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Poster Presentation – 26-08-2020

Why Make a Poster?

A poster is a visual representation of your research. Your poster should:

 be eye-catching
 tell the story of your research question- concisely
 enable the viewer to engage with your research

The viewer should be able to understand the research question, the context, scope and limitation and the
methodology you intend to follow. The viewer should remember you and your work, not the way the poster

Elements of a Poster
Your poster should include these elements:

 Title
 Author(s), with affiliations and emails
 Introduction or objective
 Scope and Limitation
 Methods
 Way forward
 References

The poster can look at the Ws:

 Who (introduce the author, organization, or community)

 What (what are you exploring? how are you tackling it?)
 Where (where did situate your research he context?)
 Why (Why is it important, implications, or future possibilities?)

Poster Format

Poster is going to be presented digitally as a one-page PowerPoint presentation in widescreen (16:9)

orientation. No physical posters should be printed or transported, as the review is totally digital.

E-Poster Guidelines

1. The file should be in PNG, JPEG format (preferably).

2. The file should be less than 10 MB in size.
3. The file should be in landscape format (preferably) ratio 16:9.
4. Media : Pictures, graphs and tables can be included in the e-Poster.
5. Multimedia : Videos and music cannot be included in the e-Poster.
6. The presenter should adhere to the time limit for presentation. Each poster presentation 5 min and
question answer 10 min.
7. Poster file should be saved as Student Name R1.pdf (Muskan Gupta R1.pdf)
8. The guides will upload their students submission on the drive.

Advice from the Web

 Poster Perfect

An article from The Scientist Magazine with tips on effective poster design.

 Ten Simple Rules for a Good Poster Presentation

This article also includes advice on the poster session itself.

 Mortal Sins in Poster Presentations or How to Give the Poster No One Remembers

What not to do.

 APHA Guidelines for Accessible Posters

Rules for accessible poster presentations.

 Designing Conference Posters

This page has lots of great advice on poster design.


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