Objects > Search for “Specialization” >
Click the download icon. Once a Specialization file is loaded successfully you can verify the specialization access
from the following location in Oracle Learning Cloud:
My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Specialization > Manage Default Access

Specialization Translation

This object loads the translations for specializations. A specialization must exist before loading the
specialization translation. To download the .dat file for this business object, search under View Business
Objects > Search for “Specialization Translation” > Click the download icon. Once the file is loaded
successfully, you can verify it after changingthe application language and then accessing the object from
the following location in Oracle Learning Cloud:
My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Specializations

Specialization Section Translation

This object loads the translations for specializations sections. A specialization section must exist before
loading the specialization translation. To download the .dat file for this business object, search under View
Business Objects > Search for“Specialization Section Translation” > Click the download icon. Once the
file is loaded successfully, you can verify it after changing the application language and then accessing
the object from the following location in Oracle Learning Cloud:
My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Specializations > Edit > Sections

Learning Record
A learning record is the assignment of a specified learning item made to an individual learner. To
download the .dat file forthis business object, search under View Business Objects > Search for “Learning
Record’ > Click the download icon. Once thefile is loaded successfully, you can verify it from the following
locations in Oracle Learning Cloud:
⚫ My Client Groups > Learning > Learners
⚫ My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Course/Offering > Learners info tile
In HCM Data Loader, Learning Record status are only allowed to be created and updated into certain
values. The table belowdefines what these supported values are for each type of learning item and type of
learning assignment.

20 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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LearningRecord Status Create and Update Possibilities for Learning Items
























21 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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22 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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In the user interface, there are two ways that an assignment can be marked as complete:
⚫ Learner (completing manually)
⚫ Specialist (bypass complete)

If completions are loaded in HDL as if completed by a Specialist, the status will be stored as Bypass
Complete, just like it is inthe user interface. You can also include a reason code, comments, and actual
effort for the specialist HDL completions.
A course will not be allowed to go from Complete -> Delete, Withdraw -> Delete when there is an Offering in
Complete state. It is not possible to get into this state in from the UI so this will cause data corruption if
allowed. If you need to move a coursefrom Complete to Delete, then you need to make sure the offering
assignment is taken care of in HDL before the course can be moved from Complete - > Delete. This
means that the offering assignment needs to be moved to Deleted before you canmove a course
assignment from Completed to Deleted, which is now supported.
A specialization assignment can only go from completed to deleted if the specialization assignment
completion resultedfrom a bypass complete on the specialization assignment, or from a course bypass

23 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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completion or delete.

Active To Deleted Status Transition Rules

• When a Course learning record is updated from Active to Deleted status via HDL, underlying
offering learning record(s) will be also updated from Active to Deleted status.
• When an offering learning record is updated from Active to Deleted status via then parent Course
learning record will be updated to No Offering Selected status provided the offering learning
record follows the course learning record (Course learning record is the primary record). This is
similar to UI behavior.
• When an offering learning record is updated from Active to Deleted status via HDL, then Course
learning record will also be moved from Active to Deleted status when parent Course Learning
record follows the Offering learning record (Offering learning record is the primary record).This is
similar to UI behavior.

LearningRecord Status Create and Update Possibilities for Legacy Learning Items






Recommend Not Supported Not Supported

Loading Historical Completions with both Course and Offering Completions

Loading in Offering Assignment Completions and activity details. In most cases, you may just
want to migrate over course assignment completions and have these display on the learner transcripts.
However, you may also want to includeoffering assignment completions with activity completions.
Follow below steps for loading offering and activity completions along with course completion.

1. Load an Offering learning record in Active status. This step would automatically create a
course learning record in Active status.
2. Load LearningRecordActivityAttempt object to mark offering activities Completed. For more
details on this object please refer Learning Record Activity Attempt object section
3. Once all offering activities are marked completed using LearningRecordActivityAttempt
object, offering learning record status would get updated to Completed. Offering Completion
would then roll up to Course and mark the Course Learning Records as Completed.

24 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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LearningRecord Lookups


AssignmentAttributionCode This is the attribution lookup code for the assignment. This defines the
group that is requesting the assignment.
Lookup Value in the product: ORA_WLF_ASSIGN_ATTR_LOOKUP

AssignmentAttributionType The attribution type for the assignment, this defines how the assignment
was made. For example, the assignment could be made by a Learner, or
Specialist. Currently, the only supported lookup values areORA_PERSON,
Lookup Value in the product: ORA_WLF_ATTRIBUTION_TYPE

AssignmentSubType This is the assignment subtype in the Oracle Fusion system. The value
defines who initiated the assignment and is at a lower level from
assignment type. A person may have made the assignment, but that
person could be a learner or an administrator. Currently the only
supported lookup values are ORA_EVT_SUBT_ADMIN and
Lookup Value in the product: ORA_WLF_ASSIGN_REC_SUBTYPE

AssignmentType The type of assignment. For example, the assignment could be a required,
voluntary, recommended assignment. Currently, the only supported lookup
Lookup Value in the product: ORA_WLF_ASSIGN_REC_TYPE
LearningItemType The learning item type, such as legacy, course, offering, specialization,
video or tutorial. Valid values are ORA_LEGACY, ORA_COURSE,
Lookup Value in the product: ORA_WLF_LEARNING_ITEM_TYPE

LearningRecordStatus The status of the learning record. Currently, the only supported lookup
Lookup Value in the product: ORA_WLF_ASSIGN_RECORD_STATUS

LearningRecordReasonCode The reason code that is associated to the learning record when it has
been completed, withdrawn or deleted.
Supported Lookup Types:
ORA_WLF_COMPLT_RSN_SPEC (Specialist moving to Completed)
ORA_WLF_WITHD_RSN_SS (Learner moving to Withdrawn)
ORA_WLF_WITHD_RSN_SPEC(Specialist moving to Withdrawn)

25 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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ORA_WLF_REC_DELETE_RSN_SPEC (Specialist moving to Deleted)

Important Learning Record Validations:

General Attribute Validations
1. The below attributes cannot be null
− AssignmentNumber
− LearningRecordNumber
− EffectiveStartDate
− LearningItemType
− LearningItemNumber
− AssignmentType
− AssignmentSubType
− AssignedByPersonNumber
− AssignmentAttributionType
− AssignmentAttributionNumber
− AssignmentAttributionCode
− LearnerNumber
− LearningRecordStatus
− LearningRecordStartDate
2. LearningRecords are supported for only Legacy Learning (ORA_LEGACY), Course
(ORA_COURSE), Specialization (ORA_SPECIALIZATION), Offering (ORA_CLASS), Video
Learning items.
3. AssignmentType valid values are Require
(ORA_JOIN_ASSIGNMENT) and Recommended
4. AssignmentSubType valid values are Administrator
5. AssignmentAttributionType valid values are Specialist (ORA_SPECIALIST) and Self (ORA_PERSON).
6. LearningRecordTotalActualEffortUOM valid value is an hour (ORA_DUR_HOUR)
7. LearningRecordStatus cannot be updated when RENEWAL OPTION is enabled at Advanced Rules.
8. While updating LearningRecord attributes LearningItemNumber,
AssignmentType, AssignmentSubType, AssignmentAttributionNumber
should be provided as available in system.
9. If an existing Require/Voluntary offering exist in Active/Pre-Active status on any
offering associated to a course, we are not allowing to create a new assignment from
HDL. User has to first withdraw the existing assignment then they can try the HDL
load again.

Date Validations
1. EffectiveStartDate cannot be after today's date.
2. EffectiveEndDate cannot be before today's date.
3. EffectiveEndDate cannot be before LearningRecordDueDate.
4. EffectiveStartDate and EffectiveEndDate cannot be same.
5. EffectiveStartDate cannot be after LearningRecordStartDate.
6. LearningRecordStartDate cannot be after LearningRecordDueDate.
26 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction
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7. LearningRecordStartDate cannot be after LearningRecordWithdrawnDate.
8. LearningRecordDueDate cannot be null or empty
when AssignmentType is
9. LearningRecordCompletionDate cannot be after today’s date
When LearningRecordStatus is Required Complete (ORA_ASSN_REC_COMPLETE)
10. LearningRecordStartDate cannot be after today’s date
11. When LearningRecordStatus is Required Complete
LearningRecordCompletionDate cannot be null.
12. When LearningRecordStatus is Required Withdrawn
LearningRecordWithdrawnDate cannot be null.
13. When LearningRecordStatus is Required Deleted (ORA_ASSN_REC_DELETED)
LearningRecordDeletedDatecannot be null.
14. When LearningRecordStatus is Required Complete (ORA_ASSN_REC_COMPLETE)
and AssignmentType isRequired Assignment (ORA_REQUIRE_ASSIGNMENT),
LearningRecordValidFromDate is mandatory.
15. When LearningRecordStatus is Complete (ORA_ASSN_REC_COMPLETE) and
AssignmentType is RequiredAssignment (ORA_REQUIRE_ASSIGNMENT) and
RENEWAL OPTION is enabled at Advanced Rules LearningRecordExpiryDate is
16. When AssignmentType is Required Assignment
LearningRecordCompletionDate cannot be after
17. When AssignmentType is Required Assignment
LearningRecordWithdrawnDate cannot be after
18. LearningRecord EffectiveStartDate and EffectiveEndDate should be in
between LearningItemEffectiveStartDate and EffectiveEndDate

Toolkit for Updating LearnerLearningRecord

The LearnerLearningRecord object is by far the most used object for Oracle Learning Cloud
data loading. Customers want to manage Learning Records in mass and find it convenient to
use HCM data loader to help facilitate these updates. To help our customers with this we
have created two BIP reports that will pull out the LearningRecords into a LearningRecord dat
file format. Therefore, all the customer needs to do is to run the BIP report, change the data in the
file, zip up the file and then load in the updates via HCM data loaded.
One report takes a learning item number input and gets the full set of assignment records
in the correct format. The other takes assignment record number input and gets the full set
of assignment records in the correct format.
Refer to the following document on My Oracle Support, to gain access to the BIP reports, and
to the detailed instructions:Oracle Fusion Learning Cloud: How to Delete Completed Learning
Assignment with HDL (HCM Data Loader) (Doc ID 2575333.1).

Midstream Assignments
Your legacy Learning Management System (LMS) may have historical data containing future-dated
renewals, future-datedassignments, or renewal assignments that were in progress or not yet started.
Previously, it wasn’t possible to recreate thesescenarios in Oracle Learning Cloud based on how Learning

27 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Cloud initiative rules work. With this release, rules have been relaxed in HCM Data Loader (HDL) to
enable you to load renewals for initiatives for learning records that are in-flight (active,assigned in the
future), and begin the initiative renewal rules once completed.
The following changes have been made to the Learning Record HDL:
⚫ When renewals enabled in the user interface, and HDL is then loaded:
− Assignment records can be created when
LearningRecordStartDate equals/after
Initiative/AssignmentProfile StartDate.
− Assignment records with a status of Active can be created with
LearningRecordStartDate beforeInitiative/AssignmentProfile StartDate.
− Learning assignments with a status of Active can be uploaded when RENEWAL
OPTION is enabled atAdvanced Rules.
⚫ When renewals are not enabled in the user interface, and HDL is loaded:
− Assignment records with a status of Complete can’t be created with
LearningRecordStartDate afterInitiative/AssignmentProfile StartDate.
− Assignment Record with a status of Active can be created with
LearningRecordStartDate beforeInitiative/AssignmentProfile StartDate.

Steps to Enable
You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.


The following sections provide solutions for two scenarios.

Migrating Midstream Assignments from Legacy System

Step 1: Create an initiative with a dummy destination object. A destination object is how you are planning
on associating learners to initiative, so a destination could be an analysis, Org Chart etc. We recommend
that you create a dummy analysis object without any records in it and associate this to the initiative. The
purpose of performing this step is so you can get aninitiative created without any learners associated to it
so you can then access the initiative Number for the HDL data load.
When creating this initiative, make sure that Learner Reconciliation is not selected, so that learners are
not withdrawn if thescheduled reconciliation jobs are running in your environment. Because we are
loading in data and have a dummy destination object without any learners, we do not want the learner
assignments to be withdrawn when the reconciliation jobs are run. The reconciliation jobs look at the
destination object on the initiative and reconcile what assignments exist and learners in the destination. If
learners are in the destination but do not have assignments then an assignment is created, if learners are
not in the destination but have an assignment then the assignment is withdrawn. If this option is not
selected, then the job will ignore the withdrawal of learners.

28 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Figure 10. Dummy Data
Step2: Create the .dat file for Midstream Assignments and place the Initiative Number in the
Assignment Number field inthe LearningRecord.dat file. Place the Course Number in the Learning
Item Number field in the LearningRecord.dat file.

29 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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COURSE-WLF794- 070801-

Step 3: Load the LearningRecord.dat HDL file. We recommend loading the historical data assignments in
Complete statusfirst, and then loading in the midstream assignments in progress (Active) or future dated
(Not Started).

Figure 11. Load the LearningRecord.dat HDL File

30 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Figure 12. Load the LearningRecord.dat HDL File

Step 4: Add a valid destination object to the initiative and ensure that the learners that have midstream
assignments are alsopart of this destination. If they are not, the reconciliation jobs will withdraw these
midstream learning assignments due to the edit. To get around this bug you can update the filters on the
existing analysis object.
When a learner that has a midstream assignment completes the assignment, the initiative renewal rules
are evaluated, andan assignment is created based on the initiative renewal rules.

Import eLearning completion details with renewals

Earlier you could load historical course completions via HDL along with offering and activity completion
details so that learners could review the eLearning content. However, this couldn't be done in conjunction
with loading in renewals, as the midstream renewal process only supported loading in course with bypass
completions. Starting with release 21C, support has been added to the midstream renewals HDL process
to load in the completion details of the most recent completion, thereby allowing administrators to load
past renewals, continue the renewal series, and provide learners with the ability to review the eLearning
content attributed to the last completion. You can follow below steps to use this feature:

1.Create an initiative on the course with a dummy destination object. Follow the steps as mentioned in
Step#1 of section Migrating Midstream Assignments from Legacy System.

2. Prepare LearningRecord.dat file for historical course completions as mentioned in Step#2 of section
Migrating Midstream Assignments from Legacy System. However, in this case, do not include the last or
latest completion in the .DAT file. For instance, if a learner has past completions on a course for years
2018, 2019 and 2020. Prepare the LearningRecord.dat file with completions for year 2018 and 2019 but
do not include the completion for year 2020. The reason to exclude the last completion (year 2020) is that
we do not want it to be created in Bypass completed status.


31 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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3.For the last completion (Year 2020 completion in the example given in Step#2), first load the course
learning record in Active status. Course learning record will be created in No Offering Selected sub


4. Load offering learning record for the learner in Active status. This offering learning record will be
associated to the Active course learning record created in Step#3. Course learning record sub status will
be updated to Not Started.


5.Prepare and load LearningRecordActivityAttempt.dat file with Completed status mark the offering
activities complete. Provide the Course completion date for ActivityAttemptDate attribute.


After the load is successful, Offering learning record will be marked as completed which in turn would roll
up to the Course and mark the course learning record as Completed.
A new course learning record will be created in No Offering Selected Sub status as per the renewal rules
configuration of the initiative.

32 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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6. Ensure that the learner is added to the destination object of the initiative. This step is same as Step#4
of previous section Migrating Midstream Assignments from Legacy System.

Understanding ESS Jobs that run Reconciliation Process:

⚫ When UI Changes Happen on an Initiative this Job Runs and Reconciliation is done
(Adding and WithdrawingLearner Assignments)
− The Generate a List of People from Analysis Report Runs - Used for
assignments by analysis. This jobexpands the list of recipients defined by an OTBI
analysis report that is used as the source of recipients ofthe learning assignment. UI
⚫ Other Changes (HDL records loaded, Destination Object Change etc...). These need to be scheduled to be
run to
capture any non-UI related events that occur in the data that could require reconciliation:
− Evaluate Person IDs for Assignment Rule - Used to reconcile dynamic
assignments. This job synchronizes or reconciles initiatives, access groups,
community required assignments, and other dynamicassignments. It evaluates all the
destinations for these dynamic assignments and populates a table so that it is ready for
the Reconcile Dynamic Assignments scheduled process. This is the first of two jobs that
you need to run to fully reconcile these areas. The second is Reconcile Dynamic
− Reconcile Dynamic Assignments- Used for initiatives, community assignments,
and other dynamic assignments. It reads from the table populated by the Evaluate
Person IDs for Assignment Rules Scheduled Process and uses it to calculate the
set of assignments that need to be added or withdrawn.This is the second of two
jobs that you need to run to fully reconcile these areas. The first is Evaluate Person
IDs for Assignment Rule

How to Purge Deleted Learning Records

Starting from release 21C, we are providing the ability to purge or permanently delete learning records
that are present in the system in Deleted status. Learning Records in any status other than Deleted can't
be purged.
Please note that the purged learning records are permanently deleted from the database and are
not recoverable.

Purging of learning records is supported for all learning item types - Course, Offering, Specialization,
Legacy, Non-Catalog learning items and Self-Service learning items.

When LearningRecord object is used to purge a Deleted learning record, some if its related data is also
purged. Below is a list of what all data will be purged from the system:
1. Complete date effective history of the learning record.
2. Event Assignment Profile including Request Details and Assignment Rules data for the learning
record - provided the Assignment Profile is linked to only current learning record. If other learning
records are linked, Assignment Profile data will not be purged.
3. Assignment tasks related data for the learning record.
4. In case of Course learning record purge, offering learning records and their related data will be
purged. This is only in case the Course and Offering learning records are eligible for purge and
are in Deleted status.

33 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Sample .dat File for PURGE



LearningRecordPurgeFlag : A new attribute LearningRecordPurgeFlag has been added to the

LearningRecord object.
Valid values for this attribute are Y and N. LearningRecordPurgeFlag must have a value of Y when using
DELETE operation to purge a learning record.
When learning record is not for PURGE, you can provide a value of N or leave it blank.

Rules for Offering Learning Record Purge

• When a course learning record is associated with multiple offering learning records, purging ONE
of the offering assignment records will not impact the other associated offering records,
irrespective of their statuses.
• Course learning record will never be purged when offering learning record is purged.

Recommendation: If you are planning to PURGE both Course and Offering LearningRecords, it is
recommended to purge the Course LearningRecord directly as Course LearningRecord PURGE will
recursively PURGE all child offering learning records as well provided they are in Deleted status.

Rules for Course Learning Record Purge

• When a course learning record is associated with multiple offering learning records, purge of a
Course learning record, will also purge the child offering learning records along with all their
related data provided ALL offering records are also in Deleted status.
• When a course learning record is associated with multiple offering learning records, purge of a
Course learning record, will result in an error if any one of the child offering learning records is
NOT in Deleted status. Ensure that all Offering learning records must first be moved to Deleted
• When Course learning record being purged is associated with a learning initiative, other learning
records linked to the initiative will remain unaffected.

Rules for Specialization Learning Record Purge

• When the Specialization learning record being purged is associated with a learning initiative,
other learning records linked to the initiative will remain unaffected.

Learning Record Activity Attempt

An activity attempt is an event that occurs on an activity within an offering assignment, such as when a
learner attempts tocomplete a self-paced activity that is backed by SCORM content. To download the .dat
file for this business object, search under View Business Objects > Search for “Learning Record Activity
Attempt” > Click the download icon. Once the file is loaded successfully, you can verify it from the
following locations in the Oracle Learning Cloud:
⚫ My Client Groups > Learning > Learners > Select the Learning Record and Click on Manage Activities
⚫ My Client Groups > Learning > Learning Catalog > Course/Offering > Learners info tile > Select the
Learning Record andClick on Manage Activities
Note: To mark a learning record complete on a learning item, it is important to start at the lowest level child

34 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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object and then allow the system to roll up the completion logic to the parent objects. For example, if an
administrator would like to mark a specialization complete and ensure all of the specialization child objects
are complete (course, offering, activities) they should mark the activities completed by loading in the
Learning Record Activity Attempt in completion status. This will then roll up the activity completion to the
offering, which will then roll up the completion on the course, which will then roll up thecompletion to the
specialization if this is the last course needing to be completed.

Attempt Status Updates:

Global Access Group Relation

There is an HDL object called GlobalAccessGroupRelation that lets you associate global access
groups to existing catalog learning items. Use it to associate a global access group to multiple learning
items within the catalog. After the HDL dataload, when you view the learning item number in Oracle
Learning Cloud, you can see the global access group associated toit, and in order of priority.
To download the .dat file for this business object: search under View Business Objects > search for
“Global Access GroupRelation” > click the download icon.

Community Relation
There is an HDL object called Community Relation that lets you associate learning items to a community.
You can use thecommunity number to associate a community to multiple learning item numbers in the
catalog. After the Community Relations HDL load, in Learning Cloud you will see the list of learning
items (specializations, courses, and communities) associated to the community.
To download the .dat file for this business object: search under View Business Objects > search for
“Community Relation” and click the download icon.


35 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Learning Prerequisites and outcomes can be associated with learning items (courses and specializations)
using ProfileRelation object which is part of TalentProfile.dat object.
This can be done in 2 steps via HDL
1. Create Learning Prerequisite or outcome profile
2. Create the association between Prerequisite/Outcome and Learning Item

You can use TalentProfile object to perform above steps. To download the .dat file for TalentProfile navigate to My
Client Groups -> Data Exchange -> View Business Objects. Search for “Talent Profile” and click the download icon.

Create Learning Prerequisite/Outcome

For creating a Learning Prerequisite or outcome via HDL, two objects need to be loaded.
TalentProfile (TalentProfile.dat): Creates a talent profile object. The ProfileUsageCode attribute
identifies the type of usage of this object. For Learning Prerequisite, the ProfileUsageCode
should be PR. For Learning outcome, it should be L.
ProfileItem (TalentProfile.dat): Profile item is a child of TalentProfile. Multiple Profile Items can be
created for a talent profile. Each ProfileItem row represents individual prerequisite or outcome.

For example, If a course needs to have a prerequisite of English language, you need to create a
TalentProfile object with ProfileUsageCode of PR and a child ProfileItem object with content
type of language.

Sample Data
Below is the sample .dat files for creating Learning Prerequisite for the example above.

COMMENT Create profile for Learning Prerequisite

ileTyp eId|ProfileUsageCode|Summary|SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemId
MERGE|TalentProfile|Learning Prerequisite
profile||||LEARN_PREREQ_HDL_3103||A|2|PR|This is a Prerequisiteprofile|HCMQA-

COMMENT Create Profile Item for Prerequisite profile with Language= English
36 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction
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ProvinceId|Sec tionId|SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemId

For ProfileItem creation, we can use this document to understand what attributes need to be updated for a
particularcontent type.
The SourceSystemId of TalentProfile object acts a parent (ProfileId) for ProfileItem object.

Below is the sample .dat files for creating Learning outcomes similar to Prerequisite.

COMMENT Create profile for Learning Outcome

ileTyp eId|ProfileUsageCode|Summary|SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemId
MERGE|TalentProfile|Learning outcome profile||||LEARN_OUTCOME_HDL_3103||A|1|L|This is a
learning outcomeprofile|HCMQA-001|TPPR050420212

COMMENT Create Profile Item for Learning outcome

ProvinceId|Sec tionId|SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemId

Create Profile Relation

Using ProfileRelation object we can associate Learning Prerequisite and outcome created in above
section to a course orspecialization. Below is the sample dat file for the same.

COMMENT Profile Relation - Associate Learning Prerequisite profile to a learning item


37 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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MERGE|ProfileRelation||2021/03/17| TPPR050420211||HCMQA-

COMMENT Profile Relation - Associate Learning outcome profile to a learning item

MERGE|ProfileRelation||2021/03/17| TPPR050420212||HCMQA-

The SourceSystemId of TalentProfile acts a parent (ProfileId) for ProfileRelation object.

RelationCode should be provided as LEARN_PREREQUISITE for associating a Learning Prerequisite. For
associating a Learning Outcome RelationCode should be provided as LEARNING_ITEM.


Effective Dating
It’s important to think through what effective dates to use when loading using HCM Data Loader. The
Effective Start andEffective End dates you choose can have large effects on how the Learning Cloud
features work.
A common issue that arises with effective dating is sometimes child objects have effective start dates that
are not within the bounds of the parent object effective start dates. The child object effective start date
(ESD) must be inside the bounds of the parent object effective start dates. It is also important to note that
when a user updates an object in the user interface, theeffective dates change for this object. This can also
cause problems with HDL loads after updates are made on the object.
Let’s look at a simple scenario to see how effective dates change in the backend on Course A: Course A
was entered into thesystem on 01/01/2020 via HDL with an ESD of 01/01/2020 and an EED of end of
time. Then on 01/10/2020 Course A wasupdated in the User Interface by User A. You can see the impact
of the updated by User A in the second table, the records split, and you now have two records for
Course A in the backend.


HDL Load (Create 01/01/2020 01/01/2020 (Populated InHDL End of Time (Populated in HDL
Course A) file) file)


UI Update 01/10/2020

Outcome of Update 01/01/2020 01/09/2020

38 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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01/10/2020 End of Time

Now let’s say that on 02/10/2020 Course A was updated by HDL with an effective start date of 02/10/2020.
A new record is created with this new record. HDL Update. Please note when the same Effective Start /
End Date used on a record that exitsin the system for Course A, the record will not split, and it will update
the row. If the user provides an Effective Start Date post current Effective start date it will split the


HDL Update w/ ESD 02/10/2020

Outcome of Update 01/01/2020 01/09/2020

01/10/2020 02/09/2020

02/10/2020 End of Time

State of Course A


Original HDL Create 01/01 01/01/2020 01/09/2020

UI Update (split) 01/10 01/10/2020 02/09/2020

HDL Load 2/10 02/10/2020 End Of Time

What would happen if Offering Z that is associated to Course A was now loaded into the system? It
would be important to understand what the effective date bounds are for the parent object, in this case
Course A. To determine the parent boundsyou would find the earliest effective start date from all the
splits and the latest effective end date from al the rows. This would be effective start date = 01/01/2020
(Earliest Effective Start Date) and effective end date = End of Time (Latest Effective End Date).

39 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Offering Z is loaded in via HDL with a Creation Effective Start Date of:
Start of Time – FAIL: This will fail because Offering Z is falling outside the parent effective date bounds.
Start of time isbefore 01/01/2020
12/25/2019 – FAIL – This will fail because Offering Z is falling outside the parent effective date bounds.
Start of time isbefore 01/01/2020
01/08/2020 - PASS – This will pass because Offering Z is falling within the parent effective date bounds.
01/08/2020 isgreater than 01/01/2020
02/02/2020 – PASS - This will pass because Offering Z is falling within the parent effective date bounds.
02/02/2020 isgreater than 01/01/2020
02/11/2020 - PASS - This will pass because Offering Z is falling within the parent effective date bounds.
02/11/2020 isgreater than 01/01/2020
Recommendation: This will avoid HDL data loading problems on child
objects in the future.Set the effective start and end date as follows:
ALWAYS Set Effective Start Date = Start of Time = 01/01/1900
Effective End Date = End of Time = 12/31/4712. Note: Setting the Effective End Date is optional. If no value
is assigned, the Effective End Date will default to the end of time
If no value is assigned during the HDL services content load:
The Effective Start Date will default to the .date of
the content load.The Effective End Date will default
to the end of time.
REST Setting the Effective Start Date and Effective End Date is optional.
If no value is assigned, during the REST services rich media content load, the Effective Start Date will
default the EffectiveStart Date to the date of the rich media content load, and the Effective End Date will
default to the end of time.
HDL Error: Content Effective Start Date Today, Load Activity Effective Start Date to Beginning of time.

curl -vs -u 'TM-MFITZIMMONS:Welcome1' -H 'Content-Type:

application/' -d"@VideoContentPayload.txt" -H "Effective-Of:
RangeStartDate=2015-01-01;RangeEndDate=4712-12-31" https://fuscdrmsmc245-fa-
Another example is to make sure you don’t have gaps in your effective dates. For example, during
implementation, a self-paced activity is loaded with an Effective Start Date of “Start of Time” and an End
Date of January 1, 2019. Next, the contentis loaded with an Effective Start Date and Effective End Date
that falls outside of the effective dating of the self-paced activity (For example Effective Start Date is July
1, 2019 and has an Effective End date of “End of Time”). In this scenario, there is a gap of 6 months
between the self-paced activity effective dates and the content item effective dates. When users view this
in the user interface, the offering displays to them, but the content does not show to the learner,
because the content and offering dates don’t overlap.

40 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Figure 13. Effective Dating

The BI Cloud Connector console can be used to extract data in bulk and store it in a shared resource
like the Fusion SaaSbuilt-in UCM server or a Storage Cloud. The data is extracted in CSV format and can
be downloaded from the cloud storageto local resources. It can be then processed and transformed as
desired before being loaded into Data Warehouses or otherdatabases.
The high-level architecture of BICC is shown below:

Access Provisioning
In order to extract data using BICC user should have access to the BICC console.
access to offerings and datastores. ESS Administrator Role is needed to create and manage extract
schedules. If UCM is configured as the external storage, additional access is required to view and
download the extracted data files generated by BICC in the UCM server
Refer to online documentation for more information:

Configure External Storage

Login to the BICC console and click on Configure External Storage from the menu items. Select the
storage type and enterthe relevant connection details. Test the connection to ensure all details are entered
41 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction
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Supported storage types are:
• Oracle Storage Cloud Service, including Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC)
• Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
• Universal Content Management (UCM)

Extraction Process
Below is a high-level diagram depicting the extraction process.

Business Intelligence data can be extracted by the using Public View Objects. These are called data
stores. BICC design supports replication of View Objects to csv data file with column selections and basic
filtering support. If the data needs to beextracted from multiple VO's, it is to be noted that there is no join
condition between the VO's. therefore, you will need to create a program to transform the data from
multiple VO’s, if this is your desired outcome.

Add a Data Store to offering

For extracting data from a data store (view object), it should be added to an offering if not already present.
Below are thesteps to add a data store to an offering
1. Navigate to Manage offerings and data stores from right navigation menu in BICC Console
and select HumanResources offering or create a new offering.

2. In the Data Stores for offering page, click on add data store button.

42 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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3. Enter the data store details, select offerings in the section below and Save the changes

4. Click on Select Columns in next screen to select the columns for extraction along with Primary
key and IncrementalKey for incremental loads.

43 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Keys to be selected are given in the table below along with list of supported view objects (data stores)

Subject Area Data Store

Workforce HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearningEvtAtmptPVO
Learning -
Learning Content Primary Key
Items Real Time EventAttemptPEOEventAttemptId

Incremental Key

Effective Start Date attribute

N/A - Does not support date effectivity

Creation date attribute


Workforce HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearningItemContentPVO
Learning -
Learning Content Primary Key
Items Real Time LearningItemDEOLearningItemId

Incremental Key

Effective Start Date attribute


Creation date attribute

Workforce HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearningItemPVO
Learning -
Learning Content Primary Key
Items Real Time LearningItemDEOLearningItemId

Incremental Key

Effective Start Date attribute


Creation date attribute


44 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Workforce HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearnerLearningOfferingPVO
Learning -
Learning Records Primary Key
Real Time ParentAssignmentRecordId

45 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Subject Area Data Store

Incremental Key

Effective Start Date attribute


Creation date attribute

Workforce HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearnerLearningPVO
Learning -
Learning Records Primary Key
Real Time AsignRecDEOAssignmentRecordId

Incremental Key

Effective Start Date attribute


Creation date attribute

Workforce HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.PersonDetailsVO
Learning - Primary Key
Learning Records PersonId
Real Time
Incremental KeyNot

Effective Start Date attribute

Not Present

Creation date attribute

Not Present

46 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Workforce HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearnerLearningCompletionDetailsPVO
Learning -
Learning Records Primary Key
Real Time activityTaskId

Incremental Key

Effective Start Date attribute


Creation date attribute


List of not supported VO’s which are visible in UI:

Subject Area Data Store (VO)

Workforce Learning - 1. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.ActivitiesPVO
Learning Management 2. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.AssignmentRulesPVO
Real Time 3. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.AssignmentTasksPVO
4. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.ClassPVO
5. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.ContentRootPVO
6. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.CoursePVO
7. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.EventAssignmentDestinationPVO
8. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.EventAssignmentRecordPVO
9. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.EventAssignmentTranslationPVO
10. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.EventIncidentPVO
11. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.EventSocialPVO
12. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearningARRelationsPVO
13. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearningEventSecuredPVO
14. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearningItemPVO
15. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearningItemRecommendCountPVO
16. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearningItemSecuredPVO
17. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearningItemViewCountPVO
18. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearningPlanProfilesPVO
19. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearningPlanRecordsPVO
20. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearningPlansPVO
21. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearningPricingComponentsPVO
22. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearningPricingRulesPVO
23. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearningRelatedContentPVO
24. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearningRequestDetailsPVO
25. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearningVideoContentPVO
26. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.ResourcePVO
27. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.SectionHierarchyPVO
28. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.TrainingSupplierResourcePVO
29. HCMTOPModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.EventAssignmentPVO
30. HCMTOPModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.EventAttemptPVO
31. HCMTOPModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.HierarchyGrandParentToChildPVO
32. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.InstructorResourcePVO
33. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.LearningItemHierarchyPVO
34. HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.ContentAM.SpecializationPVO

47 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Running the extract job
For extracting the data click on Manage Extract Schedules and add a schedule. Extraction schedules
can be created on demand or scheduled to run at regular time intervals such as daily, weekly, monthly etc.
Incremental extract of data is alsosupported. Select the appropriate data store(s) and enable them for
extraction and save the details.
Once the extraction job is run, extracted files should be available in the configured external storage.

Note: You should not use custom BIP reports when using BICC with OLC.

For more information refer to

Online documentation:
common/21a/biacc/toc.htmCloud Customer Connect:


There are dependencies between learning objects when an object is created via HDL. You need to make
sure that objects thathave associations to other objects exist before the object is loaded. For example, you
would not be able to load in a Learning Record (assignment) without a Learner Person already existing, a
learning item, and the person that is performing the assignment. Therefore, it is important to understand the
processing order to ensure that a child object does not fail because there is missing parent data.
On the View Business Objects page there is a column called Load Order. The number in this column
represents the order inwhich the learning object should be loaded in the system. All of the Learning HDL
objects begin with 1060XX. The ten digit and the ones digit are the values that we use to keep a logical
order. Notice that the order in the numbering system jumps by10.This is done to organize items by
grouping them together.

48 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Figure 14. Processing Order
When looking at a course object, there are offerings associated to courses, self-paced activities associated
to offerings, and rich media content (SCORM, video, PDF) is associated to the self-paced activity. When
loading in a self-paced activity, thereshould be a rich media content item already loaded so the self-paced
activity can be associated to this rich media content. Rich media can’t be loaded into the system via HDL.
Implementers will need to use the Learning Content REST service to load this content into the system.
Refer to document on My Oracle Support (MOS) called Oracle Fusion Learning Cloud: Programmatic
Loading of Rich Media Content Using Learning Content REST Service (Doc ID 2374277.1), for information
on how to do this.
Below you will find a best practice implementation project plan for how an implementer should organize the Oracle
LearningCloud data loading activities. Review the document on MOS called Programmatic Loading of Rich Media
Content Using Learning Content REST Service (DOC ID 2374277.1) in parallel with this document since the activities
outlined below combineHDL and REST activities.

Example of a Project Plan:

49 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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1 Legacy Learning Item 106000 12-6 Months 2,3

prior to go-

NonCatalog Learning Item 106015 12-6 Months 2,3

prior to go-

NonCatalog Learning Item Translation 106016 12-6 Months 1

prior to go-

2 Legacy Learning Item Translation 106010 12-6 Months 1

prior to go-

3 Learning Record 106100 12-6 Months 1

prior to go-

Self-Paced Learning Phase 2

50 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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4 REST: Create OLC Content Items for each REST 12-6 Months 7,13
rich media Item (i.e. SCORM, AICC, PDF, Service prior to go-
Weblink, Video). live

5 Course 106060 12-6 Months 6,8,11,34

prior to go-

6 Offering (Child of Course) child 12-6 Months 5 7,9,11,12,34

prior to go-

7 SelfPacedActivity (Child of Offering) child 12-6 Months 4,6 10,13,14

prior to go-

8 CourseTranslation 106061 12-6 Months 5

prior to go-

9 OfferingTranslation 106062 12-6 Months 6

prior to go-

10 SelfPacedActivityTranslation 106065 12-6 Months 7

prior to go-

11 CourseOfferingPricingDefaults 106070 12-6 Months 5,6 12

prior to go-

12 OfferingCustomPricing 106075 12-6 Months 6,11

prior to go-

13 REST: Load the rich media bits of an OLC REST 6-3 Months 4,7 14
Content Item to the OLC Akamai POD Service prior to go-

14 REST: Update Oracle Learning Cloud to REST 6-3 Months 13

finalize the transaction Service prior to go-

Instructor Led Learning Phase 3

51 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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15 ClassroomResource 106030 6-3 Months 16, 21
prior to go-

16 ClassroomResourceTranslation 106031 6-3 Months 15

prior to go-

17 InstructorResource 106032 6-3 Months

prior to go-

18 Course 106060 6-3 Months 19,24,27,29,34

prior to go-

19 Offering (Child of Course) child 6-3 Months 18 20,21,22,23,25,27,28,34

prior to go-

20 InstructorLedActivity (Child of Offering) child 6-3 Months 19 26

prior to go-

21 ClassroomReservation (Child of child 6-3 Months 15,19

InstructorLedActivity) prior to go-

22 InstructorReservation (Child of child 6-3 Months 17,19

InstructorLedActivity) prior to go-

23 AdhocResource (Child of child 6-3 Months 19

InstructorLedActivity) prior to go-

24 CourseTranslation 106061 6-3 Months 18

prior to go-

25 OfferingTranslation 106062 6-3 Months 19

prior to go-

52 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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26 InstructorLedActivityTranslation 106064 6-3 Months 20
prior to go-

53 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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27 CourseOfferingPricingDefaults 106070 6-3 Months 18,19 28
prior to go-

28 OfferingCustomPricing 106075 6-3 Months 19,27

prior to go-

29 Specialization 106080 6-3 Months 18 30,32,34

prior to go-

30 SpecializationSection (Child of child 6-3 Months 29 31,33

Specialization) prior to go-

31 SpecializationSectionActivity(Child of child 6-3 Months 30

Specialization) prior to go-

32 SpecializationTranslation 106081 6-3 Months 29

prior to go-

33 SpecializationSectionTranslation 106082 6-3 Months 30

prior to go-

Global Access Group Relation 106090 6-3 Months

prior to go-

Community Relation 106095 6-3 Months

prior to go-

Load in Learning Records for OLC Phase 4

Learning Items

34 Learning Record 106100 1 Month - 5,6,18,19,29 35

week prior to

54 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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35 Learning Record Activity Attempt 106110 1 Month - 34
week prior to

55 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Rich media bits are not cloned / copied / preserved on the target when performing P2T, T2T, T2P, etc. The
metadata aboutOracle Learning Cloud Content items will always be transferred from the source to the
target but the rich media bits on the Oracle Learning Cloud Akamai POD will NOT be transferred from the
source to the target. However, step 2a can be re- executed on the target after the P2T operation so the rich
media items are playable on the target.


This section explains the known limitations in the Oracle Learning Cloud HDL functionality. Oracle
Learning Cloud is a new product and has been releasing functionality frequently; components like HDL,
OTBI generally trail the UI releases becausethe functionality needs to be there before you can act on it
from an HDL or OTBI standpoint. The current HDL limitations will continue to be trued up in each

Learning Record Limitations

Learning Record Objects

Learning Records are supported for courses, offerings, specializations, self-service videos,
and self-service tutorials and non-catalog and legacy learning items.
HDL currently supports learning records created by Self or Specialist. Manager created
learning records are not supported. However, you can use learnerLearningRecords REST
API to work with Manager learning records.

Deleting Learning Records

Currently, the ability to delete learning records is not supported. From release 21C onwards, Learning Record object
would support DELETE (purge) of Learning Records that are present in the system in DELETED status.

Learning Record Status

Learning records can’t be created or updated to the following status that currently exist in the product:
⚫ Request
⚫ Request Approved
⚫ Pending Prerequisites
⚫ Waitlisted
⚫ Pending Payment

Updating Attributes
The following attributes can’t be created or updated via a learning record update load:
⚫ With this Note
⚫ Name
⚫ Description
⚫ Pending PreReq
⚫ Attachment

Learning Initiatives and MASS ASSIGNMENT OF learning records using rules

Currently, there is not a way to create, edit, or cancel an initiative and define the rules associated to how the

56 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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initiative will beprocessed on a course.

Learning Catalog Item User Access Control

Access and Access Groups

The ability to create and update the definition of an access groups, local or global, is not currently supported.

Course Limitations

Deleting Course Hierarchy

Currently, deleting the course and the child objects associated to a course isn’t supported.

Default Offering Attributes

Setting default offering attributes on the course aren’t supported:

Default Assignment Rules on a Course

Currently, there is no support for defining the default assignment rules on a course.
⚫ Initial Assignment Status
⚫ Learning Item as of Date
⚫ Validity Period Options
⚫ Expiration Period Options
⚫ Renewal Options
⚫ Renewal Period

Offering Limitations

General Offering Information

Currently, there is no support for adding data to the following fields on offerings:
⚫ Removing Classroom from an ILT

Deleting Offering Hierarchy

Currently, deleting the offering and the child objects associated to an offering is not supported.

Currently, there is no support for associating attachments to an offering activity.

Virtual Classroom Account Reservation

Currently, there is no support to associate an existing Virtual Classroom account, such as an instructors
WebEx meetingCenter account to an activity. Oracle Learning Cloud only supports the ability to associate
a custom URL Virtual Classroomaccount.

Activity Updates
If an Administrator updates the actual effort on the activity level for a learner’s assignment (without
changing the status) inthe User Interface, then this is also updated and shows at both course and
offering level. If this update on the activity is performed using HDL this rollup does not happen at the
course or offering level.

Resources Limitations

57 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Classroom Resources
⚫ Unable to Create address for one-time use
⚫ Unable to Associate training supplier to a classroom
⚫ Unable to Associate attachments to a classroom

Instructor Resources
⚫ Unable to Associate training supplier to an instructor
⚫ Unable to Associate attachments to an instructor
⚫ Unable to Associate WebEx account to an instructor

Specialization Limitations

Deleting Specialization
Currently, deleting the specialization and the child objects (specialization section, activities) associated to a
course isn’tsupported.

Other Learning Object Limitations

In addition, in HDL there currently is no support for the following:
Creating or deleting communities
Creating managing or deleting
training suppliersCreating WebEx
Creating initiatives

When you submit an HDL ticket, include the following items for troubleshooting by Support and Development:
1. The name of the Business Object and .dat file or .zip file with the data set used for load.
2. The Content ID and the Process ID from the load in error. (This is needed to run queries
to pull additional datarelated to the failed load).
3. Indicate whether you validated the file before loading.
Note: The tool and instructions to run are available in the MOS document called Data File
Validator Tool for theHCM Data Loader (DOC ID 2022617.1).
4. Provide the Diagnostic Report called HCM Data Loader Data Set Status Diagnostic, which is
available for you to runin the Diagnostic Framework.

Steps to Run the HDL Diagnostics Report

Under Login Name/Troubleshooting/Run Diagnostics Tests:
1. Navigate to the Diagnostic Framework from Setup and Maintenance
2. Search for the Test Name “HCM Data Loader Error Analysis Report”.
3. Click the check box associated with the test and click Add to Run.
4. Enter the parameter values for the report.
The Diagnostic test "HCM Data Loader Error Analysis Report” has following input parameters:
58 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction
Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Confidential – Public
• Content ID - A unique name to identify a particular dataset. This value can be obtained
directly form the DataExchangeuser interface while loading the dataset.
• Business Object Name - A valid business object name corresponding to a
business object that is present inHRC_DL_BUSINESS_OBJECTS
• Process ID - A unique request ID corresponding to a dataset. You can obtain this
value from the DataExchange userinterface.
• Detailed Mode - Possible values provided for this parameter are “N” and “Y”. This parameter is
defaulted to the value of“N”. “Y”- Detailed mode, detailed analysis of each error along with Error
Stack will be present in a report.
5. Optionally, enter a run name and click Run.
6. Upon completion of the report, click the report icon to review the output.
Note You must click the Execution ID to generate the actual report and same the file in html format.

Troubleshooting Suggestions
Handling Import Errors
• Verify the error message to see if it is related to Number of Columns mismatch in Merge and
Metadata files andcorrect it accordingly.
• Other errors occur when the business object names doesn’t match the delivered object name. For
example, an errordisplays if a business object name is passed on “COURSES” instead of
• Make sure you upload the .dat file with exact business name, and not with your own file name.
(The zip file namecan be anything.)
• Do not pass multiple business objects in same file if they have different .dat files available for them.

Handling Load Errors

• If you are loading a new line of data, make sure that all the key fields are passed as given
respective templates fromthe .dat file provided.
• The HDL Diagnostic Report will display the complete error message, along with the row and
column containing theerror message.
• Most of the errors happen due to Data Mismatch with existing data during update, and the
respective columnshould be verified.

Courses do not appear to learners

⚫ If the following has not been configured in the system-level access rule settings in "Setup" >
"Learning Item Default Attributes" > "Self-Service Details View Mode", then the value does not get
picked up when courses are loaded via HDL,and therefore will not have view mode defined, therefore
don’t appear to learners.
⚫ The ESS job "Rebuild Learning Item Indexes" needs to run after uploading catalog items through
HDL, so that theselearning items will appear in Search.

JBO-LearningRecordAMImplAssignmentNumber Input Parameter Value is null’ Error, While Loading

Legacy Learning Record
Assignment Number is the user key in LearningRecord.dat file, it should be passed in alphanumeric
format and retry theload again.

59 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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AssignmentProfile key attribute values do not match with values in Learning DB” Error
while loading Legacy Learning Record.
Assignment Number passed in the LearningRecord.dat file can verify from the data in the Column
and reload the file again.

'LearningRecordTVOImplProvided AssignmentNumber is not valid!‘ Error while Loading

Learning Records.
If the assignment number is passed in numeric format, above error will come. Please change the value to
alphanumericformat and reload the file again.
For example, if the assignment number is passed as 123, change it to “ABC123”.

Legacy Learning HDL File the load is successful, but I am unable to see the loaded record from UI
or in Learner Transcript.
Make sure to leave Effective End Date of the learning record blank to view this in a learner’s transcript.
Also, make sure that the Learning Record’s Effective Start .date is later than its respective legacy learning
Record’s EffectiveStart .date.

Provided ClassroomResourceNumber is not valid!’ While loading Classroom resources through

Be sure to pass the classroom resource number in alphanumeric format instead of numeric format to
avoid this error whenloading the ClassroomResource .dat file. Make the above changes and reload the file

Couldn't Create AccessControl Object for Course!’ error while loading Course through
This happens because of missing configuration in manage setup. Go to My Client Groups > Learning >
Setup > LearningItem Default Attributes and set the attributes. After above step, reload the same file again.

Course Syllabus Loaded through HDL Displaying Weird Character for Apostrophe in Text
⚫ Update the format of the text file referenced within the Syllabus Attribute within Course. .dat from
ANSI to UTF-8, andreplace the ANSI apostrophe with UTF-8 apostrophe within the word (Example -
⚫ Create a ClobFiles folder and place the same (or revised file name) text file within this folder.
⚫ Zip both Course .dat as well as Clob Files Folder, and load within the Data Exchange UI.
⚫ Confirm the changes in UI.

Is it possible to update course offering with their DFF values using HDL or spreadsheet loader?
Yes, it is possible to update DFFs using HDL or Spreadsheet for the Flex Fields created on
Course/Offering Page. If any newDFF is created, refresh HDL business object to reflect the newly created
DFF in the .dat file.”

Is it Possible to Update the Learning Assignment of an Offering with their DFF Values using HDL
or spreadsheet loader?
Currently, Flexfield support is not available for learning assignments.

How is an Offering Linked to a Course through HDL?

Offering Metadata line in the course.dat contains a “Course Number” attribute, which links the course with the offering.

60 Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

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Understanding Data Loading and Extraction

July 2021

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